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1、MODULE 4 LIFE IN THE FUTUREUNIT 1 EVERYONE WILL STUDY AT HOME Module task : Designing (设计)your dream(梦想)school Grammar(语法)法): Will +V-ing to express sth. happen in the future 用will+动词原形来描述将来的事LOOK AT THESE SENTENSES:1. I am going to have an English test tomorrow.2. Everyone is going to have a picnic

2、 at the weekend.3. They are going to take the plane from Beijing to America.1.我明天将要进行(有)英语测验。2.周末每个人都要去野餐。3. 他们将乘飞机从北京去美国。我们知道,用be going to do 可以描述将来发生的或者打算做的事,这个单元,我们将学习用Will来描述将来的事。CHANGES(变形):1. I am going to have an English test tomorrow.- I will have an English test tomorrow。2. Everyone is goin

3、g to have a picnic at the weekend.- Everyone will have a picnic at the weekend.3. They are going to take the plane from Beijing to America.They will take the plane from Beijing to America.由此可以看出,be going to 和will都可用来表达将来的事,都可以用于一般将来时。而且,两者后面都加动词原形原形。EXAMPLES:1. 学生们将利用计算机来学习。2.我在生日的时候将会有很多礼物。3.将来你会有很

4、多钱。4.他将去北京大学。-1. Students will use computer to learn.-2. I will have many presents on my birthday.-3. You will have a lot of money in the future.-4. He will go to Beijing University.WILL的否定式:那么,will 的否定形式是什么呢?我们在will后加not ,也就是will not,缩写是 wont.请把下面的句子变成否定句:-1. Students will use computer to learn.-2.

5、 I will have many presents on my birthday.-3. He will go to Beijing University.1 Students will not / wont use computer to learn.2 I will not / wont have many presents on my birthday. 3 He will not / wont go to Beijing University.WILL的疑问式:Will的疑问式很简单,直接把Will提前就可以了。E.g:1. Students will use computer to

6、 learn. Will Students use computer to learn? 肯定回答:Yes, they will. 否定回答:No, they will not / wont.2. She will buy a new cell phone next year. Will she buy a new cell phone next year? Yes, she will. / No, she will not.(wont)EXERCISE:变疑问句并做肯定,否定回答:-2. You will have many presents on my birthday.-3. He will go to Beijing University.2. Will you have many presents on your birthday?3. Will he go to Beijing University?对照图片说出他们的英语名:黑板blackboard有线电视Cable TV 这些呢?计算器calculator手机cell phone还有粉笔chalk纸paper更多电脑computer铅笔pencilMORE收音机radio直尺ruler-还有卫星电视Satellite TVdictionary



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