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1、Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects建设项目投标和招标Chapter55.1BiddingProcedureofConstructionProjects建建设项目投目投标过程程第一段:第一句:The implementing agencies of borrowing countries can use a variety of procurement methods on WorldBank-financedprojects(世界(世界银行行资助助项目)目).借款国的执行机构可以使用世界银行资助项目的各种采购方法。第二句:The met

2、hod selected depends on a number of factors including (the type of goods or services being procured), (the value of the goods or services being procured), (the potential interest of foreign bidders) and (even the cost of the procurement process itself).选择的方法取决于多项因素,包括所采购的商品或服务的类型;采购的商品或服务的价值;外国投标者的潜

3、在利益;甚至采购过程本身的成本。第三句:The overall objective of the guidelines(指南)(指南) how to select procurement methods is to allow borrowing countries to buy high quality goods and services aseconomicallyaspossible(尽(尽可能可能经济). 指南中如何选择采购方式的总体目标是让借款国在尽可能经济的条件下购买优质的产品和服务。第四句:In the World Banks experience, this objectiv

4、e is best achieved through transparent(透明的)(透明的), formal competitivebidding(竞标). 世界银行的经验,通过透明的,正式的竞标才能最好地实现该目标。第五句:For the procurement of equipment and civil works, International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is the procurement method the World Bank encourages its borrowers to use inthemajorityofcases(大

5、多数情况下)(大多数情况下).对于设备和土建工程采购,国际竞争性招标(简称ICB)是世界银行鼓励借款人在大多数情况下使用的采购方法。第六句: Under ICB, cost is the primaryfactor(主要因素)(主要因素) in determining awinningbid(中(中标). 在国际竞争性招标,成本是确定中标的主要因素。第七句:Other methods for procuring goods and civil works include( Limited International Bidding, National Competitive Bidding,

6、International Shopping, and Direct Contracting).LimitedInternationalBidding:有限国:有限国际招招标NationalCompetitiveBidding:国内:国内竞争性招争性招标InternationalShopping:国:国际询价采价采购DirectContracting:直接采:直接采购采购货物和土建工程的其他方法,包括有限的国际招标,国内竞争性招标,国际询价采购,和直接采购。第八句: This section outlines(n.大大纲;v.陈述)述)thebidding process of Interna

7、tional Competitive Bidding.本节概述了国际公开竞争性招标过程。第二段:The objective of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is to provide (all eligible(合格的)(合格的) prospective(潜在的、(潜在的、预期的)期的) bidders with timely(及(及时的)的) and adequate(丰富的)(丰富的) notification of a Borrowers requirements) and (an equal opportunity to bidfo

8、r(对进行投行投标)the required goods and works).国际竞争性招标(ICB)的目的在于将借款人的要求及时地、充分地通知给所有合格的、潜在的投标人,并为他们提供对所需货物和工程进行投标的平等机会。Notification 通知第三段:第一句:Timely notification of bidding opportunities is essential(重要的)(重要的) in competitive bidding.在竞争性招标中,及时通告投标机会是很重要的。第二句:For projects which include procurement on the bas

9、is of ICB, the Borrower is required to prepare and submit(提交)(提交) to the Band a draft(草稿)(草稿) General Procurement Notice.对于那些包含国际竞争性招标采购的项目,要求借款人准备并向银行提交一份采购总公告草稿.第三句:The Bank will arrange for its publication(刊登,印刷)(刊登,印刷) in Development Business(UNDB).银行将安排把公告刊登在联合国发展商业报上。第四句:The notice shall conta

10、in information concerning the Borrower (or prospective Borrower), amount and purpose of the loan, scope of procurement under ICB, and the name and address of the Borrowers agency responsible for procurement and the address of the website where specific procurement notices will be posted.公告应包括如下信息:借款

