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1、备考2025山西省太原市尖草坪区中学教师公开招聘强化训练试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching

2、would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.excitedB.surprisedC.inspiredD.scared【答案】 A2、听觉中枢位于大脑皮层的( )。A.额叶B.颞叶C.枕叶D.顶叶【答案】 B3、学生在美术学习中学会欣赏,关注生活中的美术现象,涵养人文精神,是美术课程追求( )。A.愉悦性B.实践性C.人文性D.视觉性【答案】 C4、属于古典主义时期作曲家的是()。A.贝多

3、芬B.勃拉姆斯C.肖邦D.巴赫【答案】 A5、在古代希腊先哲中,苏格拉底的思想与智者学派的思想有许多共同点,主要表现在( )。A.都把人类及其环境作为探究的课题B.都肯定人的价值,强调人的作用C.都重视人的伦理道德D.都强调思想来源于教育【答案】 B6、B If I could have your attention, Id like to talk to you about young peoples screen time. Its a tempting habit for them to glance at their smartphone or tablet rather than m

4、ake eye contacts with someone and make conversations! There is so much to look at: photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them? There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some p

5、eople feared staring at a small bright box could make us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There is plenty of anecdotal

6、 evidence that no matter how long teenagers are spending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.” But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young pe

7、ople as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were trivial accounting for less than 1% of a teenagers health. P

8、rofessor Przybylski, director of the research at the institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media. The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on well-being. Perhaps for now, deciding what the right amount

9、 of screen time is has to be up to personal judgments. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _. A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show the finding of a stud【答案】 A7、王亮在填报高考志愿时,有两所学校可选择。其中,一所是名牌大学,但专业不理想:另一所是一般大学,但专业理想。王亮犹豫不决,这种动机冲突是(?)。A.双趋式冲突B.双避式冲突C.趋避式冲突D.多重趋势式

10、冲突【答案】 D8、 古希腊历史学家希罗多德曾记述一名希腊人对波斯王薛西斯说:“希腊人虽然是自由的,但他们并不是任何事情都是自由的,他们受着法律的统治,他们对法律的畏惧甚于你的臣民对你的畏惧。”这段材料主要表明了( )。A.古希腊是民主政体的发祥地B.波斯人非常赞赏希腊的制度C.波斯当时仍然实行君主专制D.古希腊的民主建立在法制基础之上【答案】 D9、有关于硝化细菌的叙述中,不正确的是()。A.仅具有核糖体一种细胞器B.可进行有氧呼吸C.在生态系统组成成分中属于分解者D.可通过主动运输吸收无机盐离子【答案】 C10、试卷效度的含义是()。A.测试符合教学目标的有效程度B.测试符合测试目的的有效

11、程度C.测试符合课程标准的有效程度D.测试符合学生实际的有效程度【答案】 B11、小红为了准备期末考试,整理了复习提纲,按时间先后把事件罗列了出来,这是()。A.复述策略B.计划策略C.精细加工策略D.组织策略【答案】 D12、高倍镜视野中可观察到细胞分裂过程,其中哪一时期染色体形态稳定,数目清晰 ()A.分裂间期B.分裂前期C.分裂中期D.分裂末期【答案】 C13、引进新材料与原始材料相对应,称为音乐材料(?)。A.反衬B.突变C.渐变D.对比【答案】 D14、全球主要温室气体有二氧化碳、甲烷、氟氟烃、一氧化二氮等,它们在大气中的含量自工业革命以来呈上升趋势。据此完成题。 A.能强烈吸收太阳

12、辐射中的可见光B.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的紫外线C.能强烈吸收太阳辐射中的紫外线D.能强烈吸收地面辐射中的红外线【答案】 D15、有系统地收集有关学生学习行为的资料,参照预定的教学目标对其进行价值判断的过程,叫作()。A.教学测量B.教学测验C.教学评估D.教学评价【答案】 D16、根据以下材料,回答题A.10B.40C.30D.50【答案】 B17、以下被称为梆子戏的,代表剧目有穆桂英挂帅花木兰朝阳沟的是哪个戏种?()A.河北梆子B.豫剧C.评剧D.戏剧【答案】 B18、试卷效度的含义是()。A.测试符合教学目标的有效程度B.测试符合测试目的的有效程度C.测试符合课程标准的有效程度D.测试符合

13、学生实际的有效程度【答案】 B19、If you don t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, _.A.neither do IB.neither I doC.neither will ID.neither I will【答案】 C20、Everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get older, but mens minds decline more than womens, according to the results of a worldwide survey.A.womens mind

14、s perform better than mensB.mens minds decline more with ageC.everyone becomes a little more forgetful as they get olderD.a survey on humans mind decline was done recently【答案】 B21、根据以下材料,回答A.occasionallyB.randomlyC.firmlyD.secretly【答案】 C22、下列()属于歌剧刘胡兰中的选曲。A.一道道水来一道道山B.红梅赞C.万里春色满家园D.五洲人民齐欢笑【答案】 A23、下列四组生物中,都属于原核生物的一组是()。



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