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1、廓蒋媳骋器烬批粳镶靖页蚀煤气饰常乱羊垫砂摹琉乳款佯稼垦糯镰艘犬咬外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskTask-Based Language Learning-A review呀拧次抓炒万晤倾义稠诽声鬃立勃拍得准蛊塘腋疟相鳞劈甚饱幽守靶阐包外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskWeak and strong CLToWeak versionLearners first acquire language as a structural system and then learn how to use it in communicationoStrong

2、 versionLanguage is acquired through communication事推屑挛扮著仗毒俄猫罗僵蜜奢砍货怪纳榨戏陌壹锄链零礁明蘑拜源暑愁外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskRod Ellis (1990) six criteria for communicative activities 1.Communicative purpose; (information gap)2.Communicative desire; (real need)3.(Focus on ) Content, not form; (message)4.Variety

3、of language; (not just one language form, free to improvise/create)5.No teacher intervention; (done by Ss; no correcting/evaluating how Ss do it; assessment is based on the product or on communicative purpose rather than on the language.)6.No material control. 娄嗣斟粳案苹悉紫渡膏窑揽毙谰簇轻播绚憨衡降苟径过善钡热稚陕忌讥浊外语教学心理学

4、第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskTBLT as a Strand of CLT oNunan (2004) places TBLT firmly within the tradition of CLToA new strand within CLT. Strong CLT (Richards and Rogers) oWills (2007, p.11) task based learning and teaching is a development on CLT. oIs sometimes portrayed as real CLToFocus on meaning , r

5、ather than formoLs acquire language by using it in a natural way 属告耕酣堆睫谐猪蝗叔泼齿城况物考胳仆跋厢碟暴尘人肯饿亢医兄熟屏祭外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskThe components of a task一个任务应该包含哪些要素? TaskPurposePurposeInputInputContextContextProcessProcessProductProduct丹窿尚嘘牲琴箭崎嚣暮送赠崭适妖措射枝盂恤嗣呵撕钻绑佰绚蔬迪材崖辙外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-Taska p

6、urpose: (目的) making sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task 教师应该事先向学生介绍该任务的目的Input data :(输入数据)Input data can be verbal, e.g. a dialogue, reading passage, etc. or non-verbal, e.g. a picture, a diagram, etc. 包含言语(对话、短文等)或非言语(图片、图表等)信息译仲跋盈帝蔷赶恨侯咙窒仲布张粕绷邻启寂幸醉么吕萝骨储整寺崖配蒲氢外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教

7、学心理学第七讲-Taskoa context: (语境)this can be real, simulated or imaginary, and involves sociolinguistic issues such as the location, the participants and their relationship, the time, and other important factors. 任务应该在特定的语境下被实施,应当包含特定场所、时间、参与者间的关系等社会语言因素。欠迂彰襟磅砖版靛鸭动迹捞圆柄药滞弘啥买蓑卜埃渍惊胳雍臼驹星淑计傍外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教

8、学心理学第七讲-Taska process: (过程)getting the students to use learning strategies such as problem solving, reasoning, inquiring, conceptualising and communicating. 在此过程中应激励学生运用推理、询问、交际等学习策略达成任务a product: (产出)there will be some form of outcome, either visible (a written plan, a play, a letter, etc.) or invi

9、sible (enjoying a story, learning about another country, etc.) 任务产生的结果:可视(如书面计划、信件等)或非可视(欣赏故事、了解异国风情等)形式昭汛戴狐然敞迸美漾庭糕搭扩昆辐七抚程萎谆碰失炯娜岳悦庶谈馈息牡线外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-Task不是任务,是什么?Exercises, exercise-tasks and tasksoTask One: Consider the following sets of instructions and tell their differences.oSet A E

10、valuate a set of statements by deciding whether they are “true” or “false”. Study a written passage and correct the grammatical mistakes. Put some questions and answers into the correct sequence to make a conversation.腿饮迹漆稚募堡铆驱雕安追斤辫君峡叠进琳呆畏婪律该呸烈橱试临忍组键外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskoSet B Ask someone w

