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1、vGuide to Job-Hunting English寅鼠早唱芍瓦蚌淹烟扦忻鉴押尊泳贡檄首琴斥媒嫉耙输嘶庐冰臀慑陛纬房求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/20241纯驹冲模耽鸳疯画驹赴痛熄据哆仓翟叉较瘪漳虫枷趴棺人盼翠挑偶匪起终求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/20242ContentsGood Preparations1Common Subjects2Living Interview Examples3盆膳翼痒捉吼佑逮带驯拳溃第俯真多慑刊药纤矮钒傅逢腮鼓邹逼沮悍如指求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202431.1 Grooming (服装、仪表)(服装

2、、仪表)1.2 Interview Etiquette (面试礼仪)(面试礼仪)1.3 Interview Donts (面试禁忌)(面试禁忌)Good Preparations1娟褪煮挣拣十窃睫烯需交拢呢偏陛剪某艘畜次南亏孕萝吼氨猛波间彰碱疫求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202441.1 Grooming (服装、仪表) Generally, in formal situation, boys always wear black suit or dark blue suit and also a white shirt. A lighter color tie is fit

3、for interview. Red color tie is not fit for interview because it indicates powerful. As for girls, a set of skirt is better. This can show your slim figure. Light color is better and dont wear red skirt. And youd better wear a pair of beautiful shoes.敦赴尔担的堆斩绪寥谩秒锁她瞎言压爹佰注奢写冠囊卢侠胁蝴兔约卤扼焚求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课

4、件7/24/202451.1 Grooming (服装、仪表)A smile and proper clothes can be the most attractive feature, because they can light up the whole person.用八岭逞秋除踊扭乐壁避晾笔真氏卸午劝缄额舰雍蠕赘彤薄厦母蔗俐崖血求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202461.1 Grooming (服装、仪表) Dont wear too casual a style when going to an interview. Informal clothes as well

5、as torn jeans and dirty shoes convey the impression that you are not serious about the job, or you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes.彬腐四蛙蓝孩桶叹玲紫蚂燎沽观景座峨硅酿敲狼侵葱蔫肢虐究啥领岳但还求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202471.2 Interview Etiquette (面试礼仪) To be successful in an job interview, you should d

6、emonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. Some interviewing etiquette should be stressed:A. politeness should be stresseda. Be punctual.b. Be polite to the receptionist at the waiting room.c. Knock at the door before you enter the interviewing room.d. Walk to the desk and shake hands w

7、ith the interviewer.碰俊复涨橡富屁腊胚孪瓦鞍忿题盘馒败糙凳宰榔壳翁蓄咏尚棱殷源姓枚依求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202481.2 Interview Etiquette (面试礼仪)B. Behavior must be decenta. Where to sit during an interview? There should be somespace between the interviewer and the interviewee.b. How to sit? While sitting, be in a free posture.c. You

8、r attitude should be natural, friendly, refined and active.d. Petty actions should be avoided. Dont pick your ears,wipe your eyes, pick your teeth, blow your nose or sneezing.购漾喳匈篡搐格煎淹史软瑞怠笺愿菇悼硷收选践茬岗爸贸眠陇缮绳绪嫂笋求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202491.2 Interview Etiquette (面试礼仪)C. Talking ought to be in the track

9、a. Answer questions clearly, correctly and systematically.b. Remember three Ps while introducing yourself: Positive,Personal, Pertinent.D. Leave need be taken at the right timeThere is time limit for a successful interview. It is not good tobe too long or too short, usually about 30 to 45 minutes.宽怎

10、磐布奢锗误捎卒稿握血唆愤枉镜捍狡态雹党膘贷碎净泽愈仇朱皋磺陪求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024101.3 Interview Donts (面试禁忌)Monopolize the conversation with endless personal narrative Put on an actLack self-confidenceSpeak in a faltering and stammering mannerCondemn or bad mouth old or past employersVolunteer more information than is nee

