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1、大学英语四级写作妩媚人生妩媚人生四级写作内容篇四级写作内容篇 题材现实性题材现实性 四级写作的题材具有显著的现实性,四级写作的题材具有显著的现实性,基本可以分为两大类:基本可以分为两大类: 1. 贴近大学生的学习工作及课余生贴近大学生的学习工作及课余生活的校园题材活的校园题材 2. 论及当前社会的现象、发展变化论及当前社会的现象、发展变化及进步的热点话题。及进步的热点话题。 1. Recreational Activities (2008. 6)2. What Electives to Choose (2007. 12)3. Welcome to Our Club (2007. 6)4. Vo

2、lunteers Needed (2006. 6)5. Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourist? (2005. 12)6. Teachers Day (2005. 6)7. A Campaign Speech (2005. 1)8. A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction (2004. 6)9. A Letter in Reply to a Friend (2004. 1) 校园题材 关于此类题材的近五年的真题作文列举如下:关于此类题材的近五年的真题作文列举如下:1. Limiting t

3、he Use of Disposable Plastic Bags (2008. 12)2. Spring Festival Gala on CCTV (2006. 12) -3 How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent? (2010) 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2. 为了让孩子独立, 父母应该 四级作文命题透析社会热点话题健康健康:1身体健康身体健康-health: physical:-keep fit; wellbeing(emotional/physical/psychological)2008.12/2008.06/2

4、007.12/98.06/93.01/91/902人的心理健康人的心理健康:psychologically, mentally :independent, cooperative, competitive, considerate, confident, creative, sociable, selfish, isolated, conservative-2009.12( 绿色校园不仅指绿色环境)/2007.12/2007.06参加社团缓解压力教育与娱乐教育与娱乐: recreation, relax, entertainment; cultivate, foster, enlighten,

5、 give inspiration to ,motivate, expand ones horizon,促进学生身心发展:promote the students physical, intellectual and emotional development (well-rounded/ versatile) mould ones character;team spirit2009.06(博物馆免费开放的目的)-2008.06(娱乐使人们受益)/2007.12(学生选课不同原因)/2007.06( 参加社团的好处)/2006.12( 看春晚)方便方便VS效率:效率:2008.12一次性塑料袋

6、广泛使用/2002.06计算机普及程度/2002.01食堂服务/1994.01现代化交通工具发达./1991.01- 自行车在中国这样普及2006.06学生自由选择教师方便学生,提高办学的效率节省和浪费节省和浪费:save time/ money/ space; economical, thrift; waste time/ money/ space; costly2009.06博物馆作为教育资源/2008.12塑料袋使用/2004.01报考专业理由(人才浪费)2002.01-对食堂批评;2000.01 上大学费用( taking a part-time jobease/alleviate f

7、amily financial burden1996.01双休日可能给大学生带来的问题1998.01假冒伪劣商品对个人(浪费金钱)环境环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty, contamination, detrimental to , sustainable development;2009.12/2009.06公共设施环境维护(图片)/2008.12preserve environment/2007.06社团主要内容环保组织”heal the world”2005.12校园是否对游客开放/1990.06-城市绿化安全和危险安全和危险:safe,

8、 danger, risk2009.06(公共场所存在安全隐患)/2008.06/98.01假冒伪劣产品安全隐患/97.06大学生了解社会的必要性(社会的险恶,陷阱trap)/96.01双休日带来的问题travel;妩媚人生妩媚人生经验经验:working experience, social experience, enter the society; practical experience; associate theory with practice; (interpersonal skills) 2007.12开设选修课目的/2007.06社团的好处: expand ones hor

9、izon; enlarge our knowledge;/2005.01具备胜任学生会主席的条件/2001.01-取得面试成功的因素/97.06大学生了解社会的必要性个人权利与自由: 2007.12学生选课不同的原因/2006.06允许学生选择老师(学生权利student centered)/2004.01 报考专业理由用词是否恰当,准确,形象,关键词是否换用,切勿老用重复词;P5Goodadvisable/sensible/informative/useful/instructive;Goodbeneficial, advantageous, helpful; excellent, outs

10、tanding;Badundesirable/mindless/worthless; Badharmful, baneful, detrimentalLots ofa host of , a vast number of(可数名词),a great deal of , a vast amount of ( 不可数名词)-substantial; considerable; heaps of Importantcrucial, vital, significant, key;P4;indispensable/integral;妩媚人生妩媚人生desire 替换wantpour attention

11、 into 替换pay attention tobear in mind that 替换remember促进/提高/增强/改善 give a boost to/enhance/motivate/ better/ promote角色与功能Play an important( active, major, central, crucial, essential, integral, prominent, vital) rolePlay a big part-Take a leading part-妩媚人生妩媚人生允许与阻止允许与阻止Makepossible电脑的使用促使人们在家上班: The us

12、e of computers and other high-tech office equipment has made it possible for more people to work from home.Enable, encourage, entitle谈中国的老年人如何受到社会的尊重适用于个人/社会类话题In China, respect for senior citizens is shown in the fact that they are entitled to many public services free of charge.妩媚人生妩媚人生Stop, keep,

