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1、第一部分第一部分 服务业介绍服务业介绍第二章第二章 服务的界定、特征及分类服务的界定、特征及分类l学习目标什么是服务?服务有哪些特征?服务有哪些不同的分类方法?什么是服务?什么是服务?l1960年,美国市场营销协会(AMA)最早对服务的定义为:“用于出售或者是同产品连在一起进行出售的活动、利益或满足感”。l在此后较长时间里,这一定义一直被许多学者广泛采用。但这一定义的缺陷也是明显的,它没有将服务的无形性凸现出来,因此在一定程度上混淆了有形产品同无形服务的最本质区别。什么是服务?什么是服务?l1990年,当代服务管理理论与思想大师格鲁洛斯(Gronroos)在综合前人观点的基础上,提出了试图为所

2、有人接受的定义:“服务是以无形的方式,在顾客与服务员、有形资源、产品或服务系统之间发生的,可以解决顾客问题的一种或一系列行为”。 格鲁洛斯的观点较为综合,也比较有代表性,并明确指出了服务的本质特征。l但由于服务自身的复杂性,服务的内涵处于不断变化之中,该定义也有它的局限性。什么是服务?什么是服务?l服务是什么?S: smile for everyoneE: excellence in everything doR: reaching out to every customer with hospitalityV: viewing every customer as specialI: invi

3、ting your customer to returnC: creating a warm atmosphereE: eye contact that show we carel我们可以根据这七个字母的含义,来检查自己的服务表现。服务的五大特征服务的五大特征l无形性l无法品尝,无法触摸,只能体验。l顾客最终评判服务质量。l顾客是独特的,每一个顾客对服务的体验也是独特的。l无形服务的有形化。l口碑的重要性。服务的五大特征服务的五大特征l生产与消费的同时性l顾客参与服务生产过程。l员工授权的重要性。服务的五大特征服务的五大特征l不可储存性l服务高峰期与低估的管理。服务的五大特征服务的五大特征l不

4、可转移性服务的五大特征服务的五大特征l不稳定性l服务员不同,顾客不同,每次服务都有独特性。l柔性战略。小资料小资料 饭店服务三句话饭店服务三句话l每个人和所有的人都一样。顾客的共性需求特征。l每个人和所有的人都不一样。顾客的个性需求特征。l每个人和一部分人都一样。顾客的群体需求特征讨论讨论l服务的五大特征给服务管理带来哪些挑战? 案例案例l万豪:“We take care of the employee and then they will take care of the guests ”。第四章第四章 服务质量的界定与测量服务质量的界定与测量l学习目标什么是服务质量?服务质量的构成要素与衡

5、量标准。服务质量的评估模型。服务质量的差距模式。 案例案例 -PLEASANT服务的用餐体验服务的用餐体验服务质量的界定服务质量的界定l服务质量是指服务活动所能达到规定要求和满足客人需求的能力与程度。 服务质量的构成要素服务质量的构成要素l技术性质量:指服务生产过程的结果,也称为结果质量。即企业提供的服务项目、服务时间、设施设备、服务质量标准、环境气氛等满足顾客需求的程度。如餐馆为顾客提供的菜肴和酒水是否满足客人需要等。技术性质量技术性质量l服务设备设备设施的舒适程度。设备设施的完好程度。如客房马桶堵塞,空调失灵、电器损坏等,即使服务态度较好,提高服务质量也是一句空话。l服务项目基本服务项目附


7、惯;坐、立、行、说要讲究姿势,动作优美,语言文雅动听、规范化;坚持微笑服务等。l服务技巧服务礼仪服务礼仪l你是谁? 请问您是哪位?l你叫什么名字? 对不起,我没听清楚你的名字。l你要什么? 我能帮您什么忙吗?l请说大声点。 对不起,我听不到您在说什么。您能说大声一点吗?l喔,我不是你要找的人。 对不起,某某先生,您要找的人不是我。服务技巧服务技巧l你得打电话到财务办公室。 我们的财务办公室可以提供这方面的信息。我很高兴帮您与他们联系l“像您这样地位的人 ”这暗示了对方的社会地位很高,所从事的工作很重要别害怕在对方脸上贴金,因为大家都喜欢听到好话和美言技术性质量和功能性质量的互动技术性质量和功能

