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1、Unit 1The Icy Defender1综合教程第四册UnitThe Peninsular War2综合教程第四册UnitBR3-world-3-1A Brief Introduction to Adolf Hitler II3综合教程第四册UnitBR3-world-6Joseph StalinII4综合教程第四册UnitBR3-world-2II5综合教程第四册UnitBR4-MAP-1.2Napoleons Russian Campaign1) Find the following place names: Moscow, Borodino, and Neman River. 2)

2、 What happened in Borodino?6综合教程第四册UnitBR4-MAP-1.3Hitlers Russian Campaign1) When did the Hitlers Russian Campaign happen?2) How long was Leningrad being besieged?7综合教程第四册UnitGR-textPartDivisionoftheTextPartspara.MainIdeas123123111220Introduction-Both Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns failed

3、because of the severity of the Russian winter.Napoleons military campaign against Russia. Hitlers military campaign against the Soviet Union.globalreading421Conclusion-The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.8综合教程第四册Unit The weather is not so good as the favorable terra

4、in, the favorable terrain is not so good as the support of the people. Man proposes and God disposes. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Pre-reading:quotations9综合教程第四册UnitPride comes before a fall.Necessity comes before invention/ innovation.Sweat comes before fruit.Fail

5、ure comes before success.Will comes before way.10综合教程第四册UnitPara.1IntensiveStudy-para111综合教程第四册UnitPara.2IntensiveStudy-para.212综合教程第四册UnitFind one phrase in para. 2 meaning starting a warLaunch an attack againstWhat fate did Napoleon and Hitler share?Military failure/ waterlooIntensiveStudy-para1-2

6、13综合教程第四册UnitWhat is the reason for Napoleons defeat? Unprepared for the devastating enemy that met him in Moscowraw Russian winterTranslate the following sentence: As the saying goes: Know yourself and know your enemy, victory is assured.IntensiveStudy-para1-214综合教程第四册UnitHe was prepared for the fi

7、erce resistance of He was prepared for But he was not prepared for He _ that they would encounter fierce resistanceIntensiveStudy-para1-2anticipated15综合教程第四册UnitQuestion: How is Hitlers army?Very powerfulIntensiveStudy-para2How do you know that? Find the words to prove it.UnequalledUnrivalled, incom

8、parablemow down16综合教程第四册UnitMow the lawnIntensiveStudy-para2Mow down: defeat, destroy His troops had _ any attempt/ effort to check the advance of themMarched into the territory with overwhelming force crashed/ destroyed17综合教程第四册UnitWhat is the reason for Hitlers defeat? The Russian winter again cam

9、e to the aid of the Soviet soldiers.Both Napoleon and Hitler encountered their waterloo in Russia IntensiveStudy-para1-218综合教程第四册UnitThe rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms.Inthecaseofas far asis concerned In the case of a highly intelligent animal like the seal, elem

10、entary training is easy.Nowyoutry:就海豹那样智商较高的动物而言就海豹那样智商较高的动物而言,初级培训初级培训是很简单的。是很简单的。 19综合教程第四册Unit2. This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat.3. Industrial plants processed the raw material into finished products for export and for domestic consumption.Raw cold and wet; not cooked, refined, pr

11、ocessed, organized or analyzed (L5)How would you like the steak?Raw? Blue-rare? Rare?(52)Medium-rare?(55 )Medium?(60 )Medium-well?(65 )Well Done?(71 )1.The events took place on a raw February morning. 20综合教程第四册Unit1.Beginning in the early 1960s, humans launched probes to explore other planets.2. Lau

12、nch a campaign / movement3. launch a ship/ an artificial satellite/ launch ones son into the world/ a new enterprise/ a new brand (Procter & Gamble)Launch: start; send on its course (L7)Nowyoutranslate:21综合教程第四册UnitArticle1_w_popwin_launched-2He launched into a long speech about the danger of gambli

