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1、英语英语PPT4962697028Before The Text :Before The Text :1.While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。2.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。3.I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。Born in Cuba in 1957, raised in Miami, Gloria Este

2、fan is the second generation of the Cuban exile (被流放者).She wrote this song on March 20, 1990 when she was recovering from a serious road accident that had left her badly injured and near to death.Gloria Estefan Then ,let us see a vedio which about a man who doesnt have arms and legs when he was born

3、. But he is overcoming all the obstacles and face up to his life optimistically.Stories about Overcoming Obstacles Read the following stories about four figures in history to see how they overcame their obstacles, and guess who they are.The story of her is the story of a child who, at the age of 18

4、months, was suddenly shut off from the world, but who, against overwhelming odds(失败的可能性), waged(发动)a slow, hard, but successful battle to reenter that same world. The inarticulate little deaf and blind girl grew into a highly intelligent and sensitive woman who wrote, spoke, and labored incessantly

5、for the betterment of others. Helen KellerAt the age of five, she became a paraplegic(截瘫患者), but she never lost heart. Although she missed the chance to go to school, she finished all the courses of primary and secondary schools, she learned English, Japanese, German and Esperanto(世界语) all by hersel

6、f, and she assiduously(勤勉地) studied university and postgraduate courses for masters degree. In 1983, she began to engage in literary creative work. 张海迪He became the 32 nd president of the United States in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression, and was reelected for an unprecedented three m

7、ore terms. Despite an attack of poliomyelitis (小儿麻痹症), which paralyzed (使瘫痪) his legs in 1921, he was a charismatic (有超凡魅力的) optimist whose confidence helped sustain the American people during the strains of the economic crisis and the world war. Franklin Roosevelt-1942Born in Oxford, England. -1962

8、Received a bachelors degree in physics and then enrolled as a research student in general relativity at the University of Cambridge.-1966 Earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Cambridge. Stayed at the University of Cambridge to do post-doctoral research. Diagnosed as having Amyotrophic Latera

9、l Sclerosis (ALS)(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化). -1979Appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton.Stephen HawkingSome Suggestions about Overcome Obstacles If there hadnt been any obstacles in the past,you would have scored outstanding successes in your studies or career.

10、Its the obstacles you have faced all your life that have kept you from enjoying a perfect life.Overcoming obstacles is thus a necessity of success. Some Suggestions about Overcome Obstacles 1. Get started. Often,once you begin,youll find the task is easier than you expect. 2. Break your task into sm

11、aller tasks. Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks. For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one.Some Suggestions aboutOvercome Obstacles 3. Work with the time you have. Dont wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have

12、five minutes, get started. 4. Set small deadlines. After meeting each deadline, give yourself a reward. For example, play video games when you finish an hour of studying.Some Suggestions about Overcome Obstacles 5. Eliminate distractions. Turn off the TV. Dont answer the phone. 6. Ask for help. Some

13、times, the reason you dont start is because you dont know what to do. If thats the case, ask for help.Part Division of the Text Scanning National Junior Olympics 全国少年奥林匹克运动personal bes 个人最高记录 stand(s) 看台 final race 赛跑决赛 pole vault event 撑竿跳高项目 track and field competition 田径比赛 Scanning gymnast 体操运动员

14、body builder 健美运动员 weightlifting 举重 bar 横杆 inflated landing mat 充气垫 vaulter 撑竿跳高运动员 Scanning Scanning Scanning runway 跑道 national record 全国记录 pole 撑竿 take-off 起跳 set a new world record 刷新一项世界纪录 finger-tipped push-up 俯卧撑 Language Study bear out: prove that (sth.) is true The witnesses will bear you o

15、ut in court. Your claims are not borne out by the evidence. Research bore out his theory. The evidence that the US Central Intelligence Agency has obtained bears out their claims that Bin Laden is closely related to the September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA.fantasy: imagination, esp.when it has

16、no connection at all with reality I still have the fantasy that one day I will win the National Lottery. Having watched so many animated cartoons, some children can tell fantasy from reality. numerous: very many (ant. few)During the Depression, numerous people wandered from town to town looking for

17、work. Numerous scholars before Copernicus had suggested that the earth went round the sun, but he was the first person to bear it out mathematically.passion: strong feeling, esp. of love He loved her still, with the same passion as he always had. She had never before loved anyone with such passion.

18、have a passion for: have a strong interest in sth. and like it very much She had a passion for dancing which interfered with her schoolwork. recur: come or happen again The theme of love recurred in many of his books. The school authorities warned the student that he will be expelled if this cheatin

19、g recurs.outrun: run faster or better than; go beyond His expenditure outran his income. Mans ingenuity has outrun his intelligence. 人类的独创性已超出了自身的理解力。coincide: 1) happen at the same time (followed by with) His arrival in Tokyo coincided with the beginning of the war. 2) be in agreement (with) This s

20、tory coincides with the facts. The members of the committee do not coincide in opinion.work out: go through a physical exercise session He worked out daily with sparring partner. workout: (n.) a session of exercise or practice to improve fitness This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. vain:

21、 too pleased with on own abilities or looks She was vain of/about her appearance. Too much praise can make a person vain. stretch out: hold a part of your body straight out in front of you She stretched out a hand and lifted the glass to her lips. There were beggars everywhere, pathetically stretchi

22、ng their hands out to passersby. bring (sb.) back to earth: cause (sb.) to stop day-dreaming ; cause (sb.) to return to realityEmilys voice brought him back to earth. Jack had been spending all his time chatting on line with his key-pals until his parents had a word with him and brought him back to earth. in ones minds eye: in ones imagination; in ones memory In his minds eye, she is still a shy girl.In my minds eye, I can still see the house where I was born. London Olympic Games Poster 小组成员:柯梦频小组成员:柯梦频 蔡中舜蔡中舜 周果周果 郑荷丽郑荷丽 于东慧于东慧



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