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1、Lecture 4 Religion in Britain1What is religion?v(A psychologist)-the inner experience of the individual when he senses a Beyond and when he actively attempts to harmonize his life with the Beyond.v(A sociologist) - A system which separates the sacred from the profane in society.vA broader view of re

2、ligion is one in which it is perceived as a quest for identity, meaning and purpose in life.vbeliefs and actions related to supernatural beings and forcesdefinition on line2Major Religions in the worldvChristianity (Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, etc.)vJudaismvIslamvHinduismvBuddhismvChines

3、e traditional/folk religion3A Survey on “attitude towards religion”4Sample questionsDo you believe in a supreme being?Do you believe in the concept of heaven and hell in one form or another?Do you believe in afterlife?Do you think religion is constructive or destructive to the society?Do you think y

4、ou are an atheist?If you have, what is your religious belief?5Which of the following describes your attitude towards religion?A. Everyone should have the religious freedom.B. Religion is the key to happiness and eternal peace.C. Religion is a concept used to maintain control.D. Religion is a concept

5、 necessary to maintain values.E. A common religion in China will be constructive.F. Religion should be discouraged in China.G. Religion should be tolerated.H. Religion is a kind of superstition.I. Superstition is part of religion. 6The Christian Religion in Britain (history)vBritain is a Christian c

6、ountry Introduced by the Romans in the first few centuries; The first church at Canterbury, the religious capital of England; Became dominant: Saxon times; Under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church until the Reformation in the 16th Century7v Following the Reformation in the 16th century many

7、different Christian denominations have existed.vv I. The Anglican or Church of England II. The Protestant Church e.g. Methodists(卫理会)and Congregationalists(公理会) III. The Roman Catholic Church8I. The Church of England (Anglican Church)v1. Henry VIII, 1534, declared himself head of the English Church

8、(permission; divorce; Pope; refusal)v2. Reformation of the English church (worship and doctrine) Edward VI: Protestantismv3. Mary I: Catholic reactionv4. Elizabeth I: The Church of England was established on a moderate Protestant basis. ( since the 16th century, the reigning King or Queen of England

9、- head of the Church of England; the established /official church in England till today)9II. The other protestant churchesvDespite its official status, the Church of England is only a minority.vMany of the Protestant churches were founded as a result of the Reformation which spread throughout Europe

10、.vDissentersnon-conformist members of the Free Churches Quakers(贵格会贵格会), Baptists(浸礼会)(浸礼会), Methodists (公理会), Congregationalist(卫理会卫理会), Presbyterian 长老会长老会( the official church in Scotland, Church of Scotland)10vThey are less ceremonial. The focus is on the individuals personal relationship to God

11、 achieved through prayer & reading the Bible. 11III. The Roman Catholic Churchv1 in 10 British citizens claim to be a Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholic Church attaches a lot of importance to religious education of its children & requires that its members try to bring up children in the Catholic fai

12、th.12One major difference between the Catholic & Anglican churchesvThe difference in power & authority they give to the heads of their churches. In C, the Pope is seen as Gods representative on earth and source of all authority within the worldwide C C. In A, though the Queen is the nominal head of

13、the A C, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the religious head of the A C & seen as subject to Gods authority just as is every member of his church. 13Another Major DifferencevAnother major difference is the emphasis given to Virgin Mary, Jesus mother. In C, she is seen as a mediator between worshipper

14、 & God and as such is worshipped and is the subject of prayer. For A she has no special power. 14major differencesvCatholic church: Pope is Gods representative on earth and the holy authority; the priest acts as a link between the individual and God; Virgin Mary is a mediator between the people and

15、God and is the object of prayer.vAnglican church: the bishops act as administrators and the clergy lead worship; the individual is directly in communication with and responsible to God; Virgin Mary has no special power to mediate between the worshipper and God.15About Christianity16ChristianityvWith

16、 an approximately 2 billion people world wide. Christianity is arguably the largest religion in the world today. Started at around 30 AD, Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Christianity, with its roots in Judaism, was founded in the first century in Palestine by the dis

17、ciples 门徒 of Jesus. Many missionaries spread it, despite heavy persecution, throughout the Roman Empire. The various books written by Jesus followers after his death, called the New Testament, along with the Old Testament makes up the Christian Bible. The Bible holds all the teachings of Jesus on ho

