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1、What were you doing at this time yesterday?Teaching aims1. Learn some new words2. Learn something about story(The Little Match Girl).3. Continue learning the past continuous tense Do you think Tom and Jerry are good friends?Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the ke

2、y words. knock at / take a shower11. When the cat knocked at the door the mouse _ .was taking a shower come out / sleep22. The mouse was hungry. When he _ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat _ .came outwas sleeping wake up / carry33.When the cat woke up, the mouse _ his cake.was carrying enjoy

3、 / chat44.The mouse and the cat _ happily while they were enjoying the moon.were chattingwhen; while 当当时候时候while+延续性延续性动词,动词,动作一定会延续动作一定会延续when+延续性动词延续性动词/终止终止性性(瞬间瞬间)动词动词; when he arrived when he died 当当强调动作同时发生强调动作同时发生时,时,常用常用while _ the teacher came in,we were talking. _ we were talking,the teach

4、er came in. They were singing _ we were dancing.When While/Whenwhile did when/while be doing be doing when didbe doing while be doingDo you like reading stories ?Which kind of story do you like best ?Read and understand .Match the following pictures with the titles of stories. Thenshare the story yo

5、u like best with the class.A.Snow White B. the Little Match GirlC. Black Cat Sir D. Ma Liang and His Magic Brush( )( )( )( )1aWatch the flash of 1a, then answer the following questions.1.When did the story happen ?2.What did the poor girl sell ?3. Did the girl have a big Christmas meal ?视频视频1a-P75On

6、 the last evening of the year.Matches.No, she didnt.Listen to 1a again and complete the table.Time It was snowy and dark _ .Place A poor girl was walking _ _.Weather The wind _ strongly and the snow _ on her long hair. What the little girl did1.The little girl was selling _ in the streets.2.She _ an

7、y matches , and she felt _ and _ .3.She lighted matches and saw a warm _, a delicious _, a beautiful _ and her kind _.4. She _ against the wall the next morning and was _ . on the last evening of the yearin the streets with was blowingwas falling downmatchesdidnt sellcoldhungrystoveroast gooseChrist

8、mas treegrandmotherwas lyingdead1bno shoes 1. 卖火柴卖火柴2.出现出现-消失消失3.在除夕夜在除夕夜4.使我温暖使我温暖5.聚在一起聚在一起6.不穿鞋在街上走不穿鞋在街上走7.低声哭低声哭8.经过经过9.风吹很大风吹很大10.感觉又冷又饿感觉又冷又饿11.害怕做某事害怕做某事12. 打她打她13.点燃三根点燃三根 火柴火柴14.火焰熄灭火焰熄灭15. 在新年的早上在新年的早上16. 靠墙躺着靠墙躺着17.把某人搂在怀里把某人搂在怀里18.一根燃着的火柴一根燃着的火柴19.一只温暖的炉子一只温暖的炉子20.烤鹅烤鹅 sell matches appe

9、ar-disappear on the last evening of the year warm me up get together walk in the streets with no shoes cry in a low voice pass byThe wind was blowing strongly. feel cold and hungry be afraid to do sth. beat her light three matchesThe flames went out. on the morning of the new year lie against the wa

10、ll hold sb. in the armsa burning match a warm stove a roast gooseKeyphrasesGroup work1 1 这是一个又冷又黑的除夕夜。这是一个又冷又黑的除夕夜。2 2 许多人都聚在暖和的屋子里。许多人都聚在暖和的屋子里。3 3 一个可怜的小女孩光着脚走在大街上。一个可怜的小女孩光着脚走在大街上。4 4 小女孩低声喊着。小女孩低声喊着。5 5 路过的人们没有人听到她的声音。路过的人们没有人听到她的声音。6 6 风呼呼地刮着。风呼呼地刮着。7 7 她感到又冷又饿。她感到又冷又饿。8 8 如果没有卖掉一盒火柴,小女孩不敢回家,如果

11、没有卖掉一盒火柴,小女孩不敢回家,因为那样她父亲会打她。因为那样她父亲会打她。9 9 一根燃起来的火柴可能会让我暖和起来!一根燃起来的火柴可能会让我暖和起来!10 10 她点燃了三根火柴。她点燃了三根火柴。11 11 但是当火光熄灭的时,一切都消失了。但是当火光熄灭的时,一切都消失了。12 12 她的奶奶笑着把她抱起来。她的奶奶笑着把她抱起来。13 13 在新年的清晨,小女孩躺在墙角,死了在新年的清晨,小女孩躺在墙角,死了Para11 这是一个又冷又黑的除夕夜。这是一个又冷又黑的除夕夜。 It was snowy and dark on a new years Eve. on a new ye

