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1、Performance Management7.1 What is Performance Management?7.2 The Processes of Linking Performance Management to the Strategic Plan7.3 Performance Management Approaches7.4 Gathering of the Performance Information7.5 Implementing a Performance Management System7.6 The Performance FeedbackContents Perf

2、ormance management is a process which is designed to improve organizational,team and individual performance and which is owned and driven by line managers. Michael Armstrong7.1What is Performance Management?Performance Management islAn agreement between employee and supervisorlAn on-going processlTi

3、ed to the merit processPerformance Management should not belA once-a-year eventlAn punitive processlA time to give surprises In general, performance refers to the effectiveness and efficiency in ones work. The so-called performance management refers to that managers and employees at all levels parti

4、cipate in performance planning, performance coaching communication and performance evaluation in order to achieve organizational goals, performance results of the application of performance goals in continuing cycle to enhance the process of performance management. Organizations strategic plan Missi

5、on Vision Goals StrategiesUnits strategic planMission Vision Goals StrategiesIndividual and team performance Results Behaviors Developmental plan Job descriptionTasks Knowledge Skills Abilities7.2 The Processes of Linking Performance Management to the Strategic PlanPerformance Performance management

6、 management processesprocessesMonitoringDevelopingRatingRewardingPlanning1、Planning Work and Setting Expectations Planning could be vital in an effective organization. It means setting performance expectations and objectives, and linking individuals effort to the organizational goals. In order to re

7、gulate the planning for employees performance, it is required to establish the elements and standards of the performance appraisal plans, which ought to be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable and achievable.2、Continually Monitoring Performance Assignments and projects should be monitor

8、ed continually in an effective organization. Effective monitoring requires consistently performance measurement and provision of ongoing feedback to employees and work groups on their progress toward achieving their goals.3、Developing the Capacity to Perform Employees development needs are evaluated

9、 and addressed in an effective organization. Developing in this circumstance means different methods like training, provision of assignments that introduces new skills or higher level of responsibility. It provides employees with training and development opportunities that encourage good performance

10、, strengthens, job-related skills and competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the workplace, such as the introduction of new technology.4、Periodically Rating Performance From time to time, organizations find it useful to summarize employee performance. This can be helpful for looki

11、ng at and comparing performance over time or among various employees. The organization needs to know who their best performers are. Although group performance may have an impact on an employees summary rating, a rating of record is assigned only to an individual, not to a group.5、Rewarding Good Perf

12、ormance In an effective organization, rewards are used well. Rewarding means individually and collectively approving employees of their performance and acknowledging their contributions to the agencys mission. Good performance is approved before nominations for formal awards. The regulations also co

13、ver a variety of contributions that can be rewarded, from suggestions to group accomplishments.7.3 Performance Management Approaches7.3 Performance Management Approaches Performance evaluation is only part of performance management,but it is the key of performance management and it is organized in a

14、ccordance with certain pre-determined criteria and evaluation procedures,the use of scientific methods of evaluation,the evaluation criteria for evaluating the content and ability to work objects,regular and irregular work performance assessment and evaluation.PerformancePerformanceevaluationevaluat

15、ionThe Critical Incident Technique(CIT)Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale(BARS)The 360-degree Performance EvaluationThe Key Performance Indicator(KPI)Balanced ScorecardPersonnelDataPorpertyMoney CIT is uesd to look into the cause of human-system (or product) problems so as to minimize loss of person

16、nel, property,money or data. Analysis may show how clusters of difficulties are related to a certain aspect of the system or human practice.Investigators then devlop possible explanations for the the source of the difficulty.The mrthod generates a list of good and bad behaviors which can then be use

17、d for performance appraisal.The Critical Incident Technique(CIT) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale(BARS) BARS are a combination of the critical incidents and rating scale methods.Employee performance is rated on a scale but the scale points are anchored with critical incidents.The development of BA

18、RS is time-consuming,but the benefits make it worthwhile.The BARS approach not only meets equal employment opportunity commission guidelines for fair employment practices but it may improve reliability of personnel assessment and enhances communication when evaluation employees. The 360-degree Perfo

