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1、Unit3 ComputersVocabulary2021/7/2411.in common 共同共同, 共有共有,共用共用 in common with 和和一样一样have something/nothing/a lot/much/little in common (with) (与与) 有有/无无/很很多多/许许多多/几几乎乎无无 共同之处共同之处 To my surprise, I found I _this stranger. 令令我我吃吃惊惊的的是是我我发发现现自自己己和和这这个个陌陌生生人人有有许许多多共同点。共同点。had a lot in common with 2021/7

2、/242I suddenly felt we _我突然发现我们有很多共同点。我突然发现我们有很多共同点。Jane and I_=I _Jane.我与简毫无共同之处。我与简毫无共同之处。_most students, he likes pop music. 和和大大多多数数学学生生一样,他喜欢流行音乐。一样,他喜欢流行音乐。had much in common. have nothing in common. have nothing in common with In common with 2021/7/2432. before 过过了了(时时间间) 才才 ; 还还没没来来得得及及就就; I

3、t was +时间段时间段+before 过了多久才过了多久才It was a long time _last night. 昨天晚上过了很久我才睡着。昨天晚上过了很久我才睡着。He had got in the train_ I could say goodbye. 我我还还没没来来得得及及说说再再见见,他他已已经经上上了了火车。火车。It will not be long_ we get used to the new school life.不久我们就会习惯新的学校生不久我们就会习惯新的学校生活活before I went to sleep before before 2021/7/24

4、43. solve vt.解决;解答解决;解答 solve a mystery/puzzle/problem 解解决决谜谜团团/字字谜谜/问题问题 solution n. 解解决决;解解答答 a solution to 的解决方案的解决方案With the help of the teacher, Tom_this math problem at last. 在在老老师师的的帮帮助助下下,汤汤姆姆最最终终解解答答了了这这个个数数学问题。学问题。solved2021/7/245It may take a long time to find_ to the problem.要找到解决这个问题的办法

5、也许要花很长要找到解决这个问题的办法也许要花很长时间。时间。a solution 2021/7/2464. fromon 从从时时起起 from then on 从从那那时时起起 from now on 从从现现在在起起 from that day on 从那天起从那天起_, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 从从那那时时起起,我我在在体体积积和和智能方面迅速成长。智能方面迅速成长。I decide to study English hard_ 我决定从现在起努力学习英语。我决定从现在起努力学习英语。She never spoke t

6、o him again _From then onfrom now on.from that day on2021/7/2475. as a result 结果,因此结果,因此 as a result+结果结果 as a result of+原因原因 _the earthquake, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing. 地震过后,这片区域地震过后,这片区域2/3的建筑需要修理的建筑需要修理As a result of2021/7/248He stayed up too late last night._, he did

7、nt get up on time today. 他昨晚熬夜了,结果今天没有按时起床。他昨晚熬夜了,结果今天没有按时起床。=He didnt get up on time today _staying up late last night. 他今天没有按时起床,原因是昨晚熬夜了。他今天没有按时起床,原因是昨晚熬夜了。As a resultas a result of2021/7/2496. so that 如如此此以以至至于于 引引导导结结果果状状语从句语从句 adj./adv. +that 从句从句so + adj. + a/an +可数名词单数可数名词单数+that 从句从句 = such

8、 +a/an +adj. +可数名词单数可数名词单数+ that many/few+可数名词复数可数名词复数+that从句从句 much/little+不可数名词不可数名词+ that从句从句2021/7/2410Table tennis is _that people all over the world play it.Table tennis is _people all over the world play it. He ran so fast that I could hardly follow him. =_run that I could hardly follow him.

9、他跑得如此快以至于我几乎跟不上他。他跑得如此快以至于我几乎跟不上他。There was_ left that only small children were given some. 剩剩下下的的水水如如此此少少,只只有有小孩给分一点。小孩给分一点。so interesting a game such an interesting game that So fast did he so little water 2021/7/24117. explore vt. 探探索索;探探险险;探探测测;探探究究explore the Moon and Mars 探探测测月月球球和和火火球球 explor

10、ation n.探索探索 explorer n.探险者探险者As an_,he likes_ the world unknown to people, and the _always bring him happiness and excitement. 作作为为一一个个探探险险者者,他他喜喜欢欢探探索未知的世界,探究总能带给他欢乐和兴奋。索未知的世界,探究总能带给他欢乐和兴奋。explorerexploringexplorations2021/7/24128. anyhow(也也做做anyway) 无无论论如如何何,不不管怎样;即使如此管怎样;即使如此; 而且,加之,反正;而且,加之,反正;