13、 prevent, prohibit太多的学业压力对学生的负面影响Too much academic pressure deprives young students of the opportunity to take part in any extracurricular activities and prevent them from enjoying their school years. (hinder-obstructhedge) Depriveprivilege;-shelterpensioncompensate;-courtesy; Increasing (ly), growi

14、ng 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.非常地exceedingly/extremely/greatly/remarkably/significantly/ utterly)在当代In contemporary society, in present-day society, in

15、this day and age;for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion破坏Destroy; impair; undermine; jeopardize; devastate;支持观点(be for/convince/insist/voice a support for/vote for) (win) 反对观点( argue against/ combat/ disagree with/disregard/oppose) (go astrayflourishrivalthriveadministration)Transform

16、change(应用: 科技改变我们的生产和生活方式, 环境变化教育思路取消文理分科,通才教育generalist);Preserveprotect-保护某种资源,natural resources or old buildings-demolishtear down;-英国人尊重历史和文化。解决解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle( economic crisis, deteriorated environment, shortages of water, unemployment, traffic

17、jams.)_;培养培养:Develop, cultivate, foster, culture( educationcultivate the spirit of independence认为:maintain, assert, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, 消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, Alleviateease; 减轻,缓解( 就业压力,新能源缓解资源紧张;经济增长方式转变缓解发展压力-A number of measures were taken to alleviate

18、 the problem.)Worsendeteriorate; aggravate( 环境恶化)人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that适应的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate(使适应) oneself to new environment/ change;接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems影响与冲击影响与冲击Profound/ SignificantDamaging Devastating Destructive disast

19、rousInfluence Impact Effect affect妩媚人生妩媚人生 When asked about the function of media, many people agree to the first view.此外,表示“多”的词还有:vast, quite a few, an army of, an ocean of , a sea of , a great number of Cheating in exam happens in our daily life.Dishonesty occurred more and more in our society.th

20、e overwhelming majority of has become a common occurrence Obviously, the picture shows that a culture of one nation may become international, which is beneficial to all the human beings.show: indicate, reveal, suggest, proveAs the number shows, nearly 200 billion dollars are lost in tobacco every ye

21、ar.number: figure, statistics 用词的生动性用词的生动性is首先前者的问题在于be动词是静态的,没有活力的,there be 也是如此。 make make sb. do sth-英语的词化程度较高,存在大量词语,一个单词的存在使得很多词语不再被需要dismay 使震惊,convince 使信服.妩媚人生妩媚人生避免避免be形式表达,尽可能选择表示强有力的行为动词行为动词,写出生动生动,简洁简洁,有力,耐读和连贯的文章。There is a beautiful park near my house. The name of the park is Tian-Tan

22、Park, which was built several hundred years ago. It is the biggest park in Beijing. The Tian-Tan park is famous not only for its beauty but its quietness as well. Near my house stands Tian-Tan, the biggest park in Beijing, built several hundred years ago and famous now for not only its beauty but al

23、so its quietness. Ecological imbalances is the biggest threat to the survival of wild animals and plants. Ecological imbalances threaten the survival of wild animals and plants, even human beings. The Internet makes me learn English more conveniently. The Internet facilitated my English study妩媚人生妩媚人

24、生His criminal record made him unable to be admitted to the university. His criminal record disqualified him from being admitted to the university. 避免一味用 There is 开头。 There are more and more people who realize the relation between examination and teaching methods. The relation between the examination

25、 and teaching methods is increasingly recognized.避免一味用People, I, We 开头 We will always remember the smile on her face. The smile on her face will be firmly rooted in our minds.We certainly should offer good service.Good service is certainly required.It-句型的广泛使用It must be pointed out that.必须指出It must b

26、e admitted that.必须承认It is imagined that.人们认为It can not be denied that.不可否认It will be seen from this that.由此可知It should be realized that.必须认识到It is (always) stressed that.人们(总是)强调It may be said without fear of exaggeration that.可以毫不夸张地说变换句式优化文章变换句式优化文章Lecture 1 Lecture 1 长句和短句变换长句和短句变换长句和短句变换长句和短句变换L

27、ecture 2 Lecture 2 主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换Lecture 3 Lecture 3 非谓语从句变换非谓语从句变换非谓语从句变换非谓语从句变换Lecture 4 Lecture 4 比较句变换比较句变换比较句变换比较句变换Lecture 5 Lecture 5 松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换妩媚人生妩媚人生变换句式优化文章变换句式优化文章短句变长句短句变长句受汉语思维习惯影响,很多考生往往会直接将脑子里的意思译成英语,而忽略句与句之间的联系,导致写出来的句子无法体现英语作为“形合语言”的特点。因此,在平时

28、写作时,考生要注意前后句子之间是否存在联系,善于发现各个简单句之间的关联,用恰当的连接词将简单句连接起来,组成准确地道的复杂长句,增加文章的气势。【例1】【原文】 Lies do harm to those who are being told lies. Lies also do harm to those who tell them. 【优化】 Lies not only do harm to those who are being told lies, but also do harm to those who tell them. 【例2】【例3】【原文】 Usually, a fac

