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1、Warm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality Test1. Johari Window Modelfour quadrants (象象限限): Arena, Faade, Blind Spot and Unknown. The lines dividing the four panes are like window shades, which can move as an interaction progresses. The Arena quadrant

2、 represents things that both I know about myself, and that you know about me. The Blind Spot quadrant represents things thatThe Johari Window, named after the first names of its inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is one of the most useful models describing the process of human interaction. A f

3、our-paned “window”, as illustrated above, divides personal awareness into four different types, as represented by itsWarm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality Testyou know about me, but that I am unaware of. The Faade (表表面面,外外观观) quadrant represents

4、things that I know about myself, that you do not know. The Unknown quadrant represents things that neither I know about myself, nor you know about me. Training workshops using this model have been conducted for participants to find out about themselves through self-reflection and through feedback fr

5、om others.Warm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality Test2. Personality StructuresSigmund Freud used the Ego, the Id and the Superego to signify three aspects of personality development. The Id, in simple terms, refers to our basic instincts; the Ego,

6、 on the other hand, is related to the adjustment to reality; while the SuperegoWarm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality Testis concerned with the moral conscience. These three aspects of our mind are in constant communication with one another; at ti

7、mes, they battle with one another. Our behavior is determined by the one that wins the battle. Warm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestBorn on May 6, 1856, in Moravia, which is now in Czechoslovakia.When he was about three years old, the family

8、 moved to Vienna.A top student in school.From 1859 to 1938, working as a doctor in Vienna.Around 1895, Freud decided to study and treat mental disorders, developing the theory of “psychoanalysis”.In March 1938, Freud, as a Jew, came to London to flee from the Nazis after the German annexation (合并合并)

9、 of Austria.Died in 1939 in London.His representative works include:Freud, Sigmund (18561939)Warm-up QuestionsBackground InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestThe Interpretation of Dreams (1900)Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (1905)Group Psychology and the

10、 Analysis of the Ego (1921)The Future of an Illusion (1927)Moses and Monotheism (1939) Background InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality Test Warm-up QuestionsDirections: Listen to the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1.When did Furukawa Takeji, the Japan

11、ese doctor, propose his findings?He proposed his findings nearly a century ago.2. People of which blood type are very patient?Type A people are very patient. Background InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestWarm-up Questions3. What personality traits do type O people ha

12、ve?They are stubborn, impulsive, and loyal to their friends.4. What is your blood type? Do you believe in Takejis theory? Why or why not?Open-ended.East Asias obsession with blood types comes from the work of Furukawa Takeji, a Japanese doctor who nearly a century ago was sure that ones personality

13、was caused by his/her blood type. According to his theory, each blood type had a distinctive, corresponding personality type:Type A people are conservative and passive, and are concerned with appearances. Although type A people are superficial and have a touch of mental instability, they are very pa

14、tient and finish what they start.Type B people get along well with others because they are straightforward, and are noted for their creativity. But type B people are also moody and become bored and annoyed easily.Type O people are stubborn and impulsive. Their redeeming quality is that they are loya

15、l to their friends.Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through. Background InformationGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestWarm-up Questions Background InformationGroup DiscussionListening Comprehen

16、sionA Personality TestWarm-up QuestionsDespite any real evidence to support these ideas, Takejis theory quickly caught on. By 1930, standard job application forms included a blank for blood type, and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits, and ordinary people use it to choose frien

17、ds and romantic partners. Directions: Here are a group of words describing personal characteristics. Choose six personal characteristics out of those listed which best describe the kind of person you think you are. Discuss with your group members and ask for suggestions. Then choose six personal cha

18、racteristics you would most like to see in your ideal marriage partner. Compare your choices with your group members and discuss the differences. Make your group decision and tell the class. Group DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestBackground InformationWarm-up Questionstruthfulamusi

19、ngtidypatienttalkativeindependentintellectualdecisivefaithfulconsiderategenerousbroad-mindedambitious1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Group DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestBackground InformationWarm-up QuestionsDirections: Do you want to know what kind of person you are? Please go over

20、the following statements. You can either agree or disagree with each of them.As a rule, current preoccupations worry you more than your future plans. You find it difficult to talk about your feelings.You feel at ease in a crowd.You do your best to complete a task on time.You are strongly touched by

21、the stories about peoples troubles.You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization.Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome.Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party.You tend to rely on your experience rather than on the

22、oretical alternatives. Group DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestBackground InformationWarm-up Questions10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Its difficult to get you excited.You rapidly get involved in social life at a new workplace.It is in your nature to assume responsibility.You

23、 frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions.You often think about humankind and its destiny.You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed.You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication.You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate aboutvarious o

24、ptions.You trust reason rather than feelings.You spend your leisure time actively socializing with a group ofpeople, attending parties, shopping, etc. Group DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestBackground InformationWarm-up Questions20. You usually plan your actions in advance.21. Your

