湖南省高中英语复习课件:Unit 4 Reading

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1、LAW AND ORDERUnit 4Welcome to the unit12期英语辅导报讲解期英语辅导报讲解Picture1Whatisthemantryingtodowiththehook?Heistryingtostealthebagwhiletheotherpersonissleeping.Picture2Haveyoueverheardaboutcybercrime?Whatdoyouknowaboutit?Cybercrimehasdevelopedveryrecently.ItinvolvestheInternet,anditishardtodetectortrack.Itis


3、rderandguardoursociety.Theycatchthieves,directtrafficandprotectpeople.Theyplayanimportantroleinprotectingoursocietyfromcrimeanddisorder.Withoutthem,oursocietywouldbelawless.Picture4Some people copy artists music or lyrics without telling or paying them. They do this for either personal or commercial

4、 use. This is called “piracy”. What is your opinion about it?DoyouthinkitisOKtopiratethem?Whyorwhynot?No, it is illegal to copy them without permission. Other peoples works are their intellectual property, which should be protected by law. Otherwise, creators would be harmed, and they would stop cre

5、ating new works.ReadingLaw and orderGo through the reading passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the questions.1. According to the Council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?There are four types of cybercrime.2. How many companies and government departments were su

6、rveyed by the Computer Security Institute?503 companies and government departments were surveyed.3. What is the solution to cybercrime?The only solution is international cooperation.Read the passage again and complete Parts C1 and C2.1. What is the definition of cybercrime?Cybercrime is a relatively

7、 new term that refers to any computer- related criminal offence.2. Can you name two examples of cybercrime?Hacking, spreading computer viruses, fraud, websites with offensive content or websites that encourage hatred and violence, and breaking intellectual property and copyright law.3. What is fraud

8、?Fraud is a crime where money is stolen by cheating others.4. According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?All Internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.5. Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?Because most companies want to avoid th

9、e loss of customers, who may think that the company cannot protect their money.6.Whyarecybercriminalsalmostimpossibletocatch?Laws against cybercrime have not been passed in many countries, and there are many holes in their legal systems. Most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with citiz

10、ens of other countries who commit cybercrimes. Also, these criminals can be anywhere and can move quickly, so it is often almost impossible to catch them.7.Whatdogovernmentsneedtodotofightcriminalswithcomputerskills?Governments need to combine their technological resources to keep up with the crimin

11、als who have the best technical skills. It is also important to upgrade laws and create international standards for these laws. This will allow states to follow criminals across borders.Cybercrime Case 1 not specifically computer-related ( ) a someone created a website that aims to stir up hatred ag

12、ainst certain group of people2 related to security ( )b someone sent e-mails that promised money and asked for receivers bank account details to steal their money3 related to website content ( )c someone uploaded a film and asked for money from viewers without asking for permission from its owner4 r

13、elated to copyright laws ( )d someone broke into the computer system of an organization and downloaded secret informationbdacMatchthewordswiththecorrectmeanings.offensive (line 14)identities (line 15)ripe (line 25)furthermore (line 30)annually (line 32)blackmail (line 32)complicated (line 39)a.The c

14、rime where a person or organization demands money fromb.One time every year, yearlyc.Made more difficult to deal with or understandd.Rude and upsetting to other peoplee.In a suitable situatin for something to occurf.Besides, in additiong.Recognizes someone or puters4.security5.viruses6.hacked7.conte

15、nt8.violence9.offence10.privateAnswerstopartEonpage53What is more important, the convenience of using the Internet to buy things or financial safety? Why?What can we do to solve the problem of cybercrime?What do you think of Internet shopping and banking?1.relatetosb./sth.:phrasalverb和和有关有关Chapter N

16、ine relates to the effects of inflation on consumers.第九章是第九章是关于关于通货膨胀对消费者的影响。通货膨胀对消费者的影响。relatetosb.:phrasalverb理解理解Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.许多父母觉得当他们的孩子十几岁的许多父母觉得当他们的孩子十几岁的时候时候难以理解难以理解。2.consider:v.考虑考虑;认为认为Youve got to consider the time element

17、when planning the whole project.在计划整个工程的时候你必须在计划整个工程的时候你必须考虑考虑时间因素。时间因素。+ing I am considering moving.我正在我正在考虑考虑搬家呢。搬家呢。我我认为认为他是一个诚实的男孩他是一个诚实的男孩。I consider him (as/to be) an honest boy.consideration:n.考虑考虑takesth.intoconsideration:考虑到,顾及考虑到,顾及considering:prep.考虑到考虑到Considering the weather, we got her

18、e quite quickly.考虑到考虑到天气,我们到达这儿已经相当快了。天气,我们到达这儿已经相当快了。 3.situation:n.形势形势,情况情况Her news put me in a difficult situation.她的消息使我处于一个很困难的她的消息使我处于一个很困难的境地境地。注注:situation后的定语从句常用后的定语从句常用where/inwhich引导引导,这类词还有这类词还有:point,case,system等。等。4.regard:v.认为认为Her parents always regarded her as the cleverest of the

19、ir children.她的父母总是她的父母总是认为认为她是他们的孩子中她是他们的孩子中最聪明的。最聪明的。regarding:prep.关于关于The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.这家公司这家公司关于关于它的就业政策正受到质疑。它的就业政策正受到质疑。5.thesolutiontothisproblem:这个问题的解决办法这个问题的解决办法,其中其中to是介词是介词,其后接名词其后接名词,代词或动名词代词或动名词,类似的有类似的有:thekeytosolvingtheproblem,thevisitt

20、oBeijing,theentrancetothecinema,atriptosomeplace,aguidetoamuseum等。等。6.keepup:保持保持,维持维持,继续继续Keep up the good work!保持保持好的工作。好的工作。有关有关keep的常用短语的常用短语:keep(sb/sth)offsth:让开让开,不接近不接近keepondoingsth:继续做某事继续做某事,反复做某事反复做某事keepsb.fromdoingsth:阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事,防止某人做某事防止某人做某事keep(sb/sth)away:避开避开,远离远离keepup(withsb

21、/sth):跟上跟上,不落后不落后There was a notice saying Keep off the grass.有一个告示上写着有一个告示上写着:“不要践踏草地不要践踏草地。”She kept on asking me questions the whole time.整段时间她整段时间她不断地不断地问我问题。问我问题。Keep away from the edge of the cliff.远离远离悬崖边缘。悬崖边缘。Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.工资工资跟不上跟不上通货膨胀的步伐。通货膨胀的步伐。我们必须我们必须阻止阻止孩子们进入森林。孩子们进入森林。We must keep the children from going into the forest.Bye-byeBye-bye



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