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1、Module 6 Eating togetherUnit 2Knives and forks are used for most Western food. n.西方人西方人 n.西方西方(尤指西欧和北尤指西欧和北美美) v. 端上(食物和饮端上(食物和饮料);服侍料);服侍进餐进餐 adj.相似的相似的n.翅膀;翼翅膀;翼WesternerWestservesimilarwingWordsreview n.女士;夫人;小姐女士;夫人;小姐 n.先生;男士先生;男士随便做(或用)吧;随便做(或用)吧;请自便请自便 adj.生气的生气的ladygentlemanhelpyourselfcross


3、ObjectivesWords:WesternsimilarwingladygentlemencrossservePhrases:helpyourselfatthestartofPatterns:WheninRome,doastheRomansdo.Dinnerisservedaround7pmorevenlater.Oryouwillbeservedbysomeonewhoasks,“Wouldyoulikesome”.Lookandsay noodles porridge dumpling steamed stuffed bun steamed bunLookandsay hamburge

4、r; sandwich toast + butter/jam steak coffee fish and chipsLook at the photo of a Western meal and try to describe it.1P50bread fried eggs juice coffee knife and forkIt is a typical Western breakfast.two pieces of baconTry to discuss the differences between a Western meal and a Chinese meal. The tabl

5、e below might be useful.Chinese mealWestern meal food utensil器具;用具customsD DTask1Read the passage and answer the questions.2P501. Who is the passage written for?2. Where might you see a passage like this?ThepassageiswrittenforvisitorstoWesterncountriesfromanotherpartoftheworld.Thepassagemightappeari

6、namagazine,suchasanairlinemagazine.Task2Match the topics with the paragraphs mentioned them.methodofeatingmealtimesthingstosayanddoattheendofthemealthingsyousaywhenofferedfoodthingstosayatthestartofamealTopicsParagraph1Paragraph2Paragraph3Paragraph4Paragraph5Paragraph6Paragraph7Paragraph8Paragraphs

7、Task3Complete the table with information from the passage.3P51In the WestMealtimesThingstosayatthestartofamealMethodofeatingThingsyousaywhenofferedfoodThingstosayanddoattheendofthemeallunch at about 1 pm; dinner at around 7 pm or even laterwith a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right hand;

8、eat soup with a spoonIn Britain you usually say nothing. In France you say “Bon appetite”.In Italy you say “Buon appetito”.accept and say “Thank you” or refuse saying, for example, “Im sorry. I dont eat meat.”say you have enjoyed the food; stay and talk around the dinner tableTask4Answer the questio



11、oodisfinished.Task5Try to retell the passage.WheninRome,doastheRomansdo.somethingsneedtoknowabouteatingtogetherRule:Watchtheotherpeople.Doastheydo.Task6Read the passage again. Decide which part is surprising, interesting or unusual to you.5P51Task7Complete the passage with the correct form of the wo

12、rds in the box.6P51 gentleman knife lady serve wingDuringamealintheWest,yousee(1)_andforksmostofthetime,althoughyoucanuseyourfingerstoeatchicken(2)_orhamburgers.Youwillbeinvitedto(3)_yourselfwithfood,the(4)_beforethe(5)_. knives wingsserve ladies gentlemen1.Weoftensay,“WheninRome,doastheRomansdo.”我们




16、们用了两个月横穿沙漠。It took them two months to cross the desert.她盘着腿坐在地上。她盘着腿坐在地上。She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.Practise我们还学过我们还学过cross用作用作动词动词,表示,表示“横横穿穿,穿过穿过,交叉交叉”。4.Ifyouareofferedmorefoodbutcannoteatanymore如果别人给你的食物太多,你吃不了如果别人给你的食物太多,你吃不了Practise1)offer意为意为“提供提供”,常用结构为,常用结构为offersb.s

17、th.=offersth.tosb.提供某人提供某人某物某物她给那个老人端了一杯茶。她给那个老人端了一杯茶。She offered the old man a cup of tea.=She offered a cup of tea to the old man.2)notanymore意为意为“不再不再”,其中,其中not要要与助动词或情态动词连用与助动词或情态动词连用。not.anymore可用可用nomore替换替换。如:如:完成下面的同义句完成下面的同义句:ImsorryIcanthelpyouanymore.ImsorryIcan_helpyou.Thatoldmandoesntli