8、性质量的互动l技术性质量和功能性质量相互作用、相互影响,是一个有机的统一体,在二者之间合理配置资源,有助于服务质量的优化。服务质量的衡量标准服务质量的衡量标准l可靠性 :指企业可靠地、准确无误地完成所承诺的服务的能力。它是企业服务质量属性的核心内容和关键部分。顾客希望可靠的服务来获得美好的经历。而企业也把服务的可靠性作为树立企业信誉的重要手段。服务质量的衡量标准服务质量的衡量标准l反应性:指企业准备随时帮助客人并提供迅速有效服务的愿望。反应性体现了企业服务传递系统的效率,并反映了服务传递系统的设计是否以顾客的需求为导向。服务传递系统要以顾客的利益为重,尽量缩减顾客在消费过程中的等候时间。当服务

9、传递系统出现故障导致服务失败时,及时的解决问题将会给顾客的感知质量带来积极的影响。 服务质量的衡量标准服务质量的衡量标准l保证性:指企业的员工所具有的知识技能、礼貌礼节以及所表现出的自信与可信的能力。首先,员工应具有完成服务的知识和技能,这是赢得顾客信任的重要因素;其次,对顾客的礼貌和尊重;第三,员工要有可信的态度,主动与顾客进行沟通与交流,适时适地地帮助他们。服务质量的衡量标准服务质量的衡量标准l移情性:指企业的服务工作始终以客人为核心,关注他们的实际需求,并设身处地地为他们着想。在服务过程,员工要主动接近顾客,掌握他们的需求,同时要对他们的心理变化和潜在需求有很强的敏感性,从而使整个服务过

10、程充满了人情味。服务质量的衡量标准服务质量的衡量标准l有形性:指企业通过一些有效的途径设施设备、人员、气氛等传递服务质量的形式。服务具有无形性的特点,因此必须通过有形的物质实体来展示服务质量。一方面有形性提供了服务质量的线索,另一方面,有形性对顾客评价服务质量提供了直接的依据。顾客感知服务质量顾客感知服务质量口碑个人需要过去的经验服务质量要素可靠性响应性保证性移情性有形性预期服务感知服务感知服务质量1、超出预期 惊喜2、满足期望 满意3、低于期望 失望服务质量的评估模型服务质量的评估模型lSERVQUAL模型lSERVPERF模型服务差距模型服务差距模型与顾客的与顾客的外部沟通外部沟通口碑口碑





15、0余家分店提供相同的服务。l对服务标准化的程度越高,就越容易进行规范,服务差距2 也就越小。差距差距2:没有将管理层认识转化为适当的服:没有将管理层认识转化为适当的服务设计务设计l差距2的原因分析:感知的不可行。l即管理人员对消费者需求感知的不可行。l感知不可行是一种管理理念,可能对企业形成约束。l感知不可行如果是由于部分管理人员狭隘的短期思维所致,那么就应该进行制止,激励并引导管理人员发挥创造性思维,对顾客需求采取乐观的方法。差距差距3:服务的传递不符合设计标准:服务的传递不符合设计标准l服务质量差距3,是指管理层确定的服务标准与提供给消费者的服务质量之间的差距。l因此,即使企业领导将他们对



18、务公司为获得更大的市场而过分热情,他们往往会做出远离现实的承诺。服务利润链模型服务利润链模型l美国学者James Heskett等在客户忠诚度研究、员工及客户忠诚的决定因素研究的基础上提出了服务利润链的概念。l它揭示了企业的利润与客户忠诚度和满意度,以及与员工忠诚度、满意度、生产率之间的关系。员工稳定内部服务质量员工满意度员工生产率客户满意度客户忠诚度收入增长利润率外部服务质量服务利润链模型服务利润链模型客户保留重复光顾介绍导引其他客户满足客户需求的服务设计和服务提供顾客感知服务质量工作地设计工作设计员工选择开发员工报酬和奖励客户服务的工具企业利润和成长基于忠诚的客户客户忠诚是客户满意的直接结

