高三英语一轮复习 M6 unit 171 Laughter课件 北师大版

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1、Part 1 Of 2 为迎接6月5日“世界环境日”,学校学生会准备举行一次以环保为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知,欢迎大家积极参与。【写作内容【写作内容】目的:增长环保知识;提高英语口语内容:“保护环境,节约能源”地点:教学楼五楼演讲大厅报名时间:5月25日前报名方式:比赛时间:6月5日星期五下午4:005:30评奖:一等奖3名,二等奖6名,三等奖 12名【写作要求【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。Notice_The Students Union Notice World Environment Day is approaching, so the Studen

2、ts Union is going to organize an English Speaking Contest, the theme of which is: “Protect our environment and save our energy” to increase our knowledge about the environment and improve our spoken English. The contest will be held in the Lecture Hall on the 5th floor in the classroom building from

3、 4:00 pm. to 5:30 pm. on June 5th. Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to sign up at before May 25th. Lots of prizes will be delivered for the contest, including three first prizes, six second and twelve third ones. Dear fellow schoolmates, you are warmly welcome to be there and

4、 thanks for your participation.The Students Union1. 逗乐 vt. _2. 可笑的 adj. _3. 政治家 n. _4. 回答 n. _5. 不可置信的 adj. _6. 代理处 n. _7. 和谐 n. _8. 提取,收回 vt. _amuseridiculouspoliticianresponseunbelievableagencyharmonywithdraw9. 健忘的 adj. _10. 成熟的 adj. _11. 忽视 vt. _12. 澄清 vt. _13. 延误 n. _14. 柜台 n. _15. 代理人 n. _16. 排

5、队 vi. _forgetfulmatureoverlookclarifydelaycounteragentqueue17. 叫喊 vi. _18. 身份 n. _19. 凌乱的 adj. _20. 惊恐的,担惊受怕的 adj. _21. 边境 n. _22. 谨慎 n. _23. 抓(伤),划(破) vt. _24. 认可,承认 vt. _yellidentificationmessyscaredbordercautionscratchacknowledge25. 职业 n. _26. 权威 n. _27. 人物 n. _28. 运动 n. _29. 抵抗 vt. _30. 紧张 n. _3

6、1. 骂,责骂 vt. _32. 禁止 vt. _professionauthorityfigurecampaignresisttensionscoldforbid33. 喜剧 n. _34. 完全地,仅仅 adv. _35. 普遍的;全世界的 adj. _36. 封;密封 vt. _37. 使惊讶 vt. _38. 做成功,完成 vt. _39. 厌恶的 adj. _40. 不顾一切的 adj. _comedypurelyuniversalsealastonishaccomplishdisgustingdesperate41. 得到,获得 vt. _42. 补偿 vt. _43. 使相信 v

7、t. _44. 很少,难得 adv. _45. 使恐惧 vt. _46. 挨饿 vi. _47. 打哈欠 vi. _48. 艰难的;不幸的;强壮的 adj. _49. 咳嗽 n. & vi. _50. 危机 n. _obtaincompensateconvincerarelyscarestarveyawntoughcoughcrisis1. 突然大笑 _2. 兑现支票 _3. 排队 _4. 除掉,摆脱 _5. 胡闹,瞎弄;闲荡 _6. 不时地 _7. 导致,造成 _burst out laughing cash a cheque wait in line get rid of fool aro

8、und from time to time result in8. 撞上 _9. 假装 _10.不管,不顾 _11.令人讨厌 _12.做鬼脸 _13.四处游戏 _14.对某人有益 _run into put on regardless of turn sb. off pull / make faces play around do sb. good15. 多亏;由于 _16. 禁不住做 _17. 把与联系起来 _18. 开始前进 _19. 好转,顺便接 _20. 被困于 _thanks to cant resist/help doingassociate with push ones way

9、pick up be stuck in1. 他3天没睡觉了,怪不得他很疲倦。 He hasnt slept at all for three days. It is no wonder he is tired out.2. 他们那时过着困苦的生活。 They led a dogs life then.3. 你的学习进展如何? How are you getting on with your studies?4. 其他孩子都取笑她,因为她总是那么严肃。 The other children made fun of her because she was always so serious.5.

10、她坚持要求尽快见到经理。 She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible.6. 令我大为欣慰的是,儿子通过了考试。 To my great delight, my son passed the examination.7. 很少有人能够完全献身于自己的事业。 Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their career.1. amuse vt. 娱乐,使高兴,使发笑amuse sb. by / with sth. 用取悦/逗乐amuse oneself by / wit

11、h doing sth. 靠消遣,取乐,自娱,解闷The teacher amused the children with a story.老师讲故事取悦孩子们。He amused himself by reading mysteries.他通过阅读疑案小说来消遣。The new toys amused the children.新玩具使孩子们很高兴。amusement n. 文娱活动,娱乐,消遣do sth. for amusement 做某事以消遣amusement park 游乐园Big cities have theatres, films, basketball matches an

12、d many other amusements.大城市有戏剧、电影、篮球比赛以及许多其他的娱乐活动。amusing adj. 有趣的That story is quite amusing.那个故事相当有趣。1.小丑的滑稽表演逗得我们哈哈大笑。 _ _2.体育运动不应纯粹看成是娱乐。 _ _We were all highly amused by the comedians antics.Sports should not be treated only as amusements.2. response n. 回答,响应in response to 回应In response to their

