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1、Jury ProcedureJury Procedure陪审团陪审团程序程序BeforeBefore the formal trialthe formal trialBefore the formal trial ,the judge will list some note,and sand it to jurors. To tell them what they should do, what they should not do. After reading this written file, each juror should sign his name, says he has un

2、derstood these precautions. The jury has a organizer, who can also be called the “colonel” of a jury .The jury colonel elected by all the jurors.在正式开庭审理之前,法官将注意事项详细地以书面形式告知陪审员。告知哪些事可以做,哪些事不能做。每个陪审员在阅读完这些文件后签上自己的名字,表示自己已经了解了这些注意事项。陪审团有一个协调和组织者,此人也可称为陪审团的“团长”。陪审团的团长由全体陪审员选举产生。 Cross-examination system

3、, namely, the judge and jury can not ask the case witness directly. All those questions are asked by both parties lawyer. The jury understand the truth of the case through lawyers questions and witnesses answers, the judge controls both the lawyers cross-examination. Judges and lawyers could discuss

4、 the case in procedural matters, but jurors cannot participate it, because juries cant ruling procedural matters.美国的法庭审理实行交叉询问制,即法官和陪审团都不能直接询问案件的证人,只能由双方当事人的律师询问。陪审团是通过双方律师对证人的询问来了解案件事实的,法官则控制着双方律师的交叉询问。法官与律师讨论案件中的程序事项时,陪审员不能参与,因为陪审团不能裁决程序事项。 Cross-examination systemKnowledge supplementIn a court ca

5、se, the judge will constantly send some instructions to the jury.在开庭审理中,法官会不断地给陪审团发出各种指示。 After the witnesses of both sides have testified, the judge require the jury discuss the case, and make a decision当双方的证人都出庭作证后,法官就可以要求陪审团对案件进行讨论并作出裁决According to the plaintiffs request, the jurors form the prel

6、iminary judgment, then vote.陪审员根据原告的请求初步形成一项裁决意见,然后投票表决In courtIn courtIn the vote, all those 12 jurors are demanded to vote投票时,要求名陪审员都要投票。In ordinary civil cases or criminal cases, there must be more than 9 voted agreed ruling. If less than 9 votes, that requires the jury reconsidered, until form a

7、 majority verdicts opinion .一般的民事和刑事案件要求裁决的投票结果达到票以上。如果不能达到票以上,陪审团就需要重新审议,直至形成多数裁决意见。 When it comes to the murder, must be unanimously.指控谋杀成立的案件则要求一致通过。 In civil damages cases, the jury could only make decision in the amount that required by plaintiff, and cannot exceed the amount。在民事赔偿案件的审理中,陪审团同样只

8、能在原告所要求的数额范围内作出裁决,不能超出。voteThe progress of civil and criminal cases When the court again, the judge will ask the jury colonel whether the decision has formed. If formed, colonel will announce the decision and the voting results. After announcing the results, the judge will ask every jurors opinion -

9、to agree with or against. If more than four jurors against the verdict, the ruling will be invalid, and the jury will reconsider the case again. 再次开庭时,法官将询问陪审团团长是否形成裁决意见。如果形成裁决意见,团长将宣布裁决及投票结果。在陪审团团长宣读裁决结果后,法官还将一一询问各位陪审员的意见,是同意,还是反对。如果这时有超过四名陪审员反对,裁决就将无效,陪审团就要重新审议。judgmentjudgmentThats all Thank you

10、!-Group 3III. Jury Procedure陪审团程序陪审团程序To be continued on the next page.vv How is evidence presented to the jury?How is evidence presented to the jury?The plaintiffs in the case call witnesses and question them. The plaintiffs in the case call witnesses and question them. The questioning of a witness

11、 by the party who called the The questioning of a witness by the party who called the witness is known as “direct examination”. Each party has a witness is known as “direct examination”. Each party has a right to ask questions of the witnesses of the other party. right to ask questions of the witnes

12、ses of the other party. This is called “cross-examination”. Usually the plaintiff first This is called “cross-examination”. Usually the plaintiff first calls all of his or her witnesses. When a party has called all calls all of his or her witnesses. When a party has called all the witnesses that he