19、果客户满意度受企业提供的价值影响满意、忠诚和有能力的员工创造价值员工忠诚满意主要来源于企业内高质量的服务支持体系和公司政策第二部分第二部分 如何从战略、人员和系统视角提高服如何从战略、人员和系统视角提高服务质量务质量第五章第五章 理解顾客理解顾客顾客是顾客是顾客是来到本企业的最重要的人无论是亲自拜访,是电话来访,还是信函委托。最终为我的工资单付款的人。我的确是在为她工作。一个我不应当与之争论的人。Dale Carnegie说过:“赢得争论的唯一途径是避免争论”尤其是与顾客争论。一个让我学会耐心的人,即便他并总是对我具有耐心。顾客是顾客是(续)(续)一个既能够使我成功也能够使我失败的人,全看我怎

20、样对她的评价作出反应。 只要我能够控制自己的反应,就能轻松把握自己的命运。一个像我一样怀有偏爱和偏见的人。 他也许不喜欢我的发型而我也不喜欢他的着装。但他仍然是一个特别的人,因为他是我的顾客。一个我应当小心翼翼不去冒犯的人。即便她是错的,我也应委婉地,有礼貌地指出他的错误。一个有时候意味着一种挑战的人。顾客是顾客是(续)(续)我接受挑战并且很高兴能使她转怒为喜。一个非常特别的人。她作为我的顾客只有短短的几分钟而在此期间我却能够帮助她百分之一百地满足她的需要。一个我会不计劳苦对待的人。他也许不会注意到这一点,但我却知道平庸与优秀之间的差别其实只有百分之十SAS的故事的故事服务三角服务三角(ser

21、vice triangle)服务员工服务系统服务战略顾客能够提供优质服务的企业所具备的共能够提供优质服务的企业所具备的共同特点同特点l好的服务战略l以顾客为导向的一线员工l从客人角度出发的公司体制和制度顾客顾客理解客人是提供优质服务的关理解客人是提供优质服务的关键所在键所在l“顾客就是上帝”?顾客:你为我做了什么?顾客:你为我做了什么?l你认为你给顾客所提供的服务质量和顾客实际感受到的服务质量往往是两码事。我们要做的,不光是要给客人提供优质服务,更重要的是要让他们感受到这一点。我们要知道顾客的感受。顾客顾客l顾客所关心的是自己的需求有没有得到满足。因此,要尽其所能地去为顾客提供优质的服务,而不






27、应变化的表现使得铁路旅行大幅度下滑Coffee break 的故事的故事l这儿是一个非常小但却具有说服力的案例,是一位前来参加我们服务管理研讨会的酒店业的培训人员说的。他曾经和酒店的各个经理和主管们一起开了个研讨会,会议的主题是顾客服务质量。当快到coffee break时,有人问到:“在诸如coffee break这样的关键时刻中,什么因素是最重要的呢?”于是,他对在场的人员作了一个调查,以发现他们每个人到底是怎样想的。Coffee break 的故事(续)的故事(续)l过了一会,这位培训人员作了一个公开研究。他问咖啡服务员,他们认为对于一次coffee break而言,什么是最重要的?他还

28、询问了酒店经理和酒水经理的看法。侍者、酒店经理、餐饮经理,他们都一致认为,咖啡应该是高质量的,煮得非常好,盛装在优雅的瓷器中,它应该从放在干净的、放得非常周到的餐桌上的精致的咖啡壶中倒出来。Coffee break 的故事(续)的故事(续) l参加研讨会的人都没有提到上述这些答案。他们想要得是如何能方便快速地去倒咖啡,而不要绕过一大群拥挤的人潮才能走到咖啡壶那儿。他们还希望咖啡区能离卫生间和电话近一点,而这些都是策划者从未想到过的。这表明,参加人员对于咖啡的需求时放在更大的空间背景之下来考虑的。没有人提到咖啡的质量和风味。“有多少次我们尝试着用顾客根本就不关心的东西来吸引他们”那位酒店培训人喃