11、The doctor told me to stay in bed, but Im going to the dance_医医生生嘱嘱咐咐我我卧卧床床休休息息,即即使使如如此此我我还还是是去去了舞会。了舞会。I dont want to go out and _it is raining. 我不想出去,而且天又在下雨。我不想出去,而且天又在下雨。anyhow.anyhow2021/7/2413What a terrible experience!_, you are safe, and its the main thing. 多多么么可可怕怕的的经经历历,不不管管怎怎样样你你安安好好是是主主要

12、要的。的。Anyhow2021/7/24149. goal n. 目目标标;目目的的;球球门门;(进进球球)得得分分 set a goal 设定目标设定目标 achieve/realize/reach ones goal 实现目标实现目标score a goal 得分得分(踢进一球踢进一球) keep goal 守球门守球门2021/7/2415To live a meaningful life, one _for his life, and work hard to_.一一个个人人要要想想过过一一种种有有意意义义的的生生活活,就就应应该该设设定定一一个个人人生生目目标标,然然后后为为实实现现

13、这这个个目目标标而努力奋斗。而努力奋斗。should set a goal achieve/realize his goal2021/7/241610. signal v.发信号发信号 n.信号信号 signal (to) sb. to do sth.向向某某人人发发出出做做某某事事的信号的信号 traffic signals 交通信号灯交通信号灯She was _ 她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。她在向孩子们打手势,要他们留在外面。signaling (to) the children 2021/7/241711. type n.类型类型 v.打字打字There are_rocks in

14、 this area. 这个地区有两种类型的石头。这个地区有两种类型的石头。Could you_for me? 你你能能为我打这封信么?为我打这封信么?two types of type this letter 2021/7/241812. in a way(=in one way/ in some way) 在在某种程度上某种程度上_our programmer is like our coach.在在某某种种程程度度上上,我我们们的的程程序序员员就就像像是是我们的教练。我们的教练。拓展:拓展:in this way用这种方法用这种方法 in the/sbs way 挡路,妨碍挡路,妨碍 b

15、y the way 顺便说一下顺便说一下/问一下问一下 no way 没门没门on ones way (to). 在(去)在(去).的路上的路上 in no way 决不(置于句首时,句子要部分倒装)决不(置于句首时,句子要部分倒装)_will I give in to him. 我我决决不不向向他他屈服。屈服。In a way In no way 2021/7/241913. arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出出现现;发发生生;(由由.)引起;(因)引起;(因.)产生)产生出出现现;发发生生;产产生生(主主语语多多为为抽抽象象名名词词,如如argument、problem

16、、question等等)A new difficulty_.新的困难已经出现了。新的困难已经出现了。Several new industries _in our town.在我们镇上出现了好几种新行业。在我们镇上出现了好几种新行业。has arisenarose2021/7/2420(由由.)引起;(因)引起;(因.)产生)产生arise from/arise out of (=result from)由由.引起;因引起;因.产生产生His failure_ his laziness.他的失败是由懒惰引起的。他的失败是由懒惰引起的。arose from/resulted from2021/7/

17、2421辨析辨析arise, rise, raise易混词词性过去式、过去分词词义例句ariseVi.不及物varose,arisen产生、发生、出现Mostaccidentsarosefromcarelessness.risevi.不及物vrose,risen升起来;上升Thesunrisesintheeastandsetsinthewest.raiseVt.及物vraised,raised举起,使.上升Sheraisedherheadandstaredathim.2021/7/242214. with the help of (=with ones help)在在.的帮助下的帮助下_,I

18、have made great progress.在在老老师师们们的的帮帮助助下下,我我已已取取得很大成就。得很大成就。15. deal with处理;安排;对付处理;安排;对付_a man as he _you.以以其人之道还治其人之身。其人之道还治其人之身。He must _many difficulties.他他必必须应对许多困难。须应对许多困难。With the help of my teachersDeal with deals with deal with 2021/7/242316.watch over看守;监视;照管;照看看守;监视;照管;照看Its our duty to_these old men.They_by three policemen.他们由三名警察看守着。他们由三名警察看守着。watch over were watched over 2021/7/2424



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