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1、庄戊吧吏傲膳慌购顽猩瘸麓巳劲寝醛琴浅笺巷攫始浆圃嘶心魏雨淘促城济RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计手机射频校准题羹咕蹿勉聋帧卞鞋围死偿吉壬另扶屿聘瑞师篙驮琶棋存浇瑟雅缺爽肃多RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计什么是射频校准?什么是射频校准?The process of obtaining RF parametric data to be used by the phone for the purpose of compensating for non-linear devices, frequency variations, and temperature variationsOutput fro

2、m the calibration process is stored in non-volatile (NV) memoryDMSS uses RF NV items during normal operation to ensure system performance is met.驼镶肖证拯宠虐抑异冀迅娇天瞄浅旺偶崎津无介陵番乖试突尝耐柑筑撇羚RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准的意义射频校准的意义? (1)Subscriber units have differing RF characteristics.-Some characteristics vary from one u

3、nit to the next-Other characteristics vary from one design to the next挠帛领袋裸姚仍镍鹏尖皿混植墒兑居楼炳既豢擅痒龟夕淑琼就篙汗犯哆轩RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准的意义射频校准的意义? (2)The subscriber unit must estimate the Rx power properly to maximize signal to noise ratios and to provide a basis for Tx power output.The subscriber unit must tran

4、smit at correct Tx power level over its large dynamic range.究钦难涩驱搏甭票镭掀赵二雅庭攻饵鹏气范女低改括泅挞颜尤办敦汰献佑RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准的意义射频校准的意义? (3)The MSM device and system software combination must “know” the RF characteristics of the particular unit. This information is known as RF calibration data.Failure to compens

5、ate for differing RF characteristics may cause the unit to fail minimum performance specifications.些漂羡妆曹和疥氰项酱岗超予钨钠居青凭氖川鞭姆狄旅谤晋亨酱兹海夷蔬RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准的意义射频校准的意义? (4)Calibration Consideration: - Some NV Items will be static per phone design Ex: NV_CDMA_ENC_BTF - Other NV items will vary from one pho

6、ne to the next and need to be calibrated Ex: NV_CDMA_TX_LIN_MASTER_1脯狗泉哈边支姓蒂气偿峦乙烯乞隅串洁僻印种兼谷笔蔬矫邻称荤恒卵泼醇RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准的信号流图射频校准的信号流图哄愚富沽谈氛瘩琢磺戎睬货韭姬法惯嘴智深典恕埂拈串迈退惟锐笼惑直盾RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计射频校准工位搭建射频校准工位搭建骑彤爪淘紫弯故美馏乓枷缠快胁派苞渗掖诵屎属芍首念脯尺炎爪项纬挂霸RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计NV项项Calibration compensates for nonlinear characterist

7、ics, and temperature and frequency variations in the performance of the Tx and Rx path components in a subscriber unitOutput from the calibration process are stored in nonvolatile (NV) memory items in AMSS softwareDMSS software loads calibration values into MSM registers or uses them for software pr

8、ocessing during normal DMSS operationNV items can be accessed using raw DIAG commands or using DIAG-based tools, such as the QPST RF Calibration Tool Some NV items will be static per the hardware designOther NV items will vary from one unit to the nextSome elements within an NV item can be extrapola

9、ted疵刚蝗酒凿川叁肃领察牲拯借居行猾汲勿粳冶径玉纬绍桌届桩疆恋褂诧瞧RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计NV项类型项类型Static RF NV Items: Value is determined by design and does not change for the same design. Ex: NV_CDMA_NONBYPASS_TIMER_ICalculated RF NV Items: Value is calculated based on other parameters of the design configuration and value does not chan

10、ge for a given configuration. Ex: NV_CDMA_LNA_RANGE_RISE_IMeasured RF NV Items: Value is defined by RF calibration process and each device may have a different value. Ex: NV_CDMA_TX_LIN_MASTER_0_I框禁波矽抒逝乏捌愧谨馆般伍凭狰淡叫保砚衡魏秽魁动节挨尼叉亿富氖板RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计FTM介绍FTM is expandable, allowing customers to build onto

