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1、朵蛇细审拇蓟程颅戚咀散争压逛燎宅粘座嫂听渊酱维妥迁稚膨串镶蜒镑联新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands上海交通大学外教口语上海交通大学外教口语 培训教程培训教程新概念第四册 Lesson 4 Seeing hands上海市徐汇区华山路1954号浩然高科技大厦7F咨询电话:021-6051466260514663官方网站:http:/翰紧绿猛阅试隋蜂胚得滦千绸跟撼座煞兆巷喘俏漠钢搂墨卓惜社裙汹阂稿新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands第四课第四课 能看东西的手能看东西的手n4-1. Sev

2、eral cases have been reported in Russia recently of people who can read and detect colours with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls. n【译文】俄罗斯最近报导了几个事例,说有人能用手指看书和辨认颜色,甚至双眼能透过厚实的门和墙看到东西。n【讲解】of people who canwalls作定语修饰cases,这部分较长,所以被移到谓语部分后,这样句子就不会头重脚轻。句中的of意为“关于”。n【单词和短语】ndetect

3、:察觉,发觉(to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc.)。窟运腺蔗掐吸笆乙拉怜篙钢浅忠毕缨宏驮省击督响秽童炕脯偿溺吕易惹丧新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands2n4-2. One case concerns an eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Vera Petrova, who has normal vision but who can also perceive things

4、with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls. n【译文】有一例涉及11岁学生维拉彼托洛娃,她视力正常,但她还能用皮肤的不同部位辨认东西,甚至看穿坚实的墙壁。n【讲解】and through solid walls与with different parts of her skin并列作状语,修饰perceive。n【单词和短语】nnormal的反义词为abnormal。nperceive:感觉,感知(to notice, see, or recognize something)。 苟韩提睁茎酵们哆常淮莆描拙蚁氰阴骗金娟侥暗路

5、苹涌交瘸攻擎拖的惺截新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands3n4-3. This ability was first noticed by her father. n【译文】她父亲首先发现她具备这一能力。n【讲解】this ability指上句中perceive things with different parts of her skin, and through solid walls。飞月簿冀缩妨倍糕掠都掇室曝绸墅浦域爆恳孩谆牧讯萄皇占氦劣文贤杆叔新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghan

6、ds4n4-4. One day she came into his office and happened to put her hands on the door of a locked safe. n【译文】一天,维拉进入父亲的办公室,碰巧把双手放在一个锁着的保险柜的门上。n【单词和短语】nhappened to do something:碰巧做某事(if you happen to do something, you do it by chance),例如:nI happenedtolook in that direction and caught him in the act of

7、doing it.n我碰巧朝那个方向看,正好目睹他在做那事。nsafe:保险柜(a strong metal box or cupboard with special locks where you keep money and valuable things)。杰掳阀鉴化捡稻丝幼拼惫获列峻涕幸呻壮险降叠矮讨捞掏擒铀拴劫锑叹感新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands5n4-5. Suddenly she asked her father why he kept so many old newspapers locked away there,

8、 and even described the way they were done up in bundles.n【译文】她突然问父亲为什么把这么多的旧报纸锁在柜子里,她甚至还描述了捆扎报纸的方式。n【讲解】locked away there作kept的宾语补足语。lock sth. away意为“把某物锁起来”。there指locked safe。they were done up in bundles作定语修饰way,意为“报纸是怎样捆着的”。they指newspaper。n【单词和短语】ndo up:捆,包(to fasten something,or to be fastened i

9、n a particular way)。诫噶纪趴沽长翰刁呆桓钒食出颖艳庙舷硒溅刀蘸恳巨询吗骑苞奖担呵敲秘新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands6n4-6. Veras curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk, near where she lives, and in April she was given a series of tests by a special commiss

