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1、Translationof Four-character Phrases EN CNThere are several hundreds of sculptures in the park, which are various and eye-catching forms.公园里有数百座千姿百态、引人注目的雕像。Especially on fine weekends and holidays, countless people are attracted to this sight.尤其是晴朗的周末和假日,这个景点总是游人如织/门庭若市。These squares have a cobble-

2、stone charm and tend to be packed with interesting shops, restaurants, and people.这些广场都铺着迷人的鹅卵石,富有魅力;商铺林立,餐馆密集,人来人往,独具特色。CN EN一、直译或者意译 所谓直译或意译,并不是照搬原文,而是要跳出汉语思维和表达的束缚,用符合英语习惯的译文传达和再现四字格的意思。XXX三面环山,一面环水。XXX is skirted / located on three sides by mountains with one side opening onto the water.啤酒鱼的特点是肉

3、嫩汤浓、香醇味美。Beer-braised Fish is characterized by tender meat and delicious broth.马蹄生吃甘甜爽口,煮熟后芳香宜人。Water chestnuts are luscious and crispy when eaten raw and fragrant and tasty when cooked.XXXX真是气势恢宏啊!How magnificent the scene was!桂林有山有水、天姿秀美、气候宜人。Wedged between hills and waters, Guilin is endowed with

4、 beautiful scenery and agreeable climate.桂林素有“绿化之城、文化名城、旅游胜地、休闲之都”之称,自然风光和人文景观交相辉映。With scenic and cultural attractions, Guilin has long been known as a city of greenery, an area of rich cultural heritage, a paradise for tourists and a land of ease.健康娱乐,有益身心; 赌博色情,坚决拒绝。Go in for healthy and cultured

5、 entertainments, and say no to pornography, gambling and drugs.参观游览,遵守规定; 习俗禁忌,切勿冒犯。Follow the rules and tips on sightseeing tours. Be careful to observe the local customs or taboos. Dont violate or offend against them.二、省略法1、省略堆砌的华丽的词藻2、省略平行结构四字格的重叠部分3、省略主谓短语四字格中的谓语部分1、省略堆砌的华丽的词藻 从英语的审美角度来看,汉语四字格渲染

6、的一些虚像会过于笼统含糊而失真,英语更多地采用鲜明可感的具体物象来再现自然之美,因此对于那些刻意渲染意象的华丽四字格可采用完全省译的方法。满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂,花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂,红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂,花色似银、季季有花的四季桂,竞相开放,争艳媲美,花开之时,阵阵芳香扑鼻而来。Sweet osmanthus trees never fail to greet you by their sweet fragrance, golden osmanthus, silver osmanthus and purple osmanthus in the fall; four-season

7、osmanthus during the year. 在广袤无垠的中华大地上,有着无数绚丽多姿的自然景观,五千年的灿烂文化把如诗如画的江山打扮得分外妖娆。The boundless Chinese land boasts countless beautiful natural sights. Its 5000-year civilization has enhanced their beauty.希望我们的工作能够得到各位的支持和配合,从而使大家吃得满意,住得舒服,玩得愉快,走得顺利,乘兴而来,满意而归。We look forward to your support and cooperati

8、on. We do hope you will enjoy your trip all the way here and back home.2、省略平行结构四字格的重叠部分 四字格中的平行结构包括名词加名词词组,形容词加形容词词组,以及动词加动词词组,前后词性一致,意义相近,近义词的重叠使用主要是体现结构平衡之美,在翻译时可省译相近之词。雄伟壮丽的天安门金碧辉煌的故宫湖光山色的颐和园magnificent Tiananmen Gatethe majestic Palace Museumthe scenic Summer Palace热情好客的民族精彩纷呈的节目诗情画意的公园古色古香的街道ho

9、spitable people, brilliant performancespoetic parkantique street 3、省略主谓短语四字格中的谓语部分 英语喜用名词和形容词,讲求静态之美,而汉语喜用动词和副词,偏向动态之美,因此在翻译四字格的主谓短语时,可省译其谓语部分,化动态美为静态美。 徜徉其间,但见白浪激礁,松林覆坡,红岩嶙峋,沙滩如银,景色如诗如画。When you stroll in the park, a scene full of poetic and artistic conception is presented to you: waves, rocks, wh

10、ite sands and pines-covered slopes.这里树木苍翠、花香袭人、鸟声婉转、流水潺潺,令多少人流连忘返。Its trees and flowers, bubbling streams and songbirds make it a paradise, where one cant tear himself away.Reminders1、英翻中时,切勿演绎,勿乱用、滥用四字格;2、中翻英时,注意文化的对应和转化3、中翻英时,四字格多为名词化的四字格1、英翻中时,切勿演绎,勿乱用、滥用四字格2、注意文化的对应和转化鱼米之乡A land of fish and rice

11、A land of milk and honey新年伊始,万象更新!(某乐园广告语)Everything takes a brand new look on the first day of Chinese New Year.Everything takes a brand new look on February 19, the first day of Chinese New Year.3、中翻英的四字格多为名词化的四字格采用了以天为纸、以海为墨的设计手法。The design method finds expression in the sculpture taking the sky as paper and the sea as ink.这块石头刻有双龙戏珠四个大字。Four characters Two Dragons Playing with a Pearl are carved in this stone.



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