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1、单元复习课Unit 7. 词汇速记词汇速记1. 证证; 证件证件(n. ) _2. 冒烟冒烟; 吸烟吸烟; 烟烟(v. &n. )_3. 哭哭; 叫喊叫喊(v. ) _4. 田野田野; 场地场地(n. ) _5. 举起举起; 抬高抬高; 电梯电梯(v. & n. ) _6. 很坏的很坏的; 讨厌的讨厌的(adj. ) _答案答案: 1. license2. smoke3. cry4. field5. lift6. awful7. 感到遗憾感到遗憾; 懊悔懊悔(v. & n. ) _8. 社区社区; 社团社团(n. ) _9. 机会机会; 可能性可能性(n. ) _10. 完成完成; 应付应付(

2、v. ) _11. 社会社会(n. ) _12. 支持支持(v. & n. ) _答案答案: 7. regret8. community9. chance10. manage11. society 12. support13. 进来来; 进去去(v. )_14. safe(adj. )_(n. )安全安全15. bad(adj. )_(adv. )严重地重地; 差差; 非常非常16. choose(v. )_(n. )选择选择答案答案: 13. enter14. safety15. badly16. choice. 短语互译短语互译1. 确信确信; 确保确保make_2. 避免接近避免接近;

3、远离远离keep_ _3. 回嘴回嘴; 顶嘴顶嘴talk_4. 自己作决定自己作决定make ones_ _5. 照顾照顾; 照料照料take_ _ /look_答案答案: 1. sure2. away from3. back4. own decision(s)5. care of; after6. 挡的路的路; 妨碍妨碍get/be_ _ of7. 对认真真be_ _8. 实现某人的梦想某人的梦想_ ones dream9. 关关闭; 阻阻挡keep_答案答案: 6. in the way7. serious about8. achieve 9. off. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 我我们应该被

4、允被允许周末和朋友一起出去。周末和朋友一起出去。We_ _ _ _ _ out with friends on weekends. 2. 我想明天去修我想明天去修电脑。I want to_ my computer_ tomorrow. 3. 我后悔没有和他一起去。我后悔没有和他一起去。I_ _ _ with him. 答案答案: 1. should be allowed to go2. have/get; repaired3. regret not going4. 他太累不能工作了。他太累不能工作了。He is_ tired_ _ . 5. 不要在不要在电脑游游戏上花太多的上花太多的时间。Do

5、nt_ too much time_ computer games. 6. 只有在星期天你才能玩只有在星期天你才能玩电脑。_ on Sundays_ _ play computer. 答案答案: 4. too; to work5. spend; on 6. Only; can you. 语法法专练1. We must plant more trees every year. (改改为被被动语态)More trees_ _ _ every year. 2. Teenagers should be allowed to study with friends. (改改为否否定定句句)Teenager

6、s_ _ _ to study with friends. 3. Stars can be seen by us at night. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)_ stars_ _ by us at night? 答案答案: 1. must be planted2. shouldnt be allowed3. Can; be seen. 真真题体体验1. (2013安安徽徽中中考考)Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information _in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been lea

7、rnedC. can learn D. has learned【解解析析】选选A。考考查查被被动动语语态态。句句意意: 多多亏亏了了互互联联网网, 各各种种各各样样的的信信息息都都能能在在短短时时间间内内获获悉悉。由由句句意意可可知知应应用用被被动动语语态态, B项项时态不正确。故选时态不正确。故选A。2. (2013青青岛中中考考)Im_building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. A. againstB. onC. inD. for【解解析析】选选A。考考查查介介词词的

8、的用用法法。由由because后后面面的的从从句句句句意意“动动物物园园对对动动物物来来说说是是可可怕怕的的居居住住地地”可可知知应应是是反反对对建建动动物物园园, be against sth. /doing sth. 意为意为“反对某事反对某事/做某事做某事”, 故选故选A。3. (2013黄石中考黄石中考)父母父母经常常说我我们太年太年轻, 不能自己作决定。不能自己作决定。Our parents often say that we are_ young_ decide for ourselves. 答案答案: too; to4. 在你生气的在你生气的时候候请不要作任何决定。不要作任何决定

9、。Please dont_ when you are angry. 答案答案: make a decision/make(any)decisions5. (2013枣庄中考庄中考)我我们的班主任的班主任对我我们要求很要求很严。(strict)_答案答案: Our head teacher is very strict with us. 6. (2013南南充充中中考考)You have to be 18 years old before you are_ (允允许)to drive a car. 答案答案: allowed7. (2013孝孝感感中中考考)A: Greeting each ot

10、her with a smile is necessary in our daily life. B: _ is necessary_ greet each other with a smile in our daily life. 8. (2013孝孝感感中中考考)A: We must do something to save the wild animals. B: Something must_ _ to save the wild animals. 答案答案: 7. It; to8. be done9. (2013宜昌中考宜昌中考)我的我的汤太太烫, 没法喝。没法喝。(hot)My soup is_. 10. (2013福福州州中中考考)His parents are_ _ (严格要求格要求)him. 11. (2013鞍山中考鞍山中考)为什么不参加英什么不参加英语小小组来来练习说英英语呢呢? Why dont you join an English club to_ _ English? 答案答案: 9. too hot to drink/so hot that I cant drink (it)10. strict with11. practice speaking



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