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1、Ambassador 美美mbsdn.大使,使节;(派驻联合国等国际组织的)代表;特使He is ambassador of China to the United States.Do you want to be as successful as him?Avril LavigneJustin Bieber Both of them are famous singers who come from Canada.Do you want to enjoy their songs?St Pauls Cathedral Do you want to have a trip to England o

2、r other English speaking countries, such as Canada, Australia or USA?Cambridge UniversityDo you want to go to Cambridge University or other universities which are famous all over the world?If you want to do these interesting things, you must do one thing first : to Study English! So,Lets Rock in the

3、 world of English!Task for this ClassStep1. 10分钟,复习所有例句分钟,复习所有例句大声读,努力理大声读,努力理解短语在句子中的用法。解短语在句子中的用法。Step2. 写白板上展示的短语写白板上展示的短语Step3. 翻译句子翻译句子(自己思考自己思考,不懂的地方讨论。)不懂的地方讨论。)Step4. 小组小组PK.Step5. 讲解。讲解。单词听写中出现的问题1. rather than2. 宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事。宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事。Exercise1. 他们决定在教室里而不是大厅在教室里而不是大厅里开会。2.她而不是她的朋友们喜欢

4、英文歌。3.他们更喜欢这而不是那。4. 他宁愿回家乡也不愿意呆在那个现代大都市。(三种方式翻译。)They decided to have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the hall. She rather than her friends likes/ is fond of English songs.They like this rather than that.He would return to his hometown rather than stay in that modern city.He would rather

5、 return to his hometown than stay in that modern city.He preferred to return to his hometown rather than stay in that modern city.Task1.Language Points(3): 1). could never have done could have done 2). have sth. done 3).There is no doubt that (5分钟复习)Task(10min)2. Difficult Phrases: amaze; design;dec

6、orate;worth;search;Debate(注意例句中短语的使用注意例句中短语的使用)amazeVt: 使某人吃惊Adj:令人吃惊的; 对感到吃惊; 因做某事而感到吃惊Task:Translation1.即使在现在,一个科技(technology)发展如此迅速的时代,很多人也对某些令人吃惊的科技感到吃惊不已对某些令人吃惊的科技感到吃惊不已。2.他告诉我们的这个消息令我们所有人都很吃惊令我们所有人都很吃惊。3.这本书里的一些故事让那个小男孩很吃惊让那个小男孩很吃惊。4.她对于对于这部令人吃惊的电影感到吃惊感到吃惊。5.看到看到他的粗鲁举动,她感到她感到很吃惊。1. Even today,

7、 when technology is developing fast, many people are amazed at some amazing technology.2. The news he told us amazed all of us.3. Stories in this book amazed the little boy.4.She was amazed at the amazing movie.5. She was amazed to see his rude behavior/that he behaved rudly.designn. 的设计;的设计;为为而设计;而

8、设计;为做某事而设计;为做某事而设计;动词动词-ed形式作后置定语形式作后置定语为某人而设计的某物为某人而设计的某物Exercise:1. 他很喜欢这款由一位著名设计师设计的风格由一位著名设计师设计的风格。2.他很喜欢这衣服的款式这衣服的款式。3.这衣服的款式是为青少年设计的是为青少年设计的。4.这些习题是为了检测本单元而设计的为了检测本单元而设计的。5.这些为青少年设计的款式为青少年设计的款式很受欢迎。1. He is fond of the style which was designed by a famous designer.2. He likes the style of the

9、clothes.3.The style of the clothes was designed for teenagers.4.The exercises are designed to test this unit.5. The style designed(=which was designed) for teenagers are popular.search寻找;搜寻;(非做谓语的寻找;搜寻;(非做谓语的2个短语)个短语)搜寻;(动词性短语两个);搜寻;(动词性短语两个);搜查某个地方来找某人或某物;搜查某个地方来找某人或某物;搜身搜身Exercise1.他们来这座城市找工作找工作;2

10、.他们找遍了整个城市找遍了整个城市来找那个丢失的孩子找那个丢失的孩子。3.他很生气,因为他被警察搜身他被警察搜身了。4.他正在找正在找他上周买的他上周买的那本书。1. They remove into this city in search of jobs.2. They have searched the whole city for the missing child.3. He is angry as he was searched by the police.4. He is searching/looking for the book which/that/不填he bought l