19、rmance Evaluation The 360-degree evaluation is a common tool in HRM.Simply put, it is a mechanism for evaluating someones performance based on feedback from everyone with whom the individual comes in contact-supervisors,coworkers, partners, subordinates,the general public.This method of collecting e

20、valuative input is an excellent source of motivation for employees because if provides a truly honest assessment about how the employee and his/her performance is viewed by a variety of constituents.ContactBBE EC CDDAASupervisorsCoworkersPartnersGeneral publicSubordinates The Key Performance Indicat

21、or(KPI) The Key Performance Indicators,also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals. Key Performance Indicators are those measurements.Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical

22、 successful factors of an organization.They will differ in depending on the organization.A Key Performance Indicator for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the year. Balanced Scorecard Since its inception in the international arena, Balanced Scorecard, particula

23、rly in the United States and Europe,soon strongly attracted customers and communicaties interest.In Harvard Business Review, Balanced Scorecard is chosen as the most influential management tools in the past 75 years ,which broke the traditional method of using financial indicators signally to measur

24、e performance.But on the basis of financial indicators , factors such as customer,internal business management processes and employee learing and the growth in our strategic planning and executive management paly a very important role.7.4 Gathering of the Performance Information An important compone

25、nt of the performance assessment stage is the use of appraisal forms. these forms are instruments used in documents and evaluate performance. The section concludes with a discussion of reasons why raters are likely ,either intentionally or unintentionally ,to distort performance ratings and what can

26、 be done to improve the accuracy of ratings.7.4 Gathering of the performance informantion The core of any performance management system is assessment of performance. the information on performance is collected using forms. one of advantage of filled out electronically is that information is store an

27、d it can easily be shared. Also, having the date available in electronic form can help subsequent analyses. Regardless of weather they are electronic or on paper, appraisal forms usually include a combination of following components. Table 1 summarize the major components of appraisal forms. 7.4.1 a

28、ppraisal formsTable 7-1 the major components of appraisal forms Basic employee informationAccountabilities,objectives,and standardCompetencies and indicatorsMajor achievements and contributionsDevelopment achievement Development needs,plans,and goalsStakeholder inputEmployee commentssignature we sho

29、uld be aware that there is no such thing as a universally correct appraisal form. In some case a form may emphasize competencies and ignore results. In other case ,the form may emphasize development issues and minimize , or even completely ignore both behavior and results. In spite of the large vari

30、ability in terms of formats and components , there are certain desirable features that make appraisal forms particularly effective: (see table 2) 7.4.2 the characteristics of appraisal forms Table 7-2 desirable features of all appraisal formsSimplicityrelevancydescriptivenessadaptabilitycomprehensiv

31、enessclaritycommunicationTime orientation Once the form is completed, there is usually a need to compute an overall performance score. There are two main strategies to obtain an overall performance score for each employees: judgmental and mechanical. The judgmental procedure consist of the considera

32、tion in every aspect of performance and then arriving at a defensible summary. This is basically a holistic procedure that replies on ability of rater to arrive at a fair and accurate overall score. 7.4.3 determining overall rating How long should the appraisal period be ? Commonly used evaluation m

33、ethods are: the annual evaluation, the evaluation of the semi-annual and quarterly reviews. only conducting an annual review may not provide sufficient opportunity for the supervisor and subordinate to discuss the performance issues in a formal setting. The recommendation then is to conduct semiannu

34、al and quarterly reviews. When is the best time to complete the reviews? Most organizations adopt one or two possibilities: First ,the appraisal form can be completed on or around the annual anniversary date. The second choice is to complete the appraisal forms toward the end of fiscal year. 7.4.4 a

35、ppraisal period But what about the additional work imposed on the supervisors who need to evaluate all theemployees at once during a short period of time? If there is ongoing communication between the supervisor and the employee about performance issues throughout the year ,completing appraisal form

36、s should not uncover any major surprises and filling out the appraisal form should not create a major time burden for supervisor. 7.4.5 the source of performance informationsupervisorsThey are in the best position to evaluate performance. therefore, supervisors are often the most important source of