29、喃自语道。Coffee break 的故事(续)的故事(续)l想当然地认为我们知道了顾客的需求,直到他们愿意为什么花钱,这是非常危险的做法。那些在收集顾客心理信息资料方面缺乏经验的管理者们对此思考甚少。许多人依靠他们对于顾客所了解的“显然事实”。但就像我们在coffee break这个例子中所看到的那样,我们所认为理所当然的事情,并不一定就是事实。引用Sherlock Holmes的一句话:“没有什么东西比所谓的明显的事实更具有蒙骗性了”。美国西南航空公司的例子美国西南航空公司的例子l西南航空公司就是一个非常好的例子,它运用其对顾客的理解来发现并证明什么是顾客所真正需要的。就像其他企业一样,航



32、等等;心理特征,如态度、偏好、信仰、价值观,等等。lCoffee Break的故事l“There is nothing so deceptive as an obvious fact”l调研问卷的设计第六章第六章 服务战略服务战略lFocus strategy on the key drivers of guest satisfaction.lGive the people everything you can give them. Keep the place as clean as you can keep it. Keep it friendly, you know. Make it a

33、 real fun place to be.l - Walt DisneyChapter 7Developing the hospitality culture:everyone serves!接待业的服务文化接待业的服务文化人人服务人人服务lDefine and build a total service culture.lWork together with employees to develop a “can-do” culture of honesty, integrity, energy, and initiative.l -Norman Brinker, Former CEO,

34、Chilis Restaurant企业文化企业文化l我们大多数人-学生、职员、管理者、研究人员-都生活在组织中,并与其打交道。然而,我们发现要了解和证实很多我们在自己的组织生活中所观察和体验的现象都是非常困难的 。例如,当权人物,我们的顶头上司,经常使人感到沮丧或难以理解,那些我们认为是企业“领导人”的人常常使我们丧失信心,有负众望。企业文化企业文化l用“顾客”的眼光细心观察商店、银行航空公司或饭店时,我们会感到有很大差别,各个企业的形象以及给人的印象不相同,商店或饭馆的服务员对我们的服务态度差别很大,有时粗鲁的、缺乏表情的和轻率的服务方式使人厌恶。l我们往往在感到愉快或不愉快时,总是夸赞或埋



37、他们能够从财务产品和市场销售等方面全面综合地制定战略,但是,他们很难实施这些战略。因为这些战略需要有与以前完全不同的假设、价值观和工作方式。企业合并、兼并和多元化经营的成败。l食品包装企业收购经营良好的汉堡餐馆的例子。企业文化对战略实施的影响企业文化对战略实施的影响lIn chapter 3, we talk about defining a service strategy. That strategy is no more than a paper reality. Implementing it is impossible without a supporting culture. No

38、 matter how brilliant and well thought out the strategy is, it will fail if it doesnt fit with the organizations culture.企业文化与员工承诺企业文化与员工承诺lHospitality organizations require an especially high level of commitment and understanding. Because the guest experience it to an extent intangible and each mom

39、ent during the experience is so critical to determining guest satisfaction with the experience, employees must have extensive knowledge of both the service itself and the guests they serve and ability to respond quickly to the many variations in guest expectations.lBut knowledge is not enough. Emplo

40、yees must also have high levels of motivation to deliver the hospitality experience consistently, in the way it should be done. Consequently, a strong and focused organizational culture becomes an especially important managerial emphasis in hospitality organizations.Culture as a competitive advantag

41、e文化可以成为企业的竞争优势文化可以成为企业的竞争优势lThe organizations culture can be a significant competitive advantage if it has value to its members, is unique, and cannot be easily copied by others.lIf an organization has a thriving culture that others cannot readily duplicate, it can use that culture to attract both c

42、ustomers and employees.lWorking in a culture where the employees truly have the “spirit” is very different from working in a typical nine-to-five job.Culture and reputation 文化与企业声誉文化与企业声誉lA companys culture, like a persons character, drives it reputation. Companies whose culture honor customers, emp

43、loyees, and shareholders usually have excellent reputation.lIf the culture supports excellent service, then the members learn that providing excellent service is what they are supposed to do.An examplel“there are frequently people who have migrated to Orlando specifically to work at Disney, often wi

