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1、中考口语看图说话专项走近看图说话走近看图说话1一、看图说话的考试要求一、看图说话的考试要求二、看图说话的几种主题、应试技巧二、看图说话的几种主题、应试技巧三、强化训练三、强化训练走近看图说话走近看图说话 -整体认识整体认识2看图说话评分标准看图说话评分标准得分得分 标标 准准4 4内容叙述或描述具体、丰富,正确,并能适当发挥。内容叙述或描述具体、丰富,正确,并能适当发挥。语言表达清楚,语音、语调正确,语流流畅。语言表达清楚,语音、语调正确,语流流畅。 3 3内容叙述或描述基本正确。语言表达比较清楚,内容叙述或描述基本正确。语言表达比较清楚,语音、语调和语言有少量错误,语流不大流畅。语音、语调和

2、语言有少量错误,语流不大流畅。2 2内容叙述或描述简单,语言表达比较单一,意思不够连贯,内容叙述或描述简单,语言表达比较单一,意思不够连贯,有较多的语音、语调和语言错误,语流不大流畅。有较多的语音、语调和语言错误,语流不大流畅。 1 1内容叙述或描述简单,语言表达比较单一,意思不连贯,内容叙述或描述简单,语言表达比较单一,意思不连贯,有较多的语音、语调和语言错误,语流不流畅。有较多的语音、语调和语言错误,语流不流畅。 0 0内容叙述或描述明显脱离主题,说明不了图片内容。语言表内容叙述或描述明显脱离主题,说明不了图片内容。语言表达不规范,语音、语调和语言错误很多,影响正常交流。达不规范,语音、语

3、调和语言错误很多,影响正常交流。 3近三年看图话主题归纳:近三年看图话主题归纳:一、交通安全事故一、交通安全事故二、助人为乐二、助人为乐三、学校活动三、学校活动四、节假日活动四、节假日活动五、环境保护类五、环境保护类走近看图说话走近看图说话 了解常考话题了解常考话题41.本题准备时间只有60秒,录音60秒2.正确运用时态和人称: 最常用到的时态:_ 常用人称:_3.严格控制句子数量,保证6-8句话;4. 要重视句子的衔接. 用好过渡词.5.注意主谓一致,人称和数的变化以及时态变化注意主谓一致,人称和数的变化以及时态变化 等,尽量不犯语法错误。等,尽量不犯语法错误。一般过去时,过去进行时一般过去

4、时,过去进行时第一人称和第三人称第一人称和第三人称走近看图说话走近看图说话 应试技巧应试技巧5 看图说事应该从哪些方面来描述一件事情看图说事应该从哪些方面来描述一件事情?1.交待故事发生的交待故事发生的_,_与与_2.描述事情的描述事情的_,_和和_.3. 发表自己的发表自己的_. 即即5个个W: when, where, who, what, why+ how时间时间地点地点人物人物起因起因经过经过结果结果感想、感受或感悟感想、感受或感悟走近看图说话走近看图说话 常用文体结构常用文体结构6一一.交待故事发生的时间,地点与人物交待故事发生的时间,地点与人物1.The expressions o

5、f time(交代时间常用表达交代时间常用表达) Yesterday (morning/afternoon/evening), In the morning/ afternoon/evening, One day Last week/ Sunday 2.The expressions of places(交代地点常用表达交代地点常用表达) On the way to in the classroom ( street/ park/library/cinema)7二、描述事情发生,经过和结果二、描述事情发生,经过和结果 1.常用连接词:常用连接词: first, then, next, afte

6、r that, finally, at last suddenly, at once, immdiately 2.常用句型:常用句型: sb. was doing sth. when. didnt until.三、介绍故事的结果或谈自己的感想三、介绍故事的结果或谈自己的感想 1. We should 2. I think if we., we will. 3. It is + adj. + for/of sb. + to do sth.8( (一一) ) 校园生活类校园生活类(朋友互助、劳动、课外活动、春游、某人一天等)(朋友互助、劳动、课外活动、春游、某人一天等) 1. 主题词句背记主题词句