11、人(或预期借款人)名称,贷款金额和用途,国际竞争性招标采购的范围,以及借款人负责采购的单位名称和地址,以及发布具体采购通知的网址。第五句:If known, the scheduleddate(预定日期)定日期) for availability(可得到的)(可得到的) of prequalification(资格格预审文件)文件) or bidding documents should be indicated(指明的)(指明的).如果已知,还应指明可得到资格预审文件或招标文件的预定日期。第六句:The Borrower shall maintain(维持)持) a list of resp

12、onses to the notice.借款人应保持一份对总公告作出反应情况的一览表。第七句:The related prequalification or bidding documents, asthecasemaybe(视情况而定)情况而定), shall not bereleased(释放、放、开放)开放)to(发布)布) the public earlier than eight weeks after the date of publication of the notice.有关资格预审文件或招标文件(视具体情况而定)不得早于刊登采购总公告之日后的八周对外发布。第八句:The G

13、eneral Procurement Notice shall be updated(更(更新)新) annually(每年)(每年) for all outstanding(列出的)(列出的) procurement.每年应对采购总公告进行更新,以反映尚未采购的内容。PrequalificationofBidders投投标人人预审资格格第四段:第一句:Prequalification is usually necessary 【for (large or complex(复(复杂的)的) works), or( in any other circumstances(情况、(情况、环境)境)

14、in which the high costs of preparing detailed bids could discourage(不鼓励、妨碍)(不鼓励、妨碍) competition), (such as custom-designed equipment, industrial plant, specialized services, some complex information and technology and contracts to be let under turnkey(交(交钥匙)匙), design and build, or management contra

15、cting)】. 对于大型或复杂的土建工程,或在准备详细投标文件的高成本可能会妨碍竞争的任何其它情况下,诸如为用户专门设计的设备、工业成套设备、专业化服务,以及交钥匙合同、设计和建造合同,或管理承包合同等,资格预审通常是必要的。第二句:This also ensures that invitations(邀(邀请) to bid are extended(扩充充,扩大大,扩展展;发挥(力量力量);延延续) only to those who have adequate capabilities and resources. 这也保证了招标邀请只发给那些有足够能力和资源的厂商。第三句:Prequ

16、alification may also be useful to determine eligibility(1有参加比有参加比赛的的资格格2合格)合格) for preference(优先先权;特惠特惠;(债权人人)受受优先先偿还的的权利利;选择机会)机会) for domestic(国内的(国内的,本国的本国的,对内的内的) contractors(对国内承包商优惠) where this is allowed.对国内承包商有优惠的情况下,资格预审也可确定其是否有资格享受优惠。第四句:Prequalification shall be based entirely(完全的完全的) upo

17、n the capability and resources of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract satisfactorily(令人(令人满意的)意的),takingintoaccount(考(考虑) their (a) experience and past performance on similar contracts, (b) capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment, and construction or manufacturing facili

18、ties, and (c) financial position(处境境,情况情况;状状态,形形势,局面局面).资格预审应完全以预期的投标人令人满意地履行具体合同的能力和资源为基础,应考虑它们的:(a) 经历和过去履行类似合同的情况;(b) 人员、设备、施工或制造设施方面的能力;及 (c) 财务状况。第五段:第一句:Borrowers shall inform(告(告诉,报告告,通知通知) all applicants(申(申请者)者) of the results of prequalification.借款人应将资格预审的结果通知所有申请者。第二句: As soon as prequali

19、fication is completed, the bidding documents shall be made available(1有用的有用的,可利用的可利用的2可以得可以得到的到的,可以可以买到的到的3有效的有效的4有当有当选希望的希望的;愿意参加愿意参加竞选的)的) to the qualified prospective bidders.资格预审一旦完成,就应向通过资审的预期投标人提供招标文件。第三句: For prequalification for groups of contracts to be awarded(授予)(授予) over a period of time

20、, a limit(限(限额) for the number or totalvalue(总金金额)of awards to any one bidder may be made on the basis of the bidders resources.对在一段时间内要授予的几组合同的资格预审,可根据投标人的资源情况对授予任一投标人的合同数量或总金额确定一个限额。第四句:The list of prequalified firms in such instances(情况(情况) shall be updated periodically(定期地)(定期地). 在这种情况下,应定期对通过资格

