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1、互动式六方位绕车汽车咨询汽车咨询 荣誉出品荣誉出品汽车销售人员必读汽车销售人员必读The Best Salesman1 1The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.清洁清洁调整位置调整位置调整功能调整功能车辆准备车辆准备n n车身光亮(漆面、车窗车身光亮(漆面、车窗玻璃)玻璃) n n轮胎轮胎/ /轮圈盖轮圈盖/ /钢圈钢圈/ /轮眉轮眉内内/ /挡泥板洁净挡泥板洁净n n触摸痕迹擦拭(车身、触摸痕迹擦拭(

2、车身、方向盘、把手、仪表、方向盘、把手、仪表、面板、音响、操作开关、面板、音响、操作开关、排档杆)排档杆)n n皮质类内装必要时上皮皮质类内装必要时上皮革油以确保皮质光泽革油以确保皮质光泽 n n车内没有不必要的物品车内没有不必要的物品 n n展示车位置展示车位置 (展示地台,(展示地台,地垫)地垫) n n前后座椅前后座椅/ /头枕的位置头枕的位置n n方向盘方向盘/ /后视镜后视镜/ /内室后内室后视镜视镜/ /雨刷位置雨刷位置 手刹拉手刹拉起起n n入入P P档档n n四门车窗紧闭或全开四门车窗紧闭或全开 n n钥匙不得插放车上(应钥匙不得插放车上(应由专人保管)由专人保管) n n保持

3、电瓶蓄电量保持电瓶蓄电量 n n时钟显示正确日期及时时钟显示正确日期及时间间n n音响开机就有优美的音音响开机就有优美的音效(电台、音量、音质)效(电台、音量、音质) n n电动窗操作正常电动窗操作正常 n n后视镜操作正常后视镜操作正常2 2车头正前方车头正前方 车后方车后方驾驶侧驾驶侧 乘客侧乘客侧车前车前4545度度 车内车内The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a aut

4、omobile?How to sale a automobile?绕车流程绕车流程3 3The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?FeatureFeature特性特性AdvantageAdvantage优势优势BenefitBenefit好处好处方法方法4 4车前车前4545度度The Best Salesm

5、anYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第一步第一步n n品牌特征品牌特征/ /车型故事车型故事n n外部造型特征外部造型特征n n车标(如配备)车标(如配备)n n车身尺寸车身尺寸n n轴距轴距n n天窗(如配备)天窗(如配备)n n前风挡玻璃及雨刷设前风挡玻璃及雨刷设计计n n前脸设计前脸设计n n大灯特性大灯特性n n前保险杠设计

6、前保险杠设计5 5The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第二步第二步n n引擎盖设计(外观、引擎盖设计(外观、开启位置、开启方式、开启位置、开启方式、重量、隔热隔音护板)重量、隔热隔音护板)n n发动机舱布局介绍、发动机舱布局介绍、引擎技术引擎技术n n变速箱技术变速箱技术n n刹车系统简单说明、刹车系统

7、简单说明、空滤空滤n n水箱护板水箱护板n n醒目标识、铭牌讲解醒目标识、铭牌讲解车头正前方车头正前方6 6The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第三步第三步n n轮胎轮胎n n轮毂轮毂n n外侧反光镜外侧反光镜n n门把手门把手n n车身饰条车身饰条n n三角窗三角窗n n燃油箱开启方式及容燃油箱开启方

8、式及容积积 乘客侧乘客侧7 7The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第四步第四步n n车尾部设计车尾部设计n n后雨刷器(如配备)后雨刷器(如配备)n n车尾标识车尾标识n n后备箱开启方式后备箱开启方式n n后尾灯后尾灯n n后保险杠后保险杠n n倒车雷达(如配备)倒车雷达(如配备)n n后备箱(备胎、

9、随车后备箱(备胎、随车工具、停车警示牌、工具、停车警示牌、提示标识提示标识 车后方车后方8 8The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第五步第五步n n车身流线车身流线n n风阻系数风阻系数n n悬挂系统悬挂系统n n刹车系统刹车系统n n减震系统减震系统n n驾驶侧车门介绍驾驶侧车门介绍n n座椅材质及功

10、能(帮座椅材质及功能(帮助顾客试坐调整座椅)助顾客试坐调整座椅)n n驾驶侧仪表等介绍驾驶侧仪表等介绍驾驶侧驾驶侧9 9The Best SalesmanYou cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.How to sale a automobile?How to sale a automobile?第六步第六步n n内饰风格、颜色搭配内饰风格、颜色搭配n n方向盘局部设计方向盘局部设计n n仪表台设计仪表台设计n n前排安全气囊前排安全气囊n n安全带安全带n n前挡风设计前挡风设计n n内后视镜内后视镜n n中控面板、高科技配中控面板、高科技配备备n n变速箱变速箱n n手刹车装置手刹车装置n n储物盒等人性化设计储物盒等人性化设计 车内车内1010



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