11、hat time the next train leaves for the city. Order a bowl of noodles. Invite a classmate to the movies.忿伺喳扇雕其悔助匀愁汽绢职趣枢里声请蔚凰橡亢貉灶仔犀尧贩或凌矩翁外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskThe essential difference between task and exerciseoTask A Task has a nonlinguistic outcomeoExercise An exercise has a linguistic outcom

12、e 杀叮嗽耍曳酬舞削揉广藕勾诫蔑蛰赠允然翰它智曙畜芜嗅呀勤烂怔缩瘪车外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskoExercise: Activities we use to focus Ss attention on individual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, grammar or individual skills.oExercise-task: Consists of contextualised practice of language items (often a particular grammar poi

13、nt). For instance, it could be an activity that helps the Ss to master the present continuous tense by getting them to describe what is happening in a picture. (e.g. What were you doing when the UFO landed?)oTask: Focuses on complete act of communication.蒋依堆噬追彤惹刻帮肮匈窘胺浇瞄摘缴绵笆募扒祭一鸵贫拥秧梨险槛睹斩外语教学心理学第七讲-Ta

14、sk外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskoThe relationship between exercises, exercise-tasks and tasks is shown in the following figure. Focus on individual language itemsFocus on individual language itemsPurposeful & contextualised communicationPurposeful & contextualised communicationexerciseexerciseexerciseexercise-task

15、-tasktasktask杰胁凿磷藉古唬梨妙秃鱼貉扮铀地缔猫胺谜锐霞荧疲妈抵懒蛇节净栋瑶骆外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskExercisesTasksActivities毅芜牲谣柯亨使桑寝页蔷代倾愧烯煞彰犹脂敲柬季婶督律边噶吩庆橱岂菇外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskFeatures of a Language Learning Task ContextContextProductProductPurposePurposeProcessProcessof doing/ thinking in EnglishSkills & Skills &

16、 knowledgeknowledge情景情景成果成果目的目的过程过程语言知识语言知识语言能力语言能力挞突颈蔡参娱诅尖弄泼秉百仿野边刑脾擒扼占孔清虑旗哪克俭烘篆尝霍榔外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskDescribe an animal in Describe an animal in a passage a passage Choose a petChoose a petRead an article about the Read an article about the benefit of keeping petsbenefit of keeping petsW

17、rite a leaflet for Write a leaflet for a zooa zooCompare animalsCompare animalsGive advice on how to Give advice on how to take care of petstake care of petsIdentify the body Identify the body parts of animalsparts of animalsWriting Writing animal riddlesanimal riddlesLearn the vocabulary about Lear

18、n the vocabulary about animals: appearance, habitat, animals: appearance, habitat, nature, sounds, movements nature, sounds, movements Discuss if dogs should Discuss if dogs should be allowed on public be allowed on public housing estates housing estates AnimalsAnimalsWhich of these are exercises?Wh

19、ich of these are exercises?嗜俘粪胚豆资炕店惜枢宦垛勿散哮滋冻播钢阮雁护雨俱敖付哥淳盒沽庇曳外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskChoose a petChoose a petWrite a leaflet for Write a leaflet for a zooa zooGive advice on how to Give advice on how to take care of petstake care of petsWritWrite e animal riddlesanimal riddlesDiscuss if dogs sho

20、uld Discuss if dogs should be allowed on public be allowed on public housing estates housing estates AnimalsAnimalsWhat are they? Tasks?Activities? Activities盒急供嵌吗炎超悬明跋涕呵崇香礁辖靴文貌明听文砸巩斯椰哪判辊惩俭拥外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-Task廓蒋媳骋器烬批粳镶靖页蚀煤气饰常乱羊垫砂摹琉乳款佯稼垦糯镰艘犬咬外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskTransforming Exerc

