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1、What are you doingin the rainy weather?Review lesson (U8 & U9)Listen and answer the questions.v1. Are they having a good time?v2. Hows the weather?v3. Whats Molly doing?Listen and answer the questions.v1.v2.v3.Yes, they are.Its sunny.Shes reading a book.开心开心词词典典 词语接龙vWeve learnt many words about the

2、 weather and peoples activities, now lets have a brainstorm.v头脑风暴第头脑风暴第8、9单元描述天气以及人们单元描述天气以及人们活动的词汇,并一个接一个地大声说出来,活动的词汇,并一个接一个地大声说出来,尽量不要重复哦!尽量不要重复哦!Add more words in each box. WeatherrainyActivitieswatching TVWeatherActivitiesrainy, snowy, cloudy, windy, sunny, cold, hot, dry, warm, coolwatching TV;

3、 cleaning; reading a newspaper; talking on the phone; listening to a CD; using the computer; making soup; washing the dishes; exercising; shopping; swimming; cooking;playing basketball单词化妆师单词化妆师 1.sun (形容词) _ 2. wind ( 形容词)_ 3.rain (形容词) _ 4.cloud(形容词) _ 5.hot ( 反义词) _ 6.child (复数) _ 7.have (第三人称单数+

4、现在分词)_sunnywindyrainycloudycoldchildrenhas + having短语大通关短语大通关1.Do you want to _(去看电影)?2.Could you just tell him to _(给我回电话)?3.Im _ visiting my aunt in Canada. (过得愉快)4.My family and I are _ (度假) in the mountains.5.I want to _(给你打电话)but my phone isnt working.6.Im _ you.(我正在给你写信)7.The weather here is c

5、ool and cloudy, _ walking. (恰好适合散步)go to the moviescall me backhaving a great timeon a vacationcall you writing tojust right for连词成连词成句句Its raining.询问:询问:How is the weather?如何谈论天气如何谈论天气How to talk about the weather?回答:回答:Its Whats the weather like? BeijingGuangzhouChengduKunmingShanghaiA: Hows the w

6、eather in ? Whats the weather like in ?B: Its in Its cloudy.People do different things in different weather.Shes running.Hows the weather?Whats she doing? different weather & different activitiesWhat tense is it?这是什么时态?vHe is drawing.vShe is playing soccer.v Theyre playing volleyball.vHes taking a p

7、hoto of a boy.vShes writing a letter.vShes sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.The Present Continuous Tensebe + v. -ing am / is / are + 现在分词现在分词现现 在在 进进 行行 时时观察与思考观察与思考v1. 定义定义v2. 标志词标志词v3. 结构结构表示目前或现阶段正在进行的动作表示目前或现阶段正在进行的动作now, look, listen, its oclockbe + V-ing How to add -ing to a verb?

8、vHe is drawing.vShe is playing soccer.vHes taking a photo of a boy.vShes writing a letter.vShes sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.4. 动词-ing形式的构成 一般在动词原形后+ing以不发音的e结尾的,去e,+ing重读闭音节以一个元音+一个辅音字母结尾的,双写这一字母,+ingdrawplaydrawingplaying write take have writing taking having sit get run swim sitt

9、ing getting running swimming例: 她正在游泳。 She is swimming.肯定句:肯定句:否定句:否定句: She is not swimming.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Is she swimming?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, she is.否定回答:否定回答:No, she isnt.What is she doing?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:牛刀小试牛刀小试v1. Julie with her friends _ games now. (用play的适当形式填空)v2. It often _ here in summer. Look! Its _ n

10、ow. (用rain的适当形式填空)v3. Uncle Joe is watching TV. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)v_?v_.v4. Theyre shopping in a supermarket. (就划线部分提问)v_?is playingIs Uncle Joe watching TVNo, he isnt.Where are they shoppingrainsraining会话会话演练演练vRick: Hello! Rick speaking.vSteve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve. Hows it going?vRick: Not bad. Hows

