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1、B4-L-unit-1-women-of-B4-L-unit-1-women-of-achievement-words-achievement-words-and-expressionsand-expressions1. achievement n.成就;功绩e.g. The invention of the computer is a great achievement. It was a sense of achievement that encourage me to study mathematics. achieve v.获得;实现获得;实现 e.g. By working hard

2、, we can achieve anything. Mary has achieved his hope of becoming a doctor.achieve+ success/ a good result/ ones purpose, aim, goal, hope 2. campaign n.运动;战役;活动运动;战役;活动vi.参加运动;作战参加运动;作战 The City Hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking.The miners are campaigning for better working condit

3、ions.campaign against 开展反对的活动 campaign for 为而进行活动3.behave vt.& vi.举动举动;举止举止;行为表现行为表现这孩子在校行为良好。这孩子在校行为良好。The child behaved well at school.他对顾客的态度不好他对顾客的态度不好He _to the customers.注意:注意:Behave yourself!用在口语交际中表示“规矩点!”另外behave可与某些副词构成形容词,如well-behaved(表现好的),badly-behaved(表现差的)。behaved badly4. shade n. 树荫

4、,阴凉处树荫,阴凉处vt.遮光遮光I saw him shading himself from/against the sun under/in the shade of a tree.Chimps are fond of eating bananas in the shade.in the shade 在阴凉处under/in the shade of a tree在树荫下shade from/against使免受照射5. worthwhile adj.值得的值得的, 值得出力的值得出力的e.g. It is worthwhile to do the experiment. The expe

5、riment is well worth doing. The experiment is well worth the time and money. The experiments is worthy to be done. He is worthy of our praise.6.observe (不用于进行时不用于进行时) vt.观察;注意观察;注意; 遵守遵守; 1)As a child, he liked to observe the behaviour of insects.She observed a man walking on the opposite side of th

6、e way.He observed someone open the door.2)We should observe the rules and regulations.我们应该遵守规章制度。 Can you change the former e.g. into passive voice?Q:你还记得与“observe”用法一样的其它动词吗?1 感: feel2 听:listen to , hear3 使役:let, have, make4 看:observe, see, notice, watch see a film; watch movie/football match/show;

7、 notice注意到; observe观察到一感二听三让四观看一感二听三让四观看,主动主动to不见,被动不见,被动to来见来见【拓展】【拓展】1) 同根词同根词: observation n. 观察观察; 监视监视 observer n. 观察者观察者; 遵守者遵守者2) 常见搭配:常见搭配:observe sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事注意到某人做了某事(表示动作全过程表示动作全过程)observe sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做注意到某人正在做某事某事(表示动作正在进行表示动作正在进行)under observation 在观察中在观察中; 在监视下在监视下 7. re

8、spect在句中用作在句中用作动词动词, 表示表示“尊重尊重; 尊敬尊敬”。e.g. He is a man whom I believe we should respect. 我相信他是个我们应当尊敬的人。我相信他是个我们应当尊敬的人。 I do not respect him because he often tells lies. 我不尊敬他我不尊敬他, 因为他经常撒谎。因为他经常撒谎。【拓展】【拓展】respect还可用作还可用作名词名词, 表示表示“尊敬尊敬; 敬重敬重”。e.g. They have a great respect for his ability. 他们十分尊重他的

9、才能。他们十分尊重他的才能。常见短语常见短语: show respect for 对对表示尊敬表示尊敬have respect for 尊敬尊敬; 重视重视根据汉语提示根据汉语提示, 完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 All the students _ (尊敬尊敬) their history teacher.2) The professor is a specialist in the research of ancient literature and we all _ (对对表示尊敬表示尊敬) him.have respect for show respect for拓展:拓展: resp

10、ected adj. 被尊敬的,受尊敬的(表示被被尊敬的,受尊敬的(表示被动,过去分词作定语表示被动多用于修饰人)动,过去分词作定语表示被动多用于修饰人)respectable adj. 体面的,得体的,值得尊敬的体面的,得体的,值得尊敬的 相当好的相当好的respectful adj. (showing or feeling respect) 表示敬意的,尊敬的表示敬意的,尊敬的respective adj. 各自的,分别的各自的,分别的He wishes to straighten up and lead a _ life.He is _ to his elders.After the p

11、arty we all go off to our _ room.respectablerespectfulrespective8. argue v. 讨论;辩论;争论讨论;辩论;争论argue (vi.) +with sb. about/over sth. 同某人辩论某同某人辩论某事事 They are _ with their classmates about the solution to the problem.argue (vt.) + n. /clause(从句从句) we_ that we should be paid more.arguingarguedargument n.a

12、rgue for / against为为而辩护而辩护/为反为反对对而辩论而辩论那个有名的律师将为这个穷人辩护那个有名的律师将为这个穷人辩护.That famous lawyer will _ the poor man.一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。一些人为反对自由贸易辩论。 Some people _free trade. argue forargue against9.inspire vt.鼓舞鼓舞; 激发激发;启示启示He inspires self-confidence in (into) his pupils.他鼓励他的学生要有自信心。他鼓励他的学生要有自信心。The island ins