25、 actions are frequently influenced by emotions.22. You often contemplate about the complexity of life.23. You often do jobs in a hurry.24. You find it difficult to speak loudly. YES NOUp to now, actually you have just finished one third of the complete version of the Jung-Myers-Briggs Typology (类型学类

26、型学) Test. To finish it and know the analysis of your personality, you can refer to http:/ If you are interested in other personality tests, you can log onto the following web page:http:/ Indicator TestGroup DiscussionListening ComprehensionA Personality TestWarm-up QuestionsBackground Information1.2

27、. 3. 4.5. Do you like your personality? Why or why not?Have you ever changed your personality? What made the change?Do you want to adjust your personality in the future? Why or why not?What elements have contributed to the shaping of your present personality?What is your favorite color? Do you think

28、 it is related to your personality? Directions: Text A has twelve paragraphs (1-12). Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list below.A) Intellectual traits of personalityB) Environment influence on personalityC) Emotional traits of personalityD) What is personalityE) Three el

29、ements of personalityF) Two influences on personalityG) A good time for personality adjustment adolescenceH) Personality can be adjustedI) Behavior reveals personalityJ) Social traits of personalityK) Personalities are not simpleL) Heredity influences personalityList of HeadingsInterviewTrue or Fals

30、eSupply the Missing Information1-D; 2-K; 3-E; 4-C; 5-J; 6-A; 7-I; 8-F; 9-L; 10-B; 11-H; 12-GList of HeadingsInterviewTrue or FalseSupply the Missing Information1. One can hardly change his/her personality after it is formed. F( )So long as one makes the effort, his/her personality can be changed.2.

31、Personality is the combination of characteristics that makes one person different from the other people.T( )3. For the same basic emotions, the majority of people have the same response to them. F( )For the same basic emotions, each person responds to them individually.List of HeadingsInterviewTrue

32、or FalseSupply the Missing Information4. You begin to know something about a persons emotional traits of personality when you observe how he/she relates to others.F( )You begin to know something about a persons emotional traits of personality when you observe how he/she handles his/her emotions.5. O

33、thers can recognize a persons emotional, social, and intellectual traits of personality through how he/she behaves. T( )6. As to the question which one affects ones personality more greatly, heredity or environment, some people clearly know the answer.F( )No one really knows the answer to the questi

34、on.Only a small number of people would like to change some of their personality traits.List of HeadingsInterviewTrue or FalseSupply the Missing Information7. Heredity is the set of characteristics that one inherits from his/her parents and ancestors. F( )Most people would like to change some of thei

35、r personality traits.8. T( )9. Divorce is not good and it often has negative influences on the growth of young children.T( )List of HeadingsInterviewTrue or FalseSupply the Missing Information10. It may be easier for you to change your personality after you graduate from university because at that t

36、ime you are changing while you are working. F( )It may be easier for you to change your personality when you are studying in university because at that time you are changing while you are learning.Directions: Work in pairs. Suppose one of you, an expert on personality, is being interviewed by the pa

37、rtner, a radio program host/hostess about why people have different personalities. Also the expert is expected to give suggestions to the audience on how to improve personality. The following words and expressions are for your reference.InterviewTrue or FalseList of HeadingsSupply the Missing Inform

38、ationinfluenceinheritheredityenvironmentancestoradjustmentsurroundcomplicatedexertalong withkeep torespond tosatisfyaffectaspectnegativeInterviewTrue or FalseSupply the Missing InformationList of HeadingsDirections: Read the text carefully for its main idea and fill in the blanks.People have differe

39、nt looks and figures. They also have different personalities. Quite often you may find ones personality can be in one word. However, if you examine personalities closely, you know they are not so and they can be shaped if one . Basically, three categories of elements contribute to forming a persons

40、personality, namely, . These traits of personality become to others through behavior. Usually, only after you have known a person well enough can you discover what he/she is truly like. Some people wonder why they have this personality instead of others. The explanation is notsummed up_simple_makes

41、the effort_emotional, social and intellectual_apparent_easy because no one really knows which of the two influences at work, , has the greater effect. Actually, the combination of the two may not be the same for every person. heredity and environment_InterviewTrue or FalseList of HeadingsSupply the

42、Missing InformationSome personalities are than others. Most people would like to change some of their personality traits. If you also have such a plan, you have to be determined and cherish your time because is a period for personality development.more pleasing_adolescence_Studying personality is an

43、 interesting pursuit. What makes human beings different from one another is not only their genetic(基基因因的的)make-up or their physical appearance, but also their personality. Read the following text and reflect on your own personality. How much do you know about yourself? How much do other people know

44、about your true self?Detailed Reading Ones personality can be summed up in a word. People might say that Harry is shy; Tasha is aggressive; and Shannon is outgoing. Actually, personalities are more complex than this. A closer look at personalities will show you why they are not so simple, and you wi