13、ng.他开始作关于赌博危险性的长篇演说。他开始作关于赌博危险性的长篇演说。 She wants to be more than a singer and is launching out into films.她不仅仅是想当一名歌手,而且正在积极涉足电影界。她不仅仅是想当一名歌手,而且正在积极涉足电影界。launch an attack发动进攻发动进攻launch a massive campaign 发动一场大规模的运动发动一场大规模的运动launch a company开一家公司开一家公司launch threats at sb.向某人发出威胁向某人发出威胁launch into(积极有力

14、地)开始(积极有力地)开始launch out(精力充沛或戏剧性地)开始(精力充沛或戏剧性地)开始22综合教程第四册UnitPara.3IntensiveStudy23综合教程第四册UnitHow did Napoleon feel about the campaign?Confident of a quick victory.Why did he think so?His soldiers were well trained, efficient, and well equipped.IntensiveStudy-para324综合教程第四册UnitPredicted the conques

15、t of Russia in five weeksanticipated, expectedPredict: pre dict (prewar, preschool, preview preface)dict: dictation dictator foretell forecastIntensiveStudy-para325综合教程第四册UnitPara.4How did the campaign turned out?The quick, decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened. (para. 4)Make a sent

16、ence with the above structureIntensiveStudy-para427综合教程第四册UnitThe Grand Army followed, but its advance march soon became bogged down by slow-moving supply lines.Translate大军大军_,但它的,但它的_很很快由于快由于_而停顿下来。而停顿下来。紧追不舍紧追不舍长驱直入长驱直入粮草运输缓慢粮草运输缓慢IntensiveStudy-para428综合教程第四册UnitPara.5He was now faced with a cruc

17、ial decisionHe was confronted with an important decisionIntensiveStudy-para5On graduation, every undergraduate will be faced with a crucial decision: whether to find a job or to pursue further studies.I was faced with a crucial decision: should I be a small fish in a big pond? Or a big fish in a sma

18、ll pond?30综合教程第四册UnitPara.6What decision did Napoleon make?Napoleon took the gamble of pressing onIntensiveStudy-para6took the risks of pursuing the enemy in spite of difficulties32综合教程第四册UnitPara.7.8Napoleon had a clear path to MoscowNapoleon entered Moscow without any _IntensiveStudy-para7barrier

19、/ resistanceA raging fire; a raging storm34综合教程第四册UnitPara.9IntensiveStudy35综合教程第四册UnitWhy did the French retreat turn into a nightmare?1. attack by the Russians:Life and death struggleIntensiveStudy-para92. freezing temperature3. snow36综合教程第四册UnitIntensiveStudy-para9drag: heavy stepse.g. drag ones

20、steps back homeCf. go on, press on 37综合教程第四册Unit Para. 10IntensiveStudy38综合教程第四册UnitIntensiveStudy-para10Swollen river: 39综合教程第四册UnitPara.11IntensiveStudy40综合教程第四册UnitPart Two ( Paras 311)Summary: Napoleon failed in his attempt to conquer Russia, partly due to/ because of _ _, together with the Russ

21、ians _ accounted for Napoleons defeat.the raw, bitter, bleak winter of RussiaTerrible weather conditionsdetermination to defend the homeland/ tactics41综合教程第四册Unit1. The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany.2. The pianist made a conquest of every audience for which she played.con

22、quest:theactionoftakingcontrolofbyforce (L16)42综合教程第四册UnitThey won a _ in battle.They succeeded in the _ of that city.They returned home in _victoryconquesttriumphvictoryconquesttriumphvictory指指“在战争、竞赛、斗争中获胜在战争、竞赛、斗争中获胜”,并有并有“击击败对方或敌人败对方或敌人”的含义的含义;conquest指指“征服某国或某民族征服某国或某民族,从而使之处于被支从而使之处于被支配地位的胜利或战

