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1、After Reading_1.11. 社会公认的社会公认的socially acknowledged 2. 在一种情况下在一种情况下in one setting3. 肤浅的理解肤浅的理解a thin understanding4. 区分区分distinguish between5. break up6. 追逐个人利益追逐个人利益pursue ones own advantage7. 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事take pleasure in (doing) sth.8. 到到 in so far as9. 建立在建立在基础上基础上be grounded on10. 受感情支配受感情支配be reg

2、ulated by ones feelings unit1After Reading_1.213. 常言道常言道as the saying goes14. 值得爱值得爱be worthy of love15. 摆脱贪婪摆脱贪婪be free from greed16. 物质利益物质利益material benefits17. 相伴为乐相伴为乐enjoy each others company18. 同样忠诚于同样忠诚于share a commitment19. 高尚品德高尚品德 moral excellence20. 达成共识达成共识develop a shared idea11. 眼前的重要

3、机会眼前的重要机会opportunity of the moment12. 在在相似相似be similar inUseful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingSentence TranslationProverbs and QuotationsListening Comprehensionunit1After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingWriting PracticeProverbs and Qu

4、otations1. 难以名状难以名状defy definition 2. 大胆的想法大胆的想法adventurous thoughts3. 异性异性the opposite gender 4. 长期计划长期计划a long-term plan 5. 或多或少或多或少more or less6. 安定的生活安定的生活a settled life7. 互相让步互相让步give and take8. 在在基础上基础上on the foundation of 9. 意见一致意见一致a meeting of minds 10. 传统派传统派the traditional schoolListening

5、 Comprehension11. 培养爱情培养爱情 nurture loveunit2After Reading_1.213. 质朴的外表质朴的外表the unpretentious looks14. 一个久远的年代一个久远的年代 a bygone era15. 随大流随大流jump on the bandwagon16. 心灵的契合心灵的契合mental compatibilities17. 把把归咎于归咎于blame on18. 弄清楚弄清楚figure out19. 扭曲的情感扭曲的情感 distorted emotions20. 确定重点确定重点set priorities21. 履

6、行承诺履行承诺honor ones commitments12. 短暂的爱短暂的爱short-lived loveUseful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingProverbs and QuotationsListening ComprehensionWriting Practice22. 终身不渝的关系终身不渝的关系life-long bonds unit2After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsTalk about the Pictures Writing PracticeOptio

7、nal Classroom Activity Proverbs and Quotations1. 史无前例的经济增长史无前例的经济增长 economic growth unparalleled in history2. 为温饱发愁为温饱发愁 exist near the breadline3. 物质上的匮乏物质上的匮乏 material discomfort4. 追求更高的收入追求更高的收入 in pursuit of higher income5. 这个时代的人生哲学这个时代的人生哲学 philosophy for our age6. 极端的个人主义极端的个人主义 intense indiv

8、idualism7. 和和一致一致in line with8. 和平均水准相比有所上升和平均水准相比有所上升 move up relative to the norm9. 当休闲与工作的天平偏向当休闲与工作的天平偏向工作工作balance between leisure and work shifted towards work10. 以自己为参照物以自己为参照物relative to itself11. 来源于来源于derive from Listening Comprehensionunit3After Reading_1.213. 永无止境的竞争永无止境的竞争rat race14. 能力

9、偏低的人能力偏低的人people in the bottom half of the ability range15. 自己没有获益自己没有获益 at no gain to oneself16. 事实上事实上 in effect17. 内在的价值内在的价值intrinsic worth18. 一个空前的个人主义的时代一个空前的个人主义的时代 an age of unprecedented individualism19. 在自身找到积极的力量在自身找到积极的力量 find the positive force in oneself20. 肤浅的快乐肤浅的快乐 superficial pleas

10、ures21. 我们的公益观我们的公益观 our concept of the common good22. 一套清晰的理念一套清晰的理念a clear set of ideasUseful ExpressionsTalk about the Pictures Writing PracticeOptional Classroom Activity Proverbs and QuotationsListening Comprehension12. 得失平衡的游戏得失平衡的游戏 a zero-sum gameunit3After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsOptio

11、nal Classroom ActivitiesGroup DiscussionWriting Practice Proverbs and Quotations1. 关于;有关关于;有关as regards2. 使夭折;切断使夭折;切断 cut off3. 风华正茂风华正茂 in the flower of ones youth4. 处于婴幼儿时期;处于婴幼儿时期; 处于初期阶段处于初期阶段 in infancy 5. 科普读物科普读物popular science6. 保持年轻的秘诀保持年轻的秘诀recipe for remaining young7. 以以为理由为理由on the grou

12、nds that 8. 防止,防范;警惕防止,防范;警惕guard against9. 依恋依恋 cling to10. 怀着怀着的希望的希望 in the hope ofTable CompletionTalk about the Picturesunit4After Reading_1.211. 漠视;不予关注漠视;不予关注 become / be indifferent to12. 由于;因为由于;因为owing to13. 担心;挂念担心;挂念 concern oneself with / about14. 提供物质援助提供物质援助 render material services15

13、. 因因而烦恼而烦恼 be oppressed by16. 融入融入 become / be merged into17. 人类生活人类生活universal life18. 独立个体独立个体individual being19. 生命力衰竭生命力衰竭decay of vitality20. 继续(做某事)继续(做某事)carry on (doing sth.)Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesGroup DiscussionWriting Practice Proverbs and QuotationsTable Completio

14、nTalk about the Picturesunit4After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsVocabularyOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingTheme-Related Writing1. 编写和教授大学课程编写和教授大学课程write and teach college courses2. 远程学位教育课程远程学位教育课程distance-learning degree programs3. 年龄偏大的大学生年龄偏大的大学生older-than-average college students4.

15、在线辅导中心在线辅导中心online counseling center5. 远程教学远程教学distance learning6. 大笔的金钱大笔的金钱mounds of money7. 职业拓展职业拓展career development8. 电子布告栏电子布告栏electronic bulletin boards9. 免交关税免交关税tariff-free10. 摒弃现实中的大学教育摒弃现实中的大学教育dispense with a real college education11. 讲坛上的圣人讲坛上的圣人the Sage on the StageSpot DictationProve

16、rbs and Quotationsunit5After Reading_1.213. 身边的向导身边的向导a Guide on the Side14. 返回大学学习返回大学学习come back to college to learn15. 抒发抒发的观点和见解的观点和见解argue ones points and perspectives16. 相同标准单位的信息相同标准单位的信息the same standardized units of information17. 通过同一质量检查通过同一质量检查pass the same quality inspection18. 有效的学习途径有

17、效的学习途径an effective way to learn19. 大学文科课程大学文科课程a liberal arts curriculum20. 依赖我们与生俱来的本领依赖我们与生俱来的本领rely on ones native ability21. 学习的辅助材料学习的辅助材料learning aids22. 奇怪的是奇怪的是oddly enoughUseful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingTheme-Related WritingProverbs and Quotations12. 接受传统教育的思想接

18、受传统教育的思想classically educated mindSpot DictationVocabularyunit5After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsDiscussion and WritingOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingProverbs and Quotations1. 职业病职业病an occupational disease2. 因因而产生而产生result from3. 社会交往社会交往social intercourse4. 使自己熟悉(新情况)使自己熟悉(新情况)orient o

19、neself to5. 握手握手shake hands6. 购物购物make purchases7. 对对当真当真take sth. seriously8. 面部表情面部表情facial expressions9. 在在过程中过程中in the course of10. 离水之鱼;不得其所的人离水之鱼;不得其所的人a fish out of water11. 心胸开阔心胸开阔be broad-mindedListening Comprehension12. 一系列一系列a series ofunit6After Reading_1.213. 对对做出反应做出反应react to14. 抱怨抱怨