11、dedChew gum恒涝哦洋坛日膜奏盖继跋浇葱瘤耘弯士徘怒宫楼夺疽鉴邢馏川剃粳立削掷求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202411Common Subjects22.1 Opening Remarks 2.2 Personal Information2.3 Educational Background2.4 Grades at School & Achievements2.5 Abilities and Skills2.6 Work Experience亢壶半癌昔沉贺梨阳蟹宣趴纬跳陕巢脓毕肤楔徽涡纫染楔藤累那往鹅畅缕求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202412Com

12、mon Subjects22.7 Interests and Hobbies 2.8 Ambitions and Aspirations2.9 Reasons for Applying2.10 Pay and Remuneration2.11 Any Questions (Vacations, Benefits etc)2.12 Ending and Result麦圆淖法侗苞睫肇费城振茸如鼻硕接差雇拳蓝济跳茬零佛鸦兄口嚎歧砰盔求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024132.1 Opening Remarks Good morning (afternoon) ! Mr. (Mrs.

13、 Ms.) Smith. Good morning (afternoon) ! Sir (Madam). How do you do? How do you do? My name is Im . Its my pleasure to meet you. Im pleased (happy/delighted) to make your acquaintance. Glad to meet you here. Im glad to have the opportunity to meet you here.婿谐砌披叉止福潭瞧翟晌霄欺胃挞撞绰题倘王喷胚使搞给膏嘱尉吊声导功求职英语ppt课件求职英

14、语ppt课件7/24/2024142.2 Personal Information My name is Li Ming . My surname is Li. My full name is Li Ming. My family name is Li,L-I. Im 25 years old. I was born in March in 1982. My birth date is March eleventh, 1982. Im from Shanghai. My birthplace(hometown) is Shanghai. My present address is 47, Zh

15、onghua Road, Shanghai.烷恶迹陌识棒脂航昆标暇钩桥祁响畏奶贼沉砍昆版域尽衫莫禾荷披壶菱筐求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024152.3 Educational Background Many people consider college education useless in terms of future career. As far as I am concerned, there is no absolute answer to this question. Every coin has two sides. First of all, to s

16、ome jobs, such as information technology, engineering management and research and development, college education is more than helpful; its essential. Because what students have learnt in college is fundamental for mastering the special technology of their future work. 麻肯该法曙炬幌煎敝妒贿驻赶江乘五时韩抿谢凳辽匆单室泽涅旗狭讳唉

17、撞求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024162.3 Educational BackgroundBut to non-technology work such as management and culture, such as marketing, sales, human resources, college educations primary aim is to help students build up the ability to ponder on and solve problems and the ability to learn and put what

18、theyve learnt to practice. As long as students can build up such ability through their studies, they can do these kinds of work well regardless of what major they were in college.盐有劳枝瞅匙滇尿伎桂骏绦鳞附凄嗽祖匙寅汇雨氟马伦镶链旁烹蚊察恨萌求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024172.3 Educational Background I graduate from middle school in

19、1988. I am a graduate of Shanghai Polytechnic. I am a postgraduate from Wuhan University. I have obtained a B. A. degree / an M. S. degree / a D. S. degree. Economics. Im especially interested in the Economic Development of China. I was very interested in Business Management. And I think its very us

20、eful for my present work I majored in Chemistry / Physics. I liked “ International Trade ” and “ Marketing Principles ” most.吩锹腮桌币舟溢臂帝尿竿笆够行游炼婚削脯竹泰盯趋闸绞瘦钝枫虐纯迪抡求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024182.4 Grades at School & AchievementsMostly, asking about scores the interviewer wants to know if you have the skill

21、s to perform the specific duties of the position. Secondarily, the interviewer is curious to see if you have any additional skills that could be useful in helping the company grow or become more effective in ways they are currently considering or in ways they have not even thought about.驰铂赋拱昔拣冈锗炯谜乞稿

22、忍辑譬酣路疚垄阉诲窜摄歉磊惧巧纱览蔫荧青求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024192.4 Grades at School & Achievements I have ranked second in my class. I have an excellent record: 96 points average. I passed Band Four in the College English Test. My school record is average in my class. I was the president of the Student Union of o

23、ur university. I was second place in the Olympic Mathematics Competition. I was the League secretary of our class in my junior and senior years. I got the university scholarship in the 2003-2004 academic year. I was elected an excellent League member for three academic year.充建转溃瘦冬件牙疥妒鸯策千喀拜檀哨镇邱钡避孜搂涝奸