21、预审的厂商名单进行更新。第五句Verification(证实,证明明,确定确定;核核验,验证,核核对;检验,校校验)of the information provided in the submission(提交(提交;呈呈递) for prequalification )shall beconfirmed(使有效(使有效,确确认,批批准准,认可)可)(at the time of award of contract), and award may be denied(否定)(否定) to【 a bidder that is judged to (no longer have the capa

22、bility or resources to successfully perform the contract)】.资格预审时对所提供信息的核实应在授予合同时加以确认,并且,如判定某一投标人不再具有圆满履行合同的能力或资源,可拒绝对其授予合同。PreparationoftheBiddingDocuments第六段:第一句:The bidding documents shallfurnish(供(供给,供供应,提供提供)all information necessary for a prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the goods and wo

23、rks to be provided. 招标文件应为预期投标人提供为所需货物和土建工程准备投标文件所必需的所有信息。第二句:While the detail and complexity of these documents may varywith(照(照.变化化,跟着跟着.变化)化)the size and nature of the proposed(申(申请;提提议,建建议,提出)提出) bid package(包(包,包裹包裹,捆捆,束束,组) and contract, they generally include: invitation to bid; instructions

24、to bidders; form of bid; form of contract; conditions of contract, both general and special; specifications(技(技术规格)格)and drawings; relevanttechnicaldata(相(相关技关技术数据)数据)(including of geological(地(地质学的学的,地地质的的) and environmentalnature(环境性境性质)); list of goods or billofquantities(BOQ,工程量清,工程量清单); deliver

25、y time or schedule of completion; and necessary appendices(附件)(附件), such as formats(格(格式)式) for various securities(保(保证金)金). 虽然招标文件的详细程度和复杂程度将随招标包和合同的大小和性质不同而不同,一般来说,招标文件应包括:招标通告;投标须知;投标书格式;合同格式;合同条款,包括通用条款和专用条款;技术规格和图纸;相关技术数据(包括地质和环境性质);货物清单或工程量清单;交货时间或完工时间表;以及必要的附件,比如各种保证金的格式。第三句:The basis for bid

26、 evaluation(评标) and selection(挑(挑选) of the lowestevaluatedbid(最低(最低评标价)价) shall be clearly outlined(概述)(概述)in the instructions(须知,知,说明)明)to bidders and/or the specifications(技(技术规格)格).评标和挑选最低评标价的投标的基础应该在投标须知和(或)技术规格中明确概述。第四句:If a fee is charged for the bidding documents, it (shall be reasonable(合理的)

27、(合理的)and reflect only the cost of their printinganddelivery(印刷和(印刷和递交)交)to prospective bidders,) and( shall not be so high as to discourage(不鼓励,影响(不鼓励,影响积极极性)性) qualified bidders).如对招标文件收取费用,则费用应当合理,应只反应其印刷和递交给预期投标人的成本,并且收费不能过高,以免影响合格投标人的投标积极性。第七段:第一句: The Bidding documents shall be soworded(用(用话表表达

28、达,措辞措辞,说) as to permit and encourage international competition and shall setforth(公开公开;发行行;公布公布2陈述述;宣布宣布;说明明)clearly and precisely the work to be carried out, the location of the work, the goods to be supplied, the place of delivery or installation, the schedule for delivery or completion, minimum p

29、erformance requirements, and the warranty(保保证;保保单;根据根据)and maintenance requirements, as well as any other pertinent(所所论的的,所指的所指的;相干的相干的;和和.有关系的有关系的,关于关于.的的) terms and conditions. 招标文件的措词应允许和鼓励国际竞争,并且应清楚准确地阐述需要开展的工作、工作的地点、需要提供的货物、交货或安装的地点、交货或完工的时间表、最低性能要求、质量保证和维修要求以及其他任何有关的条款和条件。第二句:In addition, the