7、背记2. 模板套用模板套用模板模板1:描述某天活动:描述某天活动lPeter islIt wasyesterday. lThe weather was fine/ rainy.l.(说明某人想要做的事)(说明某人想要做的事)in the park/ in the cinema.lIn the morning.in the afternoon.in the eveninglFirst, . Then, After that, Later, lWhat a busy/ wonderful/day! How!/ had a good time!9l lPeter, Mary and I are go

8、od friends.Peter, Mary and I are good friends.l lIt was Friday yesterday. It was Friday yesterday. l lWe planned to go outing on weekend. We planned to go outing on weekend. l lToday, the weather was fine. We got up early. Today, the weather was fine. We got up early. l lIn the morning, we climbed t

9、he mountain. In the morning, we climbed the mountain. l lIn the afternoon, we were on the top of the mountain. We found a lot of rubbish on the In the afternoon, we were on the top of the mountain. We found a lot of rubbish on the ground. So we threw the rubbish into the bin. ground. So we threw the

10、 rubbish into the bin. l lWhat a wonderful day!What a wonderful day!模板使用演示模板使用演示注:注:注:注:1. 1. 注意第一句的变化。注意第一句的变化。注意第一句的变化。注意第一句的变化。2. 2. 虽然结尾有点牵强,但不影响虽然结尾有点牵强,但不影响虽然结尾有点牵强,但不影响虽然结尾有点牵强,但不影响 理解,至少没有错误。理解,至少没有错误。理解,至少没有错误。理解,至少没有错误。3. 3. 错误要扣分,文彩不加分。错误要扣分,文彩不加分。错误要扣分,文彩不加分。错误要扣分,文彩不加分。不能追求完美,简单无误才是不能追求

11、完美,简单无误才是不能追求完美,简单无误才是不能追求完美,简单无误才是最实在的!最实在的!最实在的!最实在的!10运动会运动会Peter is good at running.Peter is good at running.It was Friday yesterday. The weather was fine andIt was Friday yesterday. The weather was fine andour school had a sports meeting. That day, Peter our school had a sports meeting. That da

12、y, Peter took part in the boys 100-meter race. Later, he won took part in the boys 100-meter race. Later, he won the first place. He was very happy. After that his the first place. He was very happy. After that his classmates came to congratulate him.classmates came to congratulate him.How happy and

13、 excited he was!How happy and excited he was! (2011深圳中考深圳中考)11l lPeter, Mary and I are good friends.Peter, Mary and I are good friends.l lIt wasyesterday and It wasyesterday and l lthe weather was the weather was l ldidnt know why .didnt know why .l lSo planned toSo planned tol lfoundill in bedfound

14、ill in bedl lThen cleaned the Then cleaned the l lAfter thathelpedAfter thathelped take a walk. take a walk.l ldeeply moveddeeply movedl lWhat a meaningful What a meaningful l lday it is!day it is!练习练习212描述类最简单的模板:Peter is my _.It wasyesterday. The weather was He ._What a _ day!或或How _ he was!13强强化化

15、训练 图片三:片三:请用英用英语描述描述图片,要求六句片,要求六句话以上(准以上(准备时间60秒,秒,录音音60秒)秒)201114 图片1._ _ 图片2. _ _ Mary is a kind and lovely girl. Yesterday was Mothers Day. The weather was fine and she wanted to buy a present for her mother.But she only had 20 yuan. So she had not enough money to buy shoes or flowers.Yesterday w

16、aswanted to buy not enough to15 图片3._ 图片4._ Suddenly, she came out with a good idea.She decided to make a beautiful card by herself. Then she did it at once. When her mother came back, she gave her the card. Her mother was so happy when she received the card. suddenlycame out withgave, waswhenI think it is a meaningful gift. I can learn from her.I think 16



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