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1、本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑活动过程: 1、组织幼儿坐汽车去春游:(以游戏的方式激发幼儿学习英语的爱幼儿园全英语教案 1好)活动内容: hello, everyone! 1、单词: today i will bring you to very beautiful place. do you want blue red yellow green orangeto get there?(yes!) now please get on my bus. are you reary?(yes!) 2、基本表达式:lets set out. (1)、which

2、 is the red flower?儿歌:a bus. a bus.bus, bus, bus. didi di. ch (2)、put the dog in the red house.幼儿边说儿歌边表演开汽车的动作,走到自己座位前坐下。活动目标: 2、出示春天风景图,老师用英语通过多种多样的活动, 让幼儿掌控基本的英语知识,并培育幼儿对英描述画面并引导幼儿说出花朵的颜色。语活动的深厚爱好。 the sky is blue. the tree is green. the grass is green. and活动预备:the flowers are very beautiful. doyo

3、u want to know what colour春天背景图一幅、 五色花各一朵、 dog、 cat、 bird、 rabbit、 butterflyare they?图片各一张、五色小房子各一座、迪士尼英语影碟一盘第 1 页 共 7 页幼儿园全英语教案幼儿园全英语教案本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑学习单词:blue red yellow green orange 3、出示小动物图片(复习) here it is beautiful. some animals are all coming out. now lets see what are th

4、ey?复习:dog cat bird rabbit butterfly 4、通过猜的方式出示各色小房子,并送小动物回家; put the dog in the red house. 5、观看 pluto 一家。通过选点停放的方式,引导幼儿复习有关颜色的单词:blue redyellow green orange 6、伴随着欢快的音乐,幼儿出活动室查找漂亮的春天。 7、延伸活动:听英语为画面涂色。 colour the flower red.设计思路:春天是一个暖和、漂亮、生气勃勃的季节,为培育幼儿对大自然的真挚感情,我们园于上周五组织全体幼儿去新世纪广场春游。对此活动,幼儿特别感爱好。今日的活

5、动就以“春游”为主线,将各个活动“串编”起来,让幼儿在轻松、愉悦的氛围中,自然而然的学习英语、练习英语、掌控英语,并萌发对英语活动的爱好和养成大胆表达的习惯。幼儿园全英语教案 2活动目标: 1、能听懂并会说与活动有关的基本单词:sing dance play。 2、能听懂并会说基本句型:lets sing. lets dance . lets paly 。 3、培育口语表达技能,提高学习英语的爱好。活动预备:教学挂图、卡片、小鸟、小熊的头饰等活动过程:第 2 页 共 7 页本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑一、 日常对话: 1、t: good morni

6、ng , children ! c: good morning , teacher ! 2、sing the song “good morning!” 3、t: how are you ,today ? c: fine, thank you . how are you ? t: im fine , too .二、 复习旧知: 1、t: last week , we have learnt something in our schoolbag .now , lets say them again , ok ? (老师卡片出示学过的学习用品,请幼儿认读) 2、老师出示某一种学习用品,用“do yo

7、u have a ?”问幼儿,请幼儿用“yes , i do . 和 no , i dont.”来回答。三、 学习新知: 1、老师出示卡片,提问:“whats she doing ? ”先请幼儿用中文回答,然后老师教幼儿学说“sing”这个新单词。 2、请幼儿用动作表示“sing”,并跟老师说:“sing , sing , letssing .” 3、用同样的方法教学“dance”、“ lets dance ”、“paly”、“ lets paly”。四、 单词巩固: 1、游戏“i say and you do ”.老师说:“one one one and two two two ,sing

8、sing sing ,letssing”,请幼儿边听边跳,听到单词后快速做出相应的动作,并保持不动。老师说另外一句,游戏依次进行。 2、老师出示卡片,请幼儿一一说出单词。五、 学说“欢乐歌谣” 1、老师出示挂图,请幼儿用中文说说挂图上有谁?在干什么?第 3 页 共 7 页本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑 2、老师用英语描述挂图内容。 3、请幼儿跟老师用英语说歌谣。 4、戴上头饰,进行表演。六、 结束部分: t:today ,we sing , we dance and we play .do you feel ha y ,today ? c: yes