44、th exceedingly high, perhaps nave, exceptions about the park. While these expectations are sometimes vague notions that Disney must be “the epitome of the fun place to work”, at other times they reflect a high level of personal investment with the park and with its power to raise the innocuous or mu

45、ndane lives of average people into the fantastical and magical existence of the Disney cast member.”Management by culture运用文化进行管理运用文化进行管理lThe stronger the culture, the less necessary it is to rely on the typical bureaucratic management controls-policies, procedures, managerial directives-found in tr

46、aditional industrial organizations.Management by culturelIf the culture can effectively substitute for such expensive control mechanisms, that in itself is a pretty good reason for the hospitality organization to spend money on building its culture.lSince hospitality organizations must find ways to

47、delegate more decision-making responsibility to their employees, especially their guest-contact employees, they must rely on strong cultural values to ensure that their people do the right things for their guests. Culture as a competency文化作为企业文化作为企业的能力的能力lIf an organizations culture is strong, it be

48、comes another core competency.lAs would be true for other core competencies, the organization that seeks to do something incompatible with its culture is likely to fail.lIf, for example, the organizations culture is accustomed to providing a high-value service experience, any manager trying to imple

49、ment a cost-saving move that somehow jeopardizes that experience will meet resistance.Culture fills the gaps企业文化可以填补企业文化可以填补管理真空管理真空lMany bureaucratic organizations believe that the best way to make sure employees do the right thing in their jobs is to establish extensive rules and regulations to co

50、ver every possible contingency. Ideally, there would be a rule for every possibility.Culture fills the gapslExcellent hospitality organizations, knowing that rules and procedures cannot cover everything, spend their time defining and teaching the culture so that their employees will know how they sh

51、ould act in treating their guests and one another.lThese organizations teach their employees as much as they can, then rely on culture to fill in the inevitable gaps between what can be predicted and what actually happens when guests enter the service setting.The importance of the leaders领导在塑领导在塑造企业

52、文化过程中的重要作用造企业文化过程中的重要作用lGetting everyone in the organization committed to high levels of guest service is a daunting challenge. Not only did Walt Disney, Herb Keller of Southwest Airlines, and Bill Marriott spend the personal time and energy necessary to create and sustain the organizational culture

53、 that defines the corporate values for which their organizations are famous; they also got their employees and managers to believe in the culture as well.The importance of the leaderslThey knew that as leaders, they were responsible for defining the culture. They all had a strong commitment to excel

54、lent service, and they communicated it-through their words and deeds-clearly and consistently to those inside and outside the organization.The importance of the leaderslCan managers who are not the presidents or founders of organizations have the same kind of influence on the culture that these famo

55、us leaders have had?lThey certainly can, and they must, although managers and supervisors serve more as translators than as definers of culture.The importance of the leaderslThe most important influence on any organizational culture is the behavior of the organizations leader.对企业文化影响最大的即是领导者的行为The i

56、mportance of the leaderslViewing this influence from the bottom of the organizational chart, employees try to behave as their supervisor do, supervisors are influenced by the behavior of their managers, the role models for managers are their own managers, and so on until top-level managers, and espe

57、cially the organizations leader, become the role models for the whole organization and the ultimate definers of each organizations cultural values.The importance of the leaderslSupervisory personnel at all levels, then, must realize how important they are as cultural keepers and translators. If they

58、 do not perform this function well, then service delivery will suffer. lManagers must not only walk the walk and talk the talk of excellent service; they must consistently remind all employees that they supervise to do the same. The importance of the leaderslNot only must all the public and private

59、statements support the idea that everyone serve; the organizational reward system, training programs, and measures of achievement must also support and reinforce this message.lWhen managers publicly and loudly celebrate the service achievements of their employees, they send a very strong message to

60、everyone about what the organization believes in and what its culture values.Leaders teach the culture领导教授企业领导教授企业文化文化lManagers of effective hospitality organizations constantly teach the culture to their employees, reinforcing the values, mores, and laws. Strong cultures are reinforced by a strong

61、commitment by top management to the cultural values.lEd Schein suggests that the only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and maintain the organizations culture.Setting the example领导为员工树立榜样领导为员工树立榜样lBill Marriott, Jr., provides a good example of how a leader can help to sustain the