29、t is defined as a truth. The truth can be tested by observation or experimentation. 【优化】 Usually, a fact is defined as a truth, something that can be tested by observation or experimentation. 【原文】 Teenagers are pressured by school work. They are also encouraged by their peers. Under such circumstanc

30、es, they resort to smoking. But sometimes they feel a little guilty. 【优化】 Pressured by school work and encouraged by their peers, teenagers often resort to smoking, though they feel a little guilty sometimes. 【例4】 【原文】 When I turned right on the corner, a motorbike knocked into a small car. The moto

31、rbike was red. There were two persons on the motorbike. The car was yellow. The motorbike fell down. The two persons on the motorbike were slightly injured. The driver came out of the car at once, and asked about the two persons injuries. As soon as I saw that, I made a telephone call to 110. The tr

32、affic police arrived in a short time. 【优化】 When I turned right on the corner, a red motorbike with two persons knocked into a small yellow car. Immediately, the motorbike fell down, and the two persons on the motorbike were slightly injured. At that time, the car driver came out of the car, and aske

33、d about the two persons injuries. Seeing this, I dialed the 110. In a short time, the traffic police arrived. 2. 长句变短句长句变短句长句固然能表达出复杂而缜密的思想,但如果片面追求复杂句子,反而会显得华而不实,成为表达的累赘。写作中句子的长短应根据表达的需要而定。短句不仅指句子长度较短,也指句子内部结构精炼,简洁是写作的一个重要原则,用词累赘则是写作的大忌。【例例例例1 1】【原文】His father, who is a salesman, became a millionair

34、e overnight. 【优化】His father, a salesman, became a millionaire overnight. 【例例例例2 2】【原文】Perhaps they basically distrusted our capacity to judge correctly. 【优化】They distrusted our judgment. 一、将下面的长句和短句进行优化改写,使其更符合表达要求。一、将下面的长句和短句进行优化改写,使其更符合表达要求。 【原句】 【优化】The captain, a tall, thin man with a big mustac

35、he, was pacing the bridge with a look of importance. The grading system at our college should be abolished, because neither the students nor the instructors like it.1. The captain was a tall, thin man with a big mustache. He was pacing the bridge with a look of importance. 2. The grading system at o

36、ur college should be abolished. The students dont like getting grades. The instructors dont enjoy giving grades. 【原文原文】【优化优化】The seriousness of the problem on the reserves of raw materials shows that it is important to set up a plan to conserve and divide up fairly natural resources on a worldwide s

37、cale.Those who dont like having roommates argue that several people living together causes some unpleasantness because every person has his or her own way.5. Natural resources are very limited. They will be exhausted in the near future. It is not true. But it becomes a major concern around the world

38、. This is a widely accepted fact. 4. Some students dont like having roommates. They think every person has his or her own way. And several people living together causes some unpleasantness. 3. The problem of the reserve of raw materials is becoming more serious. It shows it is important to begin a p

39、lan. We should conserve and divide up the natural resources on a worldwide scale. It is a widely accepted fact that there is a major concern around the world for the exhaustion of limited natural resources in the near future, though it is unlikely to be true.二、请按照所给提示对下面的作文进行句式优化二、请按照所给提示对下面的作文进行句式优

40、化【原文原文】【优化优化】 With the deepening of reform and opening up of our country, studying overseas is becoming an increasingly popular option. People who choose to further their studies abroad insist that if they go to study overseas they can get many benefits in different ways. First, when they live in a

41、foreign country, they can improve their foreign language skills. Second, if they complete part or all of their education overseas, they can gain a broader or different perspective on their field of study. Third, they can experience a different culture first-hand. 【提示】将中的宾语从句改为简单句,将其中的条件状语从句改为主语。将中的时

42、间状语从句改为现在分词短语。将中的条件状语从句改为主语,该句变为简单句。 【优化】 With the deepening of reform and opening up of our country, studying overseas is becoming an increasingly popular option. People who choose to further their studies abroad insist that overseas study can benefit them in different ways. First, living in a fore

43、ign country, they can improve their foreign languages skills. Second, completing part or all of their education overseas helps them gain a broader or different perspective on their field of study. Third, they can experience a different culture first-hand. However, there are still many people who fav

44、or studying at home. They argue that, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore does not pay off and have no language and cultural barriers. 【提示】将改成两句,分别陈述两个理由。 As for me, I believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If students who wish to have overseas academic experience have got th

45、e chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their vision, while if conditions dont permit them to go abroad, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country. The place where they study is not very important for them, and instead, it

46、is what they can learn that is the most important. 【提示】将改成两句,分别陈述两种不同的情况。通过notbut将简化成一个简单句。【优化】 However, there are still many people who favor studying at home. They argue that, studying abroad is too expensive and therefore does not pay off. Whats more, there are no language and cultural barriers w

47、hen studying in our country. 【优化】As for me, I believe both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If students who wish to have overseas academic experience have got the chances and financial resources, they should seize the opportunity to go abroad and broaden their vision. On the other hand, if con

48、ditions dont permit, they can pursue their studies at top universities in our country. What counts is not the place where they study, but what they can learn. 主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换主动句和被动句变换 与汉语相比,英语更注重动作本身,而不是动作的执行者,因此在英语中被动语态的使用相对多一些,但这并不表明要一味地追求被动语态的使用。1.主动变被动主动变被动1)不需要体现动作的执行者【原文原文原文原文】We s