13、pired him to write some lovely music.这个这个岛给岛给了他了他灵感灵感,使他写出了一些优美的乐曲。使他写出了一些优美的乐曲。 inspire sth. in sb.=inspire sb. with sth.使产生(某种感觉或情感)使产生(某种感觉或情感)inspire sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事激励某人做某事/赋予赋予某人做某事的灵感某人做某事的灵感拓展:(1) inspiration n.“灵感”。例如:Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.诗人与艺术家往往从

14、自然界中得到灵感。(2) inspiring adj.“鼓舞人心的” “启发灵感的”。例如:an inspiring talk 鼓舞人心的讲话 (3) inspired adj. 品质优秀的,能力卓越的,借助灵感创作的an inspired performance 精彩的演出精彩的演出He was an _ poet at that time and his _ poems spread through all the country.A.inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspiredB.C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring

15、; inspiringC10. refer to referring ; referred(1)提到;谈到提到;谈到 Did he refer to me in his letter? 他在信中提到我了吗?(2)查阅查阅;参考;参考;(consult) If you dont know the meaning of a word, you can refer to a dictionary.10. intend vt. 打算;有打算;有意图意图用法归纳:用法归纳:1) What do you intend to do today? 2) I intend coming to help you.

16、 3) I intend you to do it by yourself. 4) The old man intends that his son will take over the business.5) This cartoon is intended for adults.intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be intended for 为专门设计/准备 Those lovely flowers were _ for your mother for her seventieth birthday, I

17、 would be glad if you accept them. A. devoted B. intended C. supplied D. producedB11. consideration n.考虑考虑;体谅体谅 That matter is under consideration. (1) consider vt.考虑考虑;认为。例如认为。例如:Were considering moving to Seattle.Michael is considered (to be/as )an expert in computer science.be under consideration

18、 在考虑中在考虑中in consideration of 考虑到;由于考虑到;由于on no consideration 决不决不take into consideration 把把考虑进去考虑进去the first consideration 第一要件;第一要件; 头等要事头等要事(2)considerate adj.体贴的,考虑周到的(thoughtful)He was considerate of everyone.他对大家都很体贴。他对大家都很体贴。That was very considerate of you.你想得很周到。你想得很周到。 (3)considerable adj.

19、相当多(大)的;重要的He made a considerable sum of money in real estate.他做房地产生意赚了一大笔钱。他做房地产生意赚了一大笔钱。(4) considering prep. 就而论,考虑到。例如:Considering the distance, he arrived very quickly.考虑到路程较远考虑到路程较远,他来得够快了。他来得够快了。12. deliver vt.1) deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传递某物(给某人)They will deliver your book to you in 3days afte

20、r you pay for it.They delivered the thief over to the police.2) The doctor delivered her of a baby.= She was delivered of a baby.3) The professor delivered a speech on how to protect the environment last week.deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把移交给某人deliver a baby 接生了一个小孩sb. be delivered of a baby 某人生了个小孩de

21、liver a speech 发表演说be delivered of a childgive birth to a child 生孩子生孩子n. delivery 传送,递送,产房,分娩传送,递送,产房,分娩move off 离开,启程,出离开,启程,出发When we got there, they had moved off.归纳拓展拓展move in/into 搬搬进新居新居move around/about 四四处走走动,绕着着.来回来回走走动move away 搬走搬走move out 迁出迁出move on 继续前行,继续前行,move on to sth 罢手去做别的事罢手去做别

22、的事lead a.life 过着的生活live a .life She used to lead a bitter life in her twenties.她她20多岁时过着痛苦的生活。多岁时过着痛苦的生活。People in China are leading a happy life.中国人民过着幸福的生活。中国人民过着幸福的生活。即境活用即境活用完成句子完成句子Although he was very rich,he still_ _ _ _(过着简朴过着简朴的生活的生活)答案:答案:led a simple lifecrowd in(on sb.) (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海

23、Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding in on her.她心乱如麻。她心乱如麻。Good memories crowded in on me when I looked through the old photos.浏览那些旧照片时,美好的往事一齐涌上我浏览那些旧照片时,美好的往事一齐涌上我的心头。的心头。Memories came crowding into her mind.往事一齐涌上她的心头。往事一齐涌上她的心头。We all crowded around the stove to keep warm.我们都挤在炉边取暖。我们都挤

24、在炉边取暖。This car accident drew a large crowd around the site.这场车祸招来一大群人围在现场。这场车祸招来一大群人围在现场。A crowd of people crowded around the speaker.一群人聚集在演讲者的周围。一群人聚集在演讲者的周围。crowd into ones mind / head( (crowd in on sb.) )涌上心头,涌入脑海涌上心头,涌入脑海crowd in / into sp. 涌入涌入/ 挤进某场所挤进某场所crowd around / round ( (sb./sth.) )聚集在聚集在( (某人某人/ 某物某物) )周围周围be crowded with 挤满了挤满了 结束结束



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