13、 hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note.为回报他们的热情, 我们写了一封感谢信。respond vi. 回答,响应respond to a letter 回信respond with a smile 以微笑回答respond to sth. / sb. 对的回应respond to sth. by doing sth. 对的回应/反应是他对我的提议的反应是大笑。_He responded to my suggestion with a laugh / by laughing. 3. unbelievable adj. 难以置信的 单词前缀un-表示相反的

14、含义,类似的单词 还有: unable 不能的, 不能胜任的 unbearable 无法忍受的 uncertain 不确定的 uncomfortable 不舒服的, 不安的 unconditional 无条件的unconscious 不省人事, 无意识的unemployment 失业,失业状态unfair 不公平的,不公正的unfit 不合宜的,不相宜的unfortunate 不幸的unlike 不像,和不同unusual 不平常的,异常的unwilling 不愿意的, 勉强的4. overlook vi. 俯瞰, 远眺;忽视 The house on the hill overlooks t

15、he village. 山上的房屋俯视村庄。 He overlooked the spelling mistakes. 他忽视了拼写错误。 类似组合的词: overcome 战胜, 克服, 胜过, 征服 overhead 在头顶上(的) overweight 超重的你不能小看那个问题。_You cant overlook that problem. 5. delayvt. 拖延,延误,延迟,耽搁 The heavy rain delayed our journey. 大雨耽搁了我们的行程。vi. 延缓 I have again delayed long in answering your le

16、tter. 我又迟迟没给你回信。n. U 迟延 There must be no delay in forwarding the goods. 发送货物不得延误。delay doing sth. 推迟做某事without delay 毫不迟疑地,马上Because of A/H1N1, they delayed opening the school.由于“甲流”,他们延迟开学。Knowing that her mother was ill, she went back home without delay.得知母亲生病的消息,她马上赶回家。 delay, postpone与put offdel

17、ay:强调因某种困难或障碍而延误,动作 主体是困难本身,延迟的时间不确定。postpone或put off:动作主体是人,表示有意识 地推迟、延迟,时间确定。用delay, postpone, put off的适当形式填空1.My father fell ill all of a sudden, which _ our trip.2.Because of the heavy rain, we have decided to _ our sports meeting until next Monday.delayedpostponed / put off6. messy adj. 乱七八糟的 a

18、 messy house 一间乱七八糟的房子 mess n. 凌乱 (be) in a mess 处于凌乱的状态 His study is often in a mess. 他的书房常常乱糟糟的。 What a mess! 真是太乱了!7. tough adj.健壮的,结实的 A mountain climber must be tough. 登山运动员必须身体健壮。困难的,艰难的 Dragging the load uphill was tough work for the horse. 拖货物上坡对马来说是很困难的工作。 a tough job 一件困难的工作坚硬的,不易破的 A leat

19、her bag is tougher than a paper bag. 皮袋子比纸袋子坚固。8. starve vi. 挨饿 starve to death 饿死 The poor dog starved to death. 那只可怜的狗饿死了。 Im simply starving. 我简直要饿死了。 starvation n. 饥饿;饿死 The cat died of starvation. 那只猫因饥饿而死。9. figuren. 数字;图形;人物(像) Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Ind

20、ian history. 圣雄甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人。 vt. 认为,判断;描绘 They figured it was better to stay where they were. 他们断定还是呆在原地好。figure out 计算,算出;理解,明白We still havent figured out how to do it. 我们仍想不出怎样去做这件事。It didnt take the children long to figure out the correct answer.孩子们没有花很多时间就算出了正确的答案。1.我弄不明白他为什么缺席。 _2.我捉摸不透他为什么

21、要辞掉工作。 _I cant figure out why he is absent.I cant figure out why he quit his job.10. forbid (forbad, forbidden) vt. 禁止,不许 Forbidden City 紫禁城forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事forbid sb. to do sth. / from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事I forbid you to tell anyone.我不许你告诉任何人。Women are forbidden from going out without a veil.妇女

22、不戴面纱禁止外出。类似的表达有:allow / permit / advice sb. doing / to do 阻止,妨碍Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point.由于时间不够,现在不能深入讨论这个问题。 1.这里不许停车。 _2.我的老师不准我上课睡觉。(一句多译) _ _ _ _Parking is forbidden here.My teacher forbade me to sleep in class. / My teacher forbade me from sleeping in class. / My

23、teacher forbade my sleeping in class.11. convince vt. 使(人)确信;使(人)信服(宾语 必须是人,常用被动语态)convince sb. of / that 使某人相信convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事I am not convinced. 我不相信。1. 他们试图说服他买一辆更便宜的车。 They tried to _.2. 他终于相信他错了。 He is finally _.convince him to buy a cheaper carconvinced that he is wrong12. astonish vt. 使某人惊讶(宾语必须是人,相当 于surprise) The news astonished everybody. 这消息使大家感到吃惊。 astonishment n. 吃惊 astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的 astonished adj. (感到)吃惊,惊讶 It was an astonishing story. 这故事令人惊讶不已。



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