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1、备考2025山西省运城市平陆县中学教师公开招聘题库与答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列不符合青少年的心理特点的是( )。A.精力旺盛B.感情丰富C.渴望独立D.认识能力高,看问题全面【答案】 D2、汉代说唱俑的艺术风格属于( )。A.诙谐生动B.优雅平衡C.气势宏大D.细腻写实【答案】 A3、生物体生命活动的主要承担者、遗传信息的携带者、结构和功能的基本单位、生命活动的主要能源物质依次是()。A.核酸、蛋白质、细胞、糖类B.蛋白质、核酸、细胞、脂肪C.蛋白质、核酸、细胞、糖类D.核酸、蛋白质、糖类、细胞【答案】 C4、目前世界上最大的经济体是( )。A.欧洲联盟B.北约组织C.美国D.WTO【答

2、案】 A5、根据维纳的归因理论,属于不稳定、内在、可控的因素是(?)。A.努力B.运气C.能力D.任务难度【答案】 A6、Scientists havelong argued whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moraljudgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinking,rule. The role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlight

3、enmentnotion that our ethical sense is based on high-minded philosophy and cognition.That brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out inpeople.A.have reasonedthat hypocrisy is beneficialB.are self-centeredC.have realizedthat it costs to be moralD.are insensitiveto misbehav

4、iors【答案】 A7、Which of the following infinitivesexpresses REASON?A.Would you like something to eat?B.He came here to get his computerrepairedC.I m glad to receive the present from myuncleD.Dad told me to finish the task on time【答案】 C8、It _ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Provi

5、nce.A.shallB.shouldC.canD.must【答案】 C9、 从20世纪90年代初开始。美国经济实现了长达10年的持续增长,美国一家杂志称这一现象为“新经济的胜利”。在技术方面主导美国“新经济”增长模式的是( )。A.信息技术B.原子能技术C.生物技术D.化工技术【答案】 A10、北方地区早春播种时,常用地膜覆盖,以促进种子萌发,主要是因为地膜覆盖能()。A.提高土壤温度B.降低光照强度C.提高土壤肥力D.防止病虫害【答案】 A11、Parents and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact mor

6、e when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved ones. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted diffe

7、rently when they read books together using traditional media versus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to read from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books

8、with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used richer language when using print books compared with tablets, and col

9、laborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journ

10、al Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team used only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt

11、 to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between parents and children, said Munzer.Munzer said that parents always know th

12、eir children best, so they should feel empowered to adjust the reading experience to what they know their children areA.The implications of the studyB.The limitations of the studyC.The instruments of the studyD.The motivations of the study【答案】 B12、创作黄河大合唱,并被誉为“人民音乐家”的作曲家是(?)。A.聂耳B.田汉C.冼星海D.贺绿汀【答案】 C

13、13、教师成长与发展的最高目标是( )。A.特级教师B.专家型教师C.双师型教师D.优秀教师【答案】 B14、19世纪初叶,中国丛报一篇文章写道,在中国“最时尚的区域里,大部分的妇女都缠足”。促动缠足陋习开始改变的重要历史事件是( )。A.辛亥革命B.新文化运动C.新中国成立D.改革开放【答案】 A15、 由强到弱的力度排列顺序正确的是()。A.pp p mp mf f ffB.ff f mf mp p ppC.ff mf f mp p ppD.pp mp p mf f ff【答案】 B16、清明奠英烈,精神永传承。2017年4月5日,西北大学研究生支教团组织陕西省富平县杜家小学、田村小学14

14、名留守儿童祭扫杨虎城将军烈士陵园。杨虎城24岁自赋诗:“西北山高水又长,男儿岂能老故乡。黄河后浪推前浪,跳上浪头干一场。”这首诗至今仍激励着无数华夏儿女。下列选项与该诗句蕴含哲理一致的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B17、 下列作品中不属于柴科夫斯基的作品是()。A.G弦上的咏叹调B.天鹅湖C.悲怆交响曲D.(1812序曲【答案】 A18、彼得与狼是一部配有朗诵的生动有趣的交响童话。这部交响童话中有很多角色,如彼得、小鸟、鸭子、猫、大灰狼、老爷爷及猎人等。作品的显著特点是用一种乐器代表一个角色音乐形象非常鲜明,通俗易懂,鸭子的形象由()模拟,生动地刻画出其蹒跚的步态。A.长笛B.双簧管C.大管D.圆号【答案】 B19、2017年5月初,一位旅游者从安徽去新疆旅行。据此完成题。 A.晨光初现B.夕阳西下C.艳阳高照D.满天繁星【答案】 B20、“雍正七年,青海军兴,始设军机房,领以亲王大臣。”材料说明设置军机房的目的( )。A.为了加强对地方行政



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