高考英语一轮总复习 语法17 倒装句课件 牛津译林版

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1、十七、倒装句十七、倒装句 例句例句结构解析结构解析Little did I know that she had already left.Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here.Never in my life have I seen such a thing.At no time was the entrance left unguarded.No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.Hardly had he arrived when they asked him to leave again.表示否定

2、意义的词或表示否定意义的词或短语作状语位于句首短语作状语位于句首时,其部分否定的结时,其部分否定的结构是:构是:例句例句结构解析结构解析 Only then did he understand it.Only with more practice can you pass the driving test.Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake. 注意:不要误以为注意:不要误以为“only”开头的句子开头的句子就要倒装。例如:就要倒装。例如:Only he knows it.

3、only修饰主语,属正常修饰主语,属正常语序。语序。 例句例句结构解析结构解析Not only did she make a promise, but she also kept it.Not only was Churchill a statesman, but also (he was) a writer. not only.but also连接连接两个句子时,两个句子时,not only后后的句子倒装。的句子倒装。 注意:注意:not only.but also连接两个主语,属连接两个主语,属正常语序。正常语序。Not only he but also I am a student. 例

4、句例句结构解析结构解析Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.Not until I had read the report did I understand the true state of affairs.Not often do they meet.Not once did he talk to me. (1)not until后接从句位后接从句位于句首,主句的主谓于句首,主句的主谓部分倒装,切忌将部分倒装,切忌将until所带的从句倒装。所带的从句倒装。仔细观察左边例仔细观察左边例2句。句。 例句例句结构解析结构解析So

5、 beautiful was the girl that she won the championship in the beauty contest.Such an attractive speech did he make that all the listeners were moved. that. (2)后面的后面的that引导目的或引导目的或结果状语从句,属正常语结果状语从句,属正常语序。序。 例句例句结构解析结构解析Were I asked, I would tell all the fact.Had you been there, you would have met him.

6、Should there be a meeting tomorrow, he would tell you.在虚拟语气中,若在虚拟语气中,若if条条件句含件句含were,should或或had,可将,可将if省略,将该省略,将该类词置于句首,形成倒类词置于句首,形成倒装结构,使句子简练。装结构,使句子简练。May you succeed!表示祝愿的句子。表示祝愿的句子。例句例句结构解析结构解析Child as he is, he knows a lot of things.Brave as they were, the danger made them afraid.Try as he mig

7、ht, she couldnt get the door open.Strange though it may appear, it is true.(1)n./adj.as(though)Slink.v.;v.as(though)Saux.v/mod.v.引导让步状引导让步状语从句。语从句。(2)若名词是可数名词单若名词是可数名词单数,则省去不定冠词数,则省去不定冠词a/an。(3)这种结构不是严格意这种结构不是严格意义上的主谓倒装结构。义上的主谓倒装结构。(三三)完全倒装完全倒装将整个谓语提到主语之前。将整个谓语提到主语之前。例句例句结构解析结构解析There is a table, fo

8、ur chairs and a small bed in the room.There are lots of people like that, arent there?Therell still be some shops left open.There was a concert last night.There hasnt been any rain for some days.There must be something wrong with the machine.There is going to be a heavy shower.There oughtnt to be mu

9、ch trouble in building the road.There doesnt seem to be much hope of our beating that team.There happened to be nobody in the room.There stands a pine tree at the top of the hill.Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.There lies a bamboo garden at the back of the village.There fle

10、w a fivestar red flag from the window.In the valley there runs a stream.Do you think there remains anything else to be done?there be 句式:句式:(1)there是引导词,不作句子是引导词,不作句子成分,成分,be是谓语动词,表是谓语动词,表“存存在在”,常译为,常译为“(某地某地/时时)有有”主语在主语在be之后。之后。be的数的数由其后的主语的数决定。如果由其后的主语的数决定。如果主语由主语由and连接两个或两个以连接两个或两个以上,则由上,则由be最近的一个

11、决定。最近的一个决定。(2)(2)根据表达需要,根据表达需要,there be结构可有各种时态变化,可接结构可有各种时态变化,可接各类情态动词。各类情态动词。(3)(3)there be与与be going to, ought to, used to, be likely to, seem to, happened to连用,便连用,便形成了形成了“there.to be.”结结构。构。(4)(4)除了动词除了动词be外,外,there还还可与可与remain, live, lie, exist, stand, fly, run等词连用,展开等词连用,展开这种句式。这种句式。例句例句结构解析结

12、构解析Here is the book you want.There goes the bell.Now comes your turn.Then came the day of his examination.cf.:Here you are.There he comes.Where is the book?Here it is. (1)这类结构用于描述某种情景。这类结构用于描述某种情景。 (2)若主语是代词,则不倒装。若主语是代词,则不倒装。 例句例句结构解析结构解析Away flew the bird.Off went Jack.Up went the prices again.The

13、door opened and in came the headmaster.Down went the boat.Out went the boy.cf.:Away they went.Down it flew. (1)up, down, in, out, away, off等等adv.位于句首,主谓倒位于句首,主谓倒置,使描述的现象置,使描述的现象更生动。更生动。 (2)若主语是人称代若主语是人称代词、主谓不倒装。词、主谓不倒装。 例句例句结构解析结构解析On the left sat her husband.Along each side stretched fields of gree

14、n wheat.In front of the house stood a young man. 表示地点的介词短语置表示地点的介词短语置于句首。句子又没宾语于句首。句子又没宾语时,常倒装。时,常倒装。 例句例句结构解析结构解析Present at the meeting were General manager and 50 workers.Below is a restaurant.Around the lake are five buildings.Facing the river is a sevenstory tower.Seated on the ground are a grou

15、p of young men. 表语位于句首,主谓倒表语位于句首,主谓倒装的情况比较多。装的情况比较多。 (1)这类表语的中心词往这类表语的中心词往往为往为adj., adv., prep. phr., Ving,Ved, etc.。 (2)倒装的目的是突出表倒装的目的是突出表语,或因主语太长。语,或因主语太长。 例句例句结构解析结构解析“Id like to come back and see Monets garden,” said my aunt.“This,” said the artist, “is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.”直接引语的后面或中间直接引语的后面或中间表示表示“某人说某人说”之类的之类的插入语。插入语。 例句例句结构解析结构解析Such is life!Such was the story he told me.Such were his words. such作表语的句子。作表语的句子。



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