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1、Revision I : fill in the blanks:1.Most of us are _in English. (interest) 2.There must be _ wrong with the radio.3. She _me a letter last week.4. Sheep are _ by farmers for producing wool and meat. 5. The moon travels round the earth. Its our _.interestedsomethingsentkeptsatellite十十大大罕罕见见天天文文奇奇观观Ten

2、seldom seen wonders1、乞力马札罗山上的星光、乞力马札罗山上的星光2、黑极光的秘密、黑极光的秘密3、不在星系里的恒星、不在星系里的恒星 4、眼中的宽边帽星系、眼中的宽边帽星系 5、加拿大育空地区的极光、加拿大育空地区的极光 栏栏 目目 树树 形形 导导 航航|网站首页|读者|动感地带|实用手册|连载|休闲read|常用文档|职业考试|公务员| 【收藏本页】|挚爱真情|感悟人生|青年一代|时尚中心|扮靓酷|两性知识|游戏攻略|入党申请|毕业论文|自学考试|英语|考研|经典情书|简历资源|经典台词|网文爆笑|娱乐生活|实习报告|实践调查|工作总结|述职报告|检讨书|先进性教|职业

3、考试青春风铃思想汇报悬疑故事公务员|瑞星升级|小游戏|QQ头像|合同范本|BT下载|法律文书|法律常识|免费代理本站最新公告:为使大家顺利通过司法考试,注会考试,公务员考试,考研考试,成考等考试,本站联合新浪教育,搜狐教育,中国教育在线等媒体全力为您提供详尽的备考资讯.虫虫2005年8月6日您现在的位置:青年人动感地带时尚中心文章正文6.日落时的火箭烟痕。日落时的火箭烟痕。7、流星与极光、流星与极光8、月出西雅图、月出西雅图 9、阿拉斯加上空的彗星与极光、阿拉斯加上空的彗星与极光 10、新月抱旧月、新月抱旧月 Lets play a guessing game! Please answer a

4、s quickly as you can ,you can get one mark each time.A fat and lovely animal kept by the farmers, its used for offering us a lot of fresh meat. pigIts made of paper, everyone loves it,its used for buying things. moneyIts bottom(底部底部) is flat(平平).Its made of metal ,its used for cooking.pan Its used f

5、or keeping the wind from blowing the earth away, preventing the droughts and floods.forestIts used for printing informationprinterthe moonThe nearest satellite to the earthThe object that all the human-beings are living onthe earthThe object which we can see many easily in the evening in the skythe

6、starsWhat can you see in the picture?The universe(宇宙宇宙)What do we mean when we talk about the universe?The earth, the sun,the moon and the stars, and the space between themTheearthtravelsroundthesun.Themoontravelsroundtheearth.Itisoursatellite.Nineplanetstravel roundthesun.1. Which is the biggest? A

7、. The sun B. the moon C. the earth2. Which is the smallest? A. The sun B. the moon C. the earth3. Which goes round the earth? A. the sun B .the moon C. the stars 4.The sun is a kind of_? A. planet (行星行星) B. satellite C. fixed star(恒星恒星) Lets have a competition!10. Who is the first man to travel to t

8、he moon? A. 莱特兄弟莱特兄弟(Wilbur Wright和和Orville Wright) B. Neil Amstrong (尼尔尼尔阿姆斯特朗阿姆斯特朗) C. Gagalin (加加林加加林) ) 9. How many countries have been to the moon? A. three B. one C. two11. How did he go there? A. by man-made satellite B. by plane c. by spaceship 5. The earth is kind of _? A. fixed star (恒星恒星)

9、 B.planet (行星行星) C.satellite 6. How many planets(行星行星) are there in the space? A. five B. Seven C. nine 7. Whats the satellite of the earth? A.the sun B. the moon C. the stars 8.How far is the moon from the earth? A. 3,800,000 km B.380,000km C. 38,000kmFei JunlongNie Haisheng Lets stop the competiti

10、on here!Who is the first Chinese to travel to the space ? Yang Liwei-A strong and brave man fromLiaoning province. Watch the video with the following questions.1.When was Shenzhou No.5 sent up(发射发射) to the space?2. How long had the space- ship stayed in space?3.How many circles did it go round the e

11、arth?At 9a.m. ,On October 15th ,2005 For 21 hours. Fourteen circles. 蒂托蒂托: :首位自费遨游太空的亿万富翁首位自费遨游太空的亿万富翁Do you want to visit the space one day? Do you want to be an astronaut(宇航员宇航员) / a spaceman(太空人太空人)? Why or why not?sendandreceivemessagesLet me show you more pictures aboutthe universe and hunman b

12、eings. the first footprint(脚印脚印) on the moonhumans in spaceSend up a rocketa man-made satelliteMan-made satellites listen、 watch and answerWhatareman-madesatellitesusedfor?Listen,watch and choose:Listen,watch and choose:B:D:C:E:A:F:man-made satelliteshelp us to send and receive messages (TV and radi

13、o programmers)help us to make telephone callshelp us to learn the weather help people understand each other betterhelp us to learn more about the earthhelp us to learn other things Lets know more about the man-made satellites and the universe! Listen and watch carefully,then answer more questions.Wa

14、tch VCDTrue or False:( ) 1.Many stars cant be seen by our eyes because they are too small.( ) 2.The moon is the satellite of the earth.( ) 3.Many countries have sent up man-made satellite?( )4.Only China can send its TV and radio progrmmes to foreign countries.( )5.People from different countries un