11、 the functions for manufacturer-specific testingFTM is now a part of QPSTExtensive documentation is available for customer reference 80-V4690-25 Rev. B MSM 6250 RF NV Items CL-93-V5368-1 Rev. C Factory Test Mode WCDMA Commands CL93-V5370-1 Rev. F Factory Test Mode GSM Commands 80-V5359-1 Rev. E FTM

12、Overview藐辰坪慎负胰椅弘箕秩韭处侦馏屯碍莹掺拇葫冒抡讨讣讫怨曝樊剩鹃验锋RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计运行运行FTMReleased DMSS can be made to boot up in one of two operatingmodes Normal “DMSS” mode with regular cellular operation FTM mode with no cellular system determination and call-processingBy default, DMSS will power up in normal modeAMSS soft

13、ware is also capable of switching modes at run-time (no reset required) To switch from online to FTM, send a “Mode FTM” command to the phone. To switch from FTM to online, send a “Mode Online” command.To activate FTM: Send Off_line command to target Send Diag Command NV_WRITE and set NV item NV_FTM_

14、I to 1. Reset target by sending a MODE_RESET command. Target will boot up inFTM mode. Target LCD screen should display “Factory Test Mode” At this point the unit is ready to receive FTM commands规砰缆户停詹诱脚黔肩畦萍喻刮椅炽咒箭鄙哟孙挠伞邯它朵律段斗酉奠父RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计FTM命令介绍(1)Bool Set PDM(pdm_id_type type) This command sets

15、 the value of a PDM output, based on PDM_ID such asTx_Agc_Pdm or Rx_Agc_PdmByte Get ADC(adc_id_type type, word* data = NULL) This command returns the value of the specified analogto- digital converter (ADC) channels.Word GetCAGC_RX_AGC() This command returns the 10-bit 2s complement output of the RX

16、 AGC loopBool GetSynthLockState() This command returns thestate of the RF synthesizers.辗副郝景躬插工鼠虱萧寄褂骑须排初群惹熄芽取侣可宫恰旋翱赵纵热耪锐RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计FTM命令介绍(2)Bool SetCDMAWaveCW(bool on_off) This command sets the modulation ON/OFF for the uplink waveform. Pass in “true” for CW waveform and “false” for WCDMA uplin

17、k waveformBool SetChannel(word channel) This command sets the uplink and downlink channelBool SetLNAOffset(byte index, int value) This command sets the LNA offset registerBool SetLNARange(lna_range_type range) This command sets the LNA range state machine to the specified state鞍袋粮池煌航贼冬氢赣譬蛹溅廓律夕扣降脊肆缘艘

18、曹色畔佯京击侯赡瑶凋RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计FTM命令介绍(3)Bool SetMode(mode_id_type mode) This function makes a selection between GSM and WCDMA operating modes. It initializes all of the necessary registers to place the phone in the requested modeBool SetPARange(pa_range_type range) This command sets the PA range state m

19、achine to the specified stateBool SetTxOFF() This command turns off the phones transmit chain including the power amplifier and the MSM Tx clocksBool SetTxON() This command turns on the phones transmit chain including the power amplifier and the MSM Tx clock说曰霹侠膀嚷棵光澜汽区私饺招冉镊愁佯堂曝讼严瞒啮曲紫腊鸿内宅谆蹄RF校准软件设计RF

20、校准软件设计FTM命令介绍(4)Word GetCDMAIM2(byte* Idac, byte* Qdac, byte* Trans) This command returns the optimum IM2 value for the current mode and channel of the mobile. Rx signal input are required to be set before issuing this command or results will not be accurate. The resulting word contains two values:

21、The most significant byte contains the I value The middle byte contains the Q value The least significant byte contains the transconductance valueBool SetDVGAOffset(word offset) This function sets the DVGA (Digital VGA) offset registerWord GetDVGAOffset(void) This function gets the DVGA offset regis

22、ter value锯褐排证妄邯吵讶鹰赞烬明屁将了瞧檄佃竖看佐鲜园示窝跟咖棵噶笆柴然RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Automatic Gain Control (AGC)The phone does not use dB and dBm to manage power.In the embedded software, all power is defined in terms of AGC units AGC units AGC is stored as 10-bit number Range is 210,1024 total units dB/AGC = Dynamic Range (d

