商务英语翻译实训chapter 5 Translation of Commercial Advertisemets

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《商务英语翻译实训chapter 5 Translation of Commercial Advertisemets》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务英语翻译实训chapter 5 Translation of Commercial Advertisemets(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Translation for International BusinessChapter 5 Translation of Commercial AdvertisementsContents Warm-up Practice Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements Follow-up PraciceWarm-up PracticePut the following ad. texts into Chinese.Text 1The P

2、erfect Companion for 2009 Since you depend on a diary every day of the year, Pick the one thats perfect for you. Bright, attractive, colorful, always good for a smile Warm-up PracticeText 2 When is the last time that you heard investment advice that rang true? Above the din of the trading floor, one

3、 voice rings true and clear, that of LG Securities. As the leading securities firm in Korea, LG possesses the expertise and experience required to guide your investments in the Korea and international markets. Contact LG Securities today, and discover the broad range of financial services that we of

4、fer you. LG Securities Co. Ltd. Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements 商务广告一般由标题、正文、口号和附加成分(商标、插图、联系方式等)组成。其中,广告口号和商标有其相对独立性。广告口号(Slogan)是一种鼓动性语言,目的是为了牢固树立企业形象和商品形象,并在消费者心目中留下深刻印象。商标(Trademark)是经注册登记后享有专利且受法律保护的商品标志。Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements1. 英语商业广告语言特点1)词汇特点 英语广告中用

5、词简洁生动,通常大量使用评价性形容词及形容词的比较级和最高级;用词较讲究,四字、六字等结构较常见,节奏感较强,便于流传和记忆;误拼和创新拼写的方式也较常见,目的是为了吸引读者的注意力,体现企业文化和产品特点,具有很强的煽动性。例如: Krazy Clearance Toy Sale Continues 疯狂大甩卖,玩具促销进行中。 解析:这则清仓拍卖广告故意把Crazy一词误拼为Krazy, 以其新奇醒目的形式来吸引读者的关注,同时又强化了“疯狂甩卖”的语义,疯狂到写错了字的地步,充分体现了广告用词的特点。Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisem

6、ents1. 英语商业广告语言特点2)句法特点: 大量使用简单句、疑问句、祈使句和省略句,以达到用最少的语言传递最多的信息的目的。例如:What can you do at a summer ski resort? (度假广告)您想在夏日的滑雪胜地痛痛快快地玩一场吗?Get Met. (Metropolitan Life Insurance) It pays. (保险公司广告)购买城市人寿保险,值得!A world of comfort. Japan Airlines 充满舒适与温馨的世界。(日本航空公司)Well treat you like gold. (马来西亚航空公司)Linguist

7、ic Features of Commercial Advertisements1. 英语商业广告语言特点3)修辞特点: 广告作为一种特殊的文体,其语言艺术性要求很高,因此,各广告主都会充分利用各种修辞手段来增强其表达效果。英语广告中,常用的修辞方法有比喻、拟人、排比、双关、对比、重复、夸张及押韵等。例如:比喻Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud. (服装广告)轻飘飘如微风,软绵绵似彩云。EBEL : the architects of time. (手表广告)依波手表,时间的设计师。Linguistic Features of Commercial Adver

8、tisements1. 英语商业广告语言特点3)修辞特点:拟人 Plaque doesnt have a prayer because Check Up helps remove plaque safely and effectively everywhere you brush. Every time you brush, Check Up gets your teeth so clean that you can feel it! (牙膏广告) 牙斑在我们面前无所遁形。不管您何时何地刷牙,百消净牌牙膏都会帮助您安全有效地去除牙斑,而且您能感到百消净牙膏给您牙齿带来的洁净。双关 Make T

9、ime for Time. (时代广告) 阅读时代为您赢得时间。Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements1. 英语商业广告语言特点3)修辞特点:对比 Tides in, dirts out. (洗衣粉广告) 有汰渍,没污渍。重复 Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (雷达牌驱虫剂) 蚊虫,杀杀杀。夸张 Famous-brand perfume spreads fragrance for as long as a century. (香水广告) 名牌香水,香飘百年。Linguistic Features of Commercial

10、Advertisements1. 英语商业广告语言特点3)修辞特点:押韵 Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only from Sony. (音响广告) 高保真,高乐趣,高时尚 - 只来自索尼。排比 This is a land of great and varied beauty, a land of contrasts and a land with a long history. 这是一片美丽而神奇的土地,这是一片充满反差的土地,这是一片具有悠久历史的土地。(旅游区广告)Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements2

11、. 汉语商业广告语言特点 汉语广告用词明显特点是四字、六字结构较多,节奏感较强,合辙押韵。例如: 力士香皂 力士香皂国际著名影星的护肤秘密 芬芳柔润的力士香皂,是国际著名影星每日美容护肤的必需品。力士香皂泡沫丰富,清洁滋润,令肌肤柔美嫩滑,分外迷人。Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements2. 汉语商业广告语言特点 汉语广告以陈述句为主,多使用长句和复杂句。广告要突出产品的特殊效能和长处,针对不同层次的消费者的不同心理进行宣传。例如红牛饮料平面广告文案: 轻松能量 来自红牛 还在用这种方法提神? 都新世纪了,还在用这一杯苦咖啡来提神?你知

