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1、英语专业四级逆序词汇.txt 心态决定状态,心胸决定格局,眼界决定境界。当你的眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼,你会看到世界由清晰到模糊的全过程。 Americaacademic1. America n.美利坚合众国,美洲总频率 22 次。2.Africa n.非洲(略为 Afr.)总频率 6 次。3.Canadan.加拿大4.propagandan.ideas, false or true information, etc. spread about officially,esp. by a government宣传,传播 organs for propaganda宣传机构褒义

2、贬义,体会明细!propaganda 作“宣传、广告讲时常常带有贬义。【作者建议】此词常含贬义,不可滥用。5.pandan. a large bearlike animal with black and white fur, originally fromChina 大熊猫6.agenda n. things to be done; business to be discussed at a meeting (会议)议程,日程,待议事项总频率 1 次。构词有法,扩散记忆!词根 ag 意思为“做(do, act),-end 是名词后缀,-a 表示复数。ag 做+-end 名词后缀+-a复数age

3、ndathings to be done待做的事项会议上待议的事项议事日程。-a 表示复数以-a 结尾的词:phenomena 现象(复数)phenomenon 现象(单数); data 资料(复数)datumn 资料(单数)【典型例句】 Now, lets e to item No.5 on the agenda.现在让我们讨论议事日程上的第五项。7.sodan.chemical substance in mon use, a pound of sodium苏打 sodawater 苏打水,汽水8.idean. a plan, thought, or suggestion for a pos

4、sible course of action方案,主意,念头总频率 27 次,词汇频率 1 次。【典型例句】Somebody had the bright idea of recording the meeting.有人想出了为会议录音的好主意。【常用词组】 have no idea 不知道,无能为力/not onesidea of 对无想法/put ideas in someones head 使某人存奢望。9.plean.an eager or serious request恳求,请求 an excuse 辩白,托词【典型例句】 Their plea of national poverty

5、 rings a little hollow.他们关于国家贫困的托辞听上去有些空洞。【常用词组】 cop a plea 成认有罪以求轻判10.pea n. a round green seed, used for food豌豆【常用词组】 as like as two peas一模一样11.area n. surface measure, extent of surface 面积 part of the earths surface;region 地区,地域总频率 28 次,词汇频率 1 次。12.sean. expanse of salt water that covers most of

6、the earth s surface andencloses its continentsand islands; any part of this海,洋总频率 24 次。音同义异,最需注意!sea和see可 以 一 起 记 忆 , 发 音 一 样 , 但 意 思 不 同 , 由sea可 联 想 到river,ocean,seabed,coast,seasick,seaman等词。【常用词组】 by sea 乘船,由海路 / on the sea 在海边,临海 / at sea 在海上,茫然,迷惑 / a sea of一大片,大量的 / follow the sea当海员,做水手13.nau

7、sean. feeling of sickness (esp as caused by bad food) or disgust;seasickness 作呕,恶心,晕船14.tean.evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc.茶叶 drink made bypouring boiling water on these leaves 茶 a small meal, usu. served in the afternoon with a cup of tea午后茶点总频率 2 次。抓住词干,记住一串!与 tea 有关的词:tea green 茶绿色;t

8、eakettle 茶壶;teastrainer 滤茶器;tea tray茶盘;teaspoon 茶匙15.sofan. large fortable padded seat with raised arms and back, wide enoughfor two or more people沙发16.encyclopadia/encyclopedia n. book, or set of books, giving information aboutevery branch of knowledge or on subject, with articles in ABC order.百科全书

9、17.Indian. the country of Indian印度总频率 1 次。18.Australia n.澳大利亚,大洋洲总频率 4 次。Austra.19.Oceanian. the islands of the central and south Pacific, including Micronesia,Melanesia, Polynesia, and some times Australasia and the Malay Archipelago大洋洲20.pneumonia n. a serious disease of the lungs with inflammatio