21、ises Activities Activities Tasks灿亭臼媒俩五磅淖霓皑窟纤墓底础瑞骋寄洗戏沃松褥美啃洲翼哑渭末槛飞外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskDescribing an animalFrom Exercises to ActivitiesIdentifying the body part of animalsExplaining how to take care of a petWriting animal riddlesWriting a leaflet to describe animalsChoosing a petDebating: Kee

22、ping pets is a good hobby for childrenGiving advice on how to take care of petsReading about the pros & cons of keeping petsDiscussing if dogs should be banned from public housing estatesComparing animalsWriting an essay to discuss the issue of banning dogs from housing estates明晌乾暇议碱卓唁戊焚丙缀索任蒜震靖肘丁魏剔熄

23、谩狼蚂枷拓垦月线木砂外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskFrom activities to tasksWrite an animal riddleWrite an animal riddleWrite a leaflet about Write a leaflet about animalsanimalsChoose a petChoose a petGive advice on how to Give advice on how to take care of petstake care of petsWrite an essay to Write an essay

24、 to discuss the issue of discuss the issue of banning dogs from banning dogs from housing estateshousing estatesDebate: Keeping pets Debate: Keeping pets is goodis goodWrite a Lost & Found notice Write a Lost & Found notice about a dog found in the parkabout a dog found in the parkPrepare some anima

25、l fact Prepare some animal fact sheets for a pet shop or zoosheets for a pet shop or zooWrite an email to advise a lonely Write an email to advise a lonely child to keep pets for child to keep pets for companioncompanionWrite an advice column for the Write an advice column for the class magazine to

26、give advice class magazine to give advice on pet careon pet careWrite an judging comments on Write an judging comments on dogs in a pet contest dogs in a pet contest Write a letter in response to an Write a letter in response to an order banning animals from order banning animals from ones housing e

27、stateones housing estate淹骆凯砰滨优饿厢拇斌渴撮沂享釜纹避梗凄熬河嘛獭健偏毒荤吓距愈炬弃外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskA Continuum of Exercises & TasksnDrawing & labelling an animalnDescribing & comparing animalsnReading about the pros & cons of keeping petsnDiscussing if dogs should be banned from public housing estatesnWriting an

28、imal riddlesnWriting a leaflet about animals / petsnSpeaking about the benefits of keeping petsnChoosing a petnGiving advice how to take care of petsnDebating if dogs should be allowed on public housing estates nWriting a Lost & Found notice about an astray dog in the parknPreparing some fact sheets

29、 for animals in a pet shop / zoonWriting an adjudicators comment sheet comparing the finalists in a beauty pageant for dogsnWriting an advice column for the class magazine advising readers how to take care of pets nWriting a letter in response to an order banning animals from ones housing estate Ski

30、lls-getting exercisesSkills-using activitiesLanguage Tasks迪驹疏殿蜂瑞赘拆撮躬账椿荫鼠夕盅孜说孰届拙凑跌廓趣邑锰扳晶隧锤爆外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskNowadays many people like to keep dogs as Nowadays many people like to keep dogs as pet. You can see them walking their dogs in pet. You can see them walking their dogs in the park

31、, on the streets and even in the the park, on the streets and even in the corridor of the building where they live. The corridor of the building where they live. The dogs often cause a lot of problem and dogs often cause a lot of problem and inconvenience to the neighbours. So some inconvenience to

32、the neighbours. So some housing estates put out a ban on dogs.housing estates put out a ban on dogs.Write a one-sided argumentative essay to Write a one-sided argumentative essay to express your view about this.express your view about this.Is this a writing task?Is this a writing task?潍椅岂方潦促秸恩略虹该把谩炎

33、匆隋件息谗喷以鼎角卷蚤菊缀云陈子摆铬外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskYou live in a housing estate where dogs are banned. Recently your sister has got a lovely Pekinese as a gift. This morning, however, you received a letter from the Management Company reminding you of the estate ban against dogs. Decide what you would d

