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1、welcome History of the United States 伊镁碎巨袄竞屏讼百趟砧忆酋馏浊浮阶拓娜甫益铁婆兰嗜丰赵旦妈剃较俗美国历史简介2美国历史简介2IntroductionThe Discovery of AmericaThe War of IndependenceThe American Civil War Westward ExpansionThe Great Depression Introduction to British and American Culture疵正泉字哭浅谗洞卯刚河搽淋寸淌湍铂巡率酥磷蓟著闭刃槐含街籍琵椎赠美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Di

2、scovery of America Columbus In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands.Columbus called the local people Indians. Introduction to British and American Culture猿爹阐违罗脆龟行戎冻翟殆虾泳逾谴寺鹃烯密透疼拜窖激咳斥夏吵鹅乘甸美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Amerigo Vespucci阿美利哥韦斯普奇(意大利航海家,商人,美洲新大陆以其命名为阿美利哥韦斯普奇(意大利航海家,商人,美洲新大陆以其命名为 America)

3、 He first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.Introduction to British and American Culture馋绑隶萄逞迈盐债彰醉及迭讫速锗萍带譬商澈今秸辊炮孩忆禄迈希际惊乔美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The First Permanent English Colony In 1607Three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean a

4、nd landed by the side of a river-the James River. The first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia. Introduction to British and American Culture职霄择猛哄盘阎娃篓谨巷杨罗价递远瑚迁蹿似钠铃汀驳晦缀芜痊禁梁企桔美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Founding of the Thirteen ColoniesDuring the first 150 years, the British colonies in North Amer

5、ica became a “melting pot”.By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast. Introduction to British and American Culture丫扶洲硼岿榔揩惩迁轿授沦纪委肚衍岔邮携管串禹旱偷狱送起执沿刃耘数美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Birth of the United States nThe Conflict between Britain and the American Colonists nThe

6、 War of Independence Introduction to British and American Culture抽阶篙噬厌狙娃建陀撼湍车厌堑喷湾脉滔赢案脊沈檬贸阂蚊低轰霜鸵笔萤美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Conflict between Britain and the American ColonistsnBackgroundqThe British government started imposing new taxes on sugar, coffee and textiles(纺织业) .qThey passed many laws such as the Q

7、uartering Act and the Stamp Act(印花税法 ). Introduction to British and American Culture州差震坟泞犹偷推钙症琢驱绳须劳阁坑责窟呵桨勋请资纠嫁买簇抱儿逼乏美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件 nBackground qIn 1773, British government passed a new law-the Tea Act. nSlogan q “No taxation without representation”nTime qDecember 16, 1773 nEv

8、ent qA group of Americans threw 342 boxes of tea into Boston Harbour(波士顿港). Introduction to British and American Culture小炒减坝嫡薯盼狂袄括对佬辆锌镁岿族回碎锻缄镊坊苍示这砖院秦巍翅鳖美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The War of IndependenceTimeOn October 19, 1781 Result The British soldiers were forced to surrender. Consequences George Washington be

9、came the first President.The 4th of July became the national holiday of America- the Independence Day. Introduction to British and American Culture锋谚缝斗氟文毕集垢什酷拄遥撰隘枯歪吞陆掘滇模接躬悔勿彬料嚣影啸工美国历史简介2美国历史简介2 Complete a Timeline1763: The French and Indian War ended 1773: _1774: The First Continental Congress 1775:

10、 _1776: _ 1781: _ Boston Tea Party/Tea ActThe War of Independence beganDeclaration of Independence was adoptedThe War of Independence ended Introduction to British and American Culture谦陕勿所雨扁辐趴恤雅坑锐垢搜莱勃镣炼域旧皂辗宴捡恐诀格丧年葱侗陪美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Declaration of Independence On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental

11、 Congress officially declared independence and formed the United States of America by adopting the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson(托马斯杰斐逊)of Virginia. (July 4 is celebrated as the nations birthday.)祝霍柯轿勘咆冬絮瑚陕谣风虱贵新卷培雌村攻枉待邦江啥剩逐涅言垢刺衰美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Westward Expansion “Manifest De

12、stiny” 西进运动 1. The hardship of early pioneer settlers Oregon Trail (俄勒冈小道俄勒冈小道) The trip on foot took four to six months. 袖蚕扒嫌素生沾皖溪棺肆意动圃摸蘸龚督勿炊镰矫钢败星垄俯咎衣今逊贬美国历史简介2美国历史简介2California Gold Rush加州淘金者 People traveled to California in the search for quick riches. The number of westwardmigrants multiplied.事恬

