商务英语翻译实训chapter 6 Translation of Enterpris Profiles

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1、Translation for International BusinessChapter 6Translation of Enterprise Profiles Contents Warm-up Practice Linguistic Features of Enterprise Profiles Techniques of Translating Enterprise Profiles Follow-up PraciceWarm-up Practice Translate the following passage into Chinese. Kraft Foods Inc. is a g

2、lobal leader in foods and beverages. Built on more than 100 years of quality and innovation, Kraft has grown to become the largest food and beverage company in North America and second largest in the world, marketing many popular brands in 150 countries. In 2008 we are ranked as No. 195 in Fortune 5

3、00 company list. In China, we have a lot of well-branded products to suit different needs of consumers such as: Pacific, Oreo, Chip Ahoy, Ritz, Tang, Maxwell and Miracle Whip etc. Our China Head office is in Shanghai,and besides Shanghai, we also have manufacturing sites in Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Suzh

4、ou, Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin to provide our excellent service by preparing good and tasty snacks, beverage and food for our customers. Linguistic Features of Enterprise Profiles 公司简介应兼具信息功能和宣传功能,一方面要提供公司基本信息,另一方面还要大力宣传公司,呼吁合作。其内容常包括1)公司背景,包括如何成立,建立人,公司的历史,内容发展;2)公司服务内容或者产品介绍;3)公司员工和公司的结构介绍;4)公司

5、的顾客群或者范围介绍;5)公司近期内的重大发展介绍;6)合作邀请。 Linguistic Features of Enterprise Profiles中文公司简介在语篇结构、表达方式、思维习惯与英文公司简介截然不同,中文公司简介的文体趋于夸张,常用笼统、抽象的套话 。相比中文公司简介,英文公司简介文体平实,用语具体,重在提供信息,采用直奔主题,用具体数据说明问题。 Linguistic Features of Enterprise Profiles中文企业简介的最大特点是提供给读者一些实质性的信息:企业的经营性质、股东情况,注册资金、从业人员、厂房占地面积、产品介绍、获奖情况等,而英国原文的

6、介绍就显得灵活轻松,更加以人这一服务对象为本,把功夫放在给读者留下切实可行的印象上。而且汉语企业更多的是在宣传自己是成功者,注重的是过去,没有把功夫放在争取市场份额上。而西方的企业简介更多的是注重将来,简介中的信息对读者而言具有可操作性。 Techniques of Translating Enterprise Profiles1.多采用信息性强的语言多采用信息性强的语言2.选择富有鼓动性的词语选择富有鼓动性的词语3.使用标语口号式文字使用标语口号式文字4.合句法合句法1.多采用信息性强的语言多采用信息性强的语言 公司简介英译可以使用宣传性较强的语言,但总体语言应平实具体,客观简练,以陈述事实

7、为主,具有亲和力,接近口语,可用 you指代可能的受众;一般不采用生僻词语和晦涩表达;对不常见比喻要根据文化差异对内容进行适当取舍 。 比如汉语中的“拳头产品”喻指产品在市场上有一定竞争力的商品,译为fist product就没有传达出中文中真正用意,因为英语中对应的fist(拳头)一词只是握住拳头,并没有打出去的动作和力量,应改译为knockout product或 hard punch product或product with a competitive edge。 再 如 “以 外 资 企 业 为 龙 头 ”译 为 with foreign trade enterprises as th

8、e dragon head也有问题,西方人心目中dragon是个令人生畏的怪兽,他们不知道耍龙灯是怎么回事,当然也就无法知道龙头的作用 (丁衡祁,2002) ,翻译时可采用英文读者所熟知的火车头和旗舰作比喻,译为with foreign trade firms as the locomotive或flagship。 2. 选择富有鼓动性的词语选择富有鼓动性的词语1)南京化学厂具有近四十年的建厂史,是轻工部定点生产牙膏的中型企业,现为省级企业,具有生产牙膏8 000万支以上的生产能力。 The Nanjin Chemical Plant (NCP), specializes in making

