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1、第1页/共60页第一页,共61页。第2页/共60页第二页,共61页。第3页/共60页第三页,共61页。第4页/共60页第四页,共61页。第5页/共60页第五页,共61页。第6页/共60页第六页,共61页。第7页/共60页第七页,共61页。第8页/共60页第八页,共61页。M u l t i p l e c h o i c e1. universal2. fierce3. destruction4. generous5. unpredictable6. emperor7. reputation8. border9. positive10. indicate11. myth有雅量有雅量(yling

2、)的的, 大方的大方的名誉名誉(mngy), 名声名声边境边境(binjng), 国国界界凶猛的凶猛的, 残暴的残暴的ju:niv:sl adj.普遍的普遍的普遍的普遍的; ;全世界的全世界的全世界的全世界的皇帝皇帝变化莫测的变化莫测的正面的正面的毁坏毁坏神话神话, 神话故事神话故事象征象征, 暗示暗示第9页/共60页第九页,共61页。A. It tells us how the Chinese think of dragons.B. It tells us different opinions about dragons between the Chinese and the western

3、ers.C. It tells us Beowulf was a hero.What is the main idea of the text?第10页/共60页第十页,共61页。C l o s e t e s tPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 5 Match main ideas with each paragraph. A. dragons in western cultureB. dragons in Chinese cultureC. dragons are every- where D. the origin of Chinese dragonE.

4、 the origin of western dragon第11页/共60页第十一页,共61页。1. What do Chinese think of dragons? (within 15 words)2. What do westerners think of dragons? (within 15 words)C l o s e t e s tThey are generous, wise, unpredictable and closely connected to the royal family. but the red dragon on the Welsh flag is a

5、positive symbol.Read through the whole passage and answer the following questions.They are dangerous,第12页/共60页第十二页,共61页。In Chinese cultureDragons are _ and _, although they can be _.The dragon was closely connected to the _.If you were born in the year of dragon, you are _, _ and a _ _. generouswise

6、unpredictableroyal familyintelligentbravenaturalleader第13页/共60页第十三页,共61页。In western culture Dragons had a different _. In the story, the dragon is _. However, in Wales, the _ dragonwhich appears on the Welsh flag is a _ symbol, indicating _ and a sense of _ _. reputationdangerousredpositivestrengthn

7、ationalidentity第14页/共60页第十四页,共61页。1. Dragons are talked about everywhere.2. In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from the alligator.3. In China, the idea of the dragon may have come from the snake.According to the text, are these following questions true or false? And why?(T)(F)(F)China

8、the west第15页/共60页第十五页,共61页。1. Do you know any dragon stories? Tell your class about your stories.2. Do you know about any other animals that have different reputations in China and in the west?第16页/共60页第十六页,共61页。第17页/共60页第十七页,共61页。1. Dragons can be friendly or fierce, they can bring good luck or cau

9、se death and destruction.M u l t i p l e c h o i c e情态动词情态动词(dngc)can除了表示除了表示“能能, 能够能够”外外, 还可表示还可表示“有时会有时会, 可能会可能会”等。等。龙有时会是友好龙有时会是友好(yuho)的的, 有时会是凶猛的有时会是凶猛的, 他他们能带来好运们能带来好运, 也能造成死亡和毁坏。也能造成死亡和毁坏。 Dont play with the dog, Jack, for it _ be dangerous at times. A shall B should C can D mustcan第18页/共60页第

10、十八页,共61页。ReadingA2. For a creature that doesnt exist, thats quite something.对于一个根本不存在对于一个根本不存在(cnzi)的生物来说的生物来说, 这确实是不同寻常的。这确实是不同寻常的。第19页/共60页第十九页,共61页。somethingHeissomethingofapainter.他是略有成就的画家。HespokewithsomethingofaSichuanaccent.(相当的,多少,若干)Theressomethinginwhatshesays.她的话有一番道理。Hebelievesheisquites


12、sgettingsomethingbetter.她情况(qngkung)稍微好转。第21页/共60页第二十一页,共61页。3.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols,too,but with fewer claws and of a different colour.(教材教材P59)其其他他(qt)王王室室成成员员也也能能穿穿带带有有龙龙标标志志的的袍袍子子,但但是是他他们们袍袍子子上上的的龙龙爪爪少少,颜颜色色也也不不同。同。本本句句中中的的of a different colour属属于于