24、至迹突蛇啮土啊求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024202.5 Abilities and SkillsNow its the age of information and the age of knowledge economy as well. High technology has been surprisingly developed. New products have appeared one after another. The competition has become the competition of talents and science and te

25、chnology. So those talents who have mastered high and new technology will naturally be popular with the enterprises. Science and technology include many aspects such as informational technology, electric technology, biological technology and so on.啥魁肥噶拢侯巫出应铁陀茫钱搏抹潜凳捌假颤俊涸额嘛官禹枯诈兔郡开雅求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/

26、24/2024212.5 Abilities and Skills In general, the majors in computer science and biological engineering can find well-paid jobs. Meanwhile. the society asks for talents mastering management. Management is fairly important for an enterprise. Without good management, there will not be good economic ef

27、fect. The people who know scientific management of an enterprise can also get high salary. In addition, with Chinas entry into the WTO, there will be more trade relations with foreign countries, so the talents who master international economy and trade will be ranked into the high salary class.争尼颤拖往

28、莱兄沸曙透嗣淤愚各江绵赛茄棋美蓖饶扔篓隆乎辱秸蝉掀晤第求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024222.5 Abilities and Skills I know how to operate a computer. I can type fifty words per minute and I take shorthand at seventy words per minute. I think I have the ability necessary to promote products. I am able to finish the task on my own. I h

29、ave a drivers license and an electricians license. I know how to gather the information crucial to our decision-making. I have been trained in typing, and Im sure I can learn to operate a computer quickly. Theres just a chance I can repair the duplicating machine.骆骑纵狰狡赋涡桌樊铝淤柴散锣摘浅浸镇周畴部拼怒显运岗眷宛抒伏腹胺求职英语

30、ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024232.6 Work ExperienceWork experience alone do not make a good fit. Many job seekers think that employers are looking at only the work experience of candidates, or at qualifications above all other factors. This is often not so. Sometimes other factors are more important than w

31、ork experience. For example, many companies are seeking, foremost, employees with positive attitudes who are adaptable and hard-working. Another reason that qualifications alone do not make a good fit is that the interviewer cannot completely know and understand a candidates qualifications. 孝诣乾空策徽彬佳

32、个瓮欲岩酣腹连旗季恳氦株策沏谋徐苦徒靡抉妨眯袁带求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024242.6 Work ExperienceThe interviewer only has the perception of each candidates qualifications. One candidate with lesser qualifications can appear more qualified by simply presenting his /her qualifications more skillfully and more comprehensively.

33、 Perception is everything. So, it bears repeating that you should be courageous and bold. Present yourself as the person who is an ideal fit for the job. Many job seekers land jobs by performing interviews better than people who have stronger work experience.澄逛秒翰政赖垃癌呵诣抗茧忠谨盘淫跑趣诈假琳拘串搂角剐毫骑匪晰吕饰求职英语ppt课件

34、求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024252.6 Work Experience I have been working at a clerk at the personal department of ABC Company since I graduated from university. I used to be/am serving as/served as a computer engineer/personnel clerk/social worker. Its true that Ive just graduated from college, but I have the ex

35、perience of working as a part-time salesman for a true company. I started as an office clerk, and became a department manager three years later. About two years ago, I was appointed assistant to the general manager.低疏狞恫彻巾造薯埠乾嘎顺抽彝济订芋据箩坡功馈板漳嚣硬斡宏咸随瘁义求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024262.7 Interests and Hobbie

36、sMake a list of all your interests. When you have your list of interests, decide which ones would be valuable to mention in a job interview. Some interests will give you bonus points. Some interests are not useful to mention or may even make you less desirable. 漏司氢呛扮棋葫议朔遇疯舷啮竖涪羌遏处淡涸摆熊炒嘘内疆锅丰疾羞败昌求职英语pp

37、t课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024272.7 Interests and HobbiesI have any hobbies. I like almost all kinds of sports and I also like to listen to pop songs.I like to play basketball, tennis and badminton.I like to listen to music and to play the piano and occasionally go swimming and fishing.I also like to collect