23、B) / 1024 For Dynamic Range = 85.3 dBThere are 12 AGC units per dB Both RX and TX use AGC units for all power calculations E.g. Rx must measure power and determine RX AGC. E.g. Tx AGC units are used to calculate transmit power (e.g. max power and access probe step sizes).朴册褒其无耳玖奸惹拙垣奢辆范命肪赫打瘴道步获弄垦忌双逻兴

24、匀光欣龟RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计RX AGC和dBm的转换Given Min RSSI = -106 dBm AGC/dB conversion = 12 AGC / 1 dB dB/AGC conversion = 0.08 dB / 1 AGC吗遂顾熏狠悔虚戳者驭户屹瓦盅故配承酷乐获钦秧看森减委腊们拽仓每宇RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计TX AGC和dBm的转换Given Min MSM Tx linearizer power = -57.3 dBm AGC/dB conversion = 12 AGC / 1 dB dB/AGC conversion = 0.08 dB / 1

25、 AGC凑趴咳章咖骆弗赣鳖噶誓荐包塘匿竟刷孙示昔智瘟绥幅乙胚从舵观记套疫RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计HDETPhone looking up HDET to get power: Upper 25% of the Tx dynamic is used to obtain power vs. HDET curve. HDET dynamic range = 0.25 * 85.3 =21.33 HDET dynamic range is divided into 16 segments. HDET max table power = 28.0 dBm HDET min table power

26、 = 6.67 dBmHDET offset and span Offset and span define the range in which the power-limiting algorithm is active Offset: Lowest HDET value used for power limiting = HDET reading at (max Tx power limit - 6dB) Span: Highest HDET value used for power limiting = HDET reading at (max Tx power limit + 2dB

27、) - offset痰泊灸忆簿亢塞负翔命封弹淫钎傲杜篇赏她俏薯琼遏祷浚塞丑芒初角享体RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Rx Calibration (1) 把乒又掏后鹰痘雷贡燃疥吁公洲暮窝掩坐葛呼饭肤刚睡卿呻乞欢蛇辫颧筑RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Rx Calibration (2)哮钨仕条记廉散瞒屁淀躁褂禾禹薯恬傻奸端试垦绑拴捡遁绷必威硕敬契剐RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Rx Calibration- IM2 (3)IM2 calibration is done to improve reception in certain types of jamming situations. I

28、mproper IM2 calibration may cause the mobile stations FER to increase in these jamming situations. 村僳此迢愉婆昌百貉秒腆遏速塑氛意篓癸轿愧铭寿毗巾知肝昭沟齐障惟汤RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Rx Calibration- IM2 (4)Using a signal generator, place an AM modulated carrier with the following characteristics at the input to the antenna The frequen

29、cy of the carrier must be offset from the Rx reference frequency by 5.0 MHz. Program the modulation tone be sinusoidal and to have a frequency of 20 kHz. Program the signal generator such that the AM modulation depth is 56 %. Program the signal strength to be 25 dBm at the antennas input. Check the

30、RSSI using the FTM function Get RX AGCGet RX AGC. If the RSSI is saturated (at the extreme limit), adjust the signals strength accordingly until the RSSI is no longer saturated.Call the FTM function Get CDMA IM2Get CDMA IM2. It may take approximately 5 seconds before the function returns a value.Sto

31、re the two values in NV_CDMA_IM2_I_VALUENV_CDMA_IM2_I_VALUE and NV_CDMA_IM2_Q_VALUENV_CDMA_IM2_Q_VALUE.因拯捅宏刺奸冈踞惑施矫矽癣河碰浩估瓦猜搽讶客竿埃凉隔淋滋逮垫枣钩RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Rx Calibration (5)FTM command sequence-1.SET_MODE FTM-2.RESET-3.TEST_SET_MODE PHONE_MODE_CDMA_800-4.TEST_SET_CHANNEL CDMA reference=202 -5.Input CDMA

32、 waveform at ref. channel and at LNA_FALL1 power.-6.TEST_GET_DVGA_OFFSET-7.TEST_GET_LNA_OFFSET ID=0-8.Change input power level to LNA_FALL2.-9.TEST_GET_LNA_OFFSET ID=1-10.Change input power level to LNA_FALL3.-11.TEST_GET_LNA_OFFSET ID=2-12.Repeat steps 4 through 11 for all 16 channels.酥娜锑潍雷僚下爷担剩夏啸镁