11、ast week.Harvard UniversityLet It Be One of Your Dreams!Task for this ClassStep1. 10分钟,复习所有例句分钟,复习所有例句大声读,努力理大声读,努力理解短语在句子中的用法。解短语在句子中的用法。Step2. 写白板上展示的短语写白板上展示的短语Step3. 翻译句子翻译句子(自己思考自己思考,不懂的地方讨论。)不懂的地方讨论。)Step4. 小组小组PK.Step5. 讲解。讲解。规则PK规则:规则: 1.抢答式。抢答式。 2.别人写过的句子不能再写。别人写过的句子不能再写。 3.可不按顺序,会写哪个写哪个。可不


13、人们都用彩灯来装饰街道用彩灯来装饰街道。4.同学们已经把教室用气球装饰了出来把教室用气球装饰了出来。5.教室被被同学们用气球装饰了出来用气球装饰了出来。6.用气球装饰起来的教室用气球装饰起来的教室看起来像另一个世界。1. During the Spring Festival, the streets will be decorated with fresh flowers and colorful lights.2. The streets decorated with colorful lights looks fancy.3. During the Spring Festival, peo

14、ple will decorate the streets with flowers.4. Students have decorated the classroom with balloons.5. The classroom was decorated with balloons by students.6. The classroom decorated with balloons looks like another world.worth做某事是值得的:做某事是值得的:It 作形式主语,动词作形式主语,动词-ing 形式作真主语;形式作真主语;某物是值得被某物是值得被的;的;值某个价

15、格;值得起某个对等物;值得一值某个价格;值得起某个对等物;值得一试;试;是值得的;是值得的;某物的价值;某物的价值;Exercise:1. 把时间花费上在读书上是值得的把时间花费上在读书上是值得的。2.这块被称作和氏璧的珍宝值很多城池珍宝值很多城池。3.虽然这本书很贵,但物有所值但物有所值。4.他是值得被信赖值得被信赖的。(三种方式)5.这件事值得一试值得一试。6.这个笔记本电脑(laptop)值大约值大约5000元元。7. 没人知道琥珀屋的价值琥珀屋的价值。1. It is worth spending time (in) reading.2. The treasure which is n

16、amed Heshibi was worth many cities.3. Expensive though/as this book is/ Although the book is expensive, its worth it.4.He is worth relying/worthy to be relied/worthy of being relied. 5. Its worth a shot/try.6.This laptop is worth about 5000 yuan.7. Nobody/No one knows the worth of Amber Room.debaten

17、. 作为名词:作为名词:进行激烈争辩;进行激烈争辩;无可争议;无可争议;在讨论中;在讨论中;作为动词:作为动词:就某事与某人进行争辩就某事与某人进行争辩1.在激烈争辩之后在激烈争辩之后,他们想出想出了一个好计划。2.这是无可争议无可争议的事,端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)是属于属于中国的。3.这个计划尚处在讨论中尚处在讨论中。4.是否要执行执行这个计划,这尚处在讨论中尚处在讨论中。5.我们就在针对这件事而彼此进行了争辩针对这件事而彼此进行了争辩。1. After a heated debate, they finally came up with a good pl

18、an.2. Its beyond/without debate that the Dragon Boat Festival belongs to China.3. The plan is still under debate.4. Whether we should carry out (=whether to carry out) the plan still remains/is still under debate.5. We have debated with each other on this issue/matter. worthy是值得被是值得被的:的:be (well) wo

19、rth doing.考点:考点:以主动以主动doing表被动。表被动。=be worthy to be done=be worthy of being doneWorthy的用法中,则需要用被动表被动。的用法中,则需要用被动表被动。E.g. Try to spend your time just on the things you find _.Aworth doing Bworth being doneCworthy of doing them Dworthy doingAof being done/to be donefancy重点:注意该词的词性。fancy dressfancy party.Fancy meeting you hecre !1.adj. 奇特的;花哨的;装饰的 奇装异服: 化妆晚会2.n . 喜欢;喜欢的东西 take a fancy to sb/sth 喜欢某人某物。 I think that Alan has taken a fancy to you.3.vt.喜欢;想要得到; 表震惊:fancy doing sth.很惊奇做某事。 eg.没想到会在这儿见到你!Tips: To Take Notes, Please!



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