45、ll also discover that your personality can be shaped if you make the effort. People come in all shapes and sizes. They also come with distinctive personalities. The combination of characteristics that makes you different from every other person is your personality.Personality DevelopmentDetailed Rea

46、dinganother person may just keep the good news to himself or herself and just enjoy the happiness secretly. As you observe how people handle their emotions, you start to form a picture of this part of their personality. A persons personality is composed of many elements. These elements, in general,

47、fall into three categories emotional, social, and intellectual. Every person feels the same basic emotions, such as fear, happiness, anxiety and pain, yet each responds to them individually. When Karas grandmother died, for example, her sorrow was expressed through tears. Another person might show t

48、he same kind of sorrow in a quiet, reflective way. Similarly, when you hear a piece of good news, you may jump up with joy and may immediately decide to throw a party for your classmates and friends to share your happiness and joy; Detailed Reading People are also different in how they relate to oth

49、ers. This reveals the social side of their personality, and there are plenty of variations. Some people prefer the company of others rather than being alone. We say they are sociable. Others are just the opposite. Most people want some combination of the two.Detailed Reading Intellectual traits are

50、the third part of personality. These qualities are influenced by the mind and how it works. One person may prefer spending his spare time in deep thought. Another may be more creative. Jake, for example, often has people in his class laughing. He sees humor in almost everything and is able to expres

51、s it in entertaining ways. The emotional, social, and intellectual traits of personality become apparent to others through behavior. Usually you need to get to know a person well enough before you can discover the full depth of that persons personality. When you start thinking about what you are lik

52、e, you may start wondering why you are that way. Explaining why personalities develop as they do is not easy. That is because two influences are at work: heredity and environment. And no one really knows which one has the greater effect. In fact, the combination of these influences may not be the sa

53、me for every person.Detailed ReadingDetailed Reading Heredity is one influence on personality. Heredity is the set of characteristics that you inherit from your parents and ancestors. “Hes just like his father,” Mrs. Miller always says about her son Todd, now 17. Since Todds father died when the boy

54、 was only a year old, heredity explains the resemblances, for evidently, Todd has had no opportunity to learn these traits from his father. Other aspects of personality are shaped by what goes on around a person. Environment the circumstances, objects, and conditions that surround people also has an

55、 impact on personality. This influence is very strong and very complicated. Home life, for example, affects childrens personalities as they grow. People who feel loved and secure are likely to develop more positive personality traits than those who are troubled as they grow up. That is why divorce i

56、s a harmful social practice that often exerts a negative effect on the growth of young children. Personalities make people interesting. How boring it would be if everyone had the same personality. On the other hand, some personalities are more pleasing than others. What about you? Are you satisfied

57、with your personality? Or is there something even a small quality that you would like to change? Most people have at least some personality adjustments they would like to make.Detailed ReadingDetailed Reading Adolescence is a time for personality development, and personality is developing right alon

58、g with everything else. For young university students, shaping your personality as you want it to be may be easier now than later, for you are changing while you are learning. Think about the personality traits that you admire. Just as an athlete builds skills, you can build the personality you want

59、 to have, but only if you are determined to do so.1. How do you understand “in all shapes and sizes”?2. Translate the two sentences into Chinese.People come in all shapes and sizes. They also come with distinctive personalities.人有高矮胖瘦,个性也各不相同。人有高矮胖瘦,个性也各不相同。Detailed ReadingIt means people have vario

60、us looks and figures.Every person feels the same basic emotions, such as fear, happiness, anxiety and pain, yet each responds to them individually.1. How does each person respond to these basic emotions?People respond to the same basic emotions differently. The response is decided by his/her persona

61、lity.Detailed Reading2. Think about some specific examples to illustrate this point. For instance, what do you do when you feel happy and what about your friend with a different personality?Open-ended.As you observe how people handle their emotions, you start to form a picture of this part of their

62、personality.1. What does “this part of their personality” refer to?It refers to the emotional traits of personality.Detailed Reading2. Paraphrase the sentence.When you see how people respond to their emotions, you begin to learn something of the emotional aspect of their personality.People are also

63、different in how they relate to others.1. What does “relate to” mean?It means to have a certain relationship with.2. What category of personality traits does this sentence refer to?It refers to the social traits of personality.Detailed ReadingDetailed Reading1. How do you understand “the full depth

64、of that persons personality”?Usually you need to get to know a person well enough before you can discover the full depth of that persons personality.It means what the person is truly like.2. Can you find a traditional Chinese saying with a similar meaning to this sentence?路遥知马力,日久见人心。路遥知马力,日久见人心。In

65、fact, the combination of these influences may not be the same for every person.1. What do “these influences” refer to?Detailed Reading“These influences” refer to the heredity influence and the environment influence.For different people, the two influences at work have different effects on them in th

66、e process of personality development.2. What can be inferred from the sentence?Other aspects of personality are shaped by what goes on around a person.1. Which kind of influence on personality does this sentence refer to?It refers to the environment influence on personality.Detailed Reading2. Transl