23、胜配地位的胜利或战胜”;triumph指指“辉煌或彻底的胜利或成功辉煌或彻底的胜利或成功”.43综合教程第四册Unit1.After a fierce battle, the troops retreated 2. southward.2. We adopted the following strategies: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when they retreat, we pursue.retreatmove back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty (L20)Ant.a

24、dvance 44综合教程第四册UnitThe local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission of hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities.be/getboggeddown be unable to make progress (L22)Nowyoutry:45综合教程第四册Unit1. Amazingly, our soccer team won the victory in the crucial final game.2. Improv

25、ed consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery.Syn. vital ,essential, critical, decisivecrucial very important (followed by to) (L27)Nowyoutry:46综合教程第四册Unit1. Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform.2. Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.Cf. drag o

26、npresson/ahead continue doing sth. in a determined way (L30)Nowyoutry:47综合教程第四册Unit1. His political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies.2. Our neighbor seems to be doing nothing, but in fact hes just biding his time.bideonestime wait patiently for a chance (L39)Nowyoutry:48综合教

27、程第四册UnitThese compensation cases have already dragged on for one year.How much longer is the meeting going to drag on?The time dragged as we waiteddragon move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously (L50). 49综合教程第四册Unit1. It was a stroke of luck that the air attendant missed the pla

28、ne. byastrokeofluckluckily 50综合教程第四册Unit1. Berman saved Johnson at the cost of his own life.2. The local government developed its economy but at the cost of the environment.3. He worked hard at the cost of his health.atthecostof with the loss of (L55)51综合教程第四册UnitPara.12IntensiveStudy52综合教程第四册UnitHo

29、w did Hitler start the war?Began an invasion without a declaration of warHow did Hitler expect the war?Confident of a quick victoryWhat was Hitlers tactics?Blitzkrieg, lightning warWhat were the three targets of Hitler?Leningrad, Moscow and UkraineIntensiveStudy-para1253综合教程第四册UnitPara.13IntensiveSt

30、udy54综合教程第四册UnitDid Hitlers “lightning war” tactics work?Yes, the Russians were caught off guard.be taken by surpriseWhat was the Russian tactics in response?“Scorch the earth”How to scorch the earthBurned, destroyed, rendered uselessIntensiveStudy-para1355综合教程第四册Unitscorch the earthBurned, destroye

31、d, rendered uselessIntensiveStudy-para1356综合教程第四册UnitIntensiveStudy-para13The bodyguard was caught off guard when a crazy female fan pushed her way amid the crowd of reporters toward Beckham asking for a signature from him.caught off guard: taken completely by surprise小贝意外遭遇疯狂女球迷 保镖有些措手不及57综合教程第四册Un

32、itPara.14IntensiveStudy58综合教程第四册UnitWhat is the situation in Leningrad?desperate1. Food shortage2. starvation of one million peopleIntensiveStudy-para1459综合教程第四册UnitBR3-world-5.1StalingradII60综合教程第四册UnitSt. Petersburg (Stalingrad)61综合教程第四册UnitPara.15IntensiveStudy62综合教程第四册UnitPara.16IntensiveStudy63

33、综合教程第四册UnitWhat was the situation in Moscow?1. The German army was _ by _.2. Then its movement was _IntensiveStudy-para15slowed downgeneral mudbrought to a halt64综合教程第四册UnitPara.17IntensiveStudy65综合教程第四册UnitPara.18IntensiveStudy66综合教程第四册UnitWhat was the situation in Stalingrad?The German victory was

34、 over in _ partly owing to _.IntensiveStudy-para15Stalingradthe Russian winter67综合教程第四册UnitPara.19IntensiveStudy68综合教程第四册UnitPara. 20IntensiveStudy69综合教程第四册UnitPara. 21IntensiveStudy70综合教程第四册UnitGR-Part1-Q3The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.IntensiveStudy-para21Wha

35、t conclusion does the author draw from Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns? 71综合教程第四册Unit1. On Hitlers orders, the invasion of Poland began on September 1,1939.invade sb.s rightsa body invaded by diseasea mind invaded by worry and anxietyThe town was invaded by a crowd of tourists.invasion an e