20、complain about15. 克服,战胜克服,战胜get over16. 除了除了in addition to17. 社会风俗社会风俗social institutions18. 增加,积累增加,积累build up19. 用,依靠用,依靠by means of20. 使自己适应使自己适应adapt oneself to21. 和和打交道打交道associate with22. 和和打成一片,认同打成一片,认同identify with23. 到这样的程度以至于到这样的程度以至于to the extent that24. 例如例如for instanceUseful Expression

21、sDiscussion and WritingOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingProverbs and QuotationsListening Comprehensionunit6After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsGroup DiscussionWriting PracticeOptional Classroom ActivitiesProverbs and Quotations1. 希望化为了泡影希望化为了泡影chances evaporated2. 灿然一笑灿然一笑flash a dazzling

22、smile3. 重振旗鼓重振旗鼓spirited recovery4. 不屈不挠的意志不屈不挠的意志firm inner fiber5. 登上领奖台登上领奖台mount the winners stand6. 世界一流运动员世界一流运动员a world-class athlete7. 在他们内心深处燃烧在他们内心深处燃烧burn inside them8. 因毫厘之差与金牌擦肩而过因毫厘之差与金牌擦肩而过narrowly miss a gold medal9. 最具心理挑战的比赛最具心理挑战的比赛the most psychologically challenging race10. 成形成形

23、take shape11. 一次重大比赛一次重大比赛a major competitionCompound Dictation12. 做出毫秒不差的预测做出毫秒不差的预测call the time to the split secondunit7After Reading_1.213. 在紧急情况下在紧急情况下in an emergency14. 让人极度痛苦的时刻让人极度痛苦的时刻tremendously poignant moment15. 震耳欲聋的掌声震耳欲聋的掌声deafening applause16. 胸怀大志胸怀大志aim high17. 创造运气创造运气make their

24、own luck18. 发挥不好发挥不好perform poorly19. 拼了命地训练拼了命地训练train like crazy20. 埋头苦干埋头苦干go through a grind21. 前往前往head for22. 填补位置填补位置fill in forUseful ExpressionsGroup DiscussionWriting PracticeOptional Classroom ActivitiesProverbs and Quotations23. 年复一年年复一年year after year24. 利用利用capitalize onCompound Dictat

25、ionunit7After Reading_1.1Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingWriting PracticeProverbs and Quotations1. 互相倾轧的竞争互相倾轧的竞争dog-eat-dog rivalries2. 丛林法则丛林法则the law of the jungle3. 适者生存适者生存survival of the fittest4. 通力合作通力合作pull together5. 自由市场竞争自由市场竞争free-market competition6. 由于,因为

26、由于,因为as a result of7. 齐心协力齐心协力coordinate ones efforts8. 世界各地数不胜数的人世界各地数不胜数的人countless people from around the globe9. 从真正的意义上讲从真正的意义上讲in a genuine sense10. 并存并存 exist side by sideListening Comprehension11. 和平繁荣的社会和平繁荣的社会a peaceful and prosperous societyunit8After Reading_1.213. 形影不离形影不离be inseparable

27、 (from)14. 由此得出结论由此得出结论;因而断定;因而断定 it follows that15. 调调 换换in exchange for16. 出价竞争出价竞争bidding competition17. 痛打,打伤,狠揍痛打,打伤,狠揍beat up18. 各式各样的各式各样的all manner of 19. 在损失或损坏某事物的情况下在损失或损坏某事物的情况下at the expense of sth. 20. 不亚于不亚于no less than 21.把把看成是看成是refer to as12. 交响乐团交响乐团a symphony orchestra22. 竭力竭力str

28、ive to do Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingWriting PracticeProverbs and QuotationsListening Comprehensionunit8After Reading_1.324. 夫妻店夫妻店a mom-and-pop store25. 其他行业其他行业other lines of work 26. 比比富裕富裕/好得多好得多better off than27. 出现出现come along23. 只只 要要as long asUseful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture TalkingWriting PracticeProverbs and QuotationsListening Comprehension28. 远非,非但不是远非,非但不是far fromunit8



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