13、鄙铲祝嫡拔米跌艇啮伯蹄燎墓砍侈恬野桥疽辈蛛履予迢狞剁徽悼宗龄美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The American Civil War南北战争nNorthern vs. SouthernnAbraham Lincoln Introduction to British and American Culture跳恒镁柳徘伦悄蔽疹达旬迂亚酮勿虹环孽馁京瞪宽喀颅诬评测易厕缨抢丰美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Northern vs. SouthernThree significant conflicts between the North and South of America. The slave pr

14、oblemDifferent economic interestsThe political conflictMajor issueSlavery Introduction to British and American Culture典剂噎拙拢膛唯搁仲将圾俗绝佯探碾衡蔬潍痕识婴姿悬芦待爪来卞昨划券美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Northern vs. SouthernThe Southern states Claimed for themselves the Confederate States (or the Confederacy) Slavery continuedThe Norther

15、n StatesFought to maintain the UnionCalled the Union States Slavery had been abolished Introduction to British and American Culture镊掸烙梆戒娄陛囚大抠芬谐凰桑德窖儒摩剧器椿使攘杜旦星巍座带销育厅美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Northern vs. SouthernIssuesSouthern StatesNorthern StatesEconomyPlantations_centerSlavery_AbolishedPolitical powerMore powe

16、rful_ powerfulSupportThe Confederacy_Manufacturing Continued Less The Union Introduction to British and American Culture岿量涤怕继孽矣蛆环婴砒钨脱涨众艾凄愚责关剖醇抹底金兽翅潦凤栖痊酷美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Abraham Lincoln March 1861 - took the office of the president.April 12, 1861-the Civil War began.September 22, 1862- issued the Emanci

17、pation Proclamationwhich granted freedom to about 4 million slaves. Made a famous speech in Gettysburg. Introduction to British and American Culture僚匠戍笔准陋淹尺棵铂置斌故搂痕兹睬椰网云械书缚蠕亡狗惫艇教值蔓赌美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Civil Waron April 9, 1865The Civil War officially ended with the unconditional surrender of the South.

18、 Consequence It resolved two fundamental issues: Slavery was completely abolished;America became a single and stronger nation. Introduction to British and American Culture激比赛蕴拎煎坦树谚济跨侩赎位帚震奔卤徊撮祖夏帧京悉裤伸子筛惋篙面美国历史简介2美国历史简介2The Great DepressionIn October 1929, the stock market crashed, marketing the beginn

19、ing of the Great Depression. During this time, the United States experienced deflation, unemployment soared from 3% in 1929 to 25% in 1933, and manufacturing output collapsed by one-third.Dorothea Langes Migrant Mother, depicts destitute pea pickers in California生寐污听搅烃因辐功沛铺双命凭焙夸忱毗极裙插前罕由境铲粹恫好译财咋美国历史简

20、介2美国历史简介2菠甭钾辩标汗珠款昌泪春粪输诣篆缩斌锡践柳您脏沿袍从晕旱撵崖素袒昔美国历史简介2美国历史简介2Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal 罗斯福新政罗斯福新政 Hoovers response to the depression President and Mrs. Roosevelt“First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfnameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror

21、 which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”陈龚捌默盼动狙学犯墒勾身窥爹桂付发俏咎蠕半臻擦辆袍劳衫鼠倘苔鹤意美国历史简介2美国历史简介2 FDR and the Early Phases of the New DealTo bring immediate relief to those who were suffering Public Works AdministrationCivil Works AdministrationTo bring the economy back to prosperityAg

22、ricultural Adjustment AdministrationTennessee Valley AuthorityTo put safeguards in place so that the same situation would not occur againFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationSecurities and Exchange Commission The Second New Deal The New Deal did not pull the nation out of the Great Depression Howeve

23、r, it did substantially improve the lives of millions of people for both the short term and the long term. The programs of the New Deal would help stabilize the country and bring hope to millions.葫致樟啼肾郎后韦念累伶邱戒哮卧率苑墨鲸坎遭彦远蕊蔬派陡阂精暗脐蜘美国历史简介2美国历史简介2US in the Second World WarsAfter World War IIBecame the st

24、rongest power in the world Introduction to British and American Culture吞巳形奢收控症堰玲螟级阜惑扭梁屏沪上践痪梨博疗熔括姥对姥菏跌肇概美国历史简介2美国历史简介2 World War IIIsolationism and NeutralityFirst they came for the communists,and I didnt speak out because I wasnt a communist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didnt speak o

25、ut because I wasnt a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews,and I didnt speak out because I wasnt a Jew.Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak out for me.Immediate Cause of Americas entrance into WWII - the Japanese raid on the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941帧杂匠犬梁祟友丫抄诊匪绕堵往诡皋弦腹毫窗区蔑傲肩恼跳芦蚁啃钧锣咱美国历史简介2美国历史简介2 THANK YOU笼模据适炼体责宅殆憨挨哼贮喂脖拳玩圾套拢癌佐朴刃遏窜尿城恬财悠亢美国历史简介2美国历史简介2



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