67、ate the sentence into Chinese.性格的其他特征受到周围环境的影响性格的其他特征受到周围环境的影响。Most people have at least some personality adjustments they would like to make.Detailed Reading1. Paraphrase the sentence.Most people would like to change some of their personality traits.2. What can be inferred from this sentence?The ma

68、jority of people are not satisfied with their personality. Therefore they want to make some adjustments to improve it.Adolescence is a time for personality development, and personality is developing right along with everything else.1. What does “along with” mean?It means together with.2. What can yo

69、u learn from this sentence?As adolescents, we should take the chance to develop the personality we want to have.Detailed ReadingJust as an athlete builds skills, you can build the personality you want to have, but only if you are determined to do so.Detailed Reading1. What is the precondition for a

70、person to build his/her personality?He/She has to make up his/her mind to do so.2. Translate the sentence into Chinese.正如运动员培养技能一样,你也正如运动员培养技能一样,你也能建立你能建立你想要有想要有的个性,的个性,但一定要有但一定要有决心才行决心才行。combination: n. the act of combining or state of being combinedThe firm is working on a new product in combinati

71、on with several overseas partners. Pink is a combination of red and white.Detailed ReadingCollocation:make a combination形成组合形成组合a fixed combination固定搭配固定搭配in combination (with)联合,与联合,与合作合作NB: 注意该词的词性变化。它的动词形式为注意该词的词性变化。它的动词形式为combine。characteristic:A characteristic of the camel is its ability to liv

72、e for a long time without water.Arrogance is one of his less attractive characteristics.Detailed ReadingHe spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.1. n. a special and easily recognized quality of someone or something2. adj. typical; representing a persons or things usual charactercharacteristic generos

73、ity特有的慷慨行为特有的慷慨行为Detailed ReadingCF: character, characteristic & featurefeaturecharacteristiccharacter指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往往和品指成年人已经充分发展的生活方式,而且往往和品格有关。例如格有关。例如:You can read a guys character at the first glance.你一眼就可以看出一个人的性格。你一眼就可以看出一个人的性格。Longevity is an inheritable characteristic.长寿是一种可遗传的特性。长寿是一种可

74、遗传的特性。An aquiline ( (鹰的鹰的) ) nose was her best feature. 鹰钩鼻是她最明显的特征。鹰钩鼻是她最明显的特征。通常指外貌的特征,娱乐广告中指特别的或附加的有吸通常指外貌的特征,娱乐广告中指特别的或附加的有吸引力的东西。例如引力的东西。例如:指某物的指某物的任何方面,不任何方面,不涉及全局的重要性,常指有涉及全局的重要性,常指有代表性的一个侧面。常用于科技领域。例如代表性的一个侧面。常用于科技领域。例如:这三个词作为名词都有这三个词作为名词都有“性格性格”、“品质品质”、“特征特征”之意。之意。sum up:give a statement of

75、 the main points (of a report, a speech, a trial, etc.) Detailed Reading教授以扼要的重述结束了报告教授以扼要的重述结束了报告。The professor concluded the lecture by summing up.I cannot find an epithet (表述词语表述词语) to sum up my pose: v. 1. write something, especially a piece of music or poetryShe began to compose at an early age

76、.He plays the piano beautifully, and he composes his own music.Detailed Reading2. make (oneself) calm or tranquilCompose yourself and deal with the problems logically.冷静下来,并且理性地处理问题冷静下来,并且理性地处理问题。Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.3. ma

77、ke up (something) ; form (something)Detailed Reading的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。但的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。但在被动语态中正好相反。例如在被动语态中正好相反。例如:England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠岛。英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠岛。The committee comprises ten persons.委员会由十人组成。委员会由十人组成。这几个词都是动词,均有这几个词都

78、是动词,均有“组成组成”之意。之意。CF: compose, comprise, constitute & consistcomprisecompose可以表示可以表示“包含包含”、“由由组成组成”之意,此时主语表示事物之意,此时主语表示事物的整体,宾语表示事物的组成部分;也可以表示的整体,宾语表示事物的组成部分;也可以表示“构成构成”之意,之意,此时主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。例如此时主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。例如:All substances are composed of a great many particles called atoms.一切物质都

79、是由大量称作原子的粒子构成的。一切物质都是由大量称作原子的粒子构成的。Detailed ReadingDo you know how many states comprise the United States?你知道美国是由多少个州构成的吗?你知道美国是由多少个州构成的吗?的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。例的主语表示事物的组成部分,宾语表示事物的整体。例如如:consistconstitute是个不及物动词,与介词是个不及物动词,与介词of一起连用,不可用于被动语态。一起连用,不可用于被动语态。consist的主语表示事物的整体,的主语表示事物的整体,of后的宾语表示事物的组成