18、vehereanymore.Practiseno more5.youwillbeexpectedtostayandtalkaroundthedinnertablelongafterthelastdishisserved.上完最后一道菜之后很久他们还希望你能上完最后一道菜之后很久他们还希望你能坐在桌旁聊天。坐在桌旁聊天。expect常用结构为:常用结构为:1)expect+n./pron.盼望或期待某物盼望或期待某物Heisexpectingherletter.2)expect+todosth.期望做某事期望做某事Sheexpectstogotherenextweek.3)expect+sb.t

19、odosth.盼望某人做某事盼望某人做某事Heexpectsyoutofinishtheworkintime.4)expect+thatclause期望期望/期待期待.Iexpectedthathewouldcomeoneday.Write a passage about Chinese eating customs for a tourist magazine with Western readers.Step 1: Think about Chinese eating customs and complete the columnIn China.In ChinaMealtimesThin

20、gstosayatthestartofamealMethodofeatingThingsyousaywhenofferedfoodThingstosayanddoattheendofthemealbreakfast at 7 am; lunch at about 12 pm; dinner at around 7 pm use chopstickssay “Chi ba!” at the start of normal meals or “Da jia chi hao!” at the start of more formal mealsaccept and say “Thank you” o

21、r refuse saying, for example, “Im sorry. I dont eat meat.”say you have enjoyed the food; stay and talk around the dinner tableStep 2: Write down some sentences with the help of the table.In China, lunch is usually served around 12 pm or even laterJust enjoy your Chinese meal. Youll never forget it!S

22、tep 4: Write a sentence to finish your passage.Eating customs in China are in some ways different from those in the West.Step 3: Write a sentence to introduce your passage.Possible answerEating customs in China are in some ways different from those in the West. In China, lunch is usually served at 1

23、2 pm, which is early by Western standards. If you are eating with close friends or family, you might not say anything at the start of a meal, although you can say “Chi ba!” You might say “Da jia chi hao!” on more formal occasions. The most obvious difference is that Chinese meals are eaten with chop

24、sticks rather than with knives and forks. Another important difference is that Chinese people take the food from plates in the middle of the table, so there is a strong feeling that people are sharing the food, not eating individually. It is polite to let guests or important people take the food fir

25、st.Although Chinese eating customs are quite different from Western habits, youll have no trouble fitting in (as long as you can use chopsticks). Watch what everyone else does and follow them. Most of all,just enjoy your Chinese meal. Youll never forget it!本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾1. expe

26、ct to do2. at the start of3. help yourself4. Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later.5. Knives and forks are used for most Western food.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1.English-ChineseWesternercrossgentlemansimilarladywingWest2.Chinese-English端上,服侍端上,服侍进餐进餐在在开始开始请自便,随便做请自便,随便做(或用或用)吧吧When finis

27、hed, exchange your papers to see who does the best.用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。1.Asthe_(say)goes,“Timeandtidewaitfornoman.”2.Pleasedontget_(cross).Lethimexplain.3.3.MarcoPolowasthemostfamous_(Western)tovisitAsiaduringthe Middle Ages(中世纪中世纪).4.Inmyopinion,itsdifficult_(workout)themathsproblembyhims

28、elf.5.Whenheheardthenews,hiseyessuddenly_(fill)withtears.sayingcrossWesterner to work out was filled.从方框里选择恰当的介词完成句子从方框里选择恰当的介词完成句子(有有一个多余一个多余)。ofas,with,by,around1.Jack,pleasedo_whatIsaid.2.InMikescountry,lunchisserved_oneoclockorevenlater.3.MrLiaskedmetocutthemeat_theknife.4.Thisbookwaswritten_MoY

29、an,thewinnerofthisyearsNobelPrizeforLiterature.asaroundwithby.根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。1.孩子们,请随便吃些巧克力吧。孩子们,请随便吃些巧克力吧。Please_somechocolate,children!2.我希望我可以,但我吃不下了。我希望我可以,但我吃不下了。IwishIcouldbutI_eat_.3.在学期初,她的英语不好。在学期初,她的英语不好。_theterm,herEnglishwasntgood. serve/help yourselves with/to cant anymoreAt the start ofHomework1. Make a brief introduction about Western eating customs to your parents.2. Review the use of passive voice.



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