18、w all Christians should live out their lives.17Jesus Christ vA Jew who lived in Palestine 2,000 years ago and is accepted by Christians as the son of God. vMiraculously conceived by a virgin named Mary.vBecame a carpenter by trade.vThen started preaching and performing miracles. 18vHis teaching conf

19、licted with orthodox Jewish laws and doctrines.vAt the age of 33, executed by crucifixion. (crucified)v3 days later rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven; send his spirit into the hearts of his 12 apostles to inspire them to spread his teaching. 19v. As the son of God, Jesus Christ came to earth

20、to teach about love and fellowship. He represents the person that all Christians must strive to be. Christians believe that he is the only one that ever lived on earth that can be called perfect from all worldly sins. By believing that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, the Spirit of God exists in all

21、 believers, and that God is almighty in power.20v Christs teaching was based on love: love of God, and love of our neighbour, ie. of all our fellow-men regardless of race. Love, humanity(人性),repentance(忏悔) and prayer lead to everlasting happiness in Heaven. 21Jesus Christs Teaching v Based on love:

22、Love of all our fellow-menLove of our neighborLove of God22vLovevHumanity vRepentance vprayerRepentance prayerhumanityLove 23vThe Bible- the holy book of Christianity; 2 testaments; the Old Testament consists the Jewish writings before Christ; the New one contains 4 gospels of the life of Christ.24T

23、he BiblevThe holy book of Christianity.veg. Story of Adam and Eve from GenesisThe BibleThe Old Testament The New Testament25The Ten Commandments vThe Ten Commandments are found in the Bible and are central to the Christian faith. They are believed to be the word of God and to have been handed down t

24、o his people through the prophet Moses, recorded in the Book of Exodus(出埃及记). They set out a basic ethical system of moral and social behavior, governing the standards of family relations, regard for human life, sex, property, speech and thought.26The Ten Commandmentsv1. I am the Lord your God v2. Y

25、ou shall not worship any other God but me; v3.You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.v4. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day (the day of rest-Sunday安息日).27v5.Love thy father and thy mother; v6. You shall not commit murder; v7. You shall not commit adultery; v8. You shall not steal; v9.

26、 You shall not accuse others falsely; v10. You shall not desire another mans property of anything that he owns.28Other Religions in BritainvThe Jewish Community (350 congregations) in Britain is the second largest in Europe.vThe Muslim Community (immigrants from Pakistan & Bangladesh) is around 1 mi

27、llion and there are over 600 mosques and prayer centers throughout Britain.vThe Hindu Community of about 300,000 originates from India. The first Hindu temple was founded in London in 1962.vThe Buddhist Community is made up of mostly British converts to the faith. There are about 150 groups and 50 c

28、enters throughout Britain.29The Decline of Religion in the UKvDuring the 19th century, religion was very popular. During the 20th century, it has seriously declined. Only a minority go to church regularly. A large proportion of people are not really interested in it at all.v According to a recent su

29、rvey, more than a quarter of Britons thought the world would be more peaceful with nobody believing in God, but very few people in other countries (e.g. the US) agreed.30vReasons: successes of modern science (Darwins Theory of Evolution) are partly responsible; the general improvement in social cond

30、itions and the variety of modern entertainment have made religion appear rather irrelevant.vBut lots of people who do not go to church still believe in God and Heaven in a confused sort of way. They like to get married in church and perhaps have their children christened (洗礼/在洗礼中取名字)in church, and t

31、hey would certainly like to have a Christian funeral whey they die.31vPeople were asked how often they went to Church:v43% go to church on special occasionsv22% worship occasionallyv17% worship regularlyv18% never worship32Compare: Americansv86% believe in Godv46% attend church every week or almost

32、every weekv63% think religion can answer all or most of todays problemsv68% claim that they are a member of a local church33vWhy is there great difference in terms of religiousness between the US and the UK?34Taoism and Chinese culturevPhilosophical Concept: Tao (道)v易经:一阴一阳之谓道。vTao consists in Yin and Yang.The Book of Changes (600 BC)35v 天地与我并生, 而万物 与我为一。 Heaven and earth coexist with me, and I am identified with everything in the universe.庄子(369-286 BC)36



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