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1、v可为一个自然段,也可分为两个或者多可为一个自然段,也可分为两个或者多个自然段个自然段v为文章的中心思想服务为文章的中心思想服务东方段落寻找观点角度东方段落寻找观点角度三个要点三个要点v写什么观点?写什么观点?v怎么写主题句?怎么写主题句?v怎么支持主题句怎么支持主题句东方段落寻找观点角度Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?v首先,构思好主体部分的三个观点首先,构思好主体部分的三个观点v两类:两类: 社会类,教育类社会类,教育类东方段落寻找观点角度寻找观点的角度寻找观点的角度vA 社会类题目:



4、点角度广告属于社会问题广告属于社会问题v经济角度经济角度:广告宣传产品,促进消费,推动经济v公众角度公众角度一:广告让消费者了解商品信息,比较商品的优点和缺点,购买到比较合适自己的产品v公众角度公众角度二:广告有时会夸大其词,误导消费者,让消费者购买自己并不需要的产品。东方段落寻找观点角度三个观点,三个中心句三个观点,三个中心句v1 One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.v2 Meanwhile, advertising serves t

5、o stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.v3 Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.东方段落寻找观点角度支持句的解决方法支持句的解决方法vExplanation 解释vExtension 影响vExamples 举例vSorting

6、 分类vContrasting 对比东方段落寻找观点角度One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.vCommon knowledge is that advertising refers to presenting information relating to a product or service by a variety of media, such as television, radio, newspapers, magazine

7、s, and so forth.vExplanation Examples东方段落寻找观点角度vWith the presence of advertising, a consumer is able to acquire the latest information in the market, such as samples of a product or service, and thereby make a wiser buying decision.vExtension Examples东方段落寻找观点角度vBy contrast, without advertising, a co

8、nsumer is at the risk of purchasing a product that fails to meet all of his or her needs, because of lack of knowledge of better alternatives in the market.vContrasting 东方段落寻找观点角度Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.vAs said before, advertisi

9、ng is responsible to introduce a product, but in reality, it does more than that.vExplanation 东方段落寻找观点角度vAdvertising describes a product in such an impressive way and with adding so many visual appeals that it always succeeds in attracting the eye of the audience and driving them into a final purcha

10、se. Besides, advertising reminds intended customers of their existing needs or creates fresh needs, keeping them aware that only by purchasing a product can their needs be met.vSorting 东方段落寻找观点角度vBy these two approaches, advertising encourages spending and contributes to economic development.vExtens

11、ion东方段落寻找观点角度Despite its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.vIt is a shared convention in the advertising industry that some properties of products are highlighted while the others are sim

12、plified.vExplanation东方段落寻找观点角度vA product, when promoted well, will be highly desired by many, as customers are misguided to ignore the products downsidesvExtension东方段落寻找观点角度vIt accounts for why many shoppers regret their buying decisions before long, observing that what they have bought is not what

13、they actually need or fails to live up to their expectations.vExtension Explanation东方段落寻找观点角度vCosmetics and dietary supplements are among those standard examples, costing individual buyers a lot but not achieving desirable outcomes.vExamples东方段落寻找观点角度如何写结论段v重新总结主体部分讨论的要点;重新总结主体部分讨论的要点;v重新阐述你的立场和观点;重

14、新阐述你的立场和观点;v不要加入新的内容,尤其是主体部不要加入新的内容,尤其是主体部分没有讨论过的内容。分没有讨论过的内容。东方段落寻找观点角度迅速浏览三段中心句迅速浏览三段中心句v1 One of the main functions of advertising is to assist consumers to find and buy suitable products.v2 Meanwhile, advertising serves to stimulate consumption and contributes to economic development.v3 Despite

15、its importance, there is no denying that every now and then, advertising leads consumers into an impulsive purchase, thereby causing wasteful spending.东方段落寻找观点角度vIn conclusion, advertising plays an essential role in society, not only making consumers well-informed buyers but also fostering economic

16、development. However, consumers should beware of the misleading nature of advertising.东方段落寻找观点角度专四写作观点专四写作观点v论文观点角度多;论文观点角度多;v科技经济常切磋;科技经济常切磋;v肉体灵魂不放过;肉体灵魂不放过;v权利平等要把握;权利平等要把握;v个人国家多权衡;个人国家多权衡;v文化道德思路扩;文化道德思路扩;v结合话题多思索;结合话题多思索;v主体论证不难说。主体论证不难说。东方段落寻找观点角度一、科技和经济一、科技和经济 v讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:vS

17、ome scientists claim that experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs(突突破破) in treating some of the most-feared incurable diseases.东方段落寻找观点角度v讨论社会道德下滑:讨论社会道德下滑:vDevelopment of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the res

18、earch for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.东方段落寻找观点角度v压力大的原因:压力大的原因:vThe rapid development of science and technology makes work today more demanding than it used to be.东方段落寻找观点角度v亲情淡漠的原因:亲情淡漠的原因:vThe availability of

19、a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.东方段落寻找观点角度v环保全球化的原因:环保全球化的原因:vDeveloping countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scientists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environ

20、mental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.东方段落寻找观点角度v如果说科技的发展是人类社会进步的助推器,如果说科技的发展是人类社会进步的助推器,那么经济的影响就是社会前进的方向标。那么经济的影响就是社会前进的方向标。v经济的强弱通常会导致某一现象的出现或某经济的强弱通常会导致某一现象的出现或某种结果的产生。种结果的产生。v比如在讨论什么是最伟大的发明时,考生可比如在讨论什么是最伟大的发明时,考生可能想到电话。那么如何来支持这一观点呢?能想到电话。那么如何来支持这一观点呢?试看下