13、or she wishes at that time, that party the witnesses that he or she wishes at that time, that party rests. Where there is more than one plaintiff, the other rests. Where there is more than one plaintiff, the other plaintiff then calls witnesses and then likewise rests. plaintiff then calls witnesses

14、 and then likewise rests. 证据是如证据是如何给陪审团的吗何给陪审团的吗? ?原告如传召证人及提问。询问证人的一方当事人称为证人被称为原告如传召证人及提问。询问证人的一方当事人称为证人被称为“ “监督监督检验检验” ”。每一方有权提出问题的证人的另一方。这就是所谓的。每一方有权提出问题的证人的另一方。这就是所谓的“ “质证制度质证制度” ”。通常原告首先调用他通常原告首先调用他/ /她所有的为这事作见证。参考译文她所有的为这事作见证。参考译文: :一方称所有的见证一方称所有的见证人面前人面前, ,他或她希望那时他或她希望那时, ,聚会休息。哪里有超过一个的原告、其他原告

15、然后聚会休息。哪里有超过一个的原告、其他原告然后要求证人要求证人, ,然后同样地休息。然后同样地休息。 Lesson 5 Twelve Angry MenIII. Jury ProcedureTo be continued on the next page.vv How is evidence presented to the jury?How is evidence presented to the jury?Then Then the the defendant defendant or or defendants defendants may may call call witnesse

16、s. witnesses. This This continues continues until until all all parties parties have have rested. rested. In In a a criminal criminal case, case, the the burden burden of of proof proof is is entirely entirely on on the the prosecution prosecution and and no no adverse adverse inference inference ma

17、y may be be drawn drawn if if the the defendant defendant calls calls no no witnesses. witnesses. After After both both the the plaintiff plaintiff and and the the defendant defendant have have rested rested their their cases, cases, the the plaintiff plaintiff may may call call witnesses witnesses

18、to to “rebut” “rebut” the the testimony testimony of of the the defendants defendants witnesses witnesses if if there there have have been been any. any. This This is is called called “rebuttal “rebuttal testimony”. testimony”. The The defendant defendant may may then then call call additional addit

19、ional rebuttal rebuttal witnesses. witnesses. 然然后后被被告告、被被告告人人可可以以叫叫为为这这事事作作见见证证。这这样样下下去去, ,直直到到所所有有党党派派都都休休息息了了。在在刑刑事事案案件件, ,证证明明责责任任是是完完全全的的起起诉诉, ,无无不不良良反反应应和和推推理理可可能能被被吸吸引引如如果果被被告告唤唤不不为为这这事事作作见见证证。经经双双方方原原告告和和被被告告已已经经休休息息了了他他们们的的案案件件, ,原原告告可可以以传传召召证证人人“ “否否决决” ”的的见见证证了了被被告告的的目目击击者者是是否否存存在在任任何何。这这就

20、就是是所所谓谓的的“ “反反驳驳证证” ”。被被告告可可以以然然后后叫叫额额外外的的反反驳驳为为这这事作见证。事作见证。Lesson 5 Twelve Angry MenIII.Jury ProcedureTo be continued on the next page.vv What happens after all of the evidence is presented?What happens after all of the evidence is presented?After all of the evidence is presented, the lawyers make

21、After all of the evidence is presented, the lawyers make closing arguments. In their closing arguments, the lawyers closing arguments. In their closing arguments, the lawyers try to summarize the evidence and persuade the jury to find try to summarize the evidence and persuade the jury to find in fa

22、vor of their respective clients. The judge then gives the in favor of their respective clients. The judge then gives the “charge”, or instructions, to the jury. In these instructions, “charge”, or instructions, to the jury. In these instructions, the issues that jurors must decide are defined. When

23、the the issues that jurors must decide are defined. When the judge has finished, the jurors retire to the jury room to judge has finished, the jurors retire to the jury room to deliberate the case. deliberate the case. 之后发生什么了所有的证据之后发生什么了所有的证据所有的证据后所有的证据后, ,给出了律师作结帐的论点。在他们的关闭的一些论点给出了律师作结帐的论点。在他们的关闭的