36、ntering or being entered by an attacking military force (L63).Nowyoutry:. 72综合教程第四册Unit1. The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard.2. The manager didnt know what to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard.catchsb.offguard take sb. by surprise (L71)Nowyoutry:73综合教程第四册Unit

37、The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours.The news rendered her speechless.He was rendered unconscious by a blow on the back of the neck.render cause (sb.sth) to be in a specified condition (L73)Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.Nowyoutry:地震导致成百上千的人无家可归。地震

38、导致成百上千的人无家可归。 74综合教程第四册UnitThe Red Army brought its winter offensive to a successful conclusion.an offensive odor (a nasty smell )/ gesture/ weapon.an offensive remark (disgusting language) offensive: aggressive action, attack (L91/92).Nowyoutry:. 75综合教程第四册Unit1. Do you still reckon him among your f

39、riends ?2. Many people reckon him to be a great basketball player.3. reckon sth. in (count sth. in)4. reckon on sb.s help (rely on)reckon count; consider; think (L114)All these problems had to be reckoned with as they arose.be reckoned with: be taken into consideration76综合教程第四册Unit1. The death toll

40、rose from 270 in 1952 to 5,000 in1954.2. Each car must pay a toll to cross the bridge.toll (1) the number of people or animals killed or injured in particular circumstances (L116)2) money paid for the use of a bridge, road, etc.77综合教程第四册UnitTheStructureoftheText Topic Explanation -Reasons Evidence E

41、xamples Experiment StoriesComments78综合教程第四册Unit1.骄兵必兵必败pride comes before a fall2.战无不无不胜nothing could stand in their way3.奋勇抵抗奋勇抵抗fierce resistance4.堪称无堪称无敌be unequaled5.痛苦的教训痛苦的教训 a painful lesson6.速决速速决速胜a quick, decisive victoryAfterreading-expressions79综合教程第四册Unit7.面面临着一个重要抉着一个重要抉择be faced witha

42、 crucial decision8.孤注一掷孤注一掷take the gamble9.激激战fierce battle10. 等待时机等待时机bide ones time12.成成为一一场噩梦噩梦turn into a nightmare11.向向提出停提出停战offer a truce toAfterreading-expressions80综合教程第四册Unit13.拖着脚步行进拖着脚步行进drag on14.溃不成不成军的幸存者的幸存者 the tattered survivors15. 不宣而战不宣而战without a declaration of war16.闪电式式战略略 li

43、ghtning war17.“焦土焦土”政策政策“scorch the earth” policy 18.处境变得危急处境变得危急the situation becomes desperate19.食品食品匮乏乏food runs outAfterreading-expressions81综合教程第四册UnitAfter-1.useful-420. 越来越接近越来越接近draw closer and closer to21.发动反攻反攻launch a counterattack22.形形势对不利不利turn the tide against23.对对的突袭的突袭a surprise atta

44、ck onAfterreading-expressions82综合教程第四册UnitAfter-3.blank BlankFilling Fill in each blank in the following paragraph with the appropriate words and phrases from the text. When Hitler decided to launch his of Russia, he thought that nothing could of his armies. ,it seemed, was inevitable. He had surpri

45、se on his side, Stalin by his attack without a of war. Hitler expected the to last only a few months. In the event, it was to for much longer. Like Napoleon before him, he had made a fatal mistake in failing to the severity of the Russian weather. Many German soldiers were to the cold as winter set

46、in, _ the German advance _ invasion_stand in the way_Conquestcatching off his guardlaunching_declaration_campaign_drag on_reckon withdie from_ bringing_to a halt83综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and ContrastSoil: the top layer of the earth in which plants grow; on British soilFrench soil: in Britain, in

