高中英语 Unit1 Building the futurewelcome and reading精品课件 牛津译林版选修10

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1、What do these pictures remind you of?povertyThis is number one problem our world is facing.Development and the issue of poverty are the most important problems we are facing when we try to develop society.povertyWhat do you think may lead to poverty?povertyWhat do you think may lead to poverty?disas

2、tersdiseaseswarspoor environmentgrowing populationlimited natural resourceswrong policies &strategies Can you find possible solutions to the problem? hunger diseases natural disasters unemployment local environment wars growing population wrong policies and strategiesPossible solutions provide medic

3、al careprovide educational training donate food and money improve environment and develop renewable energyshort-term solutionslong-term solutionsUnit 1 Building the future授之以鱼不如授之以渔授之以鱼不如授之以渔 -老子老子Look and thinkIt is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.It is better to teach a man t

4、o fish than to give him a fish.Reading1.When was Live Aid held?2.What does WFP stand for?3.How many people has the WFP helped since it was established?On 13 July 1985.The World Food Programme.More than one billion.(Para 13)(Para 46)(Para 7)give food aidgive development aidconclusionPara.11. What was

5、 the concert held by Geldof in 1985 for? A. making him world-famous. B. earning him large amount of money. C. raising money for (the famine) and (to raise) public awareness of the famine. D. draw attention around the world to the famine.Live aid2.No. 1 global health risk : HungerPara.2Paras.2-33. Wh

6、ich of the following statements is true according to the text? A. Disease is the number one global health risk. B. The United Nations set up the World Food Programme in 1963. C. The WFP has helped more than one billion people since it was set up, which is enough to help developing countries. D. What

7、 developing countries really need is the food aid.WFP Food-for-WorkFood-for-GrowthFood-for-Life Ethiopian famine in 1985Live AidconcertFood aid & famine relief funding Individual aidFood-for-LifeFood-for-WorkFood-for-GrowthWFP International aidSolutionstop poverty by fighting the _ of it;_ a country

8、s infrastructure, which may help _ job opportunities for people and allow them to become _ ;_and train young people because the future of the developing countries _ to their children_ training and resources to _ and homeless people to make works of artimprovecausescreateindependenteducatebelongsExam

9、ples_ aiddevelopment provideunemployedConclusion To our relief, a lot has been done to _ poverty and great _ have been made. But the fight hasnt come to an _ . The two solutions need to be _together.fightachievementsendcombinedConsolidation:Main idea of the passageThe best s_ to stopping p_ in d_ co

10、untriesPart 1 Paragraphs_introduction of the problem-w_ h_Paragraph _some ways of d_ with h_Part 2Paragraph _the m_ of give a man a fishPart 3Paragraphs_w_ to f_ w_ h_Part 4Paragraph _conclusion341&25&67olutionovertyevelopingorldungerealingungereaningightorldungeraysPoint of view Conclusion FactsSup

11、porting details与定语从句考点相关的句子1)In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, _led todestroyed harvests and killed cattle. (Para.1) 1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,牛畜死亡。牛畜死亡。 2)The severity of this catastrophe shocked Bob Geldof, an Irish musician _ organized a charity concert called

12、Live Aid to raise money for famine victims in Ethiopia. (Para.1) 这场灾难的严重性让爱尔兰音乐家鲍勃这场灾难的严重性让爱尔兰音乐家鲍勃格尔震惊,他组织了一场格尔震惊,他组织了一场名为名为“现场援助现场援助”的慈善音乐会,为埃塞俄比亚饥荒受难者募集资的慈善音乐会,为埃塞俄比亚饥荒受难者募集资金。金。 3)In the end, $100 million was raised, _ was sent as food aid and famine relief funding. (Para.1)最后筹集一亿美元,这些钱作为食品援助和饥荒

13、救济基金发放出去。 whichwhowhich与定语从句考点相关的句子4)For example, the disease malaria, _ is spread by mosquitoes, kills over one million children yearly. (Para.2) 例如,疟疾通过蚊子传播,每年都导致例如,疟疾通过蚊子传播,每年都导致超过一百万的儿童的死亡。超过一百万的儿童的死亡。 which与定语从句考点相关的句子5)The WFP has organized a number programmes, including the Food-for-Life prog