80、后的宾语表示事物的组成部分。例如:部分。例如:Seven days constitute a week.七天为一个星期。七天为一个星期。Our dinner consists of three courses only.我们的晚餐只有三道菜。我们的晚餐只有三道菜。emotional: adj. 1. of or relating to emotionDetailed ReadingThe childs bad behavior is a result of emotional problems.2. having feelings which are strong or easily made

81、 activeHe was very emotional; he cried when I left.Collocation:stir/whip up emotion(s) express emotion show emotionsuppress/contain ones emotionsNB: 该词的名词形式为该词的名词形式为emotion。激发起感情激发起感情表达情感表达情感显露出情感显露出情感抑制感情抑制感情Detailed Readinganxiety: n. 1. fear and worry, esp. as caused by uncertainty about somethin

82、gThe doctors report removed all their anxieties.2. a strong wish to do something; eagernessanxiety to pleaseCollocation:anxiety about 对对的焦虑的焦虑anxiety for 为为担忧担忧display anxiety表现出焦虑表现出焦虑relieve ones anxiety消除某人的忧虑消除某人的忧虑他们对她的安全感到非常担忧。他们对她的安全感到非常担忧。They felt strong anxiety for her safety.急于取悦急于取悦There

83、 was much anxiety about the future of these theatres.人们对这些剧院的前途忧心忡忡。人们对这些剧院的前途忧心忡忡。Detailed Reading意为意为“忧虑忧虑”、“担心担心”,往往指悬而未决或吉凶难,往往指悬而未决或吉凶难卜的事所引起的焦虑与紧张,也指可能即将到来的灾卜的事所引起的焦虑与紧张,也指可能即将到来的灾难和不幸所产生的恐惧与忧虑难和不幸所产生的恐惧与忧虑。这三个词作为名词都有这三个词作为名词都有“忧虑忧虑”、“烦恼烦恼”之意。之意。CF: anxiety, concern & worryworryconcernanxiety意

84、为意为“烦恼烦恼”、“忧虑忧虑”,指一种内心深处的忧虑,其,指一种内心深处的忧虑,其烦躁不安与反复思量的程度比烦躁不安与反复思量的程度比anxiety深,并带有强烈深,并带有强烈的个人情感色彩的个人情感色彩。意为意为“关心关心”、“关切关切”、“忧虑忧虑”,往往指出于尊,往往指出于尊敬或个人利益、兴趣等而对某事产生的关心与忧虑,敬或个人利益、兴趣等而对某事产生的关心与忧虑,不是无动于衷的状态,程度较缓和不是无动于衷的状态,程度较缓和。Detailed ReadingDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the f

85、orm where necessary.Life is full ofEveryone has of his own.The Prime Minister expressed his over the postal strike. Our grew when the mountain climbers hadnt returned by nightfall. It is a to me having to leave the sick child alone in the house. Its my for your future that makes me ask you all these

86、 questions. worries_. Readingrespond: v. 1. act in answerI kicked the dog, which responded with a growl.2. answer someone or somethingShe responded to my letter with a phone call.He responded to my suggestion with a laugh.他对我的建议报以一笑他对我的建议报以

87、一笑。He responded that he had not been in the building at the time.所回答的内容可能是表示同意、反对或提供有关情况,所回答的内容可能是表示同意、反对或提供有关情况,在较广泛的意义上可针对任何人所讲的话或所做的事在较广泛的意义上可针对任何人所讲的话或所做的事作出反应。作出反应。这三个词作为动词都有这三个词作为动词都有“回答回答”之意。之意。CF: answer, reply & respondreplyanswer所回答的是针对问题的陈述或声明。所回答的是针对问题的陈述或声明。Detailed Readingrespond通常指对号召

88、、指责、请求等作出反应,也指一般口头通常指对号召、指责、请求等作出反应,也指一般口头或书面的回答或对某人行动的反应。或书面的回答或对某人行动的反应。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.She that she would try to help him. I asked him several questions, but he never Many young people heartily to the call of the government. Whe

89、n Tom insulted him, he with a kick. Our men to the enemys fire. I knocked at the door, but nobodyanswered_. (sth.) to:keep private to oneselfHe kept the news to himself.Detailed ReadingShe doesnt go out much; she likes to keep to herself.