24、一些论点, ,律师律师总结的证据和说服陪审团发现支持各自的客户。法官给出了总结的证据和说服陪审团发现支持各自的客户。法官给出了“ “充电充电” ”, ,或指令或指令, ,陪审团。在这些指示陪审团。在这些指示, ,陪审团必须决定的问题都有规定。当法官已完成陪审团必须决定的问题都有规定。当法官已完成, ,陪审团陪审团退休去陪审团的房间深思熟虑的情况。退休去陪审团的房间深思熟虑的情况。Lesson 5 Twelve Angry Menvv May a juror discuss the trial before May a juror discuss the trial before deliber

25、ation?deliberation?No. While you are a juror, and before you retire to deliberate in the jury room, you should not talk to anyone about the casenot even another juror. Nor should you permit anyone to talk to you about the case. Even friendly chats with the lawyers, parties and witnesses must be avoi

26、ded. You should not listen to radio or television accounts of the trial or read articles about it in the newspapers. You also should not talk to your friends or to members of your own family about the case while it is pending. If a person persists in talking to you about the trial, or attempts to in

27、fluence you as a juror, you should report it to the judge immediately.讨论了可陪审员审议审没有。在陪审团,当你退休的陪审团经过深思熟虑的房间,但你要不要跟任何人,包括其他case-not的陪审员。你也不应该允许任何人想跟你谈谈这个案子。即使是很聊天的律师、当事人和证人必须避免的。你不应该听广播或电视帐户中读文章试验或在报纸上。你也应该不要跟你朋友或你的自己的家庭成员的案件,而这是悬而未决。如果一个人坚持谈论审判,或试图影响你作为陪审员,你应该报告给法官立即。Lesson 5 Twelve Angry MenTo be con

28、tinued on the next page.III.Jury ProcedureIII.Jury ProcedureLesson 5 Twelve Angry Menvv How should jurors conduct their deliberations?How should jurors conduct their deliberations?Upon retiring to the jury room to deliberate, the jury Upon retiring to the jury room to deliberate, the jury selects a

29、presiding juror. It is the presiding jurors duty to selects a presiding juror. It is the presiding jurors duty to see that the deliberations are conducted in an orderly see that the deliberations are conducted in an orderly fashion and to see that the issues submitted for fashion and to see that the

30、 issues submitted for consideration are fully and fairly discussed. The presiding consideration are fully and fairly discussed. The presiding juror should make sure that every juror has a chance to juror should make sure that every juror has a chance to say what he or she thinks on every question. W

31、hen ballots say what he or she thinks on every question. When ballots need to be taken, the presiding juror should see that it is need to be taken, the presiding juror should see that it is done. The presiding juror should sign any written request done. The presiding juror should sign any written re

32、quest made of the judge.made of the judge.陪审员应如何进行讨论吗陪审员应如何进行讨论吗在即将退休的陪审团房间深思熟虑的在即将退休的陪审团房间深思熟虑的, ,陪审团选择一个首席陪审员。这陪审团选择一个首席陪审员。这是首席陪审员的职责是首席陪审员的职责, ,看见是针对审议的秩序看见是针对审议的秩序, ,让那问题提交给考虑的是充分让那问题提交给考虑的是充分地讨论。首席陪审员应确保每个陪审员有机会说他或她想上每一个问题。需地讨论。首席陪审员应确保每个陪审员有机会说他或她想上每一个问题。需要采取投票的时候要采取投票的时候, ,首席陪审员应该看到首席陪审员应该看到

33、, ,它就完成了。首席陪审员必须签署它就完成了。首席陪审员必须签署书面要求法官开恩。书面要求法官开恩。To be continued on the next page.When you deliberate you should weigh the evidence calmly and When you deliberate you should weigh the evidence calmly and fairly. Every juror should listen carefully to the views of the other fairly. Every juror shou

34、ld listen carefully to the views of the other members of the jury and consider them with an open mind. You members of the jury and consider them with an open mind. You should not look up any information in books or dictionaries. You should not look up any information in books or dictionaries. You sh

35、ould not conduct any independent personal investigation. If you should not conduct any independent personal investigation. If you have special knowledge or information about any of the facts of a have special knowledge or information about any of the facts of a particular case, you should not commun

36、icate that information to particular case, you should not communicate that information to other jurors. In deciding a case jurors are expected to bring to other jurors. In deciding a case jurors are expected to bring to bear all the experience, common sense and common knowledge bear all the experien