47、France sbs native soil= sbs own countryEarth: the world that we live in, substance that plants grow in, the hard surface of the world, as opposed to sea whatwhyhow on earth: used when you are asking a question about sth that you are very surprised or annoyed about84综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and Con

48、trast2. Campaign: a series of actions intended to achieve particular result, especially in politics or business; a series of battles, attacks intended to achieve particular result in a war. Battle: a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships etc, especially one that is part of a larger war; a s

49、ituation in which opposing groups or people compete or argue with each other when trying to achieve success or control85综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and Contrast3. Decisive: an action, event etc that has a powerful effect on the final result of something; leading to a clear result and ending doubt; to

50、 be one of the most important causes of sth; definite and not able to be doubted. Crucial: something that is crucial is extremely important because everything else depends on it86综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and Contrast4. Stick: =push, if a pointed object sticks into sth or you stick it into sth it i

51、s pushed into it; =fix, to fix sth to sth-else with a sticky substance, or to become fixed to a surface =difficult to move, if sth sticks it becomes fixed in one position so that is is difficult to move Bog: to become too involved in thinking about or dealing with one particular thing; to become stu

52、ck in muddy ground and be unable to move 87综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and Contrast5. Assault: the crime of attacking someone; a military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy; an attempt to achieve sth difficult, especially using physical force. Attack: an act of deliberately usi

53、ng violence against someone; the act of using weapons against an enemy in a war; a statement that criticizes someone strongly.88综合教程第四册UnitPart 2: Compare and Contrast6. Flee: to leave somewhere very quickly in order to escape from danger; e.g. We were forced to flee the country. Retreat: to walk ba

54、ck and away from someone or sth because you are afraid or embarrassed; to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle; to go away to a place that is quiet or safe; to change your mind about a promise you have made because the situation has become too difficult.89综合教程第四册UnitFurtherDiscuss

55、ionExercisestoPassageASummaryoftheTextAfter-readingActivities90综合教程第四册Unit1. c attract, give pleasure to 2. h agreement in feeling or opinion3. c eat or drink; use up4. i unbelievable, great5. g responsible for a crime 6. i amount of time between two events7. d a rough outline or version 8. d add in

56、 order to make more attractive9. r criticize for failing to do sth. AR-3-1WordCompletionarmonyonsumencredibleuiltyntervalraftecorateeproach harm91综合教程第四册Unit1. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable _ his financial situation.A.with respect to B. in acco

57、rd with C. regardless of D. in terms of Dpractice92综合教程第四册Unit2. The more a nations company _ factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB. locateC. spotD. standBpractice93综合教程第四册Unit3. We are quite sure that we can _ our present difficulty and finish the task accordin

58、g to schedule.A.get awayB. get acrossC. get offD. get over Dpractice94综合教程第四册Unit4. Theres the living room still to be _ so thats my next project.A.decoratedB. assessedC. dissolvedD. abandonedApractice95综合教程第四册Unit5. It may be necessary to stop _ in the learning process and go back to the difficult

59、points in the lessons.A.At easeB. at lengthC. At intervals D. at a distanceCpractice96综合教程第四册Unit6. Most lab and field studies of human behavior _ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.A.attachB. composeC. involveD. encloseCpractice97综合教程第四册Unit7. The chairman was blam

60、ed for letting his secretary _ too much work last week.A.take awayB. take outC. Take toD. take onDpractice98综合教程第四册UnitPost-reading activitiesPart 3: Translation Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given below:casualty decisive offensive be faced withengage laun

61、ch take a gamble press onstroke get bogged down thanks to minusinstruct at the cost of turn the tide catch off guard99综合教程第四册UnitPost-reading activities 原文: 攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。我们在前线与敌人交战的部队遇到了强力的抵抗。师长命令我们营绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。我们在夜幕掩盖下出发,不顾困难,奋勇向前。幸运的是,夜间

62、温度突然下降到摄氏零下20度,烂泥地都结上了冰。由于这寒冷的天气,我们于天亮前到达并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。100综合教程第四册UnitPost-reading activitiesKey of Translation The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with still resistance. The division