10、n and difficultyin breathing 肺炎21.malarian. kinds of fever conveyed by mosquitoes ; which introduce the germsinto the blood 疟疾构词有法,扩散记忆!派生词: malarial = malarianadj.疟疾的,患疟疾的;malariologyn.疟疾学;malariologistn.疟疾学家,构词法:-logy 是后缀,意思为 process of study 研究过程 。连接元音 o 连接词与词根,及词根与后缀。这类构词.方式在英语词汇中很多,考生可以通过对其构造的分

11、析而到达理解其含义的目的。如:gastroenterology 胃肠病学;biology 生物学;physiology 生物学22.cafeterian. restaurant at which customers collect their meals on trays atcounters and carry them to tables 自助餐馆同类联想,扩散记忆! canteen,cafe, restaurant , eating-house, refectory , snackbar【典型例句】 A cafeteria is a restaurant , at which custo

12、mers collect their food ontrays at counters and carry them to tables . cafeteria是顾客自己从柜台拿菜饭至餐桌食用的餐馆。【常用词组】 a cafeteria question 自选问答题【词义辨析】 canteen 尤指工厂、办公室、军营里的小卖部; dining-hall 吃饭用的餐厅;pub 俗酒馆23.Asia n.亚洲总频率 1 次。24.Russian.俄罗斯,俄国总频率 11 次。25.gorillan. a very large African monkey that is the largest o

13、f the manlikemonkey 大猩猩26.umbrellan.an arrangement of cloth over a folding frame with a handle, usedfor keeping rain off the head伞 a protecting power保护的力量,保护伞总频率 1 次。【典型例句】 When he wasn t looking, she hung the handle of her umbrella over theattendants wrist, and walked away quickly.趁他不注意,她把雨伞柄挂在管理员的

14、手腕上,很快地走开了。27.villan. a pleasent house with a garden, esp. one in the country or used forholidays 别墅,郊外住宅28.formulan.a genenal law,rule,fact,etc., expressed in a short form by meansof a group of letters,signs,numbers,etc. 公式; 方程式; 分子式 a list of the chemicalsubstances used in making a medicine,a fuel

15、,a drink,etc.,sometimes also includinga description of how they are to be mixed 配方,处方 a method or set of principlesused for gaining a particular result 准那么;原那么;方案29.peninsulan. a piece of land almost pletely surrounded by water半岛30.draman. play for the theatre , radio or TV ; series of exciting even

16、ts 剧本,戏剧; 戏剧性事件或场面.v.31.panorama n.a plete view over a wide area风景的全貌,全景照片 不断变化的景象义近形异,扩散记忆!近义词:scenic, view, scenery, prospect, overview【典型例句】 This book gives a panorama of life in England 400 years ago.这本书再现了四百年前的英格兰的生活图景。32.cineman.theatre in which films are shown电影院 motion pictures as anart-form

17、 or an industry 电影艺术;电影事业总频率 2 次。33.diploman. certificate awarded for passing an examination , pleting a courseof study , etc 毕业证书,文凭总频率 1 次。【作者建议】 diploma 通常指大学“毕业证书, 文凭,学位证书。小学、中学“毕业证书和“某种资历合格证书那么多用certificate 。 diploma 后接介词 in , 表示某学科的毕业证书。在美国,中学的毕业证书,即文凭,有时也可用 diploma, 而其肄业证书有时可称 certificate 或 c

18、ertificate of attendance 。34.banana n. long, yellowskinned fruit; the tree on which it grows 香蕉,香蕉树【作者建议】 常用搭配:peel a banana 剥香蕉皮;a band of banana 一簇香蕉35.arena n. central part, for games and fights of a Roman amphitheatre; (fig) anyscene of struggle 古罗马斗技场中央竞技和搏斗的地方;(喻)任何竞争角逐的场所总频率 1 次。36.Chinan.中国总

19、频率 21 次。37.chinan. baked and glazed fine white clay ; articles made from this陶器;瓷器【常用词组】 china closet 放置或展示瓷器杯皿的橱柜38.algebran. branch of mathematics using signs and letters to representquantities 代数,代数学39.zebran. an African animal looking like a horse with back and white linesall over its body 斑马总频率