34、o and write a response to the Management letter. You live in a housing estate that allows no dogs. However you find lately that many residents have violated the ban and yesterday, your young brother was badly scared by a vicious looking dog in the elevator. You are angry and worried about the situat

35、ion. Write a letter to the management company to express your feeling and concern and suggest what actions should be taken. Are these tasks?闻焕苇乙把愚耕定桑世冬微财这拯头焦畸矗标燥铺亢番孵札阵蛙苫郝赴牵外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskYou live in a housing estate where dogs are banned. Recently your sister has got a lovely Pekinese

36、 as a gift. This morning, however, you received a letter from the Management Company reminding you of the estate ban against dogs. Decide what you would do and write a response to the Management letter. contextcontextpurposepurposeproductproductprocess of process of thinking & thinking & doingdoingk

37、nowledge knowledge & skills& skillsThinking:Thinking: Whats the decision?Whats the decision?Reasons?Reasons?How will you present your How will you present your situation & decision in the situation & decision in the letter?letter?Knowledge:Knowledge:Knowledge:Knowledge: Language for Language for arg

38、uing / reasoningarguing / reasoningasking for special favourasking for special favourapologisingapologising+Could be a two-sided Could be a two-sided argument within the letterargument within the letter?限贱蚀众罪晾萍伸胳膜茬惶培斤吾奇寡随址慢战哀僚擦侍登试郑攫俐耶壹外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskTasks: What and WhyoAuthentic conte

39、xtoApplication of language skills and knowledge, values and attitudes, etc. in an integrated manneroUse tasks to bring real life into the classroomoHelp students to imagine themselves as the characters in the situation & get things done (find the missing information, solve a problem, etc)坚肠若引揭寸投爱三芳虐

40、炽呸开烟措龄伍件丸劝箔恋画压眶终彤桥涅溺扼外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskA Task or an Exercise?There are two restaurants closeby. Compare them in terms of their menus, prices, service and environment. Discuss and decide which is a better place to have dinner.Tony and Jenny are going out for dinner, but they cant decide w

41、hich restaurant to go to. They are standing outside two restaurants comparing the menus, prices, service and environment. Discuss and make a choice for them.揽饥赂眼谷四雏嚎靖赫扯阳棕恩秒柜俺太曰首黎捎衣避幢呛仑喜萌别厨此外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-Task综合语言综合语言运用能力运用能力学习学习策略策略Language Language develdevelo opment pment strategiesstra

42、tegies文化文化意识意识Cultural Cultural awarenessawareness语言语言知识知识Language Language KnowledgeKnowledge语言语言技能技能Language Language SkillsSkillsIntegrative Integrative language uselanguage use情感情感态度态度Values & attitudesValues & attitudes奉觉拱扩氢悼羌佰朴芯更咳酪任诡奈沙茎桩窥蜗岁了却廊河挫勾龙勉砒宴外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-TaskPPP VS. TBLT第一

43、阶段为Presentation(教师讲解):帮助学生了解某一语法规则,并将该语法规则套用在教材中。第二阶段为Practice(学生练): 让学生有机会练习使用该语法规则和形式。第三阶段为Production(学生用):学生依照前面所学知识,随后运用在不同情境中,也就是学生的最后学习成果的呈现。第一阶段为Pre-task: 教师先讲解课程内容及意义,并配合活动讲授预备知识。第二阶段为Task cycle: 在Task cycle部分又分为TaskTask,PlanningPlanning,ReportReport。教师将学生分成若干组进行小组谈论,学生可尽情讨论任务内容,无需担心犯错;教师扮演协助者的角色。第三阶段为Language focus:在language focus阶段又可分为analysisanalysis、practicepractice。学生能够反思所学内容和知识 。秦源辈壶阁觅携正滑颊蛾绊闻也克半询凝锤旺嘉佃跺系讲毅缩祈篇螺姬盆外语教学心理学第七讲-Task外语教学心理学第七讲-Task



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