14、ramme, _ sends emergency food aid to countries during times of crisis; the Food-for-Growth programme, _ targets people most at risk, such as babies, pregnant women and the elderly; the Food-for-Work programme, _ helps unemployed people support themselves by giving them work and paying them in food a

15、id.( Para.3)世界粮食计划署已经组织了若干项目,包括:挽救生命粮食计划世界粮食计划署已经组织了若干项目,包括:挽救生命粮食计划该计划为处于危机时刻的国家送去紧急援助粮食;健康成长粮食计该计划为处于危机时刻的国家送去紧急援助粮食;健康成长粮食计划划它主要以身处危险中的人作为目标,例如婴儿、孕妇和老人,它主要以身处危险中的人作为目标,例如婴儿、孕妇和老人,并教导他们有关营养的知识;帮助失业的人们维持生计的以工代赈并教导他们有关营养的知识;帮助失业的人们维持生计的以工代赈计划计划通过给他们工作,用食物援助支付他们的工资。通过给他们工作,用食物援助支付他们的工资。whichwhichwhic

16、h与定语从句考点相关的句子6)There is a saying _ goes Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. (Para.4) 有句俗语是这样说的:“授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔,终身之用。” 7)However, groups of housewives and widows there have been taught to sew clothing, _ they sell and make for their fam

17、ilies. ( Para.6) 然而家庭主妇和寡妇们现在也开始学习缝制然而家庭主妇和寡妇们现在也开始学习缝制衣服,这些衣服可以出售,也可以供家用。衣服,这些衣服可以出售,也可以供家用。whichthat与定语从句考点相关的句子8)There are many successful examples of this, such as in Afghanistan, _ males are generally the breadwinners. (Para.6)有很多这样成功的例子,比如在阿富有很多这样成功的例子,比如在阿富汗,男性一般是养家糊口的主力。汗,男性一般是养家糊口的主力。where与

18、名词性从句考点相关的句子与名词性从句考点相关的句子9)They need help, but the sad truth is _ food aid alone is not enough to help those countries. (Para.4)他们需要帮助,但不幸的事实是仅有粮食的援助对帮助这他们需要帮助,但不幸的事实是仅有粮食的援助对帮助这些国家是不够的。些国家是不够的。10)_ developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it. (Para.5)发展中国家

19、真正所需要做的就是通过与贫困的根源做斗发展中国家真正所需要做的就是通过与贫困的根源做斗争。争。11)The infrastructure of a country is _ makes everything run smoothly, including things like transport, irrigation, electricity, postal service, telephones and schools. (Para.5)一国的基础设施就是让一切平稳运作的设施,包括交通、一国的基础设施就是让一切平稳运作的设施,包括交通、灌灌、电力、邮政服务、电话和学校等。灌灌、电力、邮政

20、服务、电话和学校等。thatWhatwhat与名词性从句考点相关的句子与名词性从句考点相关的句子12)Another important thing to remember is _ the future of developing countries lies in the hands of children. This is _ education and training for young people is so important. (Para.6)需要记住的另一件重要事情就是发展中国家的未来存在于需要记住的另一件重要事情就是发展中国家的未来存在于孩子们的手中。这就是为什么年轻人的

21、教育和培养如此的孩子们的手中。这就是为什么年轻人的教育和培养如此的重要。重要。13)There are hundreds of success stories like these from all over the developing world, showing _ a lot of is being done to fight poverty, but we cannot pretend _ the fight is over. (Para.7)在各处的发展中国家有数以千计的这样成功的故事,表明在各处的发展中国家有数以千计的这样成功的故事,表明人们正在做许多事情与贫困作斗争,但我们不能

22、佯称斗争人们正在做许多事情与贫困作斗争,但我们不能佯称斗争已经结束。已经结束。thatwhythatthat与状语从句相关的句子与状语从句相关的句子.14)The concert also received _ much attention around theworld _ it put great pressure on politicians andstatesmen to do something about the famine.(Para.1)音乐会还受到了全世界极大的关注,这给政客们施加了巨大的压音乐会还受到了全世界极大的关注,这给政客们施加了巨大的压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些

