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1、备考2025山东省聊城市临清市中学教师公开招聘能力测试试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、根据以下材料,回答A.missedB.overtookC.lostD.knocked【答案】 A2、Look!Here_the bus.A.is comingB.cameC.comesD.will come【答案】 C3、-Ive taken someone elses green sweater by mistake.A.has to beB.will beC.mustnt beD.could be【答案】 D4、我国的社会主义改革是一场新的革命,其性质是()。A.解放生产力,发展生产力B.社会主义基

2、本制度的根本变革C.社会主义制度的自我完善和发展D.建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制【答案】 C5、根据以下材料,回答A.Concours Mondial de Bruxelles Guiyang2015 Spirits SelectionB.Chinese baijiu, which is beingrecognized by foreignersC.Sandha-a panelist judging the Chinesealcoholic classicD.Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, theUnited Nations of fine wines【答案】

3、B6、教育法律关系的主体是( )。A.权利B.义务C.自然人D.物【答案】 C7、已知在某DNA分子的一条链上G+C占50,A占24。另一条链上A占整个DNA分子的碱基比例为()。A.50B.26C.24D.13【答案】 D8、It was not until she had arrived home_her appointment with the doctor.A.did she rememberB.when she rememberedC.that she rememberedD.had she remembered【答案】 C9、( )不属于.可以通过的具体进行形式。A.面对面个别咨询

4、。B.课堂教学。C.电话咨询。D.网络咨询。【答案】 B10、 从明太祖朱元璋废除丞相制到清雍正帝设置军机处,所反映出的历史发展趋势是( )。A.社会秩序动荡B.边疆防御巩固C.皇权高度集中D.军政实现合一【答案】 C11、()是通过德育活动在受教育者品德形成发展上所要达到的总体规格要求,亦即德育活动所要达到的预期目的或结果的质量标准。A.德育内容B.道德行为标准C.德育方法D.德育目标【答案】 D12、Lisa was running lateLisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her parents were

5、 coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometownBut as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warnBy the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired- maybe it hadn t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thoughtShe rested herself against a post c

6、lose to the tracks.A.When the train was leavingB.After she was back on the platformC.After the police and fire officials cameD.When a man was cleaning the blood from her head【答案】 B13、全年炎热高温,湿季草原茂盛,生活着许多大型动物如长颈鹿等,该气候类型是()。A.热带沙漠气候B.热带雨林气候C.热带季风气候D.热带草原气候【答案】 D14、I remember being a student teacher in1

7、974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-grad

8、ers and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.purifiedB.qualifiedC.reviewedD.tested【答案】 D15、有艺术家主张以“不关心主题思想”为宗旨,要用“物理般的眼睛”观察和描绘光和色,强调捕捉光和色之下世界万物的“瞬间印象”。该主张的美术流派属于( )。A.印象画派B.浪漫主义C.古典主义D.现代主义【答案】 A16、篮球运动竞赛编排中设置种子队的目的是()A.避免比赛竞技性过低B.强队相遇过早C.观赏性较差D.比赛的时间长【答案】 B17、I remember being a student teacher in1974,

9、 sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders

10、and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.developB.requireC.increaseD.stimulate【答案】 A18、能有效发展,绝对力量的训练负荷是()A.15rmB.610 rmC.1115 rm,D.2030 rm【答案】 A19、企业战略控制一般由()的活动组成。A.制定战略评价标准B.进行实际成效与标准的对比分析C.进行计划标准与实际标准的对比分析D.针对偏差采取纠偏行动E.实际执行偏离程度【答案】 A20、创客教育中,利用Mirco:bit或ArduinoA.传感器控制器程序执行器B.控制器程序传感器执行器C.传感器程序执行器控制器

11、D.执行器控制器程序传感器【答案】 A21、下列关于“法曲”的叙述中,有误的是()。A.法曲是歌舞大曲中的一部分,也是隋唐宫廷音乐中的一个重要形式B.法曲的音调与相和歌、清商乐有直接的联系C.法曲气势宏大,伴奏是外族音乐大杂烩D.霓裳羽衣曲是唐朝最著名的法曲作品【答案】 C22、喀什市是我国的边陲城市,经济发展水平较低,2010年的三次产业结构比重约为34:30:36。 A.推进植树造林,发展林业经济B.加大科技投入,促进农业产业化C.发展以金融为主的现代服务业D.建设先进的加工制造业体系【答案】 B23、西双版纳是少数民族聚居的地方,当地喜欢跳孔雀舞、欢度泼水节的民族是()。A.朝鲜族B.藏

12、族C.傣族D.维吾尔族【答案】 C24、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely interested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.unchanged

13、B.unpleasantC.unfriendlyD.unmoved【答案】 D25、态度的核心成分是( )。A.认知成分B.情感成分C.意志成分D.行为成分【答案】 B26、根据以下材料,回答A.Uninvited visitors are welcome in MiddleEastern officeB.In Britain, business visitors can stayas long as they likeC.In China, people may greet a foreigners entering a school with clappingD.In the Arab world, saying nofor 3 times until it is accepted【答案】 B27、通过对学生的作业、作文、日记、手工模型、绘画等各种作品进行考查分析并形成某种判断和决策的过程称为()。A.个案研究B.观察分析C.案卷分析D.轶事记录【答案】 C28、“清政府被迫在静海寺与英国政府议约,双方



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