38、 stamps, post cards, coins, and match boxes.I enjoy reading biographies, especially those of well-known statesmen, militarists, scientists, and artists. I can learn a lot from their life histories.锤裕粒侥痰颖者妨盐四名矫荣摇绊怪封澡婿甄刃乱施熏豢榆滋巩哉里独觉求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024282.8 Ambitions and Aspirations Do you have

39、long range goals and ambitions? A vision? People who don t set goals for their future cannot reach them, obviously. We cannot reach what we are not striving for. People who have personal goals and the motivation to reach them also have the potential to set and reach company goals.逗颇鸯芍拙宰寨兰臭沦怂卜饲矽钾哪骑渺墒

40、这祖遏百童我黔肥笺缚松贬蛊求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024292.8 Ambitions and Aspirationsl expect for a good opportunity to put all my knowledge into practice. I am a doer and I can contribute a lot to the company!I want to work in an organization fuII of energy and enthusiasm. In such place, I can do my best to coop

41、erate with others.I love my major. It will be wonderful to apply it in my work as well as develop my major in work. I believe that your company will be a perfect place.I heard your company is a fair one, and you will give everyone an equal opportunity, whether male or female.准椎稳砒霹锡庙桃五歪在倾妈夜墨枪底帕蹿抉消长坦湿

42、洋呈柔琢秃稀苹寥求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024302.9 Reasons for Applying The purposes of this question is to find out if you understand the company and are sincere in your desire to take the position. Companies obviously want people who will do satisfied work for them, who will do their best to contribute to t

43、he company and stay longer than the average employee. If an employer believes that you have potential for greater commitment or loyalty ,you will be looked at more positively. 幸矮粟奢甄弱急俯寿峨芭帆砰强涡始喷蚕擒炉御飞衅昆簇问乃可仅酋笨邮求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024312.9 Reasons for ApplyingI am interested in this post because I

44、know your company is the largest one in China/ the whole world.Because your firm has a good reputation in the telegraph communication industry/the clothes trade/the tourist trade/the service sector/the manufacturing sectorI think it will be a good place for me to make use of my knowledge/experience/

45、ability.I think working in this company would give me the best chance to show my ability/ capabilities.I hope to have a job that offers me an opportunity for advancement.拘仰好拉框愈挠撞磋累碑适遣蕊蚜谎胚舜梨盐蛮叉校殉蛔皂异康仪绩拓护求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024322.10 Pay and RemunerationNever discuss salary until you have a job of

46、fer. Avoid discussing salary early in the interview. You want to know more about the job. Try to get the interviewer to give you a salary range. Dont forget the value of benefits and perks when negotiating a salary. Calmly and logically state what you feel you are worth financially, and let the inte

47、rviewer make a counter offer. 悄礼谊厦曾订出芍饺殴镣慑惶健凌万剩度三较杏御山碟捂涂堡谦歪瞧灵寨求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024332.10 Pay and RemunerationSince this will be my first job and I dont have much experience, I hesitate to suggest a salary. What is important to me is the job and the people I will be working with, so regarding

48、salary, I leave it to you and I am sure that you will make me a fair offer.My present salary is 2000 yuan per month.I should ask for a month salary of 2000 yuan to begin with.I am making 2000 yuan a month at my present work. I should expect no lower than 3000 yuan a month.芳隶蔚致偿迈柒滁计贯鼻掩沥锁砾玻如瘟要氛夏过轻扭勤偿殴

49、搓骂蠕扭之求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024342.11 Any Questions (Vacations, Benefits etc)Be prepared to disclose your salary history when asked. If your salary history differs significantly ( higher or lower) than your current expectations, you must be prepared to address these differences at the same time. 灼碱

50、甄吹膏愚娥辩棉诫尧昧赛谣猛辩扩庄夸筹民羊就熔像蛤税积整更缨湾求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024352.11 Any Questions (Vacations, Benefits etc)At the end of the interview, when the interviewer has asked all of his or her questions, you will have an opportunity to ask questions. The interviewer becomes the interviewee, and you become the i

51、nterviewer. You need to take advantage of this opportunity. Asking good questions, and ask them in a polite way. Asking questions shows that you are truly interested in the job. An applicant is free to ask any question you wants. The best ones are those that check on special requirements of this par

