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1、刊固籍纸蹿办索柠酋危剪隋侈椭朗挖谁九绪斑囊撂酝喷娜对梅市滦具榔愚简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案沈阳广播电视大学外语系 赵亚军锥蚌过百厩美印置鸣难餐骆来帕森镑收消营梦晕吨价咏憨蓄勇幌虾膜逻锥简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案第十三单元 基本句型结构n一、重点难点提示n二、教学内容n三、解题指导n四、课后作业n五、参考答案眶釉垂秤铸封应迄顷迅液炕疾踞榴涛葱侄匝铸艰瓣谩月跺瞪烷垃觅各忧唱简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案一、重点难点提示n一掌握疑问句结构,正确完成附加疑问句部分,能回答各种疑问句n二掌握简单句、并列句以及复合句的句

2、型结构n三学会简单句与并列句、简单句与复合句、并列句与复合句的转换n四学会将直接引语变为间接引语n五掌握名词从句的用法衡悄忱暴序摘痕芯弧配碳屠仇途互初述年酪侯甩若丫因霄婶幽奎止桓卿需简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案二、教学内容n一句子n二句子成分长砾简岭厂域鸥乾拔砒尘祸婉魂颅序士虐贩甄捡内睹秆山宪合乳窝诽寝贱简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案 (一)句子n1、定义、定义:英语句子(sentence)表达一个相对完整的独 立的概念,它有一定的语法结构和语调。 英语句子开头第一个字母要大写,句子末 尾要 用句号 、问号或感叹号结束。n2、分类、分类:(按功用分) 1、

3、 declarative sentence 2、 interrogative sentence 3、 imperative sentence 4、 exclamatory sentence膝亮矗早外鞭署拈最哪莱凹脑携耿裹候撮有伍棒挡芥猾窝轰溉咀碑颜哥腻简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案分类(按结构分)n1、Simple sentence Everything is good for something.n2、compound sentence He spoke and all was still.n3、Complex sentence God knows where he fle

4、d.n4、Compound complex sentence John want to go to the party,but his wife said she was too tired.娄理湾油存狙诧臻恒厘涡物囊玩蚀乒壳碳轿荆汝忍憋拇甫枷疥助恢即桩恤简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案(二)句子成分n1、SubjectWhenever you are ready will be fine.n2、PredicateI am studying.n3、PredicativeShe is a good teacher.n4、ObjectHe give me a book.n5、Com

5、plementTired and sleepy,I went to bed.John wears his hair very long.东递崔灵侥袋泳相耙炮渊载凌伴矾蓖揍圾挑吃扔饵塔颤宪柑瘸砖酚仿蛇遣简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案(二)句子成分n6、Attributive She is a natural musician.n7、AdverbialThe girl is improving remarkably.n8、AppositiveThe idea that you can do the job without learning it first is totally

6、wrong.n9、ParenthesisThe cross-talk, I think, was both interesting and instructive.n10、Independent elementAha! Ive caught you at last.杰庄榜脂窿茁赠允摔滓罩谊统桶随扎拯丧遵主施摆岗犯如寿摔归蔚令挫菱简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案三、解题指导1n(1)并列句转换成简单句)并列句转换成简单句 He came late,so he missed the first part of the show. A simple sentence:He came

7、too late to see the first part of the show.n并列句转换为简单句时,多将分句变为短语n简单句变为并列句时,多将短语变为分句 n(2)简单句变为复合句)简单句变为复合句 I could not come on account of my illness. A complex sentence: I could not come because I was ill.n简单句变为复合句,多把短语变为从句n复合句变为简单句,多将从句变为短语孩付倘贞齐傻线蚊设侗桨券惕苦蓖遁耪江二洗劲程移砖晤杨漠醛昆您肮通简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案三、解题指

8、导2n(1)复合句变为并列句)复合句变为并列句 Although we fished all day,we didnt catch a thing. A compound sentence:We fished all day,but we didnt catch a thing.n复合句变为并列句,多将从句变为一分句n并列句变为复合句,多将一分句变为从句n(2)直接引语变为间接引语)直接引语变为间接引语 He said to us,“are you going away today?” Indirect speech:He asked us whether we were going that

9、 day.n直接引语变为间接引语,间接引语的人称、时态、状语等都要做相应的变化。升硕价杠助芯钞痪辖缘煽蹬崭瞳灭藩骸阳嚏苇瘸以骄肮未朵揭两鸭户营董简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案四、课后作业n(一)(一)Change the following sentences into simple sentencesn1、The boss is flying to Paris.His secretary is flying to Paris.n2、They will stay here for a couple of days before they go to Japan.n3、I wa

10、s afraid that I should fall behind the others.n4 、He failed because he lacked experience.n(二)(二)change the following sentences into complex onesn1、The system used in this school is very successful.n2、After being informed the flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements.n3、Unless changed,this

11、law will make life difficult for farmers.n4、They debated for hours.No decision was taken.武报计扦烹人仑曹固交释午埔踩裸寡卞羡葫章痊吩札逊惯焉万录占年奖穷简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案四、课后作业n(三)Put the following into indirect speechn1、“you may have this bicycle for two weeks .” said John.n2 、“Why did you come here yesterday with my siste

12、r?” Mary asked me a week ago.n3、“Will you stay here or not?” I asked her.n4、“We insisted that he come at once.” she said.n(四)(四)Combine each of the following pairs of sentencesn1、Why are you late?I dont understand.n2、Where have you been?Would you tell me?n3、When will the plane come?Please tell me.n4

13、、Where can we find the founds?Dont worry about that.屁梨惺窘凝试坏胸隧冯译伪幌庶涟吧琶纂签陵加澡个板瞒秤阻珠挤陆闻衣简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案五、参考答案n(一)(一)Change the following sentences into simple sentencesn1、The boss and his secretary are flying to Paris.n2、They will stay here for a couple of days before going to Japan.n3、I was af

14、raid of falling behind the others.n4、He failed for lack of experience. n(二)(二)Change the following sentences into complex onesn1、The system which is used in this school is very successful.n2、After we were informed the flight would be delayed,we made other arrangements.n3、Unless it is changed,this la

15、w will make life difficult for farmers.n4、Although they debated for hours,no decision was taken. 空士浮门拢秦剪岭嫉秤疾苯夯粉撬备镊风照彻壬抉吴孵唁谭撬源拿缠疡稀简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案五、参考答案n(三)(三)Change the following sentences into compound onesn1、John said that I might have that bicycle for two weeks.n2、Mary asked me a week bef

16、ore why I had gone there with her sister the day before.n3、I asked her whether she would stay there or not.n4、She said that they had insisted that he come at once. n(四)Combine each of the following pairs of sentencesn1、I dont understand why you are late.n2、Would you tell me where you have been?n3、Please tell me when the plane will come.n4、Dont worry about where you can find the funds.卓撑锑谚殿泽胁谱椿象完师包棺寞凌陕仪入繁御磋扭坷形延馋捍胜挎凉糊简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案优丛骗哆营年炼雄谍猖槐词买越帕韩申且军改合势腆卜绥湃锦俱亨翅蛤丛简明英语语法教程电子教案简明英语语法教程电子教案



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