30、bidding documents, where appropriate, shall define the tests, standards, and methods that will be employed to judge the conformity(整合整合;符合符合;一致一致) of equipment as delivered, or works as performed, with the specifications.另外,在适当的情况下,招标文件还应规定用于判定所提交的货物或所完成的工程是否和技术规格相一致所需的检验、标准和方法。第三句:Drawings shall be

31、 consistent with the text of the specifications, and an order of precedence(优先先,优越越;优先先权) between the two shall be specified. 图纸应与技术规格的文字内容相一致,并应规定两者之间的优先顺序。第八段:第一句: The bidding documents shall specify any factors, in addition to price, which will be takenintoaccount(考考虑)in evaluating bids, and how

32、such factors will be quantified(量化量化)or otherwise evaluated. 除价格因素外,招标文件应规定评标时将考虑的全部评标因素以及如何将这些因素量化或进行评价。第二句:If bids based on alternative designs, materials, completion schedules, payment terms, etc., are permitted, conditions for their acceptability and the method of their evaluation shall be expre

33、ssly(adv.1明白地明白地,清楚地清楚地2特特别地地,特意特意地地,专门地地)stated.如果允许采用替代的设计方案、材料、完成时间和付款条件等进行投标,那么,应对接受它们的条件和对它们进行评价的方法做出明确的说明。第三句:Any additional information, clarification, correction of errors, or modifications of bidding documents shall be sent to each recipient(接受者接受者;感受者感受者;容容纳者者;容器容器) of the original bidding

34、 documents in sufficient time before the deadline(截止截止时间) for receipt(收条收条,收据收据;字据字据2接接,接受接受3收入收入,收益收益,收收购量量)of bids to enable bidders to take appropriate(适当的适当的,恰当的恰当的,合适的合适的) actions. 任何额外的信息、澄清、误差的纠正或对招标文件的修改都应在投标截止期前足够的时间内发送给每一个原招标文件的接受人,以便投标人能够采取适当的行动。第四句:If necessary, the deadline shall be ext

35、ended(延期延期). 如有必要,投标截止期应延长。第五句:The Bank shall receive a copy (in hardcopyformat(书面)面)or sentelectronically(电子文件)子文件)) and be consulted for issuing(论点点;争争论问题;商商讨;【法法】争点争点,争端)争端)a“no objection” (when the contract is subject to prior review.) 对于需要世行事前审查的合同,世行应该收到上述文件的复印件(用书面文件或电子文件的形式)并经商讨获得不反对意见。第九段:S

36、pecific Procurement Notices(具体采购通知)(invitation to Bid)第一句:Theinternationalcommunity(国(国际协会)会) shall also be notified in a timely manner of the opportunities to bid for specific contracts.也应及时通知国际协会具体合同投标机会。第二句:To that end, invitations to pre-qualify or to bid, as the case may be, shall be advertised

37、 as Specific Procurement Notices in at least one newspaper of nationalcirculation(全国流通)(全国流通)in the borrowers country(and in the official gazette, if any).为此,资格预审邀请或投标邀请应作为具体采购公告及时刊登,至少应刊登在借款人国内广泛发行的一种报纸上(如果有可能,也应刊登在官方公报上)。第三句:Such invitations shall also be transmitted to those who have expressed in

38、terest in bidding inresponseto(应.而而,答答.而而) the General Procurement Notice.此类邀请也应传播那些已表示对总采购通告有兴趣的竞投。第四句:Publication of the invitations in the Development Business is also encouraged.还应鼓励在UNDB上刊登邀请。第五句:Borrowers are also strongly encouraged to transmit such invitations to ( embassies(大使(大使馆)andtrader

39、epresentatives(贸易代表)易代表)of countries of likely suppliers and contractors.)借款人还强烈鼓励给可能的供应商和承包商国家的大使馆和贸易代表等发送邀请。第六句:Additionally, for large, specialized or important contracts, Borrowers shall advertise the invitations in (Development Business and/or well-known technical magazines, newspapers and trad