23、事情。力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。15)Developing countries can do this _ they switch from importing food to producing it. (Para.4)如果发展中国家从进口粮食过渡到生产粮食,那他们就是得到如果发展中国家从进口粮食过渡到生产粮食,那他们就是得到“渔渔”而不是而不是“鱼鱼”了。了。 16)_ these things develop, jobs will be created for people, allowing them to help themselves instead of being de

24、pendent on other people. (Para.5)这些事业如果发展起来,就会给人们创造就业机会,使得他们可这些事业如果发展起来,就会给人们创造就业机会,使得他们可以帮助自己而不用依赖他人。以帮助自己而不用依赖他人。sothat if If与状语从句相关的句子与状语从句相关的句子.17)_ this is a bit different from conventional businesses, the programme has a rapidly growing output and many people have been quite successful. (Para.

25、6)尽管这有一点点不同于传统的商业,但它的产量迅速增长,许多尽管这有一点点不同于传统的商业,但它的产量迅速增长,许多人很成功。人很成功。18)However, these small victories are a good start towards a better future _ they are not the result of giving a man a single fish _ he can eat for a day. They are theresult of teaching a man to fish so that he can fill his belly fo

26、r a lifetime. (Para.7)但是,这些小小的胜利是通向更美好未来的良好开端。它们是授但是,这些小小的胜利是通向更美好未来的良好开端。它们是授人以渔的成果,让一个人可以一生填饱肚子。人以渔的成果,让一个人可以一生填饱肚子。Althoughbecauseso that与非谓语动词相关的句子与非谓语动词相关的句子.19)In fact, hunger is the number one global health risk, _ (kill) more people than any diseases. (Para.2)事实上饥饿是全球头号杀手,致死的人比任何疾病都要多。事实上饥饿是

27、全球头号杀手,致死的人比任何疾病都要多。20) Today, some _ (develop) countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads. They are currently _, but equally they could fall further behind _ countries.(Para.4)今天,非洲、亚洲和南美洲的一些发展中国家正处于关键时刻。当今天,非洲、亚洲和南美洲的一些发展中国家正处于关键时刻。当前它们正在发展,但同样地,它们有可能远远落后于发达国家。前它们正在发展,但同样地,它

28、们有可能远远落后于发达国家。21)If these things develop, jobs will be created for people, _ (allow) them _ (help) themselves instead of _ (be) dependent on other people. (Para.5)(译文见前面)(译文见前面) 22)One way _ (do) this is to improve a countrys infrastructure. (Para.5) 这样做的方法之一就是改善一国的基础设施。这样做的方法之一就是改善一国的基础设施。23)Anothe

29、r important thing _ (remember) is that the future of developing countries lies in the hands of children. (Para.5)(译文见前面)(译文见前面)killingto doto rememberdevelopingdevelopingdevelopedallowing to helpbeing与非谓语动词相关的句子与非谓语动词相关的句子.24)It is without doubt an _ (amaze) achievement, but is it enough?(Para.3)=Th

30、ere is no doubt that it is an amazing achievement, but 毫无疑问这是惊人的成就,但是这就足够了吗?毫无疑问这是惊人的成就,但是这就足够了吗?amazing25)The infrastructure of a country is what makes everything _ (run) smoothly, _ (include) things like transport, irrigation, electricity, postal service, telephones and schools.(译文见前面)(译文见前面)26)In

31、 South Africa, a community programme is providing training and resources to unemployed and homeless people to make works of art from wire _ (sell) to tourists.(Para.6)在南非,一项社区计划为失业的人和无家可归的人提供培在南非,一项社区计划为失业的人和无家可归的人提供培训和资源,让他们用金属丝制作艺术品出售给游客。训和资源,让他们用金属丝制作艺术品出售给游客。27)Although this is a bit different from conventional businesses, the programme has a rapidly_ (grow) output and many people have been quite successful.(Para.6)(译文见前面)(译文见前面)runincludingto sellgrowing前程似锦



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