13、“of名名词词”结构,表示主语的类属。结构,表示主语的类属。Several of the stamps are of the unusual kind.其中几张邮票是不同类型的。其中几张邮票是不同类型的。第22页/共60页第二十二页,共61页。第23页/共60页第二十三页,共61页。This question is of importance.This question is important.这个问题很重要。The products are of different kinds.这些产品(chnpn)有不同的种类。She and I are of the same age.她和我同岁。第2

14、4页/共60页第二十四页,共61页。第25页/共60页第二十五页,共61页。4reputation n名誉;名声But in the west,dragons had a different reputation.(教材P59)但在西方,龙的名声就不同了。A good reputation is useful to ones success.好名声对一个人的成功(chnggng)很有帮助。第26页/共60页第二十六页,共61页。He earned a high reputation for his learning.他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。He had a good reputation

15、as a doctor.他是一个有很好名声的医生(yshng)。Our products spread all over the country and win high reputation from masses of consumers.我们的产品遍布全国,深受广大消费者的好评。第27页/共60页第二十七页,共61页。【对接高考】【对接高考】(2010江江苏苏高高考考)The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very g

16、ood .Aexpectation BreputationCcontribution Dcivilization【 解解 析析 】 reputation 意意 为为 “名名 声声 , 声声 誉誉 ”; expectation意意 为为 “期期 望望 , 期期 待待 ”;contribution意为意为“贡献贡献(gngxin),促成,促成”;civilization意为意为“文明文明”,根据句意选,根据句意选B。【答案】【答案】B第28页/共60页第二十八页,共61页。第29页/共60页第二十九页,共61页。5. The very first text in English, the Angl

17、o-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight. very用来加强语气, 例如: He went there on that very afternoon. 他就在那天下午(xiw)去了那里。第30页/共60页第三十页,共61页。You are the very person I am looking for.你就是(jish)我要找的那个人。This

18、is the very book (that) I have been looking for.这就是(jish)我一直在找的那本书。第31页/共60页第三十一页,共61页。第32页/共60页第三十二页,共61页。indicate sth.象象征征;表表明明; 标标志志indicate sth. to sb.向向某某人人指指出出;向向某某人表示人表示indicate that.示意示意(shy);表明;表明indication n指示;象征;迹象指示;象征;迹象With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit.他点头示意他

19、点头示意(shy)我应坐的地方。我应坐的地方。第33页/共60页第三十三页,共61页。第34页/共60页第三十四页,共61页。7due to由于;因造成Some experts believe it is due to the animals the myths grew out of.(教材P59)一些专家认为是由于衍生出神话的动物的不同。This error is largely due to my oversight.这个错误主要是由于我一时(ysh)疏忽而造成的。第35页/共60页第三十五页,共61页。because of意为“因为,由于”,普通用语,比其他短语更口语化;构成的短语在句

20、子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;若引导表语,主语通常应为代词。后面可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等。due to“由于,因造成”,按照传统语法:due to主要引导表语,但是在现代英语中,due to也可用来引导状语(此时不用于句首),也可作定语。第36页/共60页第三十六页,共61页。owing to主要在句中作状语,有时作表语:做状语时,习惯上用逗号和句子其他部分分开。thanks to“由于或因为某人(某事)”,通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”,引导的介词短语可置于句首或句末。有时用于讽刺的意味。as a result of.“由于的结果”,可置于句首或句末。as a re

21、sult“因此;结果”,常用在有上下文(表原因)的情况下。第37页/共60页第三十七页,共61页。第38页/共60页第三十八页,共61页。第39页/共60页第三十九页,共61页。第40页/共60页第四十页,共61页。【答案(d n)】due to/because of/as a result of/owing toThanks to/Owing to/Because of/As a result of due toAs a result第41页/共60页第四十一页,共61页。2. But in China, the idea of the dragon may have come from t

22、he alligator a shy animal which lives in rivers, but which is usually only seen when there is plenty of water a good sign for agriculture.第42页/共60页第四十二页,共61页。第43页/共60页第四十三页,共61页。make a/ones fortunemake a/ones fortune发财发财try ones fortunetry ones fortune碰运气碰运气fortunate adj.fortunate adj.幸运的幸运的be be fo