11、 it going with you?vSteve: Great! Im visiting my grandma in Mexico.vRick: Sounds like youre having a good time. Hows the weather there?vSteve: Its warm and sunny. Whats the weather like in your country?vRick: Oh terrible! Its raining now. vSteve: What are you doing in the rainy weather?vRick: Im rea

12、ding a book.Great!Pretty good.Not bad.Terrible!这是英语中常用的一这是英语中常用的一句问候语。句问候语。 可翻译为:可翻译为:近况如何?一切还好近况如何?一切还好吗?吗?【探究探究总结】常用常用电话用用语小小结1.我是我是Rick.2.This is Rick (speaking). / Its Rick.3.Rick speaking.4.2. 你是哪一位?你是哪一位? Whos that? 5.3. 你你 是是 Steve吗 ? Is that Steve (speaking)?4. 我我可可以以跟跟讲话吗?/ 请找找接接电话好好吗?May/C

13、an I speak to. . . , please?5. 我能替他捎个口信我能替他捎个口信吗?Can I take a message for him?vA: Hi! Hows it going?vB: vA: Hows the weather there?vB: Its vA: What are you doing now?vB: Im Make up your own dialogue.Hi, Jeff! This is Bob.Not bad.Terrible. Its windy. What are you doing?Oh, hi, Bob. Hows it going?Hows

14、 the weather there?Im watching TV.读写达人Its winter in Canada. The weather is _ and _. people are _ hats and sweaters. Friends are _ in a restaurant. In a park, a musician is _ and some young people are _. Look! Two boys are _ and a man is _ of the sky(天空). They are having a great time.Look at these pi

15、ctures. Then fill in the blanks. cold windydrinking teaplaying the guitarsingingwearingplaying soccertaking a photo 假假如如今今天天是是周周日日,济东中中学学六六年年级二二班班的的同同学学们正正在在山山里里度度假假,天天气气温温暖暖,阳阳光光明明媚媚,大大家家都都玩玩得得很很高高兴。有有的的在在唱唱歌歌,有有的的在在跳跳舞舞,有有的的在在拍拍照照,还有有的的在在作作画画请适当适当发挥想象,描述一下想象,描述一下这次游玩的次游玩的场面。面。 (1)此此篇篇作作文文题目目以以一一次次

16、班班级度度假假活活动为主主线,以以谈论天天气气及及度度假假活活动为主主要要内内容容,在在写写作作中中要要用用到到描描述述天天气气的的句句型型,还需需要要使使用用现在在进行行时态描描写写同同学学们游游玩玩时的的活活动。另外,不要忘了写同学另外,不要忘了写同学们的的感受感受哦。哦。 (2) 实用短用短语、句型、句型储备: on a vacation in the mountains Its sunny/fine/warm. . . have a great time take photos 主主语+ be + V-ing (3) 写作提示:写作提示: a. 不少于不少于60个个词 b. 注注意意书

17、写写规范范(手手写写体体、标点点、大小写)大小写) c. 所写信息要全,可适当所写信息要全,可适当发挥想象想象 Its Sunday today. The weather is warm and sunny. We are on a vacation in the mountains. All the students are having a great time. Listen! Two girls are singing under a tree. Look!Five boys are dancing over there. Some students are drawing and o

18、thers are taking photos. What am I doing? Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice. Its very interesting and relaxing here. We like it a lot.v满分15分。以下为扣分点:v1. 书面不整洁,扣3分v2. 书写不规范(不用手写体;大小写;标点)一处扣0.5分v3. 单词拼写错误,一处扣0.5分v4. 语法错误,一处扣1分v5. 内容要充实,包括天气、活动和感受三方面。少一项扣2分。复习Unit 8、9 单词、课文(A, B, C)复习Unit 8、9错题 (A, B, C)把同步P161“书面表达”写在作文本上(A, B)



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