12、道吗?还有更好的方式来帮助你唤起精神:全新上市的强化型红牛功能饮料富含氨基酸,维生素等多种营养成分,更添加了8倍牛磺酸,能有效激活脑细胞,缓解视觉疲劳,不仅可以提神醒脑,更能加倍呵护你的身体,令你随时拥有敏锐的判断力,提高工作效率。 迅速抗疲劳 激活脑细胞Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertisements2. 汉语商业广告语言特点 和英语广告一样,为了增强表达效果,汉语广告也使用大量的修辞手法。例如宝来汽车平面广告文案使用排比手法:驾驶者之车奔跑,奔跑者之间的语言他,他们,天生的运动者。以奔跑为生,以奔跑为乐,以奔跑为表情,以奔跑为语言以奔跑为态度

13、,以奔跑为价值。不以物喜,不以己悲;平凡态度,超越平凡。宝来,超越平凡。Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements1直译法 2意译法 3增补法4删减法5. 套译法6. 创译法Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements1直译法 直译是按照字面翻译,不作过多的引申和注释。但直译绝非一字对一字的死译,必要时应该对原文语言进行调整或修改,使译入语读者理解和接受。例如:1)高科技产品,时代的典范A product of high technology, the quintessence

14、 of a new age. 2)What can be imagined, can be realized. 只要有梦想,万事可成真。 Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements2意译法意译法 “意意译译”是是一一个个相相对对于于“直直译译”而而言言的的概概念念,通通常常指指取取原原文文内内容容而而舍舍弃弃其其形形式式,在在翻翻译译过过程程中中要要考考虑虑译译入入语语读读者者因因文文化化而而产产生生的的阅阅读读和和理理解解上上的的差差异。异。3)喝杯青酒,做个朋友。)喝杯青酒,做个朋友。The sign of real friend

15、ship.4)The unique spirit of Canada. 品加拿大酒,体会加拿大人精神。品加拿大酒,体会加拿大人精神。Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements3增补法 在汉语产品广告中,有些信息对于中国人非常熟知,没有必要详尽阐述,但对于没有中国文化背景的译入语读者来说,很难理解。因此,在译文中,有必要将这些信息增补出来。5)溪口千层饼采用传统工艺,制作精细,质地松脆,清香可口。 Xikou Qianceng Cake, with numerous clear sheets in it, is finally made

16、 in a traditional way. It is tasty and crisp. Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements4删减法 汉语广告经常使用一些套话,或不符合英语广告惯例的表达,在翻译时,就要将这部分信息进行删减。8)它们是最舒适的服装?上海丝绸内衣与您共享完美。 The most comfortable garments? Shanghai silk underwear perfects you. Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements5. 套译法

17、英语广告中常常套用脍炙人口的名言警句,在翻译时,也可结合本国特色套用名言警句以收到对等的表达效果。例如: 10)Not all cars are created equal. 昔有千里马,今有三菱车。 (三菱汽车)Techniques of Translating Commercial Advertisements6. 创译法 创意是基本脱离了翻译范畴,重新创造译文。这些广告都有众所周知的英中对照的两个文本。其中文版本,虽然与原英文文本在字面意思上很少有相似之处,但历来被认为是其英文文本的翻版,因此,我们仍称这类中文文本为翻译,即带有一定创造性的翻译,而不是纯粹的创作。 11)Quality

18、Services for Quality Life. (康乐及文化事务署) 凝聚新动力,文康展新姿。Follow-up Practice Translate the following advertisement slogans into Chinese. 1. Obey your thirst. (雪碧)2. Ask for more. (百事流行鞋)3. Just do it. (耐克)4. The taste is great. (雀巢)5. The choice of a new generation. (百事可乐)Follow-up Practice6. Lets make thin

19、g better. (飞利浦电子)7. No business too small, no problem too big. (IBM公司)8. M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. (M&Ms 巧克力)9. Start ahead. (飘柔)10. A diamond lasts forever. (第比尔斯钻石)Follow-up PracticeTranslate the following advertisement text into Chinese. Memories are bright as a tropical bloom, f

20、resh as a cool sea breeze, deep as the unhurried sea. This is the Sheraton Bal Harbor Resort. Time steps to a different measure here, just for the two of you. Palm bordered beaches gently kiss the waters edge. Sunset dance, nightlife sings under a star - filled sky; moonlight drips soft silver to tuck you in. This is the Sheraton Bal Harbor Resort. Where the days hesitate to end, and the memories linger forever. (某旅馆广告)Chapter 5The End



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