90、她不常出门,喜欢自己独处。她不常出门,喜欢自己独处。Detailed Readingreveal: vt.1. allow to be seenClose examination revealed a crack in the vase.2. make knownThe curtain opened, to reveal a darkened stage.I cant reveal who told me.我不能透露是谁告诉我的我不能透露是谁告诉我的。Teachers revealed to the press that they were going on strike.influence:

91、父母对子女的影响父母对子女的影响the influence of parents on their childrenHe has a strange influence over the girl.Religion has been an influence for good in her life.Detailed Reading1. n.1) the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of sb. or sth., or the effect itself2) person, fact

92、, etc. that exercises such powerWe are subject to many influences.2. vt. have an effect onDont let me influence your decision.What influenced you to do it?Detailed ReadingCollocation:exert influence on 对对施加影响施加影响strengthen ones influence 加强势力加强势力under sb.s influence在某人的影响下在某人的影响下under the influence

93、of 在在的影响下的影响下outside influences 外界影响外界影响drive under the influence of alcohol酒后开车酒后开车entertain: v.Could you entertain the children for an hour, while I make supper?我做晚饭时,你能哄孩子们玩一个小时吗我做晚饭时,你能哄孩子们玩一个小时吗?A teacher should entertain as well as teach.Detailed Reading1. amuse and interestHe does most of his

94、 entertaining in restaurants.Bob and Liz entertained us to dinner last night.2. give a party (for); provide food and drink (for)NB: 注意该词的词性变化。其名词形式为注意该词的词性变化。其名词形式为entertainment;entertaining作作为形容词意为为形容词意为“有趣的有趣的”、“使人娱乐的使人娱乐的”;entertainer是名词,意思是是名词,意思是“专业表演者专业表演者”、“提供娱乐者提供娱乐者”。Detailed Readingat work

95、: doing sth., in operation在经济领域中起作用的通货膨胀在经济领域中起作用的通货膨胀I am at work on a new project now.inflationary forces at work in the economyenvironment: n. the natural or social conditions in which people live不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。不愉快的家庭环境能影响儿童的行为。An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behavior.We have to

96、 stop spoiling the environment.Detailed ReadingCollocation:clean up the environment 清理环境清理环境improve the environment 改善环境改善环境preserve/protect the environment 保护环境保护环境pollute the environment 污染环境污染环境Detailed Readinginherit: vt.The new administration inherited the economic problems of the last four yea

97、rs.Hes inherited a fortune from his rich uncle.1. receive something from someone who has died or moved onShe inherited her mothers good looks and her fathers bad temper.2. derive (qualities, etc.) from an ancestorresemblance: n. similarity, esp. in appearance; likenessTheres a strong resemblance bet

98、ween the two sisters.She bears a resemblance to her mother.Detailed Reading你能看出家人之间的相似之处吗?你能看出家人之间的相似之处吗?Can you see a family resemblance?多指物,强调性质、特色、程度的相似或类似。多指物,强调性质、特色、程度的相似或类似。主要是针对外观或外在的性质而言。主要是针对外观或外在的性质而言。这三个词都是名词,都有这三个词都是名词,都有“相像相像”、“相似相似”之意,在一些情况下之意,在一些情况下可以通用。可以通用。最普通,比最普通,比resemblance意味更强

99、。意味更强。CF: likeness, resemblance & similarityresemblancesimilaritylikenessDetailed ReadingDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.There is great between his father and him. How much is there between the two religions? He bears a strong to the people depict

100、ed in his play. I cant see much between the two boys personalities. n.这房子朝南这房子朝南。The house has a southern aspect.look at every aspect of the problem1. a particular side of a many-sided state of affairs, idea, plan, etc.2. the direction in w

101、hich a window, room, or front of a building facesThe training course covers every aspect of the job.3. appearance or lookDetailed Readinga man of enormous size and terrifying aspect面目狰狞的彪形大汉面目狰狞的彪形大汉Her face has an angry aspect.Detailed ReadingCollocation:a serious aspect严重性严重性from an aspect从一个方面从一个

102、方面in an aspect在一方面在一方面a grim aspect严厉的外貌严厉的外貌circumstance: n.usu. pl. a fact, condition, or event concerned with and influencing another event, person, or course of actionin easy/poor circumstancesDetailed Reading处于富裕处于富裕/贫穷状况贫穷状况如果情况允许,工作从星期一开始如果情况允许,工作从星期一开始。Work will begin on Monday if circumstan

103、ces permit.Collocation:in/under no circumstances 决不;无论如何都不决不;无论如何都不in/under the circumstances 既然这样;在这种情况下既然这样;在这种情况下Under no circumstances should you lend him any money.你无论如何都不该把钱借给他你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。She coped well in the circumstances, e.g. even though she was feeling ill.她在这种情况下仍处理得当(如虽然身体不适她在这种情况下仍处理

104、得当(如虽然身体不适)。)。Detailed Readingsurround: v. be or go around on every sideHe likes to surround himself with beautiful things.The prison is surrounded by a high wall.监狱的四周都是高墙监狱的四周都是高墙。Detailed Readingimpact: n. 1. the strong effect that something has on something elseHer new idea made a great impact i

105、n the office.碰撞产生的冲击碰撞产生的冲击The new computer has made quite an impact on us.2. the force of one object hitting anotherthe impact of a collisionaffect: vt. 1. have an influence on (sb./sth.); produce an effect onDetailed Reading指指通通过过某某事事物物本本身身直直接接显显现现影影响响,具具有有某某种种促促进进因因素素,足足以以引引起起人人或或事事物物的的反反应应。当当其其宾