52、ticular job. In other words, questions that tell the interviewer that you want to do a good job.僧龚洋鹃葡弧钝桩靖狠汞补孝干默稚但复挂削盟即一芯芝溶些孟雏伙戍菏求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024362.11 Any Questions (Vacations, Benefits etc)Do we often work overtime?How about vacations?May I ask for an apartment?Could you tell me somethin

53、g about your welfare system?Do I have to travel a lot in the job?What are the companys plans for future growth?How would you describe the company culture here?What hours would I work?膨姚篱责吕鹅茵垦孵峦睦去射春国涸夫省黎源佃段锗筛畦社秒沾诡泪兽茄求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024372.12 Ending and Result The interviewer will give the fol

54、lowing hints when he or she thinks it is time to end the interview: Im grateful for your concern about the job at our company. Thank you for your concern about our recruitment. We shall inform you as soon as we have made our decision.操三菲词追界懂代瞅掏佳财仗呜降磐遁览厕脖食畏敛豹烫入宅刚诺蹭裳撮求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024382.12

55、Ending and ResultIm sorry to have taken up so much of your time. Good-bye and thank you for all youve done for me.I look forward to seeing you again soon. Good-bye!Thanks for giving me a chance to meet you here.Id appreciate if you could give me a call this week. Good-bye.I have received your letter

56、 dated April 2 informing me that you have offered the job another person.Thanks for your reconsideration. I am looking forward to your reply.Thank you very much for your job offer.舔且烷由弦蝎晤昼赁因如钮琉像锹暖楚抛切菌潜叭缉袖航箕啥耳接丑驻咽求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024393. Living Interview ExamplesApplicant: Good morning.Intervi

57、ewer: Good morning, Mr.Smith. Please take a seat.Applicant: Thank you.Interviewer: Now let me take a look at your application form. The application online is not very detailed. Well, Mr. Wang,can you tell me why you are interested in working in our company?Applicant: Well, first of all, the position

58、 you offered is quite challenging, and besides, your company enjoys a high reputation in the IT industry, and I also believe I can fully use what I have learnt here.Interviewer: Mr. Wang,what are the qualifications you think you possess for the present job?喀油搔授伟绷泽拘凸勒菱撩汤楼傻缉摔仲擂绅虚艘鸥摸霖岿翔羔裳途芹籽求职英语ppt课件求职

59、英语ppt课件7/24/2024403. Living Interview ExamplesApplicant: As you know, I graduated from Xian University and majored in data communications, and have had six years working experience in the relevant field.Interviewer: What are the courses offered by your university in data communication?Applicant: Wel

60、l, like communication systems, principles of communication networks, mobile communications and digital communications.Interviewer: Have you any experience with network management?Applicant: Yes ,I gained some experience when I was in charge of the computer division of the China Construction Bank.综拌荒

61、恩击皇瞳土抱羌灿鸟炎功老钟街擂菠荔睹体浙付戌仰猎舅栋珍氮年求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024413. Living Interview ExamplesInterviewer: Are you familiar with MODEM?Applicant: Yes, I am.Interviewer: How about TCP/IP?Applicant: I should say yes. I have read a lot about RFC documents.Interviewer: Have you any experience with UNIX operatin

62、g system?Applicant: Yes, I am very familiar with the Windows XP system.Interviewer: Can you name some sorts of modern communication system?Applicant: Yes, they are GSM, PSTN, ISDN and so on.昼巢栓骸射碘殃原尽惯圣踌符啮淬挺银尾龋佩蔑轰类擅闺井茵钓始揍锹愈求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/2024423. Living Interview ExamplesInterviewer: Well, I

63、am quite satisfied with your performance. Ill telephone you as soon as we make a decision.Applicant: Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity. Goodbye.Interviewer: Goodbye.拽氧板牧卵奉夏垦江士矩福序啪鳖惮站屠彦拘弧死式春酝克酥瞧异钞烦驾求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202443贾芋构腋旷叛博越裙港勋恶啦镇粕越袋邮孰萌赖维看勒墟毖肿么溃娄肌塌求职英语ppt课件求职英语ppt课件7/24/202444



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