20、 1 次。【常用词组】 zebra crossing涂成斑马纹的人行横道.40.era n. period in history, starting from a particulartime, or event纪元,时代,代举例一番,可见一斑! a new era 新时代;the Christian era公元,基督纪元【词义辨析】 epoch 也指新时代,新纪元,强调某件事所带来的划时代意义,多用mark anepoch in.“开创一个新纪元。time 指“时期,age“年代,这些词只用指于表达普通意义的时间。41. cameran. apparatus for taking still

21、 photograph or (film / movie)movingpictures or (TV )for receiving light images and transforming them for broadcasting live or forreceiving on video tape 照相机,电影摄像机总频率 6 次。【常用词组】 go into camera (法官入私室商议 / in camera 在法官的私室里 / on camera在摄制中 / a camera crew 电影电视摄影组42.operan. a musical play in which many

22、or all the words are sung歌剧构词有法,扩散记忆!派生词: operatica.歌剧的, 似歌剧的; operaticallyadv.歌剧式地; operatizevt.将 改编成歌剧/复合词: operacloakn.夜礼服, 女披风; operagoesrn.经常赴歌剧院者43.orchestran. a large group of musicians who play music for binations ofdifferent instruments管弦乐队音近形近,最需用心!orchardn.果园;orchestran.管弦乐队44.extran. sth

23、. for which an extra charge is made 额外的事物 adv. morethan usually; in addition特别地,非常地,除外总频率 12 次。extra 除了作adj.,还可作adv.用来修饰adj.,意为“特别地,尤其,相当于 especially。45.visan. an official mark put onto a passport giving a foreigner permissionto enter, pass through or leave a particular country 签证【常用词组】 an entry vis

24、a入境签证 / an exit visa 出境签证46.datan. (pl of dadum) facts; things certainly known资料,材料总频率 6 次。【常用词组】 data bank 资料库 / data processing 资料处理 / data phone 数据 / datasheet 数据表47.influenzan. flu 流行性感冒48.cabn.vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short.v.journeys 出租汽车;计程车 part of a railway

25、 engine for the driver and fireman; partof a bus, lorry, etc for the driver 火车机车内供司机所坐之处; 公共汽车、卡车等之司机室49.labn. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室50.crabn.ten-legged shellfish ; its flesh as food 螃蟹,蟹肉构词有法,扩散记忆!派生词:crab apple (口脾气坏的人;crabbedadj.潦草的,难懂的;crabbern.捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabbyadj.易怒的,好抱怨的;crablikeadj.似蟹

26、的,似蟹行的; crabwiseadj.常为僵硬或笨拙的方式横向的,蟹行般的cabn.vehicle (now usu motorised =taxicab) that may be hired for short journeys 出租汽车;计程车part of a railway engine for the driver and fireman; part of a bus, lorry, etc forthe driver 火车机车内供司机所坐之处; 公共汽车、卡车等之司机室labn. short for laboratory(尤指化学)实验室crabn.ten-legged shel

27、lfish ; its flesh as food 螃蟹,蟹肉构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:crab apple (口脾气坏的人;crabbedadj.潦草的,难懂的;crabbern.捕蟹人,好抱怨的人; crabbyadj.易怒的,好抱怨的;crablikeadj.似蟹的,似蟹行的; crabwiseadj.常为僵硬或笨拙的方式横向的,蟹行般的grabv.to take hold of with a sudden rough movement, esp. for a bad or selfish purpose攫取; 抓住 to get quickly and perhaps unfair

28、ly 抢先, 抢占 to make a sudden attemptto grab(急速地)抓住;抓牢 n. a sudden attempt to take hold of something试图抓取;有意抢夺总频率 1 次。【典型例句】 When her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.她的叔叔死后,她把能弄到手的东西全部都据为己有。【词义辨析】 grabv.急抓,抢;指粗暴地、过急地扑住或抢某物,可表示贪心的意思;snatchv.夺取,抓住;指突然猛力迅速地抓取某物。如:The thief sna