49、hould pay more attention to the elderly who had devoted their youth and energy to our country. 【优化优化优化优化】More attention should be paid to the elderly who had devoted their youth and energy to our country. 2)需要强调动作的承受者)需要强调动作的承受者【原文原文原文原文】The employees elected Mr. Li chairman of the committee last we

50、ek. 【优化优化优化优化】Mr. Li was elected chairman of the committee by the employees last week. 3)保持陈述对象的一致,以求行文通顺)保持陈述对象的一致,以求行文通顺 【原文原文原文原文】When the Prime Minister arrived at the airport, hundreds of reporters surrounded him immediately. 【优化优化优化优化】When the Prime Minister arrived at the airport, he was imme

51、diately surrounded by hundreds of reporters.2. 被动变主动被动变主动1)需要体现动作的执行者)需要体现动作的执行者【原文】If you are friendly to others, you will be held hospitable attitude towards by them and vice versa. 【优化】If you are friendly to others, they will hold hospitable attitude towards you and vice versa. 2)保持陈述对象的一致,以求行文通顺

52、)保持陈述对象的一致,以求行文通顺【原文】One very important quality developed by many individuals during a first job is self-reliance. This quality was cultivated by me when I was allowed by my supervisor to set up and conduct my own survey project. 【优化】During their first job, many individuals develop their very import

53、ant quality of self-reliance. I cultivated this quality when my supervisor allowed me to set up and conduct my own survey project. 专项训练专项训练一、要求一、要求:请将下面句子中语态使用不当的地方进行优化改写,使其更符合表达需要。【原文】 【优化】 1. We know that smoking is harmful to peoples health. 2. We should advise people to protect their own interes

54、ts and not to be led astray by false advertisements 3. Nowadays, public places and advertisements of any kind forbid smoking. 2. People should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements. 3. Nowadays, smoking is forbidden in public places and advertisem

55、ents of any kind. 1. It is almost known that smoking is harmful to peoples health. 4. Computers may help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation, while engineers make use of some computers in designing a plane, or a spaceship. 5. Those in favor of university marriage argue that we

56、 should give college students the right to get married since they are adults. 4. Computers may help scientist in analyzing data and doing complex calculation, while some computers are made use of by engineers in designing a plane, or a spaceship. 5. Those in favor of university marriage argue that c

57、ollege students should be given the right to get married since they are adults. 非谓语和从句变换非谓语和从句变换非谓语和从句变换非谓语和从句变换非谓语动词包括不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。【例例例例1 1】【原文】When I look into the future, I will try my best to serve my fellow students if I am lucky enough to be President of the Student Union. 【优化】Looking int

58、o the future, I will try my best to serve my fellow students if I am lucky enough to be President of the Student Union. 【例例例例2 2】【原文】In 1836, there arose the working-class movement which is known as Chartism, which was the first proletarian revolutionary movement. 【优化】in 1836, there arose the workin

59、g-class movement known as Chartism, which was the first proletarian revolutionary movement. 专项训练专项训练一、要求要求:请将下列句子中划线的从句部分改为非谓语动词形式。 【原文】【优化】 1. The law can punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. 2. After he completed college in 1980, Tony became an English teacher in a normal college. 3.

60、 It must be realized that people should be cautious when they decide which books they should choose to read since if they read bad books, it will be time-wasting and harmful. 4. Because one of my parents is laid off, my family cant possibly afford all my expenses at college. 2. After completing coll

61、ege in 1980, Tony became an English teacher in a normal college. 1. The law can punish those producing or selling fake commodities. 3. It must be realized that people should be cautious when deciding which books to read since reading bad books is time-wasting and harmful. 4. With one of my parents b

62、eing laid off, my family cant possibly afford all my expenses at college. 二、要求要求:请对下面段落中的划线部分进行优化改写 【原文】 【优化】 Nowadays waste is a common phenomenon in society. Many people, for example, would not bother to make careful use of water, electricity and gas. And hosts and guests tend to leave a luxurious

63、 banquet full up, and then they will leave behind dishes and food unfinished on the table. Also, some big factories, which are armed with advanced machines and technology, may neglect to reuse the large quantity of waste matter which is produced by the manufacturing process. Even such people as thos

64、e from former poverty-stricken areas, who were once considered to be frugal of every cent of their miserable money, have turned wasteful. Nowadays waste is a common phenomenon in society. Many people, for example, would not bother to make careful use of water, electricity and gas. And hosts and gues

65、ts tend to leave a luxurious banquet full up, leaving behind dishes and food unfinished on the table. Also, some big factories, armed with advanced machines and technology, may neglect to reuse the large quantity of waste matter produced by the manufacturing process. Even such people as those from f

66、ormer poverty-stricken areas, once considered to be frugal of every cent of their miserable money, have turned wasteful. 比较句变换比较句变换比较句变换比较句变换1. 表示相似性表示相似性1)just as, so(正如(正如,也一样)也一样)【例】Just as food is necessary to life, so are books to our spirit. 2)share/ have in common (在(在方面有共同点)方面有共同点)【例】China a