63、 commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness

64、 and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and101综合教程第四册UnitPost-reading activities the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enem

65、y from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered. Hints: division commander( 师长) battalion (营) marshland(沼泽地)102综合教程第四册UnitText AnalysisAComparison-and-ContrastAnalysisoftheTwoInvasions Invading countryInvading countryFranceGermanyCountry invadedRuss

66、iaSoviet UnionStarter of warNapoleonHitlerStarting time of invasionSpring,1812June 22,1941Strength of invading force600,000the largest land campaign in historyPredictionquick victory, conquest of Russia in 5 weeksBlitzkrieg, lasting no longer than 3 months103综合教程第四册UnitText AnalysisAComparison-and-C

67、ontrastAnalysisoftheTwoInvasionsInitial resistance Initial resistance strategystrategyCapture of the Capture of the Russian capitalRussian capitalMajor battlesMajor battlesTruce offerTruce offerrefusing to stand and fight; retreating eastwards, burning crops and homes“scorch the earth”, fierce fight

68、 to defend major citiesyesnoSmolensk, Borodino, the Berezina RiverLeningrad, Stalingradby Napoleon, rejected by the Czarno104综合教程第四册UnitText AnalysisAComparison-and-ContrastAnalysisoftheTwoInvasionsBiggest enemy for the invading force Turning point Fate of the invading force War-starters fate snow,

69、freezing temperatureheavy rain, “General Mud”, snow, freezing temperatureOctober 1812, when Napoleon ordered a retreat1943, when the Soviet troops pushed the German forces backonly 100,000 survivedHitler committed suicide, his empire collapsingheavy lossesNapoleon abdicated and went into exile, his

70、empire at an end105综合教程第四册UnitUseful Expressions2. 战无不胜1. 骄兵必败3. 奋勇抵抗4. 速战速决 5. 面临着重要抉择6. 孤注一掷pride comes before a fallnothing could stand in their wayfierce resistanceexpect a short campaignbe faced with a crucial decisiontake a gamble106综合教程第四册UnitUseful Expressions7. 等待时机8. 成为一场噩梦9. 拖着脚步行进10. 不宣而

71、战11. 闪电式战略12. 趁其不备bide ones timeturn into a nightmaredrag onwithout a declaration of warlightning war/blitzkriegcatch sb. off guard107综合教程第四册UnitUseful Expressions14. 食品匮乏13. “焦土焦土”政策政策 15. 死于饥饿16. 严冬降临17. 加以考虑18. 造成损失“scorch the earth” food runs outdie from hungersevere winter settlesbe reckoned wi

72、thtake a toll108综合教程第四册UnitMultiple choice1. During the financial crisis thousands of workers in the country were _ jobless. A. compelled B. imposed C. rendered D. depressed2. The director wanted the remark t o be cut out of the program lest it should _ the listeners. A. shock B. offend C. amaze D.

73、misunderstandCB109综合教程第四册UnitMultiple choice3. The talks might _ for weeks before any concrete result is announced. A. drag on B. press over C. come out D. pull out4. Air traffic in the country has been brought to a _ by a strike of the staff in all airline companies. A. delay B. survey C. retreat D

74、. haltAD110综合教程第四册UnitMultiple choice5. We have planned an exciting publicity _ with our advertisers. A. battle B. campaign C. struggle D. conflict6. Industrial plants process the _ materials into finished products for consumption. A. rough B. crude C. raw D. originalBC111综合教程第四册UnitTranslation1. _

75、(让她感到非常欣慰的是), her daughter had left the building before it collapsed.2. The general ordered us to get around to the rear of the enemy and _ _ (发起突然袭击).3. We had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might _ (陷入)in the mud.4. Obviously the reporters question _ _ (出其不意).To her great relieflaunch a surpriseattackget bogged downcaught him off guard112综合教程第四册Unit113综合教程第四册Unit



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