12、ars Eve 在一个除夕夜在一个除夕夜2 许多人都聚在暖和的屋子里。许多人都聚在暖和的屋子里。 Many people were getting together in their warm homes. get together 聚集在一起聚集在一起3 一个可怜的小女孩光着脚走在大街上。一个可怜的小女孩光着脚走在大街上。 A poor little girl was walking in the streets with no shoes. with no shoes 没穿鞋没穿鞋 (表示伴随状态)(表示伴随状态)Para24 小女孩低声喊着。小女孩低声喊着。The little girl

13、 cried in a low voice. cry in a low voice 低声喊着低声喊着5 路过的人们没有人听到她的声音。路过的人们没有人听到她的声音。No one heard her when they were passing by. pass by 经过经过6 风呼呼地刮着。风呼呼地刮着。The wind was blowing strongly. blow strongly= blow hard 刮大风刮大风7 她感到又冷又饿。她感到又冷又饿。She felt cold and hungry.Para38 如果没有卖掉一盒火柴,小女孩不敢回家,因为如果没有卖掉一盒火柴,小女

14、孩不敢回家,因为那样她父亲会打她。那样她父亲会打她。But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事害怕做某事 without selling one box of matches 没有卖掉一盒火柴(表伴随状态)没有卖掉一盒火柴(表伴随状态) beat 打,打败打,打败 - beat 过去式过去式Para49 一根燃起来的火柴可能会让我暖和起来!一根燃起来的火柴可能会让

15、我暖和起来!A burning match may warm me up. a burning match 一根燃烧的火柴一根燃烧的火柴 warm sb up 使某人暖和起来使某人暖和起来10 她点了三根火柴。她点了三根火柴。She lit three matches. light v 点燃点燃 lightlit-lit11 但是当火光熄灭的时,一切都消失了。但是当火光熄灭的时,一切都消失了。But all these disappeared when the flames went out. disappear 消失消失 反义词反义词 出现:出现:appear go out 熄灭熄灭Para

16、512 她的奶奶笑着把她抱起来。她的奶奶笑着把她抱起来。Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms. hold sb in the arms 抱着某人抱着某人Para613 在新年的清晨,小女孩躺在墙角,死了!在新年的清晨,小女孩躺在墙角,死了!On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead! on the morning of the new year 在新年的清晨在新年的清晨 lie against the wall 靠着墙躺着靠

17、着墙躺着 dead adj. 死的死的 (die died v. / death n.)Read the passage in groupsemotionally12345Read again and write the key words for each picture. Then retell the story.1c1_walked in the streets with no shoes2_didnt sell any matches3_lit matches, saw a stove, a roast goose, a Christmas tree4_grandmother hel

18、d her in her arms5_was lying against the wall, dead!3214根据句义及汉语完成句子。根据句义及汉语完成句子。(1 point)1 Please give me a box of _ (火火柴柴).2 The snow will soon _( 消失消失) when the warm weather comes.3 The children were really _ ( 饿的饿的) and ate up all food.4 When the boss was angry, he _( 打打) his workers.5 The farmer

19、s kept lots of _ (鹅鹅) near the river.matchesdisappearhungrybeatgeese根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(2points)1 我每天都看见他们从我家旁经过。我每天都看见他们从我家旁经过。I see them _ _ my house every day.2 春天来了,天气开始变暖了。春天来了,天气开始变暖了。 The spring is coming, the weather begins to _ _.3 我过去很早就醒了,并且六点钟就起我过去很早就醒了,并且六点钟就起床。床。 I used to

20、 _ _ early and got up at six.4 火熄灭了,屋子里变得冷起来。火熄灭了,屋子里变得冷起来。 The fire _ _ and the room got cold. pass by warm up wake up went out根据句义用适当的介词填空根据句义用适当的介词填空(3 points)1 There will be a special match _ Christmas Eve.2 “Im sorry.” the little boy said _ a low voice.3 It was very cold, but he walked out of t

21、he room _ no shoes.4 The young mother is holding a baby _ her arms.5 _ the morning of a cold winter, we got together in Beijing. on in with inOn 根据句义括号内所给单词的适当形式根据句义括号内所给单词的适当形式填空填空(4points)1 The students _(have) a math class from 8 to 9 this morning.2 Yesterday my sister and I did some cleaning. We _ (feel )tired but happy.3 Helen _ (listen) to music when I came in.4 We _ (plant) many trees in our school last year. were having felt was listening plantedHOMEWORKHOMEWORK完成校本完成校本SectionCSectionC



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