67、nd the U.S.A have some interests in common in foreign trade area. 3) bear similarities/ resemblances to (和(和具有相似之处)具有相似之处)【例】 Lots of ancient Chinese constructions bear striking resemblances to that in other parts of the world, which discloses the similarity in human civilization. 4) the same is tru

68、e of/ with(也是如此)也是如此)【例】People who are financially independent will be bullied by the rich ones. And the same if true with countries. 5) vice versa/ the reverse is true (反之亦然)(反之亦然)【例】If you are friendly to others, they will hold hospitable attitude towards you and vice versa. 6) asas(和(和一样)一样)7) no

69、 less () than (不比(不比少少/差)差)/ no more () than (不比(不比多多/强)强)【例】The father is an ambitious man; the sons ambition is no less than the father. 2. 表示差异性表示差异性1) the opposite of (恰恰与恰恰与相反)相反)【例】He hopes that his wife can give birth to a male inheritor to such a large fortune; whereas his wifes wish is just

70、 the opposite of his. 2) it is just the other way round(,相反,相反,)【例】He is not your friend. It is just the other way round. He is your rival. 3) different/ differ from in that (与与的不同之处在于)的不同之处在于)【例】His character is different from his brother in that he is introvert. 4) less () than (比(比少少/差)差)/ more (

71、) than (比(比多多/强)强)【例】 More and more people are buying new cars than ever before. 专项训练专项训练要求要求:请将括号中所给汉语译成英语。1. Such kind of books, (不像那么抽象)_ those full of technical terms and formulae, can color peoples life and relieve their tension. 【答案】not as/ so abstract as2. If you are honest to others, (他们也会真诚

72、地对待你,反之亦然)_.【答案】 they will treat you sincerely and vice verse 松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换松散到紧凑变换如果一篇文章只是具有意义上的连贯,而形式上比较松散,就很难突出主题,较好地表达作者的意图。为了能够使文章主题明确、线索明了,而且句式富于变化,句与句之间、段与段之间都需要一定的连接手段。写作中常用的连接手段有:1. 使用过渡性词语使用过渡性词语 表示过渡性的词语从功能上分,主要可以分为表转折、表让步、表层进、表举例或列举、表总结、表强调、表比较或对比等连接词语。表转折:but, however, neverthele

73、ss, instead, on the other hand表让步:although, though, despite, even so, even if/though, regardless of, in spite of 表层进:first, to begin with, furthermore, besides, moreover, in addition, whats more, last but not least表举例或列举:for example, for instance, as an illustration, such as表总结:in summary, in a word

74、, in brief, in conclusion, to conclude, in short, on the whole表强调: indeed, of course, in particular, above all, most important, in fact表比较或对比:While, whereas, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison with, compared with, in the contrary, in the contrast, by contrast【例】 Walters goal in life was to

75、become a successful surgeon. First, he had to get through high school, so he concentrated all his efforts on his studiesin particular, biology, chemistry, and math. Because he worked constantly on these subjects, Walter became proficient in them; however, Walter forgot that he needed to master other

76、 subjects besides those he had chosen. As a result, during his junior year of high school, Walter failed both English and Latin. Consequently, he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate on schedule. Finally, on June 6, Walter achieved the first step toward realizing his goa

77、l. 2. 使用过度性的句子使用过度性的句子与段落中句与句之间的连贯一样,一篇文章中各段落之间也需要以一定的方式来明确各段之间的逻辑关系,从而使整篇文章形成一个统一连贯的整体。段与段之间除了借助一些篇章层次上的连接性词语,如however, similarly, therefore, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, in conclusion, in short等, 还经常需要使用一些表示过渡性的句子来确保其连贯性。【例】 Every student will be faced with the same question wh

78、en he passes the College Entrance Examination: Should he choose a good major or a good university? Answers differ as for different groups of people. Some students give priority to a good major. What they cherish is a specialty they like most. In their mind, 妩媚人生妩媚人生3. 利用代词指代上文提到过的事物利用代词指代上文提到过的事物英语中

79、比较习惯运用代词来代替上文提到过的人或事物,从而增强上下文的连贯性,并避免重复,使语言更加简洁明了。【例】Installing monitor cameras is good for residents and neighborhood. First of all, as what the advocates claim, it is an effective approach to improve the security situation. Consequently the guards can easily know what is going on in the districts

80、from the screens of the monitor cameras. 句式变换综合练习句式变换综合练习训练一训练一Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Advantages of Watching TV. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:1)看电视对人们有好处2)给出你的理由 妩媚人生妩媚人生【8分作文分作文

81、标准分标准分57分分】The Advantages of Watching TV 1)It is true that some TV programs are not good for people to watch. 2) However, we can not deny that there are good programs which can benefit people who are from all kinds of works. 3) Therefore, we can not overlook the advantages of watching TV. 4) Many re

82、markable reasons contribute to this argument. 5) First of all, watching TV is good relaxation. 6) The pleasant music and pictures on TV can make our bodies and minds relax. 7) We are kept away from tension and fatigue. 8) Second, watching TV is entertaining. 9) TV can bring beautiful scenery all ove