37、ce, common sense and common knowledge they possess; but they are not to rely on any private source of they possess; but they are not to rely on any private source of information. The jurys verdict must be based only on the evidence information. The jurys verdict must be based only on the evidence an

38、d on the judges instructions as to the law.and on the judges instructions as to the law.陪审团做出判决如何陪审团做出判决如何? ?当你故意你应该权衡证据从容和稳定的方向发展。每一个陪审员应该仔当你故意你应该权衡证据从容和稳定的方向发展。每一个陪审员应该仔细听讲到的意见细听讲到的意见, ,其他陪审团的成员们其他陪审团的成员们, ,并考虑他们开阔。你不该所有的知识并考虑他们开阔。你不该所有的知识在书或字典。你不应该进行独立的个人的调查。如果你有专门的知识或信息在书或字典。你不应该进行独立的个人的调查。如果你有专

39、门的知识或信息的事实有关某一特定情况下的事实有关某一特定情况下, ,你不应该交流信息你不应该交流信息, ,其他陪审员。在决定一个案其他陪审员。在决定一个案例会导致陪审团承担由此引起的一切经验例会导致陪审团承担由此引起的一切经验, ,常识和常识他们拥有常识和常识他们拥有, ,却不依赖于却不依赖于任何私人的信息来源。陪审团的裁决还必须仅仅基于证据任何私人的信息来源。陪审团的裁决还必须仅仅基于证据, ,于法官的指示法律。于法官的指示法律。vv How do jurors reach a verdict?How do jurors reach a verdict?III.Jury ProcedureL

40、esson 5 Twelve Angry MenTo be continued on the next page.III. Jury Procedurevv How is voting conducted by the jurors? How is voting conducted by the jurors?Lesson 5 Twelve Angry MenYour Your final final vote vote should should represent represent your your own own opinion. opinion. When When differe

41、nces differences of of opinion opinion arise arise between between jurors, jurors, the the jurors jurors should should say say what what they they think think and and why why they they think think it. it. While While you you should should not not hesitate hesitate to to change change your your viewp

42、oint viewpoint if if your your opinions opinions change change during during deliberation, deliberation, jurors jurors must must not not try try to to force force agreement. agreement. Jurors Jurors should should not not refuse refuse to to listen listen to to the the arguments arguments and and opi

43、nions opinions of of others others and and must must not not permit permit any any decision decision to to be be reached by chance or the “toss of a coin”.reached by chance or the “toss of a coin”.The The number number of of jurors jurors needed needed to to agree agree upon upon a a verdict verdict

44、 will will vary vary depending depending upon upon the the number number of of persons persons sitting sitting on on the the panel, panel, whether whether it it is is a a civil civil or or a a criminal criminal case case and and the the jurisdiction jurisdiction of of the the court. court. The The j

45、udge judge will will instruct instruct you you about about the the specific specific number number of of jurors jurors that that must agree upon the verdict.must agree upon the verdict.To be continued on the next page.投票是如何进行的陪审员?你最后的投票应该代表你的想法。当意见的分歧之间出现陪审员,陪审团应该说他们是怎么想的,为什么他们认为它。同时,你应该毫不犹豫地改变你的观点,

46、如果你的意见进行而变化的陪审员审议法律案时,千万不要试图迫使协议。陪审团不应该拒绝听从别人的观点和意见,不允许任何决定要达到偶然或“把一枚硬币”。陪审团的数量需要达成裁决独裁专制人数上坐在面板,无论是民事或刑事案件和法院的管辖权。法官要教导你的具体数量的陪审团必须达成一致的裁决。III.Jury Procedurev What should a jury do once it has reached a verdict?Once the jury has reached its verdict, the presiding juror completes and signs the verdi

47、ct form. The judge will provide instructions explaining the verdict form. Once the verdict form is signed, the presiding juror should inform the bailiff or clerk. The entire jury panel will then re-enter the courtroom and deliver its verdict in open court.要到达后陪审团裁决?一旦陪审团已经达到了它的判决,首席陪审员裁决,签上名完成表格。法官将解释教导裁决的形式。一旦签署裁决形式,首席陪审员应及时通知法警或职员的工作。整个陪审团面板将返回法庭上,传递它在公开法庭判决。Lesson 5 Twelve Angry MenThe end of Jury Procedure.



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