23、rtunate fortunate toto do/in do/in doingdoing在在方方面面(fngmin)(fngmin)运气好运气好fortunately adv. fortunately adv. 幸运地幸运地unfortunate adj.unfortunate adj.不幸的不幸的unfortunatelyunfortunately不幸地不幸地第44页/共60页第四十四页,共61页。Many people went to cities to make their fortune.为了发财,很多人都去了城里。I was fortunate in having a good t

24、eacher.我很幸运,有位好老师。Fortunately,this case has not happened.幸运的是,这一情况并未发生。I have been fortunate enough to visit many places of interest in Beijing.我很有福气,去参观了北京的许多名胜。【提示】fortune作“机会(j hu);运气”,为不可数名词,作“财产”讲时,为可数名词。第45页/共60页第四十五页,共61页。第46页/共60页第四十六页,共61页。我在最后一分钟赶上了今天最后一班车,真是(zhn shi)(zhn shi)幸运。I todays l

25、ast bus at the last minute.I todays last bus at the last minute.【答案】made made a a fortunefortunefortunate fortunate in in having/having/toto havehaveFortunatelyFortunatelywas fortunate was fortunate toto catch catch第47页/共60页第四十七页,共61页。P h r a s e s a n d i m p o r t a n t s e n t e n c e s1. bring g

26、ood luck1. bring good luck2. cause death and destruction2. cause death and destruction3. be closely connected to 3. be closely connected to 4. be of different color4. be of different colors s = be of = be of a a different colordifferent color = be different = be different in colorin color5. accordin

27、g to 5. according to = in terms of = in terms of 6. grow out of 6. grow out of 7. be afraid of 7. be afraid of be afraid to do be afraid to do 8. a bringer of good fortune8. a bringer of good fortune1. 1. 带来好运带来好运带来好运带来好运2. 2. 造成死亡和毁灭造成死亡和毁灭造成死亡和毁灭造成死亡和毁灭3. 3. 与与与与 密切相关密切相关密切相关密切相关4. 4. 颜色不同颜色不同颜色不同

28、颜色不同5. 5. 根据根据根据根据, , 依据依据依据依据6. 6. 源自于源自于源自于源自于7. 7. 害怕害怕害怕害怕 害怕做害怕做害怕做害怕做/ /不敢做不敢做不敢做不敢做8. 8. 幸运幸运幸运幸运(xngyn)(xngyn)的使者的使者的使者的使者第48页/共60页第四十八页,共61页。第49页/共60页第四十九页,共61页。如何描写自然之谜自然界有很多未解之谜,这些神秘的现象激励着科学家们不懈地探索。对于自然传说的介绍要注意:1文章通常有三大段落组成。首先交代清楚(qng chu)传说的内容。然后详细介绍关于该传说的具体信息。最后描述对于该传说所作的科学探索(根据情况,也可以换成

29、自己的感受、心得、评价等)第50页/共60页第五十页,共61页。2时态(sh ti)多为一般现在时,但在介绍相关的探索或者传说时应考虑时态(sh ti)的变换。3灵活运用情态动词来准确地描述该传说。如may be.,might have been等等。常用句式1It is known to all that.2Do you know e from3Some scientists think that.;other scientists think that.第51页/共60页第五十一页,共61页。假如你是校报编辑,在本期“科学探秘”专栏中,请你向大家介绍“神农架野人”。请根据以下要点,用英语写


31、试着解开谜团。本文属于说明文,时态主要为一般现在时,人称主要为第三人称。第53页/共60页第五十三页,共61页。第54页/共60页第五十四页,共61页。第55页/共60页第五十五页,共61页。第56页/共60页第五十六页,共61页。第57页/共60页第五十七页,共61页。第58页/共60页第五十八页,共61页。第59页/共60页第五十九页,共61页。感谢您的欣赏(xnshng)!第60页/共60页第六十页,共61页。内容(nirng)总结Cultural Corner。们能带来好运, 也能造成死亡和毁坏。我利用了/重视我和他的关系。构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用。后面可接名词、代词、分词或what引导(yndo)的名词性从句等。我在最后一分钟赶上了今天最后一班车,真是幸运。害怕做/不敢做。注意:1.词数:120150。感谢您的欣赏第六十一页,共61页。



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