29、tched thewomans bag.那贼抢走了这妇女的提包。gripv.抱紧,握紧,指用手的最大的力量来抓某物。如:The frightened child gripped his mother s arm.受惊的孩子紧紧抓住他母亲的胳膊。graspv.紧握,领会,指用手指头、爪等紧紧抓住,用于比喻意义,那么指完全了解。如:Did you grasp the main points of the speech?你是否领会了这演讲的要点?【常用词组】 grab at突然想抓住 / make a grab at有意抢夺,试图抓取 / up for grabs供人竞购的;待价而沽的.stabv.

30、 pierce(sth.) or wound (sb.) with a pointed tool or weapon 刺,戳 n. act of stabbing 刺,戳【常用词组】 stab at sb.刺向某人 / a stab in the back暗箭伤人,背叛 / stab sb. with用某物刺某人webn.a net of thin threads spun by some insects, esp. spiders, to trap otherinsects 蜘蛛网a detailed arrangement or network网状组织总频率 4 次。【作者建议】 上网常见

31、的缩写, 即是 worldwideweb 之意。ribn. one of the 12 pairsof bones running round thechest of a man or animal,from the spine to where they join at the front肋骨lambn. young sheep; its flesh as food羔羊,小羊(肉)climbvt & vi go or get up or down; go higher , gain height 攀登;爬上;升 n.climbing , place (to be ) climbed 攀登;攀

32、登之地总频率 7 次。bomb n. hollow metal ball orshell filled with explosivefor causing destruction onbursting 炸弹 v. drop bombs on扔下炸弹总频率 1 次。突破拼写,问题解决!注意以 mb 结尾的词 b 不发音bn.梳子;towbn.坟墓;thumbn.拇指;climbv.爬bn.piece of metal, rubber, plastic ,etc with teeth for cleaning the hair , making ittidy 梳子 red fleshy crest

33、 of fowl 鸡冠总频率 8 次。tombn. hole dug in the ground, etc. for a dead body, esp. one with a stonemonument over it 墓(穴)坟构词有法,扩散记忆! 由 tomb 联想到 tombstonen.墓碑dumb adj.unable to speak 哑的 temporarily silent 暂时沉默的 stupid ; dull笨的,愚蠢的【常用词组】 dumb from birth 生来即哑 / strike dumb 使吓呆, 因恐惧等说不出话 /dumb show 哑剧plumb n.

34、a mass of lead tied to the end of a string used to find out the depth ofwater or whether a wall is built exactly upright 铅锤,测锤 v.to measure witha plumb 用铅锤测量 to find out the meaning of探测,了解.v.总频率 1 次。thumbn. short thick finger set apart from the other four拇指 v. turnover the pages of (a book); make (

35、a book, pages) worn or dirty by doing this 翻动,把书本翻动(旧)同类联想,扩散记忆! 由 thumb 联想到 index 食指;形近词:numb 麻木的;dumb 哑的【常用词组】 under sb.s thumb 受控制 / be all thumbs 笨手笨脚的 / bite the thumbsat 对嗤之以鼻crumb n. very small piece of dry food, esp a bit of bread or cake rubbed off ordropped from a largepiece 面包屑,糕饼屑jobn. r

36、egular paid employment 工作,职位 a piece of work(一件)工作 something hard to do费力的事,难做的工作总频率 48 次。辨析异同,应考沉着!注意job 与 work 的异同同:都表示“工作。异:work 是不可数名词,而 job 是可数名词。构词有法,扩散记忆! 派生词:jobbern.股票经纪人;jobbinga.做零工的,干散工的; joblessa.失业的, 无职业的; 复合词: job centren. (英国政府的)职业介绍所,就业效劳中心;job lotn.成批出售的杂货;job sharingn.两个平均分担一份全职工作