62、 culture. He is a constant teacher, preacher, and reinforcer of the Marriott cultural values of guest service. He believes in staying visible. He flies more than 200,000 miles every year to visit his many operations and to carry the Marriott message visibly and personally to as many people as he can

63、.Setting the examplelHe is famous for dropping in at a hotel and chatting with everyone he sees. He has been known to get up early in the morning and wander into the Marriott kitchens to make sure the pancakes are being cooked properly. This intense commitment to personal contact with each and every

64、 Marriott employee and visible interest in the details of his operations have become so well known among the Marriott organization that his mere presence on any Marriott property serves as a reminder of the Marriott commitment to service quality. Setting the examplelSouthwest Airlines is also famous

65、 for this hands-on commitment to service. Herb Kelleher was the premier example of quite literally walking the walk through airports, planes, and service areas to show employees his concern for the quality of each customers experience. Even today this tradition lives on as all Southwest managers are

66、 expected to spend time in customer-contact areas, both observing and working in customer-service jobs. Culture and leadership skills文化与领导文化与领导技能技能lThe success with which leaders use these mechanisms to convey cultural values is a good measure of their leadership skills. When they concentrate on usi

67、ng them together in a holistic way, they can ensure that all mechanisms convey to employees a consistently set of culture.Culture and leadership skillslThe more consistently used all these mechanisms are, the more powerfully reinforced the culture will be. Leaders must take care about what they say

68、to ensure that the messages they send are intentional and explicit. What the leader gets angry or excited about tells everyone what is important.Culture and leadership skillslA leader who expresses outrage over a service failure caused by a careless employee sends a strong message to all the employe

69、es that good service matters.lA story is told of how Bill Marriott, Sr., fired an employees on the spot for insulting a guest. When this story got around the organization, there was no question in anyones mind of the guest orientation that Marriott valued.lThese actions send a strong message to all

70、employees that everyone is responsible for maintaining the high quality of the Southwest experience. This same modeling behavior can be seen in the many hotel managers who visibly and consistently stop to pick up small scraps of paper and debris on the floors as they walk through their properties. E

71、mployees see and emulate this care and attention to detail.企业文化与领导企业文化与领导l企业文化是由领导者创造的,领导者的一个重要职能就是创造、管理,和必要时改变企业文化。l领导者所要做的唯一重要的事情就是创造和管理文化。l领导者最重要的才能就是影响文化的能力。领导者如何塑造和传播企业文化领导者如何塑造和传播企业文化l领导者重视、调节和控制企业的创始人、领导者、管理人员甚至同事传递其信仰或关心的事物的最好方法是一贯重视。l领导者对重大事件和危机的反应l领导者进行详细的角色示范,教育和培训l分配报酬和提升的标准l员工招聘、选择、提升、退

72、休和解雇的标准Chapter 8staffing for servicelFind and hire people who love to serve.lIf someone isnt smiling during the interview, what in the world would make you think they will be smiling when faced with a line of customers all in a hurry for service, service, service?员工的重要性员工的重要性l如果你不服务顾客,那么你将服务那些服务顾客的人


74、an Carlzon的一句话,“对于顾客来说,你就是某某公司”。lEmployees who are recruited , hired, and trained to create a good show for the guests add value to the guests experience in important ways.lFirst, they make the experience memorable and help keep the hospitality organization in the top of the guests mind, increasing

75、the likelihood of return or repurchase.lSecond, employing severs who interact with guests in this way create a competitive advantage since no competitor can design into its service experience the same feeling of a unique and personalized show for the guest that the well-selected, well-trained employ

76、ee can.lFinally, the opportunity to provide a show for the guest is for the properly selected employee a terrific opportunity.lThe people part of the show , however, hinges on recruiting and selecting employees who are willing and able to create these memorable moments and to engage guests in a uniq

77、ue way that enhances rather than detracts from the guest experience.Loving to servelThere are employees who can provide their guests with a “feel good” level of service. It feel good because the server somehow connects with the guest in a way that builds a relationship.lThough very brief, this relat