9、toothpastes, and have a production capacity of eighty million tubes a year. It prides itself on a history for nearly forty years and its present position of rank-ing among the top enterprises of toothpastes-making in JiangShu Province. 原文中的“有近四十年的建厂史”若简单译为“have a history of nearly forty years”会显得平淡乏

10、味,不易达到宣传功能。译文采用拟人法,选择富有鼓动性的词组“pride. on” 能更成功地吸引读者的注意力。3.使用标语口号式文字使用标语口号式文字 企业简介经常使用标语口号式的文字,一般位于正文结尾,简短、醒目的一个词、一个短语或一个短句,能很好地起到画龙点睛的作用 。英语注重使用名词,汉语则注重使用动词,在翻译中必须进行调整。标语口号式的文字在汉语中常常是主谓结构,英译时常转换为用名词结构。 2)质量第一,信誉第一,服务至上,平等互利。 Quality Primacy, High Reputation; Service Supermacy, Equality and Mutual Ben

11、efit.3)严管理,高品质,讲信誉,重服务 Strict Management, Superior Quality, Stressing Reputation and Paying Attention to Service4)团结、拼搏、务实、创新、奉献 Unity, Striving, Hard work, Creation and Dedication 4. 合句法合句法 汉语企业简介常有警句和大量零句,句式呈多样化,一个短句接一个短句,是典型的流散形句式,然而英语讲求结构的完整和严密,句式以长句为主、短句为辅,因此,中文企业简介英译时常常需要把一个由数个零句组成的汉语句子缩合成完整严密

12、的英语长句。在企业简介英译中普遍采用的合句手段有:1) 以“with”引导的介词短语;2) 现在分词和过去分词;3) 从句。 5)彩虹集团公司:下属20多家公司,总资产达8个亿人民币. There are altogether 20 sub-companies under it with a total asset of 8.7 billion RMB yuan .6)珠海迪蒙贸易有限公司是经珠海市外经委批准成立的具有进出口经营权的法人企业。 Approved by the council of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of Zhuhai; Z

13、HUHAI DEMENTRADIND Co. LTD is a foreign trade enterprises, possessing the state of legal body.7)公司环境优美,设备先进。拥有中国第一条年产三十吨核酸花粉合剂的现代化生产线。 .the corporation is equipped with advanced facilities, among which is Chinas first modern production line8)招商宾馆是一家外商投资的高级涉外宾馆,毗邻中国出口商品交易会,面临风景秀丽的流花湖花园。 CHINAMERCHANT

14、SHOTEL is a foreign-venture hotel, situated next to Guangzhou Trade Fair, and facing to the beautiful LiuHua Lake. Follow-up Pracice Translate the following passage into Chinese. Jiangsu Textiles Import & Export Group Co. Ltd., founded in 1973, is one of the earliest foreign trade enterprises in Jia

15、ngsu province. As a result of continuous growth for more than 30 years, the company has established its stable bases of material source and built up a worldwide sales network as well as a large contingent of distributors with rich experience, strong capabilities and fine business reputation. The com

16、pany enjoys high prestige in the world textile trade circle and its business scope reaches more than 100 countries and regions. Follow-up Pracice In spite of the fact that its Silk Dept., Garments Dept., and Knitwear & Home Textile Dept. have split from the Group and become independent corporations,

17、 the accumulated export value of the company still reached 5.6 billion US dollars at the end of 1993. It is always one of the fore runners among all the textiles corporations in the nation. In 1993 the Group ranked 65th place among Chinas top 500 import & export enterprises. The company has establis

18、hed a number of production and service enterprises through contributing shares, co-operating and joint venture, and has now become a group corporation with several overseas enterprises and more than ten joint ventures at home. It is now a corporation with a wide business scope, ranging from trade, production to service. Chapter 6The End



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