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1、Unit 7 PeopleUnit 7 PeopleObjectives:1 Understand descriptions of famous personalities and their achievements2 Follow discussions of cause and effect, advantages and disadvantages3 Make inferences4 Summarize main ideas and supporting detailsTask 1Did you watch The War of the Worlds and The Time Mach

2、ine? Do you know who is the author?Task 1H.G.Wells: (1866-1946) Herbert George Wells, British writer. He is the son of an unsuccessful tradesman. After a basic education at a local school, Wells was apprenticed as a drape布料商. Wells disliked the work and in 1883 became a pupil-teacher at Midhurst Gra

3、mmar School. While at Midhurst, Wells won a scholarship to the School of Science. Wells was disappointing with the teaching he received in the second year and so in 1887 he left without obtaining a degree. Wells spent the next few years teaching and writing and In 1895 Wells established himself as a

4、 novelist with his science fiction story, The Time Machine. This was followed by two more successful novels, The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896) and The War of the Worlds (1898). Keys 1) Because he wrote an astonishing member of books.2) Mankind would have to create a world state.3) No.4) Cities were de

5、stroyed by bombs dropped from aero planes.5) Any two of the following: The War in the Air, The First Men in the Moon, The Time Machine, and The Invisible Man.6) Events forecast in Wells books might come true.Task 1Can you describe this artist who is at work? You can choose some action verbs and adje

6、ctives.Task 2Words:blister: A local swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid and is caused by burning or irritation水泡easel: An upright frame for displaying or supporting something, such as an artists canvas.画架flourish: To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence; To ma

7、ke bold, sweeping movementsfray: quarrel ;To wear away (the edges of fabric, for example) by rubbingprominent: Projecting outward or upward from a line or surface; 突出的Widely knowntousle: To disarrange or rumple, as of hair糟乱stride: To walk with long step.tilt: To cause to slope. checked: Having prof

8、ile: A side view of an object. Task 2KeysA. 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) aB. 1) tall; narrow; large; tousled 2) surveyed; half-closed 3) taking a long stride 4) capable; flexible; still life 5) faded; frayed 6) tilted his head; smiled; walked forward; with a flourish约瑟夫特纳(Joseph Turner)(17751851)是英国浪漫主义风景画家,著名

9、的水彩画家和版画家,他的作品对后期的印象派绘画发展有相当大的影响。在18世纪历史画为主流的画坛上,他的作品并不受重视,但现代公认他是非常伟大的风景画家。Task 3Self-portraitWords:champion: One that wins first place or first prize in a competition; supportincessant: Continuing without interruptionKaleidoscope:万花筒secretive: Having or marked by an inclination to secrecy; not ope

10、n, forthright, or frankslovenly: Untidy, as in dress or appearancesolitary: alone; A person who lives alonebarber: 理发师Task 3KeysA. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) F 8) TB. 1) dramatic sunsets and sunrises 2) 1830s, 1840s, impressionistic 3) reds, oranges, 1820Task 5Nobel Peace Prize:1964 Martin Lut

11、her King Jr. 1991 Aung San Sun Kyi (缅甸女政治家) 争取民主和人权的非暴力斗争1993 Nelson Mandela (南非黑人领袖) 2000 Kim Dae-Jung (韩国前总统)促成朝鲜与韩国两方领导人会面,增进朝鲜半岛与东亚和平2001 Kofi A. Annan (前联合国秘书长, 加纳) 为更有组织与和平的世界做出的努力 2004 Wangari Maathai (肯尼亚)为可持续发展、民主与和平作出的贡献 2009 Barack Obama 其致力于加强国际世界外交和世界人民之间的合作所做的非凡努力 Wangari Maathai - Tre

12、e Woman of Kenya First woman doctor in eastern and central AfricaShe has been the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife in Kenya since 2003.Green Belt MovementThe goal of the Green Belt Movement was to replace the trees that had been cut down.Task 5KeysANobel

13、 Peace Prize; twelfth; firstPeace on earth depends on our ability to secure our living environment.Green Belt MovementKenyan64The United States; Kenya; earn a doctorate degreeAnimal scienceEnvironment, natural resources and wildlifeTask 5KeysB1977; plant trees; all over Africa; thirty million; seeds

14、; nurseries; communities; planting; taking care of the trees; survives; fuel.Task 5Stagflation: Sluggish economic growth coupled with a high rate of inflation and unemployment 经济停滞与通货膨胀Task 6KeysI. A. Norway B. the United StatesII. A. a lack of balance, inflation, recession B. low interest rates & i

15、ncreased government spending, higher interest rates C. low employment , high inflation D. high employment , low inflation (the time consistency problem)III. A. business cycles B. new-technology C. market corrections D. an increase in oil pricesTask 6Explicit: Fully and clearly defined or formulate;

16、Readily observableSerialize:(serialise) To write or publish in serial formTask 7Task 7Charles Dickens (1812 1870) was an English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. His works: The Adventures of Oliver Twist David Copperfield Little Dorrit A Tale of Two Cities Great E

17、xpectations Dombey and Son Keys:A. 1) It was originally released in local newspaper in serial form. 2) The two short, little sections are easily doable, and then you get hooked on the story and wonder whats happening next. 3) Through mail and twice a month. 4) Because the book opens on Christmas Eve

18、 and it has a strong message about family. 5) 5,600 B. 1) 1860, London, in suspense 2) adventures, love and betrayal, a poor orphan 3) any likeness of either of them, photographs, their tombstones 4) Industrial Revolution, altering daily life 5) profound change, fundamental valuesTask 7Task 9apprent

19、iceship n. 学徒的身份cajole v. 诱劝,哄骗 copious adj. 丰富的 curator n. 博物馆管理者Louvre 卢浮宫(法国巴黎)Metropolitan Museum of Art (纽约)大都会博物馆Renaissance 文艺复兴The Louvre MuseumLe Muse du Louvre The British Museum The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York The State Hermitage Museum of Russia The Palace Museum Task 9A. Answer

20、 the following questions. 1) At the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.2) The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.3) Studies for Leonardos most famous paintings, and the results of new research into such subjects as Leonardos patrons, his teachers, and the work of his pupils. 4) Because they are parti

21、cularly sensitive to light and temperature.5) Because drawings are difficult to see in a museum.Task 9B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the tape.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) TC. Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.1) Master Draftsman, artistic apprenti

22、ceship, 1470s, scientist, inventor, France, 1519 2) artist, scientist, theorist, teacher, Renaissance Man3) revealing, rationalizing, the mysteries of o the world, the great depths of human emotion, convincing4) magical sense, draws , creates, greatest personalities5) reassuring , cajoling, security, insurance, the general public, knowledge



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