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1、备考2025山东省临沂市沂水县中学教师公开招聘基础试题库和答案要点一单选题(共60题)1、 在管弦乐队中,“身材最高的乐器发音最高的乐器表现力最丰富的乐器,分别是()。A.低音提琴、短笛、小提琴B.大提琴、长笛、钢琴C.低音提琴、短笛、钢琴D.大提琴、双簧管、小提琴【答案】 A2、西方最早的伦理学专著是()。A.尼各马可伦理学B.忏悔录C.理想国D.正义论【答案】 A3、基因工程与蛋白质工程的区别()A.基因工程合成的是天然的蛋白质,蛋白质工程合成的不一定是天然存在的蛋白质B.基因工程需对基因进行分子水平操作,蛋白质工程不对基因进行操作C.基因工程是分子水平操作,蛋白质工程是细胞水平(或形状水

2、平)D.基因工程完全不同于蛋白质工程【答案】 A4、改良缺乏某种抗病性的水稻品种,不宜采用的方法是()。A.诱变育种B.单倍体育种C.基因工程育种D.杂交育种【答案】 B5、The house was very quiet, _ as itwas on the side of a mountain.A.isolatedB.isolatingC.being isolatedD.having been isolated【答案】 A6、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in th

3、e Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.vanishedB.remainedC.developedD.conti

4、nued【答案】 A7、下列有关人类性别遗传的叙述,不正确的是()。A.从所含性染色体来说,卵细胞只有一种而精子则有两种B.含X染色体的精子和含有Y染色体的卵细胞结合发育成男孩C.发育成男孩还是女孩是由卵细胞和精子中的性染色体决定的D.含X染色体的卵细胞和含有X染色体的精子结合发育成女孩【答案】 B8、下列乐器属于新疆维吾尔族独特的是()。A.长鼓B.手鼓C.架子鼓D.腰鼓【答案】 B9、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was st

5、ill in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone

6、else!A.contributeB.devoteC.applyD.limit【答案】 D10、在下面的音高中最高的是()。A.5B.6C.4D.7【答案】 D11、 如今,在北京、上海、昆明等各大城市的大街上。橙色、黄色、蓝色的共享单车,成为解决人们出行“最后一公里”难题的极佳选择,受到普遍欢迎。然而,一段时间以来,恶意损坏、乱停乱放等“负面”新闻屡见报端。改善这一现状,提升国民素质需要()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 D12、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my c

7、ooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.anyw

8、hereB.everywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere【答案】 C13、态度的构成要素中处于核心地位的因素是()A.认知因素B.情感因素C.意向因素D.情境因素【答案】 B14、有关香港的表述,正确的是()。 A.B.C.D.【答案】 B15、根据以下材料,回答A.turnsB.pilesC.pushesD.holds【答案】 B16、分配座位时,老师最值得关心的是()。A.学生听课效果B.对课堂纪律的影响C.后进生的感受D.对人际关系的影响【答案】 D17、One of the greatest contributions ofFreud is that he elabor

9、ated the structure of human psyche as Id,Ego and Superego. Ego is the natural humanpsychological characteristic that changes everything in its way and makeseveryone a victim to undesirable consequences in their life. The pride andself-esteem if they are overrated in our mind will be shown in the for

10、m of Ego.The Human Ego conceals our natural intellect to create falseownership over every object. Here is an interesting story which couldillustrate the case.A.We should reduce the feeling of EgoB.We should feel proud of what we haveC.We should try to hide the reality facingusD.We should find others

11、 grace andstrength【答案】 B18、阅读下面的文言文A.秦缪公用计让戎主丧失警惕而找准时机偷袭少数民族戎。戎主不听身边人的劝告,中了圈套而被生擒B.宋王不分忠奸,听信佞臣的话,竟然次次处死报告实情的侦查人员。逼得一人报告假军情而获得奖赏C.齐王自高自大,认为自己的才华超过尧舜D.齐宣王喜爱射箭,但箭术无长进,原因是佞臣奉承他,讲假话,使其不知自己拉弓所用的真正力气大小【答案】 D19、道德教育的认知模式理论的提出者是( )。A.柯尔伯格B.皮亚杰C.麦克菲尔D.班杜拉【答案】 B20、阅读下面的文言文A.亡国之主不可以直言 乡之死者宜矣B.戎主大喜,以其故数饮食 不足以当此大

12、任也C.有且先夫死者死 彼且胡可以开说哉D.为王视齐寇 子为寡人令太子如尧乎【答案】 B21、在下列科学研究过程中,采用的技术手段相似的一组是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 D22、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 languages, full facility in the handlingof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge an

13、d understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as it were, his professional equipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to 14 othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more t



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