9、! t: now , let s say “good bye “” to the teachers . c: bye-bye ,teacher !幼儿园全英语教案 3 objectives(目标): 1、 encourage the kids to recognize and say the word 2、 review the words about color 3、 让幼儿通过看、听、说等多感官来体会学习英语的欢乐; 4、 建立良好的听说技能; 5、 通过 tpr、游戏等活动,让幼儿在学习外语的同时,进展其动觉智力。 teaching materials(教具预备): tape ; sti

10、cker; 魔法棒一个;各种图形的图片; 毛线;自制钓鱼工具;情境挂图;cd; teaching proce (教学流程):一、 warm up(热身) : 1、 tpr:播放律动“play-way to english”,让幼儿伴随着音乐进入课堂,并一起做律动。 2、greetings: t: how are you today? s: im fine, thank you! and you? t: im fine too. and how is the weather today? s: its su y/rainy day.第 4 页 共 7 页本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,

11、下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑 t: woo you are so great. you are looking so lovely today. ok,now today im magic, and then please look at the blackboard.二、teaching new words about shapes: 1、 通过魔法游戏以开火车的方式一一在黑板上出示各种图形; 2、 学习词汇:square star triangle rectangle heart oval; 3、 qa:what color is the(square)? 复习相关颜色词汇; 4、 字

12、汇游戏(一): fishing game t:ok, now would you like play a game? s:yes. t: lets have a compotatio if i say the words, you should usethis one, fishing the right picture as fast as you can, the firstone is the wi er. understand? ok, who can try? ready go.通过此游戏促进及巩固幼儿对新词汇的记忆。三、出示挂图,让幼儿在相应的情境中复习及巩固词汇。 t:oh, p

13、lease look at the picture; who is he/she? s: she/he is midi/haley. t: can you gue what are they doing? (请幼儿观测图画后回答) whats i ide? what shape is it? 请幼儿上来一一找出图画里欠缺的物品,并回答相应的问题,援助复习巩固所学词汇。四、游戏(二):make the shapes by yourself.给每位幼儿提供 1 条毛线, 让幼儿在地毯上自由创作变出各种图形,并相互用英文沟通自己创作出的图形。五、over(结束): wootoday you are

14、very clever, are you ha y today ? now i wantto make a circle, lets make, ok? sing a song“the more we gettogether.”结束活动。幼儿园全英语教案 4 character: lion ra it a第 5 页 共 7 页本文格式为本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑 ra it b teddy bear a teddy bear b l: hello, everyone. im lion. today is my birthday. im very hay.

15、i dre ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends.im busy. r: hello, everyone. im ra it. today is lions birthday. lets golions home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump,jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing,ru ing, now lets go, now lets go.)场景一

16、:门铃响了,狮子去开门。 l: who? r: im ra it. l: good morning, ra its. r: good morning, lion. how are you? l: im fine, thank you. come in please. r: thank you. r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些吃的请小兔子们吃) r: thank you. teddy bear : hello,

17、everyone. im teddy bear. today is lionsbirthday. we prepared a present for him. lets go lions home. (song: teddybear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop,hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy bear,teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. )场景二:门铃响了,狮子再次去开门。第 6 页 共 7 页本文格式为

18、本文格式为 WordWord版,下载可任意编辑版,下载可任意编辑 l: who? b: im teddy bear. l: good morning, teddy bears. b: good morning, lion. how are you? l: im fine, thank you. come in please. b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. ( 拿出一些吃的请小熊吃) l: time is up. lets enjoy the birthday cake, ok? b,r,l: (最末齐唱生日欢乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha ybirthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion.第 7 页 共 7 页



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