83、r the world right in front of us and make our life full of joys. 10) Third, watching TV is informing. 11) TV opens a window for us. 12) Through it we can learn more knowledge and skills in different fields. 13) All mentioned above tell us that TV is of great importance to us. 14) It is beneficial to

84、 our study and life. 15) There is no denying that we should take better advantage of TV. It is true that some TV programs are not good for people to watch. However, it is no denying that there are good programs which can benefit people from all kinds of works. Therefore, the advantages of watching T

85、V can not be overlooked. All mentioned above tell us that TV is of great importance to us. It not only colors our life but widens our horizons. Therefore, there is no denying that we should take better advantage of TV Many remarkable reasons contribute to this argument. First of all, watching TV is

86、good relaxation. The pleasant music and pictures on TV can make our bodies and minds relax, keeping us away from tension and fatigue. In addition, watching TV is entertaining. It is TV that can bring beautiful scenery all over the world right in front of us, with which our life is full of joys. Besi

87、des, watching TV is informing. TV opens a window for us through which we can learn more knowledge and skills in different fields.训练二训练二Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled For a Better Understanding between Parents and Children. You should write at le

88、ast 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:1)父母和孩子之间存在代沟2)代沟产生的原因3)如何消除代沟 1) Nowadays, many families are facing the problem that there is misunderstanding between parents and children. 2) We often hear frustrated parents complain that their children are behaving unreasonably and h

89、elpless children say that their parents are just old-fashioned. 3) When a child meets with a problem, he will go to his friends for advice. 4) This leads to the fact that his parents totally are unaware of his problem. Nowadays, many families are facing the problem of misunderstanding between parent

90、s and children. It is often heard that frustrated parents complain their children are behaving unreasonably while hopeless children say that their parents are just old-fashioned. When a child meets with a problem, he will go to his friends for advice instead of his parents, leaving his parents total

91、ly unaware of his problem.妩媚人生妩媚人生 5) There are some possible reasons for the present situation. 6) That they grew up at different times and have different likes and dislikes for the things around them is the most obvious one. 7) Also when there is a misunderstanding, parents are not patient to list

92、en to the explanation of their children because they are busy. 8) Both of them think that there is a generation gap is unchangeable. There are some possible reasons for the present situation. The most obvious one is that they grew up at different times and therefore have different likes and dislikes

93、 for the things around them. Also parents are often too busy to listen patiently to the explanation of their children when there is a misunderstanding. Both of them take it for granted that there is a generation gap. 9) If they want to bridge this so-called generation gap, both parents and children

94、should make an effort. 10) Parents should try to look at things from childrens point of view. 11) Children should also try to look at things from their parents point of view. 12) They should try to spend more time with each other. 13) In this way parents and children could understand each other bett

95、er. To bridge this so-called generation gap, both parents and children should make an effort. Either should try to look at things from the others point of view. Besides, they should try to spend more time with each other. Only in this way could parents and children understand each other better. 妩媚人生

96、妩媚人生1. 图表分析型图表分析型2. 对比论述型对比论述型3. 问题解决型问题解决型4. 观点论证型观点论证型5. 应用文类应用文类6. 现象分析型现象分析型 类型模式化类型模式化妩媚人生妩媚人生类型模式化类型模式化对比论述对比论述型型这类作文多为提纲式作文,议论文体裁。通过论述相反的两个观点,或这类作文多为提纲式作文,议论文体裁。通过论述相反的两个观点,或分析评论某一社会现象的优缺点,然后给出自己的见解和看法,是四级分析评论某一社会现象的优缺点,然后给出自己的见解和看法,是四级考试写作中考试写作中最常见最常见的作文形式。的作文形式。例如:例如: Should the University

97、Campus Be Open to Tourists? (2005. 12)1. 名校校园正成为旅游新热点名校校园正成为旅游新热点2. 校园是否应对游客开放,校园是否应对游客开放, 人们看法不同人们看法不同3. 我认为。我认为。Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是。很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是。2. 也有人持不用的意见。也有人持不用的意见。3. 我的看法和打算我的看法和打算 开头常用句型: 现象式、提问式、引言式1. 现象式(1) As society develops, people are a

98、ttaching more and more importance toHow to Succeed in a Job InterviewYour View on Taking Postgraduate Entrance Exam the interview during job huntinga master degree(2) Nowadays, with people attach great importance to Economy and Environmental Protection The Development of Life-Long Education the rapi

99、d development of economy, with the rapid development of society, environmental Protectionlife-long Education.(3) has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to day life. Your View on Learning through the net Your View on Learning through the netAdvantage and disadvantage of Private Ca

100、rsAdvantage and disadvantage of Private Cars Online educationPrivate cars(4) Along with more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that The disadvantages of Cheating in Examination(5) There are a growing number of people who show concern about the problem of Youngsters Addi

101、ction to Internet. the development of education, cheating in exams has become more and more bars.(6) With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in state the changes in peoples diet (饮食) in the past five years; Food Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Food Year 1986 1987 1988 1989 199

102、0 Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13% Meet 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Meet 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21% Fruit& vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Fruit& vegetables 24% 22% 20% 20% 21% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

