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1、vAssuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Astralia, you will die on average five years before a woman.v假定你有幸活到生命的自然尽头在澳大利亚男性大概是78岁你平均也要比女性早去世五年。1vOnly when its gone do you wish you have done more to protcet it.v当你失去时,你才会希望自己原来能够多做点事情以保护好它。2vBut at the same time

2、, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global intergration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability.vglobal intergration :全球一体化vgeopolitical:地缘政治学的 v但是同时,世界各国对商品、服务、信息,尤其是人员的跨境开放,已经使大学成为加速

3、全球一体化进程、增进相互了解和促进地缘政治稳定的一股强大的力量。3vUnlike physical energy, which is limited and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringings.vupbringing:养育;培养;教养 v体力是有限的并随着年龄增长而减退, 与体力不同,情感力量是无限的,跟遗 传和后天培养没关系。4v“Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state

4、 that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for.vIdeal:n.理想;adj.理想的,完美的 v我们最好不要把健康看成是一种人们可以达到的状态,而是应将其视为一种人们可以努力追求的理想。 5vPerhaps it was the extreme contrast with Japanese society that prompted American firms to pay more attention to women buyers.vprompt vt.促使, 推动, 引起 adj.立刻的, 迅速

5、的, 准时的;果断的v可能是与日本社会强烈的对比才促使美国公司向女性消费者投入更多的注意力。6vWe are giving people high-quality, healthful products and an opportunity to make choices that have beneficial effect on the world.v我们提供高质量的和健康的产品,提供做选择的机会,他们可以选择对世界有益的产品。7vNot only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipp

6、ing routes, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels,restraurants, and shipping centers.vHighway:公路 shipping routes:运输路线vspin-off:n.副产品,附加效果 vspin-off industries:相关产业,相关行业vservice stations:加油站,服务站v公路系统不但为美国经济的发展提供了运输路线,还带动了一批诸如加油站、汽车旅馆、酒店、购物中心等相关行业的发展。8vMany in-home jobs that uesd to be done primarily by womenranging form family shopping to preparing meals to doing voluntary work still need to the done by someone.v许多过去主要由妇女做的家务活,例如购物、准备晚饭、做志愿工作,现在仍然需要有人完成。9



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