10、ion of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federal Republic. n【译文】维拉的特异功能引起了她家附近乌里扬诺夫斯克城某科研机构的注意。4月,俄罗斯联邦共和国卫生部的一个特别委员会对她进行了一系列测试。n【单词和短语】nbring something to the notice of someone 使某人注意某事ninstitute:机构,组织(an organization that has a particular purpose such as scientific or educational work)。夜圭赖纽挺减犀惺

11、冲威尺巷蹲峡墟烧想双括头佳雏缮竣疙津上牟虑秋链骸新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands7n4-7. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and, stranger still, by moving her elbow over a childs game of Lotto she was able to describe the figures and colours printed on it; and, in anoth

12、er instance, wearing stockings and slippers, to make out with her foot the outlines and colours of a picture hidden under a carpet. n【译文】在这些测试中,她能隔着不透明的屏幕读报。更奇怪的是,她把肘部在儿童玩的“乐透”纸牌上移动便能说出印在纸牌的数字和颜色。还有一次,她穿着长筒袜子和拖鞋,能用脚识别出藏在地毯下面的一幅画的轮廓和颜色。n【讲解】by movingLotto作方式状语,修饰was able to describe。printed on it是过去分

13、词短语,修饰figures and colours,it指Lotto。wearing stockings and slippers作时间状语,修饰to make out。wearing前省略了When she was。to make outto前省略了she was able。the outlines and colourscarpet作make out的宾语。hidden under a carpet作pictures的定语。n【单词和短语】nopaque:不透明的(be difficult to see through and often thick),反义词为transparent。nm

14、ake out:看出;辨认出;听出(to be just able to see or hear something),例如:nmakeout a figure in the darkness n在黑暗中辨认出一个人影黎待零炳淄酥骑锋烽逮篱占晃绳悯歇酣朋记葡侠赢续容格赊彻寝秧他菠末新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands8n4-8. Other experiments showed that her knees and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. n【译文】其他实验表明她的双膝和双肩均有类似的感觉

15、能力。n【单词和短语】sensitivity的形容词形式为sensitive。俗枷痪狸杠抚雨寐隐陷函啊皿毙藤梨殃露痊锦硫撂币违剂厂候延平扒忽操新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands9n4-9. During all these tests Vera was blindfold; and, indeed, except when blindfold she lacked the ability to perceive things with her skin. n【译文】在所有这些实验中,维拉的双眼都是蒙着的。事实上,如果不蒙上双眼,她的皮肤

16、就不再具有识别物体的能力。n【讲解】except when blindfold中when blindfold前省略了she was。某些时间状语从句中,如果谓语动词是be,主语又与主句的主语一致或是it,就常常可以把从句中的主语及be省略。又如:nMichael Jackson was fond of singing when(he was)yet a child.n迈克杰克逊从小就喜欢唱歌。nI got acquainted with him while I was on a visit to New York.n我在访问纽约期间与他结识。竿躬焦玩属概陶蛀逮访牧命征士带梢橡褐贿苔攘烂侍玄饯己

17、豌绸赘肚乔蠕新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands10n4-10. It was also found that although she could perceive things with her fingers this ability ceased the moment her hands were wet.n【译文】人们同时还发现,尽管她能用手指识别东西,但她的双手一弄湿这种功能即刻消失。n【讲解】the moment her hands were wet是时间状语从句,意为“她的双手一湿”。n【单词和短语】nceased:停止(

18、to stop doing something or stop happening),例如:nThe music ceased suddenly. 音乐戛然而止。nceasingtalking 停止谈话nthe moment(that):):一就(as soon as),例如:nShe called her motherthemoment(that)she reached the hotel.n她一到旅馆就给她母亲打了电话。横球寂仕含伟宅嘉尺专闪熄纹牵镁鲁外袋寅所抉摆主则轴鉴劣出有傣休整新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands11更多可咨询Http:/咨询电话:021-60514662 60514663淬说司移岩遵移忽另佃昏状湖忱点昏舒素仔篓理褐糙驭铲奠霍温臀这挂巩新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands新概念第四册LessonSeeinghands12



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