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1、-办公室设计合同办公室设计合同合 同 号:_签订日期:_签订地点:_根据中华人民共和国合同法以及其他相关法律、法规,结合室内装饰的特点,经甲、乙双方友好协商,甲方委托乙方承担室内装饰设计,并达成如下协议。一、一、甲方委托室内设计的地址_,房型_,总面积_平方米。二、二、甲方委托乙方室内设计,且乙方不负责施工,其设计收费标准为每平方米_美元,收取设计费共计_美元。甲方应在合同签署时付首期5%设计费,并与乙方约定上门测量的时间和地点。乙方设计师在测量后_天内完成平面布置图及顶面布置图。三三、乙方完成初步设计方案后,甲方与乙方设计师经过沟通同意,填写设计方案进程表。甲方应支付设计费余款,乙方设计师将

2、在_天内完成全套装潢设计图。四、四、 图纸完成后,甲方如有更改意见,再与乙方设计师沟通。乙方根据协商方案,绘制更改图纸,双方再次填写设计方案进程表。图纸更改确认后,乙方将全套图纸交给甲方使用。五、五、施工过程中,乙方设计师应至少有三次去现场指导施工,以达到设计效果。六、六、违约责任:1。乙方未在约定时间内完成设计图且延期时间在_天内的,每延期一天应当支付设计费总价的 3% 违约金给甲方.1 / 1-2。 乙方延期_天以上未完成设计图的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方应退还甲方的设计费用,并承担设计费总价 50的违约金。3。乙方无故终止合同,除退还甲方所交的设计费用外,还应按合同规定的设计费总价的5 作

3、为违约金付给甲方。七、七、设计合同经双方签字认可后,甲方必须按合同约定支付设计费.如甲方中途取消合同,乙方不再退还已收取的设计费。八、八、除本合同外,甲乙双方之间的所有往来函件,乙方给甲方的资料、图纸等均采用英文。九、九、本合同中如有未尽事宜,由双方协商解决,协商不成,由甲方所在地人民法院裁决。十、十、本合同经甲、乙双方签字或盖章后生效。本合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。委托方: _服务方: _授权代表签字 : _授权代表签字: _ _签字日期: _签字日期:_1 / 1-O OFICEFICEDESDESGN CONTRACTGN CONTRA

4、CTonract No。:_。Da ofSnatue: _。Pa f Sgnare: _Acring to he ”ntc Lawo eople Repbif Ch”as well as o herrlevant lw and etins,comind withhcharactrsics ofinerior decoratio, Paty A appoints party B desig an ierior fr ofice,a toids heebeter thisCtract throughfrienlyoiatio。A Ati ti 1:1:fc loatin:_oom hamer:_。

5、 fice size:h tal flo ar is aproximtely _。ArticlArticl :rtyA appointsarty to design offce,and Par B isnot espnsble ftheconstrcio。 Designcharges_ USD e uare meter,totly_SD。 Party Ahuld payaryB 0 hedein fee dne ymet uponsining hs areement, nd agredwiththe B-ste measurng time ndplace. Th esiner of ptBsh

6、oul cmleethe floo lan ando yu in_das aftr measuremenA Aticleticle3:3:WheParty finsh preliminaryesign scee, p A nd pty B fil out theesign proessafter discuson。 Party B sop thremainng 0 of th dsinfee, anthe eigne f pat B shouldcomlete thegeral desigraings i _days.r ric ice 4 :e 4 :Atethe cmpletn of th

7、e drings, if hsny changsPart cacomnicate th the desgner Party . Party Bust make desigchang torawins accordig t te onsenss, and resubmt the dsinprces. frth rawigs confiratio, ay B shou sen thdeign drawg tarty 。1 / 1-ArticlArticl 5: 5:Durng the deorain procss,Pty B mus snt to the sie to gdt lst 3 tims

8、toreachth est effect.ArticArtice 6e 6 :LiaLiailityility r r a ah h61 Ifrty B des notomplete hedesn rawins teapoited time an eteson of time within 20 ay,t hld ay 3%o teesgnfee each dy oPart for th elay。6. If Paty B deay more than_das t omlthearork, Party hastherighttorescit ontact,ad taebathe deign c

9、ost.esies,arty should pay 50% f total deinharg as compeso forbrach ofcontac。 In h evnt hat arty B rminate tis ontct neused, itould retrn hrceived desig fee and bear 50% of the desinfe s h copnsaton.rticrtice e 7:7:Ths conrct wllomeito force fter beig sgdbyoth paties, ty A mst pay te dsign chrg t Pat

10、y me。An party has te rihtto refuse of retunigt desgncoshe partyroke cntract unlatral。ArticArtice e8:8:CorrespodenceexceptthsCtrct etee ParA ndPaty B, cmets nd rwing read byParty B shall be in th nlish languag。r ricleicle 9 9:Thee areoutsadng isue uch s cntracts, boh sesreolvd thoughconsultatio。 Or t

11、haan be acoplished b te peoplscourt lin b the seat of Par A.A Ac ce e 0 0:This otact hal co io fore aftr the sinaues t ahorid represtav bothpaties.Te ontract imade n two counterpt ech in Chinee and Enlih,bot vrsions r equly authentc e onracis infour () orignals, tw (2)fo thePaty A andwo (2) for h Py。Client: _Rcver: _Signtre:_ Signate: _1 / 1-_at:_ ate:_1 / 1



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