高一英语:Unit3 Looking good,feeling goodWord power课件牛津译林版

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1、UNIT 3 LOOKING GOOD, FEELING GOOD1. Are you interested in sports? 2. What kind of sports are you particularly fond of?3. Are there any school clubs in your school? 4. Have you ever joined one of them? If not, are you planning to join one? Nov. 1, 2005, Tuesday SunnyTomorrow is the open day for the s

2、ports clubs at school. There are many new clubs. Now that Im in Senior High, I can join clubs like the archery club or the gymnastics club. I was never very good at these two sports so maybe I will choose the martial arts club. Hmm, maybe I dont want to get hurt. I think I would like to join the fol

3、k dancing club as I quite like dancing. There is also the skating club. What about baseball or softball? Everyone is playing these new sports now. It may be fun. Oh! I really dont know which sport to choose. I will decide tomorrow. archery 射箭射箭gymnastics 体操体操martial arts 武术武术folk dancing 民间舞蹈民间舞蹈ska

4、ting 溜冰溜冰baseball 棒球棒球softball 垒球垒球get hurt 受伤受伤 Youd better wear a hat, or youll get sunburnt.你最好戴顶帽子,要不太阳会晒黑你的脸。你最好戴顶帽子,要不太阳会晒黑你的脸。They got married four years ago. 他们四年前结婚的。他们四年前结婚的。get killedget dressedget paidget lost被杀被杀穿上衣服穿上衣服被付工资,得到报酬被付工资,得到报酬迷失,迷路迷失,迷路 高考链接高考链接Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you

5、 wont have time to _ before the party. (2004全国全国) A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to changehurt vt & vi She hurt her leg when she fell.Im sorry if I hurt your feelings.My left leg hurts.(身体上身体上) 受伤受伤(情感上情感上) 受伤害受伤害疼痛疼痛Look at part B and try to know something about the following s

6、ports.wrestlinghockeycyclingice dancingsurfingrunninggolfinghurdlingboatingskiinghorse-ridingtable tennisspeed skatinghigh jumplong jumpswimmingdivingshot putsailingjavelinWORD POWER Look at your textbooks Fill in the blanks of part C and Dbasketball, volleyball, football, baseball, aerobics, squash

7、, swimming, table tennis, tennis, badmintonkeep fit=keep healthyfit adj. vt. n.I think he is really fit for the new job.The blouse fitted me well.The coat is a nice fit! 适合适合,合身合身build up树立,建立;树立,建立; 累积,建成;累积,建成; 增进(健康,体力)增进(健康,体力) He built up his wealth by printing the works of famous writers.他靠印刷名

8、家著作逐渐致富。他靠印刷名家著作逐渐致富。This particular equipment can help build up muscles.这种特别的器材可以帮助强健肌肉。这种特别的器材可以帮助强健肌肉。build up strength 养精蓄锐,增加力气养精蓄锐,增加力气on ones own单独,独自单独,独自 =alone= by oneself of ones own “属于某人自己的属于某人自己的” Are you sure he is old enough to travel on his own?你确定他年龄够大,可以独自旅行了吗?你确定他年龄够大,可以独自旅行了吗?At

9、 that time I was crazy about music and dreamed of having a violin of my own.那时我对音乐很着迷,梦想有一把属于自己的那时我对音乐很着迷,梦想有一把属于自己的小提琴。小提琴。1. _ is a game which is usually played in the US by 2 teams of 9 people. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run around in the field.2. The first gold medal that China w

10、on in the Olympics is in Mens _.3. _ is a sport in which people play on lakes which have a thick layer of ice.BaseballshootingSkating4. You will be attracted by the traditional music and _ in Tibet or in Yunnan Province.5. Wushu, which is a Chinese _, is trying to get into the Olympics.6. In _, peop

11、le will compete in three different sports, usually swimming, cycling and running.folk dancemartial arttriathlon7. When doing _, you will not only enjoy the beautiful music, but also strengthen the heart and lungs.8. _ is a sport in which the athletes run 42,195 meters.9. When playing _, you kick a b

12、all and there are 10 other people in your team.aerobicsMarathonfootball10. In a game, there are 6 players in each team. They try to pat a ball over a net. It is a _ game.11. Michael Jordan, Oneal and Yao Ming are _ players.12. Tian Liang and Guo Jingjing won gold medals for _ in the 10th National Ga

13、mes.volleyballbasketballdivingSOME TOPICSgroup 1: What can sports give us?group 2: What is your favorite sport?group 3: say something about basketballgroup 4: look at the actions and guess the names of the sports Advice There are many different ways to lose weight. The most important thing is that y

14、ou have to burn more calories than you consume. Simply eating less is not always the best way to lose weight. A better way is to take regular exercise every day. 棒球常棒球常规知知识1) 世界性世界性业余棒球运余棒球运动管理机构的名称:国管理机构的名称:国际棒棒联是世界是世界业余棒余棒球管理机构。球管理机构。IBA是国是国际棒球棒球联合会的合会的简称。称。 2) 棒球比棒球比赛中的裁判:裁判人中的裁判:裁判人员包括一名主裁判(司球裁判

15、包括一名主裁判(司球裁判员)三名司三名司垒裁判裁判员和若干名和若干名记分分员。司球裁判。司球裁判员负责使用使用规定手定手势同同时喊出喊出“球球”或或“击”。司。司垒裁判裁判员判定安全和出局。判定安全和出局。 3) 棒球棒球队的的组成:一个棒球成:一个棒球队由由9名名队员组成。成。实际上一个上一个队可以可以有有20名名队员,但只能有,但只能有9名名队员上上场。(替。(替补队员没数量限制。没数量限制。但是替但是替补队员不能第二次上不能第二次上场比比赛) 4) 棒球棒球场地的地的规格:格:简要地要地说,球,球场分分为内内场和外和外场。内。内场为正正方形。四个角上名有一个方形。四个角上名有一个垒位,内

16、位,内场也叫也叫“方方块”。内。内场是由界是由界内地区与界外内地区与界外场临界的两个界的两个过和界旬地区另外两个和界旬地区另外两个边围绕而成。而成。或或译为:内内场呈正方形,其中两个呈正方形,其中两个边紧接外接外场院(属界内地区)院(属界内地区),另两个,另两个边紧接界外地区。接界外地区。 5) 击球球员击出什么出什么样的球叫本的球叫本垒打:打:击球球员能打出跑完各能打出跑完各垒回到回到本本垒的球叫本的球叫本垒打。多数本打。多数本垒打球都从界内外打球都从界内外场地区地区飞出出围栏。 6) 棒球运棒球运动员的个人基本技的个人基本技术:个人的基本技:个人的基本技术包括:包括:击、投、投、守、准确守

17、、准确传球、跑球、跑垒和和偷垒。7) 投手如何投球:可以使用各种不同的握球方法投出,如曲投手如何投球:可以使用各种不同的握球方法投出,如曲线球、球、滑球、指滑球、指节球和快速球等。球和快速球等。8) 成功成功击球的要球的要领:最重要性是:最重要性是击球的站立姿球的站立姿势,向后引,向后引棒,伸踏,棒,伸踏,挥棒,中球和后棒,中球和后继动作。作。9) 棒球比棒球比赛有哪些防守位置:棒球防守位置有投手,接手,有哪些防守位置:棒球防守位置有投手,接手,一一垒手,二手,二垒手,三手,三垒手,游手,游击手,左外手,左外场员,中外,中外场员,右外右外场员。垒球技球技术难度、运度、运动剧烈程度低于棒球,后成




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