40、e publications of wide international circulation).此外,大、专业或重要合同,借款人应(在UNDB和/或知名技术杂志、报纸和国际上广泛发行的贸易刊物上)刊登邀请函。第七句:Notification shall be given in sufficient time to (enable prospective bidders to obtain prequalification or bidding documents) and (prepare and submit their responses.)通知应给予足够的时间,使潜在投标人获取资格预

41、审文件或招标文件,并准备和提交他们的回应。第十段:第一句:Borrowers shall provide reasonable(合理的)(合理的)access to project sites for visits by prospective bidders.借款人应为潜在的投标人合理地进入项目现场进行踏勘提供方便。第二句:For works or complex supply contracts, (particularly for those requiring refurbishing(再刷新(再刷新;整修整修;翻新)翻新)existing works or equipment,) a

42、 pre-bid conference may be arranged whereby potential bidders may meet with Borrower representatives to seek clarifications(澄清)(澄清)(in person or online). 对于工程或者复杂的供货合同,尤其是那些需要更新现有工程或设备的合同,可以安排召开标前会,使潜在的投标人可会见借款人的代表(面对面或在网上)以寻求澄清。第三句:Minutesoftheconference(会(会议纪要)要)shall be provided to all prospectiv

43、e bidders with a copy to the Bank (in hard copy or sent electronically).标前会的纪要应送给所有潜在的投标人,并抄送世行一份(使用书面文件或电子文件的方式)。第四句:The deadline and place for receipt of bids shall be specified in the invitation to bid. 投标邀请中应明确规定接收投标书的截止时间和地点。TimeforPreparationofBids第十一段:第一句:The time allowed for the preparation

44、and submission of bids shall be determined with dueconsideration(适当考(适当考虑)of the particular circumstances of the project and the magnitude(广(广大大,巨大巨大;伟大大,重大重大,重要性重要性;大小大小;积;量)量)and complexity of the contract.确定投标书的准备和提交时间应充分考虑项目的具体情况和合同的规模及复杂程度。第二句:Generally, not less than six weeks from the date of

45、 the invitation to bid or the date of availability(有效(有效,有益有益,可利用可利用,可可得到)得到) of bidding documents, (whichever is later), shall be allowed for ICB. 一般而言,国际竞争性招标(ICB)应给出自投标邀请之日或开始发售招标文件之日(以晚者为准)起不少于6周的时间。第三句:Where large works or complex items of equipment are involved, this period shall generally be

46、not less than twelve weeks to| enable prospective bidders to conduct investigations before submitting their bids.在涉及大型工程或复杂设备品目的情况下,该时间一般应不少于12周,以使潜在的投标人能够在提交其投标书之前进行调查。第四句: In such cases, the Borrower is encouraged to convene(召开会(召开会议) pre-bid conferences and arrange site visits.在这种情况下,鼓励借款人召开标前会并安

47、排现场踏勘。第五句:Bidders shall be permitted to submit bids by mail or by hand.应允许投标人采用邮寄或亲自送达的方式提交投标书。BidOpeningProcedures开开标程序程序第十二段:第一句:The time for the bid opening shall be the same as for the deadline for receipt of bids orpromptly(马上、尽快)上、尽快)thereafter(紧随其后)随其后), and shall be announced(公布)(公布), togeth

48、er with the place for bid opening, in the invitation to bid.开标时间应与接收投标书的截止时间相同或或紧随其后随其后,并在投标邀请中与开标地点一起公布公布。第二句: The Borrower shall open all bids at the stipulated(约定定,订定定;规定定,订明明) time and place. 借款人应在规定的时间和地点拆封所有的投标书。第三句:Bids shall be opened in public; bidders or their representatives shall be allo

49、wed to be present.开标应公开进行;应允许投标人或其代表出席。第四句: 【The name of the bidder】 and 【total amount of (each bid), and (of any alternative bids if they have been requested or permitted, )】shall be read aloud and recorded when opened and a copy of this record shall be promptly sent to the Bank.开标时,应大声宣读并记录投标人名称、每