103、peoples diet(7) Recently, has been brought into public focus. Your view on cross-culture marriage(8) has become a common occurrence in our daily life.Write a proposal to enhance the sports activities among college studentscross-culture marriagecross-culture marriageEngaging in sports activity2. 提问式

104、How can we succeed in a job interviewer? Different people have different opinions on this question. Some people believe that3. 俗语或引言式(1)As an old saying goes, time is money.(2)As the proverb goes, practice makes perfect.(3)A proverb says,” a where there is will, there is way”. 对比论述型对比论述型真题实战真题实战Is a

105、 Test of Spoken English Necessary? (2000. 6)http:/ this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.1.很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是很多人认为有必要举行英

106、语口语考试,理由是2. 也有人持不同的意见,也有人持不同的意见,3. 我的看法和打算我的看法和打算 对比论述型对比论述型 范文欣赏范文欣赏范文欣赏范文欣赏 When it comes to the test of spoken English, peoples opinions differ. Many people believe that it is necessary to adopt such a test. For one thing, fluent speaking ability is badly needed in todays society that is experien

107、cing reform and opening-up. For another, in a more competitive society such as ours today, fluent spoken English means more advantage you have to beat your rival in competing for a position with much appeal to both of you. Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard the test as bein

108、g unnecessary. In their views, fluent spoken English does not necessarily mean a better job; sometimes, opportunity plays a more important role. Furthermore, many people do not use spoken English at all in their work. As far as I am concerned, I am really in favor of the test. On the one hand, it ca

109、n encourage college students to try every means to improve their spoken English. On the other hand, college students will benefit endlessly in their future career if they can speak fluent English. So I decide to make use of every opportunity to practice my spoken English, and surely it will do me mu

110、ch good.对比论述型对比论述型 对比论述模板三对比论述模板三对比论述模板三对比论述模板三 对比论述模板四对比论述模板四对比论述模板四对比论述模板四 (1) There is no consensus of opinion among people as to _. (2) Some people who are in favor of the idea of _ hold that _. (3) For one thing, _. (4) For another, _. (5) Therefore, _ (6) However, those who insist on _ argue t

111、hat _. (7) In their opinion, _. (8) In addition, _. (9)Thus, _. ( 10) In my viewpoint, _. (11) That is to say, _. (12) In a word, _ (1) There is a heated debate over _. (2) It is commonly accepted that_. (3) In contrast, others think _. (4) Those who hold the first opinion suggest that _. (5) In the

112、ir views, _. (6) However, others think _. (7) They argue that _. (8) Considering one after another, I stand on the side of _. (9) First of all, _. (10) Furthermore, _. (11) Thirdly, _. (12) Therefore, _. 驾驭结构Some people prefer living in the countryside, while others feel inclined to a life in big ci

113、ties.Some people believe the reason lies in industry. While others maintain it is good luck that gives rise to the success. Still others claim both the industry and good luck play an essential part. From what has been discussed/mentioned above, we may conclude thatTherefore, it is not difficult to d

114、raw /come to the conclusion thatTaking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that 妩媚人生妩媚人生Personally, I am in favor of reading selectively over reading extensively.Personally, I side with the idea that blood donation should be advocated.When considering opinions of both sides,

115、I am inclined to pursue further study.As far as I am concerned, 问题解决型问题解决型问题解决型作文通常首先提出一个有待解决的问题,然后要求考生就该问题提出解决方法、途径,有时还要求考生最后谈论适合自己的方法。这种题型常见的结构模式是:第一段:导言。描述现状、困难,提出问题。第二段:方法。列举说明处理某事的方法或解决某个问题的途径。第三段:评价、建议或个人选择。针对第二段所阐述的方法给予简要的评论,也可提出个人建议或选择,并简述理由。本题型的写作重点在How,即解决办法。即解决办法。真题实战真题实战How to Succeed in

116、 a Job Interview? (2001.1) http:/ this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 面试在求职中的作用面试在求职中的作用2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止、谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事

117、求取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止、谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是是妩媚人生妩媚人生问题解决型问题解决型 范文欣赏范文欣赏 With the development ofWith the development of our modern society, the interview is becoming more and more important in job-hunting. So it is of great importance for us So it is of great importance for us toto master skills on interview

118、. On the one handOn the one hand, if a job seeker can leave a good impression on the mind of the interviewer, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants. On the other hand,On the other hand, if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to

119、 stand a chance. ToTo be successful in a job interview, we have figured out many ways towe have figured out many ways to make an excellent performance in an interview. FirstFirst, the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of speaking. SecondSecond, he is supposed to display h

120、is ability. FinallyFinally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence. In a wordIn a word, if the interviewee displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.

121、 To sum upTo sum up, the job interview is indeed important. It is high time for us toIt is high time for us to pay attention to the skills. ThereforeTherefore, if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.