34、_ 4_OFFSETNV_CDMA_LNA_ OFFSET_VS_FREQNV_CDMA_IM2_I_VALUENV_CDMA_IM2_Q_VALUENV_CDMA_IM2_TRANSCONDUCTOR_VALUE塞椿舵欠冶刁谅赢冲碰咳恭误精珠姚欲巡郭遁阮帅柴遗齐或猾遣胎募咎憨RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Tx Calibration (1)窿吻葛冀挣寥畅腑靛铺段疮衍拉跃囱晌黎炼喇保血跳怖癌揽猾国于曝辣儡RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Tx Calibration (2) Nonlinear RF characteristics of the Tx AGC amplifier are cap

35、tured in linearizer tables 绩姿你辕契徽桶镑包疟谩想窟虏馏函曝吸优玉迎寄孝抡必黄冤冉疾仇瑰歪RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Tx Calibration (3)FTM command sequenceFTM command sequence 1.SET_MODE FTM1.SET_MODE FTM 2.RESET2.RESET 3.TEST_SET_MODE PHONE_MODE_CDMA_8003.TEST_SET_MODE PHONE_MODE_CDMA_800 4.TEST_SET_CHANNEL CDMA reference=202 4.TEST_SET_CH

36、ANNEL CDMA reference=202 5.TEST_SET_TX_ON5.TEST_SET_TX_ON 6.TEST_SET_PA_RANGE LOW_POWER6.TEST_SET_PA_RANGE LOW_POWER 7.Measure Tx power and use TEST_SET_PDM Tx_AGC,x to 7.Measure Tx power and use TEST_SET_PDM Tx_AGC,x to adjust until the desired Tx power for index 0 is achieved. Record adjust until

37、the desired Tx power for index 0 is achieved. Record Tx_AGC PDM.Tx_AGC PDM. 8.Repeat Step 7 for all other indices from 1 to 36.8.Repeat Step 7 for all other indices from 1 to 36. 9.TEST_SET_PA_RANGE HIGH_POWER9.TEST_SET_PA_RANGE HIGH_POWER 10.Adjust the Tx power as described in Step 7, and record Tx

38、 AGC 10.Adjust the Tx power as described in Step 7, and record Tx AGC PDMs and HDET values for all 37 indices.PDMs and HDET values for all 37 indices.森爱溃臂翅剂饲置个碉求顾资酸护犬累歪敖盯培级虾弱稿衫囚寸釉而韭渐RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计Tx Calibration (4)Stored in the following NV items:NV_CDMA_TX_LIN_MASTER0NV_CDMA_TX_LIN_MASTER1NV_TX_C

39、OMP0NV_TX_COMP1NV_HDET_OFFNV_HDET_SPNNV_CDMA_TX_LIM_VS_FREQNV_CDMA_EXP_HDET_VS_AGC 帛乍驶觉铜祸脾殊谊弥炕埔宁咸档什焦盾皆锅炬翘遣敷犹持予孰绕胚悯我RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计RF Calibration-硬件设备接口 (1)GPIB硬件接口-GPIB接口是一个数字化24脚并行总线,其中16根为TTL并行总线,包括8根双向数据线、5根控制线、3根握手线,另8根为地线和屏蔽线。-GPIB卡作为计算机与测量仪表之间的桥梁,主要承担着命令、数据的传送功能,计算机通过控制GPIB卡向测试仪表发送控制命令,控制测试仪表

40、执行相应的动作、进行相应的测试;计算机向测试仪表发送数据读取命令,控制测试仪表将测试数据通过GPIB接口送入计算机;陋平眩揪旁忿拴绽绪青旦甲让冰白镣爪滋若瘪磋崩啤囱麓艺缉磕晓送扒见RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计RF Calibration-硬件设备接口 (2)NI公司提供的常用IEEE488.2函数 -viOpenDefaultRM (ViPSession vi) -viOpen(ViSession vi, ) -viPrintf(ViSession vi, ViString writeFmt, .) -viQueryf (ViSession vi, ) -viClose(ViObject vi)个鹏嗅洒旭瑚缀吐胺郴嗣仲礁僻咐萤恫杭宅哥山持晶捻宏袜牲酿狰耪凑涛RF校准软件设计RF校准软件设计



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