37、【典型例句】 Im looking for a new job, one where I get a bit more job satisfaction.我正在寻找一份新工作,一份能从中得到更大满足感的职业。【常用词组】 out of a job失业/on the job在上班时,在干活时/make the best of a badjob 不利的情况下尽力而为/give something up as a bad job 对某事不再抱有希望/just thejob 正是想要的东西1.epidemicn. & adj. spreading rapidly among many people i

38、n the same place fora time 流行的,传染的,流行性的n.disease spreading rapidly 传染病 spreading (of a disease) (疾病的)流行,蔓延2.icadj.causing people to laugh 使人发笑的;滑稽的 of edy 喜剧的总频率 3次。3.economic adj. of economic经济学的 designed to give a profit划算的,牟利的,有利可图的总频率 20 次,词汇频率 2 次。抓住词干,记住一串!联系记忆:economicsn.经济学(-s 表示学)economicad

39、j.经济学的(ic 形容词后缀)常见的表达法: economic activity 经济活动; economicaid 经济援助;economic growth 经济增长;economic situation 经济形势;economic reason经济原因4.atomic adj. of atom(关于)原子的 of the power of atom原子能举例一番,可见一斑!派生于 atomn.原子。由 atomic 构成的词语:atomic bomb原子弹(也作 atom bomb);atomic age 原子能时代;atomic energy 原子能;atomic pile.核反响堆;

40、atomic power 原子能力,原子能;atomic warhead 原子弹头5.organicadj.of living things or the organs of the body生物的,有机物的,器官的 eastern; the eastern countries东方的,东方国家的反义联想,扩散记忆!反义词:inorganicadj.无机的,无机物的6.mechanicn. a person who is skilled in using, repairing, etc machinary技工,机械工,机修工总频率 5 次。7.panicn. sudden uncontrolla

41、ble fear or terror 惊慌失措,恐慌,惊慌 adj. fearful 恐慌的,莫名其妙的 v. cause to feel panic使恐慌总频率 2 次。义近形异,用心牢记!近义词:fear【词义辨析】 fear 与 panic:fear 害怕,畏惧,词义广泛,很常用,指不安的感情和极度的紧 X,也可指害怕或心理不适的模糊状态。 panic 恐慌,惊惶,指突然发生的事件,随即控制不了的,迅速传开的恐惧,而且是引起混乱,且不起作用的行为。8.piicn.a pleasure trip in which food is taken to be eaten somewhere ou

42、tdoors野餐 easy work 轻松的工作 v. to go on or have a piic野餐,参加野餐9.scenicadj.having or showing beautiful natural scenery 风景优美的 ofstage scenery 布景的10.clinicn. medical establishment for a specified purpose 诊所;门诊部11.electronic adj. of electron电子的总频率 9 次。抓住词干,记住一串!派生于 electronn.电子,electro-电的。其他派生词:electronicsn

43、.电子学12.heroicadj. showing the qualities of a hero; extremely courageous英勇的,英雄式的总频率 1 次。触类旁通,扩散记忆!派生词:heroicsn.豪言壮语;复合词:heroic poems 史诗;heroic couplet 英雄偶句诗13.tropicn. (the tropics) region between these two latitudes, with a hotclimate 热带地区14.topicn. subject of a discussion, talk, programme, written

44、work, etc.论题,话题,题目总频率 19 次。构词有法,扩散记忆! topic=top+ic,topicaladj.有关题目的【典型例句】Baseball is their favorite topicof conversation.棒球是他们的热门话题。15.fabricn. a cloth made by threads woven together in any of various way织物,(纺)织品表义喻义,扩散记忆!注意 fabric 除了表示“布,织物之义外,还可抽象地引申为“构造,组织之义,如thefabric of society 社会构造。【词义辨析】 fabr

45、ic 指用任何材料(如棉花、 尼龙、 羊毛、 丝等)和方式织成的东西; textile.v.指纺织品或纺织原料的总称。故依题意,textile 为正确选项。16.atmospheric adj. of atmosphere大气的17.hysteric(al)adj. in a state of hysteria歇斯底里的18.historicadj.important in history; having or likely to have an influenceon history 历史上有重大意义(影响)的,历史性的 of the times whose history has been