122、 It is high time that something was done aboutOn the whole, it is high time that every oneIt is essential that effective measures be taken toIn short/ In a word/ In conclusion/ In summary/ In brief/ To sum up/ To conclude/ All in all现象分析型现象分析型作文命题是关于某个社会现象或社会问题的,要求作文命题是关于某个社会现象或社会问题的,要求考生分析该问题所产生的原因

123、或造成的后果。考生分析该问题所产生的原因或造成的后果。例例On Students Selecting Lecturers (2006. 6)1. 有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课教师2. 学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素学生选择教师时所考虑的主要因素3. 学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题学生自选任课教师的益处和可能产生的问题 Many factors lead to the trend of increasing in examination.There are several reasons why some people prefer t

124、o travel by bike, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here.There are three reasons, I think, for the growing number of ads on TV.(使用插入语)What is to account for? In fact the reasons are not difficult to get. First, . Second . It may give rise to a host of problems. It will exe

125、rcise a profound influence upon. Its consequence can be so great that. 妩媚人生妩媚人生图表分析型图表分析型 图表作文的命题形式是根据图画或者图表,要求考生用简洁、生动的语言把图表中所提供的信息准确、完整地表达出来。然后进行分析和评论,并得出合乎逻辑的结论。图表作文是一种信息的转换。也就是说,写图表作文时,首先要以题目中的要求为指导,审慎读图,准确把握图表传达的信息,将其扩展成文。图表作文往往是以说明为主,图表中的数据是为了说明某个问题而提供的,只要问题能阐释清楚,就不必面面俱到地把所有数据都在文章中引用出来。考生要切忌毫无

126、目的地引用图表中的数据。引用数据过多的同学往往得分很低。二、图表作文的段落设计二、图表作文的段落设计1. 开头段-说明该图表反映的概况,选择能充分说明主题的典型数据进行概述;2. 中间段-对数据进行仔细地分析比较,归纳出增减速率,找出产生变化的原因;3. 结尾段-写出看完图表后的想法或评论,得出自己的结论。 图表分析型图表分析型1.上图所示为1990年、1995年、2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;2.请说明发生这些变化的原因 (可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);3.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 图表分析型图表分析型 (1)The char

127、t shows that students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995. (2)It is self-evident that it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000. (3) Three possible reasons contribute to this phenomenon. (4) One reason is that most co

128、llege students now can afford a personal computer due to the sharp decline in its price. (5) Another reason is that they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with. (6) For instance, they can chat through QQ or playing games online. (7) Whats more, from Internet, they can learn things much

129、 more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future. (8) As a result, all these lead to much more time spent on using computers. (9) However, in my opinion, there are some complaints from both teachers and students. (10) For one thing, students complain abou

130、t the less availability of computers and slow speed of the network. (11) For another, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own. (12) To sum up, in

131、spite of problems concerning the use of computer, computer is still of more merits than defects. 驾驭结构应用文类型应用文类型四级考试中的应用文一般会给出一个特定的情景,要求考生根据该情景写一封短信、倡议书或演说词等。应用文涉及的内容多种多样,但大部分都与日常生活比较贴近, 主要包括:投诉信、求职信、求学信、拒绝信、道歉信、感谢信、祝贺信、邀请信、求职信、演说辞、倡议书、海报、景点介绍和日程安排等。从历年真题来看,应用文的考查以信函为主,但近几年也常涉及其他类型,如倡议书、景点介绍等。应用文类型应用

132、文类型【常用句式常用句式】 (1) I would like to suggest that/ I am writing with my suggestion/ proposal about/ I am writing to express my views concerning我想建议。/ 我写信来想就一事提出我的建议。/ 我写信来表达我关于的看法。(2) You have asked me for my advice with regard to and I will try to make some conducive suggestions.关于你让我提一些建议,我尽量提一些有益的建议

133、。(3) I feel that it would be beneficial if我觉得如果将会很有好处。(4) If I were you, I would如果我是你,我将(5) It would seem to me that you could. 在我看来,你可以应用文类型应用文类型(6) As you may agree that或许你会同意。(7) I hope you will find these suggestions/ proposals/ recommendations helpful/ practical/ useful.我希望你会觉得这些意见/提议/建议是有帮助的/实

134、际的/有用的。(8) I trust you will take my suggestion into account.我相信你会考虑我的建议的。(9) I would be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.我会很高兴看到这方面的改善。(10) I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details. 我会准备好与你进一步详谈此事。 应用文类型应用文类型 范文欣赏范文欣赏 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30

135、minutes to write a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.建议报考的专业级理由建议报考的专业级理由2.报考该专业的基本条件报考该专业的基本条件3.应当如何报考应当如何报考应用文类型应用文类型A Letter in Reply to a FriendA L

136、etter in Reply to a Friend December 27, 2008DearDear Tom,I am very pleased toI am very pleased to know that you are going to apply for admission to one university. It has been several years since we parted last time, and soon we will probably meet again. In my opinionIn my opinion, you should major

137、in English. On On one handone hand, English is a very popular major at our university and we have modern teaching methods and prestigious professors. On the other handOn the other hand, you seem to have a gift for language learning and you are really good at English.As toAs to the preparation for ap

138、plying for the English major of our university, I I suggestsuggest you pay more attention to spoken English. If you make a good performance in oral test, you will have the priority. It is unnecessary for you to be nervous. In additionIn addition, when making preparation you should do more model tests. I am sureI am sure you will succeed in the exam.Please inform mePlease inform me if there is something I can do for you. I am looking I am looking forward toforward to meeting you on our campus.Sincerely yours,Li Ming妩媚人生妩媚人生



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