仁爱初中英语七上《Unit 4Topic 3 What time is it nowD》PPT课件

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4、Hegoesto_Listento1aagainandwritedownthewholepassage.(录音录音P103-1a)1.Guess Garfields activities in Pictures 2 and 5, and then draw them.( 2 )( 5 )( 4 )( 3 )( 6 )(1)2. Look at the pictures again and make up a story. Then share it with your partner.Youcanbeginlikethis:Garfieldgetsupat7oclock()1.Letsmeet

5、_10oclockatmyhome.OK.A.atB.inC.on D.of()2.Itsfiveoclock.Itstime_.A.gohomeB.goeshomeC.togohomeD.goinghome()3.Whatswrong_you?Icantfindmywayhome.A.aboutB.with C.ofD.onACB()4.5:15inEnglishis_.A.aquartertofiveB.aquarterpastfiveC.fifteentofiveD.fivetofifteen()5._areyourfavoriteanimals?Tigers.A.WhatB.Which

6、C.WhoD.Whose()6._isit?Itssixoclock.A.WhatstimeB.WhatsthetimeC.Whattime D.WhatthetimeBAC从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Excuse me, Wang Shan. B: Sorry, I dont know. Please go and ask Ted.A: Excuse me. What time is it, please?C: Its about 3:30 p.m.A: Thank you, Ted.C: Look, under the desk.B: Is it black?C: _ B: Let me have a look. Oh, its mine.C: _ B: Thank you very much.A. Whose watch is that? B. Whats the time, please?C. Here you are. D. I cant find my watch.E. Yes, it is. BDECA



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