106、宾语语是是人人时时,常常表表示示心心智智或或情情感感上上的的波波动动,以以及及健健康康情情况况的的变变化化。这这种种影影响响多多为为消消极极的的,通通常常是是能能够察觉到的。够察觉到的。这两个词作为动词都有这两个词作为动词都有“影响影响”之意。之意。指通过劝说、催促、举例或行动等间接途径对人的思想、品指通过劝说、催促、举例或行动等间接途径对人的思想、品质、行为或对其成长等产生影响,也可表示对一种形势局面质、行为或对其成长等产生影响,也可表示对一种形势局面的左右。这种影响可以是好的,也可以是坏的,但经常是不的左右。这种影响可以是好的,也可以是坏的,但经常是不易察觉的易察觉的, , 是潜移默化的。

107、是潜移默化的。CF: influence & affectaffectinfluenceThe change in climate may affect your health.The tax increases have affected us all.2. cause (sb.) to have feelings of sadness or sympathy; touchWe were deeply affected by the news of his death.Detailed ReadingDirections: Fill in the blanks with the words

108、above. Change the form where necessary.Smoking health.The weather crops. The judge was never in his decision by his sympathies or prejudices. Toms being demoted from corporal (下士下士) to private (士士兵兵) seriously his income. Readingsecure: adj.1.

109、safe; protected against danger or riskHe feels secure about his future.a secure job2. closed, firm, or tight enough for safetyA climber needs secure footholds.离开房子之前要把窗户关紧离开房子之前要把窗户关紧。 Make the windows secure before leaving the house.Collocation:secure against/from 免受免受(侵害等)的侵害等)的secure in 在在方面是牢固的方

110、面是牢固的secure about 对对放心的放心的secure against attack免受攻击的免受攻击的secure from danger没有危险没有危险secure in ones beliefs坚守自己的信仰坚守自己的信仰他对自己的前途感到放心他对自己的前途感到放心。a castle secure from attackDetailed Reading吸烟的害处吸烟的害处the harmful effects of smokingA few late nights are harmful to your health.harmful: adj. causing or likel

111、y to cause harmDetailed Readingexert: vt.use strength or skills in a determined way for a particular purposeHe exerted all his influence to make them accept his plan.My wifes been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.Collocation:exert all ones strength使出全身力气使出全身力气exert influence on 对对施加

112、影响施加影响exert pressure on 给给压力压力exert oneself努力;尽力努力;尽力Youll have to exert yourself more if you want to pass your exam.他不必为我费那么大力气他不必为我费那么大力气。He doesnt have to exert himself on my behalf.Detailed Readingsatisfy: v.satisfy sb.s hunger/demands/curiosity解饿解饿/ /符合要求符合要求/ /满足好奇心满足好奇心Shes not satisfied with

113、 anything but the best. 1. give (sb.) what sb. wants, demands or needs; make contented 2. fulfill (a need, desire, etc.); do enough to meet (a requirement, etc.)Some people are very hard to satisfy.3. give sb. proof, information, etc.; convince sb.My assurances dont satisfy him; hes still skeptical.

114、She has satisfied the conditions for entry into the college.Detailed ReadingTobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.He packed an atlas along with other books.他把一本地图册和其他书堆在一起他把一本地图册和其他书堆在一起。along with: together withUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussio

115、n and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and Quotations1. 基因构成基因构成genetic make-up2. 思考,考虑思考,考虑reflect on3. 总结,归纳,概括总结,归纳,概括sum up4. 塑造个性塑造个性shape personality5. 付出努力付出努力make the effort6. 由由组成;由组成;由构成构成be composed of7. 大体上,一般而言大体上,一般而言in general8. 分成分成fall into9. 响应,反应响应,反应respond to10. 请客(吃饭);举行(聚会)请客(吃

116、饭);举行(聚会)throw a party11. 不把不把告诉(某人);防告诉(某人);防止(某人)听到(某事)止(某人)听到(某事)keep (sth.) toBlank Filling13. 智力特征智力特征intellectual traits14. 沉思沉思deep thought15. 以幽默的方式以幽默的方式in entertaining ways16. 在工作中;在干活在工作中;在干活at work17. 从从处遗传处遗传inherit from 18. 对对有影响(起作用)有影响(起作用)have an impact on19. 产生影响产生影响exert an effect

117、 on20. 另一方面另一方面on the other hand21. 对对满意满意be satisfied with22. 跟跟一起一起along withUseful ExpressionsBlank FillingSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsDiscussion and Writing12. 处理情感处理情感handle emotionsUseful ExpressionsDirections: Match the words in the left

118、column with the suffixes in the right column to make appropriate adjectives. In some cases, several suffixes can go together with one word.Blank FillingSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsDiscussion and Writinga. -lessb. -fulc. -yd. -lye. -enf. -alg. -i

