高中英语 Module4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood单元基础知识整合课件 外研版必修1.ppt

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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood Module 4.单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格)1v.iveadj.attract(v.)吸引;引起_(adj.)有吸引人的;吸引力的类记act(v.)行动;表现_(adj.)积极的;活跃的;主动的create(v.)创造;创作_(adj.)创造性的defend(v.)保卫;防守_(adj.)自卫的;防御用的addict(v.)使上瘾;使沉溺_(adj.)上瘾的imagine(v.)想象_(adj.)想象的attrac

2、tive active creativedefensiveaddictiveimaginative基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络2unadj.adj.反义词employed(adj.)被雇用的_(adj.)失业的;没有工作的类记official(adj.)官方的_(adj.)非官方的finished(adj.)完成的_(adj.)未完成的real(adj.)真实的_(adj.)不真实的healthy(adj.)健康的_(adj.)不健康的comfortable(adj.)舒服的_(adj.)不舒服的unemployedunofficialunfinishedunrealunhealthyu

3、ncomfortable.连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子,每空一词)1一项近期的调查表明四分之一的当地劳动力没有工作。A recent _ shows that a quarter of the local workforce is _.2对一些人来说,高房租是致命的。For some people, the _ high _ for the house is deadly.3幸运的是,在我的家乡今天早上的交通很顺畅。Fortunately, the _ was very smooth in my _ this morning.surveyunemployedprettyrenttraffi

4、chometown4小女孩连一片面包都支付不起,饿死了。The little girl couldnt _ even a piece of bread and _ to death.5这个国家所拥有的具有吸引力的、迷人的风景每年都会吸引全世界的游客。The _ and _ views in this country attract _ all over the world every year.affordstarvedattractivefascinatingtourists.句式点拨1这已经是他本周第五次上学迟到了。(True or False)This is the fifth time

5、 this week that he has been late for class.()This was the fifth time this week that he has been late for class.()思路点拨在“That/This/It is the first/second.time(that).”中that从句用现在完成时;在“This/That/It was the first/second.time (that).”中that从句用过去完成时。句式训练这已经是他第三次参加足球赛了。_2他们离开北京已经3年了。(True or False)It has been

6、 three years since they left Beijing.()It has been three years since they had left Beijing.()思路点拨在“It is/has been一段时间since一般过去时”这个句式中,since后面从句的谓语要用一般过去时,不能用过去完成时。句式训练汤姆出国已经五年了。_3他不喜欢英语的原因是他记不住单词。(True or False)The reason why he doesnt like English is because he cant remember words.()The reason why

7、he doesnt like English is that he cant remember words.()思路点拨在“The reason why.is/was that.”句式中表语从句的引导词只能用that,而不能用because,这点要与汉语习惯区分开来。句式训练他迟到的原因是他的车出故障了。_答案:1.TFIt was the third time that he had taken part in the football game.2TFIt has been five years since Tom went abroad.3FTThe reason why he came

8、 late was that his car broke down.语篇理解My hometown is in Qingdao, a pretty gorgeous coastal city and also a harbour. Every year, when May Day, especially the summer is approaching, a large number of tourists who want to break away from the hot come here to visit its fascinating scenery and architectu

9、re, especially its attractive sea. Though our life is bothered by them, the traffic is bad and parking is difficult, tourists are not nuisances. Because they bring a good many manual occupations to the local people, thus increasing the employment. I feel fortunate living here. A lot of highrise buil

10、dings have been put up up to now along the seaside. However, the house price is very high. Some people cant afford to buy one. They have to rent an apartment though the rent is a little high. Some people choose to buy one in the suburb. Because of the economical crisis, more people are laid off. Sev

11、eral committees have been founded so far to help the unemployed to make their life better. In Qingdao, you can visit the Qingdao Ocean Polar World, museums and art galleries. If you are starving, you can enjoy the delicious seafood. Im a tourist guide. If you visit Qingdao, please contact me. Im sur

12、e you can enjoy yourself and have lots of experiences to exchange and share with your household. 译文:我的家乡在青岛,一个相当美丽宜人的海滨城市,也是一个港口。每年,当五一尤其是夏季临近时,大批想摆脱炎热的游客就来这里游览迷人的风景和建筑,尤其是吸引人的海洋。尽管我们的生活被他们打扰了,交通变得很不流畅,而且停车也很困难,但游客们并不令人讨厌。因为他们给当地人带来了许多的手工工作,因此增加了就业。住在这里我感到很幸运。到目前为止,已经在沿海建起许多高楼大厦。然而房价很高,一些人买不起一套房子。他们


14、结构:可采用三段式结构。第一段引出话题;第二段进行具体介绍;第三段做总结。也可根据所给内容灵活处理结构。二、常用句式1介绍位置:It is/lies in.It is located/situated in/on.2介绍面积:With the area of.It takes up about.It covers an area of.3介绍特色和重要性:It is popular with.It is famous/known for/as.It plays an important part in.It is one of the most. in China/the world.三、范例

15、展示题目要求西山镇依山傍水。过去,这里的人们生活极其贫困。解放后人们的生活在各方面都发生了很大的变化。请根据下表内容写一篇100个词左右的文章介绍一下西山镇。人口约10万面积约126平方公里地理概况坐落在粤北一山脚下,面临一条大河,新建有许多工厂、商店、医院、学校等教育状况解放前只有一所学校且只有富家子弟可以上学,现在有10所学校,每个孩子都可以上学生活状况除工作外,闲暇时可购物、看电影等审题谋篇1确定体裁、时态、人称 (1)体裁:说明文在介绍一个地点时,首先要抓住该地点的特征,然后按照一定的顺序对该地点进行具体说明。(2)时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时。(3)人称:第三人称2明确说

16、明文的格式:共分三部分(1)开头部分:表明说明的对象及目的(2)主体部分:本文的主要内容:人口和面积;地理概况;当地教育状况;当地居民的生活状况。遣词造句1词汇:位于_面积/占地平方公里_有人口_坐落于脚下_发生了很大变化_lie in / be located in / be situated in.have / cover an area of.square kilometershave a population ofstand at the foot of great changes have taken place2句式:Xishan town is a small town.Xish

17、an town is located at the foot of a mountain of North Guangdong Province.(用定语从句合并句子)_Xishan town is a small town, which is located at the foot of a mountain of North Guangdong Province. Xishan town has a population of about 100,000. Xishan covers an area of about 126 square kilometers.(用分词结构合并句子)_(用

18、介词短语合并句子)_Before liberation there was only one school for children from wealthy families.Now there are 10 schools and every child can go to school.(用适当连词合并句子)_连句成篇Xishan town is a small town, which is located at the foot of a mountain of North Guangdong Province and in front of it flows a big river.

19、 It has a population of about 100,000 and covers an area of about 126 square kilometers. Before liberation, people there lived a hard life but great changes have taken place since liberation and now many factories, shops, hospitals and schools have been built. The school education has also improved. For example, before liberation there was only one school for children from wealthy families, but now there are 10 schools and every child can go to school. After work people can go shopping, see films, go dancing and have sports.



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