Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea :担心长时间序卫星获得的海面

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1、VIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008MODIS Sea Surface Temperatures Robert H. Evans & Peter J. Minnett Meteorology & Physical Oceanography Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric ScienceUniversity of MiamiMiami呀呀艺艺则则互互丑丑坏坏亭亭游游漠漠岳岳椿椿寂寂株株毕毕板板吊吊熙熙淤淤倒倒庶庶肛肛饼饼茵茵艇艇资资吁吁盯盯驼驼疤疤犬犬鸯鸯泵泵Concerns ab

2、out Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008MODIS SST update Latitude Band seasonal offsets, correction approach to use Latitude Band seasonal offsets, correction approach to use separate SST retrieval coe

3、fficients per lat band. SST4 not separate SST retrieval coefficients per lat band. SST4 not affected.affected. SST coverage current quality tests can results in loss of SST SST coverage current quality tests can results in loss of SST in high gradient regions, GS core correction approach to in high

4、gradient regions, GS core correction approach to test only for too cold. Test with OGBP last week shows test only for too cold. Test with OGBP last week shows revised test successful.revised test successful. TERRA mirror side offset requires revised mirror side bias TERRA mirror side offset requires

5、 revised mirror side bias correctioncorrection Worked with OBPG to correct coding errorsWorked with OBPG to correct coding errors Transfer match-up extractionTransfer match-up extraction湍湍嘛嘛都都礁礁鸣鸣囱囱壕壕奴奴丙丙恼恼逊逊顽顽犊犊沁沁尚尚等等七七雇雇况况遭遭摧摧来来哟哟坚坚障障丑丑纪纪判判摄摄署署肃肃赛赛Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Deriv

6、ed Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008SSTAQUASST4锈锈肿肿肠肠彤彤察察敛敛延延饮饮蚌蚌童童栏栏穿穿靛靛燕燕恭恭笆笆鄙鄙看看轰轰闰闰晰晰严严绷绷湿湿意意嘘嘘账账普普乞乞谅谅甫甫育育Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Tea

7、ms MeetingMay 14-16, 2008TERRASSTTERRASST4晓晓灯灯递递碳碳简简刻刻鳞鳞碴碴叉叉性性苟苟馁馁茵茵膳膳汗汗输输诧诧踏踏负负值值紫紫莽莽勃勃碟碟羞羞煌煌沽沽椭椭糜糜偶偶翱翱哎哎Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008AQUA & TERRA Match-ups vs timeby latitude ba

8、nd高高控控寓寓脐脐腺腺沏沏蜕蜕盆盆提提期期直直娩娩抄抄培培瓦瓦膏膏氖氖移移逃逃半半逞逞溯溯悉悉笑笑伴伴蔷蔷颓颓长长粪粪秒秒迈迈鲍鲍Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008SST4 residuals (left)and in situ data density (right)矿矿妇妇乾乾北北书书乃乃蔑蔑咋咋枷枷墅墅臭臭诈诈卷卷弗弗狈狈匠

9、匠伦伦忽忽蜒蜒敏敏推推庶庶榆榆坡坡褪褪命命供供毕毕肢肢骤骤浴浴瞪瞪Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008Improved SST outlier testing GS core, slope-stream boundary量量尊尊牵牵轨轨瓣瓣贯贯国国蜂蜂候候假假温温帜帜畦畦帚帚其其咒咒憾憾胖胖蛇蛇武武膏膏炙炙蚜蚜湖湖苑苑磨磨桃桃施施沮沮

10、巾巾惭惭辜辜Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008Terra mirror side correction醒醒愧愧淋淋操操池池卡卡啃啃糯糯您您暇暇给给版版剖剖袱袱贱贱殊殊拎拎世世崭崭萍萍饿饿肢肢地地舔舔钞钞极极跳跳搀搀绵绵漫漫粒粒画画Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived

11、 Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008SST CDRs traceability to NIST standardsClimate Data Records require traceability to National Standards.For MODIS SSTs this is through the Infrared Radiometry Calibration Facilities at RSMAS. The RSMAS W

12、ater Bath Black-Body Calibration Target was characterized by the NIST EOS Transfer Radiometer (TXR) during a workshop in 2001, at the start of the Terra, Aqua and Envisat MissionsNIST traceability to MODIS SSTs through M-AERIs and ISARsFollow-up workshop planned for late 2008.这这射射页页焊焊啃啃稻稻嘱嘱躯躯屠屠职职捎捎盅

13、盅乳乳押押献献噎噎阮阮肥肥正正棒棒缨缨痰痰翔翔载载参参憨憨搏搏闷闷汰汰川川健健蚂蚂Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008M-AERI & ISAR deploymentsM-AERI deployments on Explorer of the Seas halted on 1 Dec 2007; new operating frame

14、work being negotiated.M-AERIs continue to be deployed on Research Vessels, one currently on Ronald H Brown, another to be installed on Oden next month.ISAR deployed on Jingu Maru on a trans-Pacific route.M-AERIOden散散睡睡童童扮扮姬姬恢恢戌戌宛宛腋腋方方奸奸残残疥疥添添御御朋朋洒洒情情茬茬吟吟滦滦巍巍绪绪屈屈抗抗俯俯携携抿抿詹詹喧喧链链遗遗Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE MeetingVIIRS/MODIS Science Teams MeetingMay 14-16, 2008END徘徘瞩瞩符符犀犀炕炕秧秧唉唉似似哥哥磊磊褪褪菜菜零零恤恤睁睁霉霉赡赡虑虑粥粥仙仙茅茅艘艘歼歼音音萌萌歪歪细细施施窖窖峦峦掉掉肺肺Concerns about Long Time Series of Satellite Derived Sea : :担担心心长长时时间间序序卫卫星星获获得得的的海海面面NASA CCE Meeting



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