50、个投标的总金额以及如果要求或允许报备选方案时的备选方案总金额;此记录的副本应迅速被送到银行。第五句:【Bids received after the time stipulated(约定定,订定定;规定定,订明)明),】 as well as 【those not opened and read out at bid opening】, shall not be considered. 在规定时间之后收到的投标书以及没有在开标时拆封并宣读的投标,均不给予以考虑。第十三段:Evaluation of Bids第一句:The Borrower shall examine the bids to a

51、scertain whether the bids (a) meet the eligibility(合格的)(合格的) requirements specified in the Guidelines, (b) have been properly signed, (c) are accompanied(伴随,附着)(伴随,附着) by the required securities (d) are substantially(实体上体上,本本质上上,实质上上;大体上)大体上) responsive to the bidding documents, and (v) are otherwis

52、e generally inorder(合(合规则;情况正常情况正常;健康)健康). 借款人应确定投标书是否(a)符合本指南的合格具体要求 (b)得到适当的签署,(c)附有所要求的保证金 (d)对招标文件做出了实质性的响应,以及(v)在其他方面大体上符合要求。第二句:If a bid is not substantially responsive, that is, it contains materialdeviationsfrom(偏离)(偏离)or reservationsto(保留)(保留)the terms, conditions and specifications in the

53、bidding documents, it shall not be considered further.如果投标书不具有实质性的响应,即它包含了对招标文件中的条款、条件及技术规格的实质性偏离或保留,则不应对其作进一步的考虑。第三句:The bidder shall not be permitted to correctorwithdraw(纠正或撤回)正或撤回)material deviations or reservations (once bids have been opened.)一旦投标书被拆封,投标人将不得纠正或撤回其投标中的实质性偏离或保留。第十四段:第一句:第一句:Then




57、qualification of Bidders对投投标人的人的资格后格后审第十六段:第一句:第一句:Ifbiddershavenotbeenprequalified,theBorrowershalldeterminewhetherthebidder(whosebidhasbeendeterminedtoofferthelowestevaluatedcost)hasthecapabilityandresourcestoeffectivelycarryoutthecontract(asofferedinthebid).如果未如果未对投投标人人进行行资格格预审,借款人,借款人应确定提供最低确定提供




61、d),(toundertakeresponsibilitiesforworknotstipulatedinthebiddingdocuments)orotherwise(tomodifythebidasoriginallysubmitted).不不应要求投要求投标人承担未在招人承担未在招标文件中文件中规定定的工作的工作责任或修改任或修改其原提交的投其原提交的投标书,并将此作,并将此作为授予合同的条件。授予合同的条件。 第十八段:第一句:第一句:BiddingdocumentsusuallyprovidethatBorrowersmayrejectallbids.招招标文件中通常文件中通常规定借


















79、规定了定了贷款款协议或或项目目赠款款协议。GeneralAgreementbetweenthePhilippinesandWorldBankoncountryThresholds(Ceilings)andProcurementMethodCountryThresholdperContractProcurementCategoryProcurementMethodOver US $5 Million or itscurrentequivalentofPhp248MOver US $1 Million or itscurrentequivalentofPhp48MWorks(e.g., highw

80、ays, powerplants, large bridges, etc.)above Php248M per contractGoods(books,drugs,equipment,etc.)abovePhp48MpercontractInternationalCompetitiveBidding(ICB)OverUS$200Kupto$5MoritscurrentequivalentofPhp248MOverUS$100Kupto$1MoritscurrentequivalentofPhp48MWorks(e.g., school buildings,ruralroads,healthcl

81、inics,etc.)below Php248M per contractGoods(books,drugs,equipment,etc.)belowPhp48MpercontractNationalCompetitiveBidding(NCB)菲律宾和世界银行之间的总协定“国家的阈值(上限)和采购方式每份合同的国家阈值采购种类采购方法超超过500万万美美元元或或相相当当于于Php248M超超过100万万美美元元或或相相当当于于Php48M土土建建工工程程(例例如如,高高速速公公路路,发电 厂厂 , 大大 型型 桥 梁梁 等等 ) 每每 合合 同同Php248M以上以上商商品品(图书,药品品,









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