15、derstand each other because the earth is becoming smaller.FTTFFExplainSo far , no man has travelled farther than the moon. 到目前为止还没有人到比月球更远到目前为止还没有人到比月球更远的地方旅行过。的地方旅行过。so far = until now.意为意为“到目前为止到目前为止”,常,常和完成时态的句子连用。和完成时态的句子连用。eg: No one has learned anything about the accident so far.How many count

16、ries have you visited so far?. . . . . .Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.许多国家向太空发射了人造卫星。许多国家向太空发射了人造卫星。Explain send up (sent sent):发射;向发射;向往上送;往上送;此句话是现在完成时态的被动语态,其结构此句话是现在完成时态的被动语态,其结构是:是:have/has been + 过去分词过去分词eg: The door has been clocked. 门已经锁了。门已经锁了。The flower

17、s have been watered. 花已经浇了。花已经浇了。. . . . . .With their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. 在卫星的帮助下,中国能把电视和在卫星的帮助下,中国能把电视和广播节目发送到世界的另一边。广播节目发送到世界的另一边。with ones help = with the help of sb. 在某人在某人的帮助下;的帮助下;千万不要用千万不要用under ones help.Explain. . . . . .without o

18、nes help 没有某人的帮助。没有某人的帮助。eg: We cant pass the exam without his help.Most countries use these satellites to send and receive messages.receive: 接受接受;收到。收到。receive / get a letter from sb. = hear from sb.收到某人的来信收到某人的来信Explain. . . . . .eg: I received a letter from my father yesterday. =I heard from my f

19、ather yesterday.Explain. . . . . .Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place.由于太空卫星,由于太空卫星,世界本身变得小多了。世界本身变得小多了。Thanks to:幸亏,由于;相当于幸亏,由于;相当于because of。eg: Thanks to your help, we finished the work on time.多亏了你的帮助,我们按时完成了任务。多亏了你的帮助,我们按时完成了任务。Thanks to the doctor, the

20、 boy was saved.多亏了大夫,那个男孩得救了。多亏了大夫,那个男孩得救了。Read carefully and quickly aloud.Then answer more questions.1.Why cant many stars be seen?2.How far is the moon away from the earth?3.Has the moon been visited by man already?4.Have any man-made machine travelled farther than the moon? What are they?5.Why d

21、o we say the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller? Ask and answer They are too far.It is 380,000 kilometers away.Yes.Yes. They are spaceships without people.Thanks to space satellites.Read the text and fill in the blanks and retell the text.The universe means the earth ,the sun, the moon and

22、 the stars and the space _ them. Many of the stars are so_away that we _ see them. The moon, our _, travels_ the earth. It has already been visited_man in space ships. Man-made_ have been sent up_ space by many countries. They go_the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more_the earth,the we

23、ather and other things. They are also used for sending and_ messages.It makes people_ different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much_ place. People call the small place”the global village”.between far cantsatelliteroundbysatellitesintoroundaboutre

24、ceivingfromsmallerFill in the blanks and retell the story about man-made satellites. (Page158)1、到目前为止我们已学了两千个单词。到目前为止我们已学了两千个单词。(so far)2、在老师们的帮助下,他赶上了其他的学生。在老师们的帮助下,他赶上了其他的学生。 (With ones help)3、我们对美国不太了解。我们对美国不太了解。 (ones Knowledge of)4、多亏汤姆的帮助,我们准时完成了那项工作。多亏汤姆的帮助,我们准时完成了那项工作。 (Thanks to) 5、无人驾驶宇宙飞船

25、已到达了宇宙其他一些地方。无人驾驶宇宙飞船已到达了宇宙其他一些地方。(without)6、许多国家都曾向太空发射了人造卫星。许多国家都曾向太空发射了人造卫星。(send up) We have learned 2000 words so far.With the teachers help, he caught up with the other students.Our knowledge of the USA is not so good.Thanks to Toms help, we finished the work on time.Spaceships without people

26、have reached other parts of the universe.Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.uninerse * the sun * the earth * the moon * the stars * the space between them * too to the moon travels round , nearest to in space Its away from, has been visited So far, no man has travelle

27、d, but spaceships without man-made satellitessent up intobyFunctions (功能功能) help learn more send and receive messagesFor exampleTVmake telephone calls knowledge grow, develops Thanks to, is becomingPeople fromunderstandbetter 1 . Do think there are UFOs and E.T.?2 . What do you think the E.T.(外星人外星人

28、)looks like?3 . If there is E.T. ,do you think they are cleverer than us human beings? Why?4 . What will the earth be like in the future?Discussion!We have learn a lot about the universe.Lets say some other interesting things. 1 . Do think there are UFOs and E.T.?2 . What do you think the E.T.(外星人外星

29、人)looks like?3 . If there is E.T. ,do you think they are cleverer than us human beings? Why?4 . What will the earth be like in the future?Discussion!We have learn a lot about the universe.Lets say some other interesting things.Nothing is difficult if you do it.Believe yourself ,you can become a grea

30、t man.If we work hard from now on.Make a conclusionIn a few years time our man-made spaceship will be sent up to the moon. Our dream will come true . That day is not far away to us.One day maybe some of us have a chance to reach the moon by spaceship, even more farther than the moon.Best wishes to you !更多资源http:/



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