78、ionship somehow makes the guests feel good about that guest experience and believe that something is special and memorable about it.lThe challenge for the hospitality organizations seeking excellence is to find and hire these people.lGross estimates that people who love to serve represent only one i

79、n ten of the available workforce.lTwo major challenges facing the hospitality managers:lFirst, they need to work hard at developing a process that will systematically find, recruit, and select those ten percent who are truly committed to providing excellent service.lSecond, they must work even hard

80、to develop an effective process for showing the rest how to provide the same quality of service that the naturals to naturally.lBecause naturally talented people are so rare in the labor pool, the organization must identify what skills are lacking in the people they hire and train them in those skil

81、ls.Employee recruitmentlHiring internal candidatesThe known quantity Internal equityl“Hiring people to stay in those jobs doesnt make sense for the best quality of service. We hire people who can move up and be examples to others.”ExperienceKnowing the cultureEmployee recruitmentlHiring external can

82、didatesAdvertisingStudent recruitingEmployee referralsEmployee agencyWalk-insEmployment events, job fairs, career fairs.Check the competitionEmployee selectionlThe application formlThe interviewlThe background checklThe structured interviewlWhat are your future career plans?lWhat is your hotel work

83、experience?lWhat are your duties and responsibilities?lHow well do you think you succeeded in meeting your duties and responsibilities?lWhat are your goals and ambitions?lWhere do you see yourself three/five years from now?lWhy should I hire you?lWhat qualifications do you have that make you think y

84、ou will be successful in the hospitality industry?lWhat are the duties and responsibilities of this position?lPlease describe the training program.lHow would you characterize the management philosophy at your company?lIf I join your company, what will my career path likely be?lGiven my education and

85、 background, how would you estimate my chances for advancement?Choosing the right peoplelKSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities)lStudy the bestlDevelop talent profilesKSAslMany hospitality organizations follow this staffing principle: hire for attitude and values; train for skill.lFrom the guests pe

86、rspective, another way of expressing this idea is found to in the hospitality saying,” guests dont care how much you know until they know how much you care.”lJob analysisOther approaches to identifying talented employeeslGeneral abilitieslPsychological testslPersonality traitsGeneral abilitieslFirst

87、, they must have an enthusiastic approach to life.lThe second ability is the control of ones emotions. (burnout)lThe third characteristic is that the hospitality employee should be polite, considerable, and willing to make a genuine effort to help others.Psychological testslTests of mental ability m

88、easure logical reasoning, intelligence, conceptual foresight, spatial organization, memory span, and a number of other cognitive factors.lOther types of psychological tests have been proposed as ways to assess job candidate characteristics.l Psychological testslOne group of researchers reports that

89、a service orientation is associated with gregarious and outgoing personalities who make a conscientious effort to help others.Personality traitsl大五人格模型(big-five model of personality)外倾性(extraversion)。个体喜爱交际、善于言谈、武断自信。随和性(agreeableness)。个体性情随和、与人合作、值得信任。责任意识(conscientiousness)。个体富有责任感、可靠、始终如一、成就取向。情绪

90、稳定性(emotional stability)。个体平和、热情、安全(积极的),或紧张、焦虑、失望、不安全(消极的)。经验的开放性(openness to experience)。个体富于幻想、具有艺术方面的敏感性及聪慧性。lOf these five,责任意识(conscientiousness)is generally found to be the most valid predictor of job performance.lIn studies investigating the relationship between these five traits and service

91、-industry success, three dimensions showed important correlation:随和性(agreeableness),责任意识(conscientiousness)and情绪稳定性(emotional stability)。 The perfect combinationlFinding, hiring, training, and rewarding the employee who happily and naturally gives that extra is one of the biggest challenges for hosp

92、itality organizations.Chapter 9Training and Development员工培训与发展员工培训与发展lTrain your employees, then train them some more.培训你的员工,然后再多培训一点。lThe how and why of every operation may be clear as day to you, but its clear as mud to a brand new employee. You couldnt believe the number of employees who say “I never could figure out exactly what they wanted me to do.” They usually say that on their way out the door.Chapter 10Evaluating Employee Performance员工绩效评估员工绩效评估Chapter 11Delivering the service 第第12章章服务补救管理服务补救管理



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