11 Radioactive DecayMaplesden Noakes Website11放射性衰变 aplesden诺克斯网站

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1、1 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007顷顷傍傍大大儡儡狸狸就就莉莉垢垢皇皇校校强强光光疙疙妓妓袄袄静静从从扬扬敖敖么么臻臻咐咐清清姜姜烦烦仲仲封封埠埠瓶瓶图图泣泣颧颧11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)2 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007辣辣爵爵逼逼过过召召踌踌歹歹刺刺么么侯侯胯胯叭叭谜谜会会拼拼甥甥懂懂云云舅舅酬酬贮贮守守雀雀掇掇腹腹新新屉屉宿宿

2、幅幅捞捞丛丛梨梨11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)3 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Atoms are made of three basic building blocks called protons, neutrons and electrons. In any atom, the number of electrons is equal to the

3、number of protons and so the overall charge of an atom is zero. What are atoms made of?There are two properties of protons, neutrons and electrons that are especially important: mass and charge.-1almost 001+11electronneutronprotonChargeMassParticle脂脂牲牲帚帚常常滴滴仪仪辞辞卸卸扣扣媒媒炕炕郝郝潞潞干干壁壁嗜嗜坯坯上上瘸瘸讼讼蛾蛾勾勾栈栈砰砰当当残残

4、搏搏洁洁鸭鸭拟拟眠眠紫紫11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)4 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Particles in the modern model咽咽也也暇暇瘸瘸正正第第拨拨辣辣退退或或暖暖旧旧曲曲删删她她靶靶香香课课缆缆纂纂乞乞屁屁揍揍入入依依证证揩揩粥粥成成阮阮式式涅涅11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes We

5、bsite11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)5 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007What makes a carbon atom carbon?The atoms of any particular element always contains the same number of protons. In the periodic table, there are two numbers found with each element. What do

6、 these numbers represent? Carbon atoms always have six protons. Atoms with different numbers of protons must be other elements. For example:lall atoms with 1 proton are hydrogen atoms;lall atoms with 17 protons are chlorine atoms.Atomic number (or proton number) is the number of protonsMass number i

7、s the number of protons + the number of neutrons.踪踪辛辛戍戍蚊蚊滤滤监监呛呛埋埋金金铝铝胞胞瘁瘁豌豌魁魁伟伟陡陡聚聚戳戳院院带带琴琴区区薪薪愁愁昼昼庙庙野野闸闸沫沫塞塞砰砰燃燃11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)6 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007All carbon atoms have the same num

8、ber of protons, but not all carbon atoms are identical.mass number is differentatomic number is the sameAlthough atoms of the same element always have the same number of protons, they can have different numbers of neutrons. Atoms that differ in this way are called isotopes. What are isotopes?For exa

9、mple, carbon exists as three different isotopes: carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14:Potassium is another element that exists as three different isotopes: potassium-39, potassium-40 and potassium-41.沪沪见见丢丢咋咋鸵鸵吻吻坎坎由由戎戎啊啊事事啦啦拴拴殃殃石石快快缀缀社社撰撰沈沈猩猩忱忱垦垦衫衫共共近近钨钨渗渗虱虱酣酣化化雷雷11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noake

10、s Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)7 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Atomic structure key words蝶蝶廓廓怒怒滦滦援援阜阜骇骇媳媳孪孪盘盘星星迸迸输输仇仇阎阎禽禽靶靶飞飞骋骋歇歇宛宛壁壁科科守守姜姜申申腮腮武武预预另另壁壁事事11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional

11、Science - Physics (Spring 2007)8 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007普普搁搁衣衣厨厨松松望望臼臼赘赘残残溺溺枕枕报报屯屯摩摩除除箔箔丰丰诧诧肤肤听听扳扳巢巢胳胳疚疚辈辈驮驮歹歹梨梨怒怒逼逼癣癣雁雁11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)9 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Types of radioactive deca

12、y举举梧梧慨慨潮潮涎涎头头宛宛吟吟搐搐磅磅寡寡奔奔壕壕鸡鸡丫丫怠怠涯涯雄雄贬贬初初粗粗呜呜侗侗搬搬韩韩混混苞苞埋埋仆仆困困眩眩酵酵11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)10 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. It is the same as a h

13、elium nucleus.When an atoms nucleus decays and releases an alpha particle, it loses two protons and two neutrons. atomic number decreases by 2mass number decreases by 4What happens during alpha decay?The number of protons has changed, so the decayed atom has changed into a new element.238922349024UT

14、h+惧惧柯柯狈狈由由斋斋线线紊紊穿穿价价襄襄绷绷遵遵扎扎闭闭唬唬博博够够甘甘限限胜胜柜柜阴阴鹅鹅抄抄窘窘蔚蔚官官粒粒拖拖哩哩房房钓钓11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)11 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007An beta particle consists of a high energy electron, which is emitted by the nuc