37、 performance information.peersThe company is revising how it is assessing the competency “teamwork” at the senior .one-third of the score for this competency is determined by peers.subordinatessubordinates may feels hesitant to provide information and employees are more likely to give honest feedbac

38、kOneself Self-ratings tend to be less lenient when they are used for development as opposed to administrative purposes.customsPerformance information provided by customers is particularly useful for jobs that require a high degree.7.5 Implementing a Performance Management System7.5 Implementing a Pe

39、rformance Management System Performance management is key in organizations that wish to assess individuals performance and reward them appropriately. To do this successfully an organization needs to have a system that manages performance: not just for reward purposes but also to help establish what

40、people should do to grow, and the skills they will require to achieve this. 7.5.1 The Communication Plan Organizationa often make a communication plan to ensure that information about the performance management system is widely disseminated in the organization.A good communication plan answers the f

41、ollowing questions:1、What is performance management?2、How does the performance management fit in our strategy?3、What are my responsibilities?4、How is the performance management related to other initiatives?Why Communication is important in PMPerformance Management ProcessTimingManagers RolesSkills t

42、o be appliedPerformance PlanningJan/FebReach Agreement with employeesCommunicationGoals/objectives implementationThrough the yearRegular coaching & feedbackCoaching & Feedback Performance ReviewNov/DecHold performance meetingCommunication/CoachingCommunication SkillAsking Questions:Open questions/Cl

43、ose Questions /Probing QuestionsActive ListeningReflecting & RedirectingGiving Others a “Safe Space” to share their perceptions.Reach Objective AgreementCascadedepartmental objectives(BP)Draft individual performance and development objectivesFinalize and set objectives 7.5.2 The Appeal ProcessThe ap

44、peal process is the important for gaining employeess acceptance;it can address the disagreements;it also increases perceptions of the systems fairness.The HR department either suggests corrective action to the supervisor or informs the employee that the decision or procedures are corret.7.5.3 The Pi

45、lot Testing The organization made a poilot test in two districts.First,the committee prepared a training session that included a pre-appraisal work group meeting;Then a select number of individuals across the districts received”train the trainer”training;Finally,the system was instituted agency-wide

46、.7.5.4 Onging Monitoring and Evaluation1.The number of individual evaluated The manager review the employees work plans on a periodic basis, and identify to what extent the employee has reached the objectives.2.The distribution of performance ratingsThe manager and the employee jointly evaluate exis

47、ting capabilities of the employee, and identify the results and the performance of all the evaluation factors in the evaluation cycle.3.The quality of information In the evaluation meeting, discussions should put emphasis on constructive review of previous objectives and work objectives in future ev

48、aluation cycles.4.The quality of performance discussion meetingThe manager should guide or direct discussions, and offer feedback on the employees performance and required capabilities.5.System satisfactionThe evaluation interview should create an opportunity for the employee to jointly discuss his

49、short-term and long-term career development objectives.6.Overall cost/Benefit ratioThe employee should take advantage of the performance evaluation to discuss problems he mostly concerns with his manager, as well as barriers to the attainment of objectives.7.Unit-level and organization-level perform

50、anceThe employee and the manager should both sign and recognize the completed performance evaluation form.7.6 The Performance Feedback The performance feedback is an important part of the process.It is mainly from people who have passed the assessment examination and the interviews of performance as

51、sessment.The performance feedback can affirm our achivements,identifies our shortcomings and improve our work.7.6 The Performance Feedback7.6.1 The ways and the characteristics of the performance feedback1.The principles of positive guidance 2.The performance feedback is the basis of fair assessment

52、3. The performance feedback guarantees performance improvement4. The performance feedback is a way to enhance competitivenessStep1Step1Step2Step2Step3Step3Step4Step4communicate current performance appraisal results with the staffanalyze employee performance gaps and identify improvementscommunicate

53、and consult about tasks and objectives inperformance appraisal cycledetermine the tasks and objectives with the allocation of sourcesTo enhance competitivenessPerformance feedback techniquesTo get well prepared before the feedbackTo establish a harmonious relationship with the employeesBased on the differential treatment7.6.2 Performance feedback techniques谢谢!



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