46、recorded 有历史记载的总频率 7 次。19.metricadj. of the metre 公尺的,米制的20.eccentric adj. (of a person, his behaviour) peculiars not normal(指人,行为)怪异的,乖僻的【典型例句】Wearing evening gowns all day is just part of her eccentricbehavior.整天穿着晚礼服是她的乖僻行为中的一种。【词义辨析】 benevolentadj.好心肠的,慈善的;melodiousadj.指旋律优美的;particularadj.特定的。2

47、1.basic adj. of a base根本的,根本的,根底的总频率 7 次。构词有法,扩散记忆!派生于 basen.根底,-ic 为形容词后缀。其他派生词:basementn.地下层,地下室;basisn.根本,根底;basicallyadj.根本的,根本地【典型例句】Large masses of people lack the basiecessities of life. 许许多多的人缺乏生活必需品。22.classicadj.of the highest quality; having a value or position recognizedand unquestioned

48、最正确的,第一流的 of the standard of ancient Greek and Latinliterature, art and culture 古代希腊及罗马文学、 艺术和文化之标准的, 古典的 famousbecause of a long history 因历史悠久而著名 n.writer, artist book etc of thehighest class 第一流的作家、艺术家,著作等the classics (literature of the )ancient languages of Greece and Rome 古典著作;经典作品总频率 2 次。音近形近,最

49、需用心!注意区别 classic 与 classicalclassic 既可作形容词表示“经典的,也可作名词表示“古典学,古典著作classics ;而 classical 是形容词,表“古典的,如classical music古典音乐。【典型例句】 His manual of botany has bee aclassic among scientists .他的植物学手册在科学家中已成为经典作品。【词义辨析】 masterpiece 杰作; legend 传奇,传奇作品;work 用作复数时 works 才表示“著作。23.musicn. the arrangement of sounds

50、 in pattern, esp. to produce a pleasingeffect; a written or printed set of notes音乐,乐曲总频率 3 次。【 常 用 词 组 】 be music to someone s ears 使 人 快 乐 的 消 息 , 悦 耳 的 声 音/CS%0,100,0,0face the music面对现实,面对困难,承受处分 / set / put sth to music将配上音乐.24.emphatic adj. having, showing emphasis强调的,着重的总频率 1 次。构词有法, 扩散记忆! emp

51、hasisn.强调; emphasizev. emphaticallyadv.坚决地,明确地25. dramaticadj.of drama 剧本的, 戏剧的 sudden or exciting like an evenin a stage play 戏剧性的, 冲动人心的总频率 1 次。【典型例句】His story of how he rescued the cat from the bottom of the well was quitedramatic.他讲述的如何从井底把猫救出来的故事颇具戏剧性。【词义辨析】 dramatics 指业余者的戏剧作品或演出, 是名词, 通常与单数动词

52、连用; drama戏剧,剧本,是名词;dramatize 改编小说等为戏剧;戏剧性地处理26.systematicadj.done or acting according to a system or plan; methodical有系统的,有方案的,有方法的planned in advance and done with maliciousthoroughness and exactness非偶然的,成心的27.idiomaticadj. (of a word, way of speaking, etc.) typical of the naturalspeech of aperson s

53、peaking in their first language符合语言习惯的,成语的28.diplomaticadj.of diplomacy 外交的 tactful ; having diplomacy 圆滑的;有外交手腕的总频率 1 次。29.automatic adj. selfmoving, done without thought(机器)自动的,(动作)无意识的,机械的总频率 3 次。抓住词缀, 扩散记忆! 前缀 auto-自己, 自动, 例如:autobiography 自传; autoalarm自动报警器【词义辨析】 automobile 汽车;autonomy 自治;autumn 秋天30.fanaticadj.excessively enthusiastic 狂热的;狂热者的 n. a personwho showsvery great and often unreasoning keenness for something,esp.for a religious orpolitical belief(XX 或信仰等方面的)狂热者,盲信者.v.



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