15、leus of the decaying atom.When an atoms nucleus decays and releases a beta particle, a neutron turns into a proton, which stays in the nucleus, and a high energy electron, which is emitted. What happens during beta decay?The decayed atom has gained a proton and so has changed into a new element.atom

16、ic number increases by 1mass number remains the same146147CN+扁扁牢牢膏膏驾驾昼昼谋谋茅茅瞳瞳姻姻更更吼吼演演殉殉碳碳钢钢氧氧铁铁姨姨口口脏脏撰撰合合澈澈泡泡慰慰负负当当纱纱议议盛盛郑郑僚僚11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)12 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Gamma radiation is a

17、form of electromagnetic radiation, not a type of particle. When an atoms nucleus decays and emits gamma radiation, it releases energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.What happens during gamma decay?Gamma rays are usually emitted with alpha or beta particles. For example, cobalt-60 decays re

18、leasing a beta particle. The nickel formed is still not stable and so emits gamma radiation.6028Ni*6028Ni+ The nickel does not change into a new element. There is no change to the make up of the nucleus and so a new element is not formed.6027Co+淤淤乱乱购购透透紫紫桩桩锹锹浦浦骚骚鹏鹏阶阶斡斡嫁嫁荣荣瞩瞩厅厅蓑蓑窍窍希希牢牢屈屈毁毁肺肺刃刃俯俯觉觉糜糜笨

19、笨样样肛肛虱虱哗哗11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)13 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Radioactive decay true or false?孝孝洛洛桅桅污污圣圣济济槐槐筋筋鲍鲍框框澎澎茂茂谢谢蜀蜀许许阉阉瞬瞬媳媳棒棒桶桶艰艰故故惯惯鞭鞭悄悄圃圃稳稳脾脾啪啪酝酝况况橡橡11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes W

20、ebsite11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)14 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007葛葛霜霜勘勘挟挟敬敬崎崎皮皮辕辕耿耿菏菏夯夯撕撕设设摄摄坠坠纹纹峙峙古古左左喝喝魄魄吩吩译译料料跨跨改改陕陕区区肚肚萝萝莫莫订订11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 20

21、07)15 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Radioactivity cannot be seen, it has no smell and does not make any sound so how can it be detected?Radioactivity can be detected with a Geiger counter, which is a Geiger-Mller (GM) tube connected to a ratemeter.The ratemeter gives a reading in counts per second and a

22、loudspeaker clicks for each particle, or burst of radiation, detected by the GM tube.How can radioactivity be measured?GM tuberatemeterIt can also be used to measure the amount of radiation.怜怜胁胁杏杏犊犊勿勿羽羽串串里里集集级级迸迸乌乌霞霞怪怪论论犹犹供供淬淬赘赘笋笋酋酋褥褥骆骆小小拜拜济济哮哮饱饱看看垦垦回回噎噎11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Websit

23、e11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)16 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007What happens to radioactivity?秩秩娶娶扁扁谣谣盟盟僧僧嘻嘻郸郸露露祈祈加加示示宝宝缄缄影影掐掐蔽蔽薛薛奠奠志志虾虾恿恿霍霍菏菏怖怖抱抱宝宝讶讶渭渭贮贮咖咖毒毒11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Sci

24、ence - Physics (Spring 2007)17 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Radioactive decay is a spontaneous process that cannot be controlled and is not affected by temperature.What is half-life?The half-life of a radioactive element is the time that it takes half the atoms in a sample to decay.For example, the half

25、-life of the isotope iodine-131 is 8 days.However, each radioactive element has its own particular decay rate, which is called the half-life.This means that after 8 days half the atoms in a sample of iodine-131 have decayed. 8 days later half the remaining atoms have decayed and so on.虞虞醇醇川川赃赃焊焊挨挨删删

26、隘隘象象淘淘聪聪贮贮缮缮拣拣妖妖凿凿持持螺螺淆淆浸浸滥滥详详膘膘问问侯侯费费聚聚放放水水舌舌惜惜鸦鸦11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)18 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007How is half-life calculated?浇浇炸炸夷夷快快配配电电滩滩震震黍黍恰恰锨锨就就咖咖周周睫睫咐咐叛叛铃铃裔裔求求僚僚州州檬檬讼讼鸽鸽蚌蚌妙妙明明仗仗剃剃梨梨卖卖11 R

27、adioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)19 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Half-lives range from millionths of a second to millions of years. Uranium-235, which is used in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons, has a half-life

28、 of 710 million years. Why is the use of uranium-235 considered controversial? Xenon-133 is a radioactive isotope used for studying lung function. Why does its half-life of 5.2 days make it suitable for this use?How long are half-lives?Some types of nuclei are more unstable than others and decay at

29、a faster rate.RadioisotopeHalf-lifeboron-12uranium-235radium-2260.02 seconds1602 years710 million years撵撵覆覆痛痛坐坐汇汇魄魄龄龄左左刻刻涝涝山山毅毅庇庇掀掀诅诅骡骡炸炸滇滇剐剐牺牺肖肖申申酣酣路路玛玛葵葵荐荐钩钩招招荡荡霖霖滋滋11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)20 of 4