119、shh. -iveOriginal wordSuffix Adjective1. nature2. friend3. thirst4. power5. gold6. fear7. child8. collect9. noise10. nationnaturalfriendless, friendly thirstypowerless, powerfulgoldenfearless, fearfulchildless, childly, childishcollectivenoiseless, noisy nationalUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOpti

120、onal Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingOriginal wordSuffix Adjective1. nature2. friend3. thirst4. power5. gold6. fear7. child8. collect9. noise10. nationnaturalfriendless, friendly thirstypowerless, powerfulgoldenfearless, fearfulchildless,

121、 childly, childishcollectivenoiseless, noisy nationalDirections: Match the words in the left column with the suffixes in the right column to make appropriate adjectives. In some cases, several suffixes can go together with one word.a. -lessb. -fulc. -yd. -lye. -enf. -alg. -ishh. -ivefa, d ca, bea, b

122、a, d, gha, c fDirections: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Useful ExpressionsBlank FillingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsSuffix Matching One person chooses a bright red car, but another a dark green. One family paints the living

123、 room a sunny yellow, but another family uses white. One child wants a bright orange ball, but another wants a blue one. Psychologists and businessmen think these differences are important. In general, people talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. think that there are also two

124、 groups of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors. Warm colors include red, orange, and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be . People think that red, for example, is exciting. people, those who like to be with others, like

125、 red. Cool colorsprefers_pure_light_Researchers_active_Sociable_Useful ExpressionsBlank FillingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsSuffix Matchinginclude green, , and violet. . Where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet. People who lik

126、e to spend time alone often prefer blue. Two objects that are the same except for color look quite different. Color can make an object look nearer or farther, larger or smaller. A red object always looks nearer than a blue object. Bright objects look larger than dark objects of the same sizes. . Whe

127、n they wear dark clothes, they look smaller or slimmer than they are. blue_These colors, unlike warm colors, are relaxingFor example, red letters on a blue sign look as though they are in front of the signdark clothesLarge or fat people who want to look smaller or slimmer wear_._Directions: Find som

128、eone you know to make a team of two. Create a list of 15 questions to ask each other but you should not tell each other your responses or answers. The first two questions have been done for you. Once you have finished making your list, take five minutes to fill in the answers. Think of what your fri

129、end will most likely say. Once you have written all the answers, ask each other to check how many items you have correctly written about your friend. The more answers you have got correct, the more you know about your friend.Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPictur

130、e Talking Proverbs and QuotationsSuffix MatchingBlank FillingHow Much Do You Know About Your Friend? Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsSuffix MatchingBlank Filling1. What is your favorite food?2.What is your most preferred typ

131、e of movie (e.g. comedy, action, drama)?Possible questions:What animal do you fear most?What is your worst experience?Who do you most admire?What is the most valued piece of advice you have got?Who is your idol?Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Prov

132、erbs and QuotationsSuffix MatchingBlank FillingDirections: Form groups of four students. (It would be better if the group is made up of roommates or close friends.) Recall the time when you first met your group members. What was your first impression of him/her? Choose among the following one best a

133、djective to describe your first impression and cite some specific examples to support your statement. You can add to the adjective list as you like.1. shy2. outgoing3. interesting4. dependent5. independent6. spoiled7. warm-hearted8. aggressive9. kind1. Discussion2. Homework for WritingDirections: Fo

134、r this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic My First Impression of based on the discussion above. You should choose only one group member to write about. Also you can touch upon whether your impression of him/her remains unchanged or not. Your composition should be about 100 to

135、 120 words.Useful ExpressionsOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsSuffix MatchingBlank FillingUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingDirections: Pictu

136、res in this section are based on the text you have learned. You are required to talk about them first in small groups and then in class.Useful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingUseful ExpressionsSuffix Mat

137、chingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom Acti

138、vitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank FillingUseful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank Filling1. It takes all sorts to make a world.大千世界,千奇百怪。大千世界,千奇百怪。2. There is no disputing a

139、bout tastes.人的趣味是无法解释的。人的趣味是无法解释的。3. What is bred in the bone will stick to the flesh.秉性难移。秉性难移。品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。 美国实业家美国实业家 C. C. 施瓦布施瓦布Useful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank Filling4. Personality i

140、s to a man what perfume is to a flower. C. C. Schwab, USA businessman5. Character is what you are in the dark. D. L. Moody, USA churchman暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。 美国教士美国教士 D. L. 穆迪穆迪6. As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only j

141、oy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. Hugh Black, American writer水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉夜和寒冷的雨水才能成熟。同样,人的水果不仅需要阳光,也需要凉夜和寒冷的雨水才能成熟。同样,人的性情陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困难。性情陶冶不仅需要欢乐,也需要考验和困难。 美国作家美国作家 H. 布莱克布莱克Useful ExpressionsSuffix MatchingOptional Classroom ActivitiesDiscussion and WritingPicture Talking Proverbs and QuotationsBlank Filling



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