21、面的句子:试看下面的句子: 东方段落寻找观点角度vThe development of the telephone created a new market for the employment of women. The position of telephone operators was most often filled by women, creating a new world of opportunities for females to struggle for the equal rights to males.v通通过过说说明明电电话话的的发发明明使使女女性性获获得得工工作

22、作更更多多的的工工作作机机会会,从从而而在在经经济济是是更更加加独独力力,这这对对于于她她们们争争取取平平等等的的权权利利起起到到了了巨大的推动作用。巨大的推动作用。东方段落寻找观点角度二、肉体和灵魂二、肉体和灵魂 v专四大作文常会出一些有关科技发明或专四大作文常会出一些有关科技发明或娱乐方式的利与弊话题。娱乐方式的利与弊话题。v那么不管是写好处还是坏处,考生应该那么不管是写好处还是坏处,考生应该从该发明或娱乐对人的肉体和灵魂这两从该发明或娱乐对人的肉体和灵魂这两方面去组织自己的分支观点。方面去组织自己的分支观点。v比如电脑对肉体的影响:比如电脑对肉体的影响: 东方段落寻找观点角度肉体肉体 v

23、You dont have to be a scientist to see that, due to overuse of the computer, a lot of kids get little exercise, which makes them obese.vAnother common disadvantage is that playing too much on the computer can cause bad eyesight.东方段落寻找观点角度灵魂灵魂 v1.高高频频率率的的信信息息切切换换影影响响孩孩子子们们的的耐性。耐性。vThere is not deny i

24、n that with the advent( 到到 来来 ) of technology, our patience grows thin.东方段落寻找观点角度v2.媒体中的暴力节目扭曲孩子们的灵魂。媒体中的暴力节目扭曲孩子们的灵魂。vMedia violence affects children by: increasing aggressiveness and anti-social behavior; intensifying( 加加 强强 ) their fear of becoming victims; making them less sensitive to violence

25、and to victims of violence; encouraging their appetite for more violence in entertainment and in real life.东方段落寻找观点角度v3.对对媒媒体体过过多多关关注注使使孩孩子子们们变变的的孤孤僻僻而而脱离现实生活。脱离现实生活。vFor lack of face-to-face contact, modern children tend to be more introverted(内内向向), unsocial, isolated and indifferent than those ki

26、ds in last century.东方段落寻找观点角度三、权利和平等三、权利和平等 v西方的文化在一定程度上可以浓缩西方的文化在一定程度上可以浓缩为:权利、平等和自由。为:权利、平等和自由。东方段落寻找观点角度v动物的保护问题时,可以说:动物的保护问题时,可以说:vAnimals are not created for humans any more than women are created for men, black for white. 东方段落寻找观点角度v在在写写到到政政府府是是否否该该花花钱钱来来发发展展武武器器时,可以说:时,可以说:vThere is no doubt

27、that the advancement of military technologies is one of the greatest dangers to all human rights, including the most basic right to life itself. 东方段落寻找观点角度v在写到环境的重要性时,可以说:在写到环境的重要性时,可以说:vAll human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being.东方段落寻找观点角度

28、四、个人国家四、个人国家 v有时候,一个现象或问题的出现有时候,一个现象或问题的出现是由于个人的努力和汗水或个人是由于个人的努力和汗水或个人的疏忽,以及社会国家重视或政的疏忽,以及社会国家重视或政府的政策不恰当而导致的。府的政策不恰当而导致的。 东方段落寻找观点角度v运动员是否应该拿高薪:运动员是否应该拿高薪:vAthletes sweat and sacrifice physically and psychologically more than the average people, which can justify their high salary.v东方段落寻找观点角度v青少年犯罪

29、的原因:青少年犯罪的原因:vYoung peoples inexperience and gullibility easily lead them into traps. v(个人的原因个人的原因)v东方段落寻找观点角度vThe government failing to establish supporting system to offer help to adolescents can explain this social issue. (国家的原因国家的原因)东方段落寻找观点角度v在在男男女女平平等等的的意意义义上上使使用用个个人人和和国国家家的的分析角度也是很有效的:分析角度也是很

30、有效的:vEvery woman is worthy to be respected, educated, and safe from exploitation( 宣宣 传传 ) . It is our responsibility and right to pray, promote, and protect the human and divine rights(神神圣圣权权利利) of all. The worlds stability and prosperity depend on it.v东方段落寻找观点角度vThe full and equal participation of

31、women in all spheres of life is essential to social and economic development, the abolition(废废除除) of war, and the ultimate establishment of a united world.东方段落寻找观点角度五、文化和道德五、文化和道德v东方段落寻找观点角度反对强势文化入侵:反对强势文化入侵:vGlobalization might undermine(破破坏坏) cultural diversity. Multinational corporations promote

32、a certain kind of consumerist culture, in which standard commodities, promoted by global marketing campaigns ,exploiting basic material desires, create similar lifestyles, which is so-called Coca-Colanization.东方段落寻找观点角度v该不该撒谎:该不该撒谎:vThe dishonest practice of telling lies will produce a perverse impa

33、ct on ones personality.东方段落寻找观点角度作文结尾部分的写作v总结式总结式v重申式重申式东方段落寻找观点角度总结式v对全文做简短的归纳,概括,对全文做简短的归纳,概括,得出结论。得出结论。东方段落寻找观点角度真题vIn conclusion, TV advertising plays a very important role in our economic behavior. With abundant information available on TV, we can make sensible choices as consumers.东方段落寻找观点角度Importance of keeping a good moodvTaking into account of all these factors, we may draw the conclusion that keeping a good mood brings you not only friendship ,but health as well.东方段落寻找观点角度重申式v再次强调和肯定文章引言段中阐再次强调和肯定文章引言段中阐述的中心思想述的中心思想东方段落寻找观点角度



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