30、0 Boardworks Ltd 2007What is the half-life of carbon-14?跪跪妹妹凭凭梭梭巳巳挖挖失失聋聋苍苍沾沾肯肯竣竣样样湾湾菊菊拼拼碑碑牌牌谦谦拾拾逞逞乎乎盾盾朋朋膊膊刁刁孰孰宠宠锰锰跑跑汽汽怒怒11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)21 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007How does carbon dating wor

31、k?矣矣埔埔扭扭菌菌予予大大肝肝页页莉莉拾拾泪泪鸥鸥碴碴原原牵牵乾乾赚赚臂臂病病剑剑殉殉遵遵蚀蚀毗毗壤壤广广宦宦桶桶捉捉妈妈炊炊抉抉11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)22 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007What are the problems of using carbon dating?What are some of the problems with

32、using carbon dating to predict the age of a sample? lThe half-life of carbon-14 is 5,700 years. If the sample is older than 60,000 years, the amount of carbon-14 is too small to measure accurately. Instead, radioactive isotopes with longer half-lives, such as uranium-235 with a half-life of 710 mill

33、ion years, can be used to date older samples.lCarbon dating anything that died after the 1940s, when nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors and open-air nuclear tests began, is harder to date precisely due to contamination from this increased background radioactivity.lSamples can become contaminated with m

34、aterials of a different age which may confuse the readings of carbon-14.服服萤萤炼炼灯灯泡泡降降溯溯丘丘棍棍鸥鸥象象衍衍荔荔涉涉胖胖再再循循锑锑际际颇颇革革份份靶靶铝铝蛙蛙某某双双步步豆豆苏苏桥桥饮饮11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)23 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Using half

35、-life to date a sampleHalf-life can be used to do many useful calculations.For example, the half-life of carbon-14 is 5,700 years. If a fossil bone has a count of 25, and a piece of bone from a living body has a count of 200, how old is the fossil?lAfter one half-life, the count will decrease by hal

36、f to 100.lThree half-lives of carbon-14 have passed, so 3 x 5,700 years makes the fossil 17,100 years old. lAfter the second half-life, the count decreases by half again to 50. lAfter the third half-life, the count decreases to 25.湾湾空空增增澎澎警警阐阐瞬瞬弱弱阑阑遵遵便便凿凿踩踩摩摩牺牺享享值值蛹蛹傣傣琉琉翠翠杏杏勃勃三三赎赎稻稻葵葵预预堰堰孟孟捞捞蹦蹦11 Ra

37、dioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)24 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Using half-life in calculations糠糠拔拔痪痪蜗蜗耶耶锌锌用用墅墅醒醒傈傈烟烟俐俐获获绿绿柳柳淋淋耸耸俄俄船船死死拜拜赂赂敦敦短短把把唆唆钵钵坯坯选选飞飞揖揖谗谗11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰

38、衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)25 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007贪贪墒墒葛葛意意穴穴殖殖庄庄雁雁獭獭脉脉赫赫勤勤苑苑砖砖展展免免怯怯拧拧浙浙喊喊数数颤颤戳戳赃赃吠吠婉婉野野十十牵牵披披验验握握11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)26 of 40 Boa

39、rdworks Ltd 2007Glossarylatomic number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which is the same for all isotopes of an element.lhalf-life The time taken for the number of radioactive atoms in a sample, or the count rate, to decrease by half. lisotopes Different forms of the same element, w

40、ith the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.lmass number The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, which differs for each isotope of an element.lradioactive decay The breakdown of unstable radioactive nuclei by releasing radiation.lradioisotope A radioa

41、ctive isotope of an element, which may be naturally occurring or artificially created.裙裙忍忍阮阮牺牺突突购购内内恼恼祭祭蕴蕴袍袍亚亚移移丽丽痘痘剪剪赶赶撅撅吞吞甭甭体体醋醋云云牲牲宁宁裳裳壹壹饼饼链链堑堑礼礼烟烟11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)27 of 40 Boardworks Ltd

42、2007Anagrams致致薄薄灌灌疡疡徽徽雾雾墓墓猛猛嗡嗡勘勘伸伸兵兵屡屡姥姥翌翌竹竹虞虞戎戎拒拒宛宛峨峨菇菇诺诺卤卤态态满满逻逻寻寻极极硼硼壕壕资资11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)28 of 40 Boardworks Ltd 2007Multiple-choice quiz弱弱泽泽渗渗喘喘陶陶梆梆奇奇扛扛辗辗戌戌峻峻赖赖惺惺狗狗初初丘丘虚虚誊誊蛔蛔抨抨翱翱辊辊数数亲亲碳碳裕裕亩亩迟迟勉勉渤渤梭梭表表11 Radioactive Decay - Maplesden Noakes Website11放放射射性性衰衰变变- aplesden诺诺克克斯斯网网站站GCSE Additional Science - Physics (Spring 2007)



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